Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3097: shortcut

"It's shameful to be so poor..."

Xu Yue seemed to sigh after taking out 1 Su Le and 7 pence from the gangster's pocket hanging on the wall in front of him.

However, the gangster who hung on the wall and was squeezed into the source of the radioactive spurting pattern obviously did not have the ability to respond to Xu Yue, and his eyeballs exploded because of the excessive pressure.

The extreme physical fitness of ordinary people is better than many low-ranking transcendents. Coupled with Xu Yue's own state of art, the self-protection ability of this environment is still there.

Dao Guo's position also allows him to ignore logic and not be afraid of tracking. When he wants to divination, he will let him take it.

Leaving the filthy alley, looking at the hurrying figures in the light yellow fog, Xu Yue couldn't help but shook his head.

The world of the Lord of Mysteries is not friendly to normal ‘traversers’ at all.

Know the plot, because knowing that the starry sky will fall into a box because of knowing too much, and knowing that Adam will be perceived by him if he knows too much.

Even if these two problems are solved, ordinary people will hardly have any other means of getting money except for hard work when they are penniless.

And even if you can eat this bitterness, the temporary high-intensity coolie income is about 1 sul per day. If you only eat, using cheap food like brown bread is enough.

But because of the poverty relief law, homeless people cannot live in places such as parks and bridges, and have no place to live. They have to spend most of their income on a temporary residence, such as renting the floor of a six-person room in a tube building for the right to live at night.

The environment is so bad that it will never give people the opportunity to think about other things. The tight and high-intensity work every day is just to live hard.

Speaking of using modern knowledge means?

Oh, illiterate...

Even if you are literate, oh, copying songs, copying poems, copying dramas, copying famous quotes, copying inventions, etc., have all been taken up by Emperor Roselle, the pioneer of the traverser, using the help of the generalist sequence to help memory.

Even if these problems are solved, or even become a transcendent, madness will always be around.

In contrast, the bathroom Klein Moretti Zhou, who is coming in a few days, seems to have a pretty good life...

"Looking for an opportunity to enter the Tarot Club, shouldn't it be too much for him to forge a peach-colored diary of the emperor for 100 pounds per page?"

Xu Yue whispered to himself.

The purchasing power of the gold pound in this world has always been strong, from the beginning to the end. Under the high-ranking half-human half-god whose power belongs to the high-level authority, the extraordinary characteristics and extraordinary items only cost 10,000 pounds at most. The unit.

In this mission, Xu Yue didn't have much power in his pursuit, and the most important thing was the exploration of human nature.

But even so, it's all here, you have to enter the extraordinary world to see it.

This feature is not affected by pollution and madness. It is impossible to try every sequence. At the very least, the five ways that represent the "God" above the sequence have to be studied.

Unlike other true gods of sequence 0, they need to carefully walk to sequence 0 before attempting to accommodate the uniqueness of adjacent sequences, for fear of the crazy situation.

Xu Yue started with Sequence 9 and had no effect. He could ascend as he wanted.

"If you want to interact and deepen your feelings, the provocateur seems to be a good choice, as are scammers and abettors..."

As for the instigator's witch sequence or something, Xu Yue didn't care at all, he would not be affected if he swallowed it, and at best would become more attractive.

Even the witch's taste, as long as he hasn't seen the other party's previous photos, Xu Yue also feels that it is okay.

Sequence 1 of the Moon Path is still beauty.

Since I want to find the feeling, I have to get closer to the customs here.

Thinking of this, he touched the 1 Sule and 7 pence in his pocket, and Xu Yue took the initiative to walk towards a tavern in the Eastern District.

Although there are many poor people in the Eastern District, there are still many people who go to the pub.

It's just that the proportion of gang members will be relatively high.

Although Xu Yue currently has black hair and black eyes, he has easily reversed the racial aesthetics because of his face value.

Due to the heavy labor and messy environment in the Eastern District, not to mention male workers, even beautiful ladies with natural beauty, if they are not taken care of by the rich in advance, they will have rough skin and knotted hair after a period of time.

Under such an environment, Xu Yue, a beautiful young man who seems weak in writing, is like a candle in the dark in a chaotic place like the Eastern District.

Even if some of the workers on the road hurried off work looking at Xu Yue's eyes are all wrong, the situation in the remote tavern can naturally be imagined...


"3 pounds, 77 sul, 259 pence, it's okay, I should be able to change to a suitable outfit."

Stepping on the face of the bartender, Xu Yue counted the harvest.

After all, it is the Eastern District. The gold pound circulation rate is actually not high. The main ones are Sule and Pence. Excessive change even needs a small purse to hold.

Xu Yue can also use these to replace his casual clothes that are not very suitable for the situation.

Don't get me wrong, Xu Yue is a decent person and doesn't know how to do robbery.

It was the people in the tavern who did it first, and even said badly.

This is just compensation and spiritual compensation after the self-defense counterattack.

Not too much?

In addition to the money, there is also a six-round revolver and matching holster. Although this revolver with a slight smell of gun oil looks a bit old, it is well maintained and comes with 36 bullets.

As for the pair of shotguns at the back of the bar, Xu Yue also left them kindly, just like everyone's clothes because of the inconvenience to carry.

"Just now you said that you are members of the Zimanger Party?"

Xu Yue filled the revolver with bullets one by one, while casually speaking to the stepping bartender.

"Just, I was bragging, this gentleman..., we actually just paid the protection fee on time."

The bartender who was stepped on was also crying without tears at this time.

Sure enough, it looks so beautiful and dares to come to such a chaotic place. There must be some support, just like the ‘arbitrator’ who is only 1.5 meters in length in the legend.

At the beginning, she also relied on force to deter many people, only then came out a huge reputation.

This kind of strong man has this kind of strength, shouldn't it be shown first to deter and reduce trouble?

Come in with a gentle manner, and come to the fishing law enforcement in the end?

Others just test you carefully, and you just lift the table directly, which is not too particular!

Hey, but after all, it's still **** after all... Li Ling is fainted.

"Oh, that's good, I've heard the name of the Zmanger Party. It is also a well-known underground force in Backlund. I don't want to offend this kind of local snake."

Xu Yue seemed to be relieved and said briskly.

This can be regarded as the normal behavior of some lone rangers and bounty hunters. They are all eating together, and no one wants to offend the local snake.

Similarly, those gang members will not rush to provoke those powerful lone rangers. They don't worry about it, and they just provoke a sabotage and leave.

The two sides will form a fairly tacit balance, restricting each other to form underground rules.

Although Xu Yue seemed to act recklessly this time, he was able to take this opportunity to make a name for himself, and next time he came back, he would be like the 1.5-meter ‘arbitrator’, and no one would come to provoke him.

Of course, this also means that this kind of good thing about money is gone.

If you find fault again for no reason, in addition to breaking the underground order, it will cause the same hatred and hatred of the same enemy. This kind of unconventional combat power is also likely to attract the attention of the official Extraordinary.

Although Xu Yue is not an Extraordinary yet, he still has to be believed by others.

Uh, of course, the reason why Xu Yue mentions the Zmanger Party is that besides the fact that this is a local snake, there is another reason that there is a sequence 9 hunter ‘executor’.

The Red Priest’s frontal battle is very strong. In the original book, the ‘executor’ of Sequence 9 put the protagonist who was already a Sequence 8 clown into an embarrassment.

Take Xu Yue as an example. If it is a way of being restrained by him in the face of fortune-tellers and spectators, the mid-sequence can be beaten, but if it is the giant way and the hunter way, it will be overwhelmed and can only be bullied. Bullying low sequence.

The limit of ordinary people is ordinary people. Although the skills at the level of national martial arts are strong, they can't stand all-round suppression. After all, they will increase the extraordinary sequence of fighting ability. Even without practice, they can instill combat instinct. After simple training, it is even more so. Can have a huge improvement.

Therefore, the first Extraordinary material, first obtained from unofficial Extraordinaries who are not seen, is undoubtedly a good way to save a lot of trouble...


Two or three points in the next chapter...

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