Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3130: survey

Because of the task entrusted by Alger, Audrey really suddenly found that she seemed to have a big advantage in finding someone in Backlund.

However, to be on the safe side, she still made a detailed inquiry.

"The real name of that magical item is not known, but people who know it call it Creeping Hunger. Zilingos must satisfy it with a living soul and flesh and blood every other day, otherwise it will take it. Replace with your own master."

Alger said without concealment.

There is no doubt that there are sealed artifacts with such drawbacks, and it is difficult to hide them.

Even if there are many homeless people in Backlund, they will attract attention.

The short-term is fine, but the long-term latency is definitely not good.

"Oh, then it seems that this item has the characteristic of being'alive'."

Xu Yue nodded thoughtfully at this time.

Klein, who had witnessed Xu Yue training the clown doll, couldn't help but move in his heart.

Huh? The characteristics of being alive?

Doesn't that mean that there is room for negotiation on side effects that seem to be extremely harmful?

I don't know if it can be brought to the gray fog to subdue it.

This incident also gave Klein some more motivation.

I really want it...

"He was originally just a wind-blessed person, with good extraordinary abilities in the fields of water, wind and weather, but later, people discovered that he can make the target frantic, can enter other people’s dreams, can summon light to purify the dead, and can Using singing to enhance oneself can become the appearance of different people and almost omnipotent."

Alger described in considerable detail.

"We suspect that these were brought about by the magical item of Creeping Hunger"


Although Little Sun knew that his knowledge was precious, at this time he still couldn't help but start speaking in shock.

Because in their six-member council, one elder has this ability.

The shepherd can graze the souls of other extraordinary people, so as to select the other's extraordinary abilities to use.

The shepherd who has just been promoted can graze three souls to choose, completely digest seven graze, and even graze one demigod soul.

Although because of its own spirituality, it does not mean that the souls of the demigods can have corresponding combat power, but it also means that the shepherd itself can be regarded as the strongest Beyonder sequence under the demigods.

And Xu Yue is actually a real shepherd now, um, or one of his abilities is a shepherd.

Compared with the shepherd grazing, Xu Yue actually prefers to directly nibble on the other's extraordinary characteristics to directly improve. He stepped into the shepherd, and he actually fancyed the flesh and blood control ability brought by the previous sequence 6 Bishop Rose in the same way.

Little Sun is also loyal and honest. After knowing that his knowledge is precious, after seeing what they want to know, he still tells the characteristics of the shepherd.

After the agreement of this transaction, this time the Tarot Club also came to an end...


"Invite me to have a big dinner for a week, and I will tell you a secret."

Once Xu Yue's training was completed, and then on the way home together, God Klein secretly told Xu Yue.

"I reject."

"No, it's really a very important secret, and it will be of great benefit to you."

Klein began to use the stalker technique he learned from Old Neil.

Of course, compared to Old Neil lying directly in front of Xu Yue, crying bitterly, saying that he would die if he didn't eat another meal, the appearance of a drug addict.

Klein was still relatively reserved.

"You speak first, depending on my mood."

"Okay, but I will share the benefits when the time comes."

"Look at the value."

"You also know that I went on a mission to expel the Wraith Soul before, and used a level 3 sealed item, and that sealed item is very special..."

Afterwards, Klein slowly told about the mutated sun sacred emblem. In addition to his spiritual intuition, he also said that some of the descriptions of the mutated sun sacred emblem were recorded in the ancient documents he read. A ritual to borrow power.

It doesn't matter if you can fool the past, anyway, you know it.

The two sides also had a tacit understanding of not digging into each other's roots.

"Can you find a solution to the side effects of this thing?"

Klein said afterwards, he didn't want Xu Yue to become a fool who could only praise the sun.

"Of course, there are ways to use any sealed object, as long as you find the right means.

"This information is very useful. If you pass the test, go shopping for what you want to eat."

"no problem!"

Klein is pleased with the job of the next grocery shopping aunt.

You can buy anything you want, and dear Mr. Franklin cooks himself. What is more wonderful than this?

If he could eat his meals every day, Mr. Fool would not want to be.

Because Xu Yue himself had a very high contribution, he even became famous in the church.

So after his request was only for a Level 3 Sealed Artifact, Dunn got a reply immediately after taking the telegram.

Sealed artifacts of level 2 and below are not so important.

For example, Detective "Eye of Wisdom" Isengard also has a Level 2 Sealed Artifact...


"Actually, the way to deal with side effects is very simple, you have already provided it."

After obtaining the mutated sun sacred emblem, Xu Yue and Klein took it to Xu Yue's room together.

"You mean, keep using it to create spells and drain it?"

Klein also reacted after hearing Xu Yue's words.

"Yes, not to mention draining it, but it is completely okay to lose or reduce the side effects before it recovers. It is usually carried by the clown, and it can be withdrawn when it is restored to the threshold."

The two of them stayed up all night and drew 8 spells. After Klein's spirituality was drained, the mutated sun sacred emblem seemed to have temporarily lost its effect.

The Sun Flame Charm, this is a powerful spell equivalent to a blow from the demigod in the Sun Realm, and the son of the evil **** in the future will die tragically under this spell.

Xu Yue also generously divided three spells for Klein, but if you want it next time, you will have to pay a price.

At the same time, Miss Justice of Backlund also entrusted Fors Wall and Hugh Dilcha, two partners who will join the Tarot Club to help in the future.

Miss Fors, the magician of salted fish, and Miss Majestic Xiu, who is 1.5 meters.

The two of them used funds provided by Audrey to directly find Backlund's most famous detective Isinger.

And successfully used the known information to get certain clues.

It has to be said that this pair of salted fish is also reckless. Both of them are obviously only Sequence 9, but they are so ‘openly’ investigating a pirate with a Sequence 5 combat power.

It is indeed in line with the characteristics of the lack of information for the wild extraordinary.

In the original book, if Forsi hadn't inherited the beads that could use the ‘travel’ ability, it is estimated that the two would have to lie on the board together to become a squirming hungry ration.

Of course, it is precisely for this reason. Every full moon, Forsi hears that Mr. Door's rap condition gets worse, which also opens up the opportunity for her to join the Tarot Society.

It's a blessing in disguise...


Two more complete...

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