Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3137: Cut off

On the other side, Mr. Fool, who had received Audrey's prayers, was shocked after hearing the content on the gray mist.

I suppressed the fluctuations in my heart first, and said in a flat tone

"I see."

After responding to Miss Justice, he began to consider the current operation.

It seems that Miss Justice should not need to worry about security issues.

But the lover who was a dead little expert didn't know what would happen to him, and he didn't know whether his excellent tracking skills could detect the position of Ziringus.

In an instant, Klein still made a choice, reaching out to grasp the sight of Miss Justice's begging, and then passed it on to the stars representing the lovers and the hanged man at the same time.

Now that it can be judged that Xu Yue has the qualifications to participate, so as to avoid the phenomenon that he has tracked the entrance now, which will lead to the official blow.

It's better to let him know more information, and how to choose it is up to him.

On the other side, he didn’t know what methods Mr. Hanged Man would take to participate in it. The most likely thing was to report it to the Storm Church and let the Storm Church enter.

After that, Klein immediately left the gray mist and began to use the token left by Mr. Ards, and summoned the messenger to inform Mr. Ards of the situation of Zilingus.

Judging from the current force of Mr. Azik's messenger, even if Mr. Azik lacks memory and most of his abilities cannot be used, he must be a half-human and half-god.

Whether he participates or not is entirely up to him.

At the same time, Klein also emphatically described Xu Yue’s appearance, hoping that Mr. Azik would take care of him if he was there...


Alger, who has also come to Backlund to report on his duties, is studying the possible location of Zilingus at the Holy Wind Cathedral, after the message from Miss Unreal Justice appeared in front of him.

Immediately and decisively prepare to report.

His own current status was originally the captain of the church planted in the sea and mixed with pirates. It is natural to have relevant pirate intelligence channels.

When the time comes, as long as the informant is dead, there will be no tails left behind.

Backlund, as the key parish of the Church of the Storm, the capital of Ruen, has been guarded for a long time by the half-man and half-god cardinal Ice Snake.

It is not surprising that angels on the ground occasionally appear temporarily.

The matter involved an important believer in the Church of the Storm, the Duke Nigan, who played a pivotal role in the Loen aristocracy. Even if only Zilingus took the shot, it would inevitably cause the saint to take the shot himself.

A demigod knew the intelligence in advance and shot himself in time, and Zilingus could not escape with his wings!

Alger just needed Zilingus to die, and he had no idea to do it himself.

Everyone is the same!

And when he found the archbishop who was walking by the river, and after personally reporting, he did get the attention of the ‘song of the god’.

He also took advantage of the sailor’s flying ability and took Alger with him. Obviously, he paid much attention to this matter...


When Mr. Fool's multi-line operation is in the middle of scheduling.

Zilingos had also found the opportunity that Duke Negan specifically exposed, and began the assassination operation.

It has to be said that although Zilingus is only in Sequence 6, relying on the magical item of Creeping Hunger, his combat power is not considered weak in Sequence 5.

The main reason is that the shepherd's ability is too practical, even if the creeping hunger is weaker than the real shepherd's ability, it can't hide its advantages.

In particular, Zilingos has spent many years of energy, grazing the souls of 5 extraordinary people carefully selected among them, and the abilities match quite well.

Even if Duke Nigan is a hidden mid-sequence Beyonder, under a sudden attack by him, the chance of assassination will be very high.

It's just that there is no preparation...

After being reminded by Miss Justice, a high-ranking nobleman would still be assassinated by the mid-sequence. That would really be a shame for Luen and laugh off his teeth.

Both the Duke Negan himself and the protectors around him are fully prepared.

The reason why he still created an opportunity was to specifically lure Zilingos out, wanting to capture or channel his soul alive, and want to know who designed this assassination.

However, it was a pity that the information was only known after the banquet started, and the arrangement was still a bit hasty.

When the other guests on the scene were both rich and expensive, the defending party couldn't let go of their hands and feet.

Perceiving that he had fallen into a trap and revealed his identity, Zilingus did not hesitate after the assassination failed. He gave up and fled after causing the riot.

Rely on the diversification of the capabilities at hand and the geographical advantage.

In the absence of half-human and half-god high-sequence powerhouses at the ball, Zilingus really managed to escape!

After grazing the abilities of the Faceless, as long as he can successfully get out of sight, he will be able to change his face immediately.

Although it was a pity that he could not graze the traveler, he was still confident that he could escape after assassination.

Except for unknown reasons that were discovered in advance, everything was done according to their own plan.

It was just when Zilingos fleeed to the shore of a lake through the operation of clouds and flowing water.

A ghost-like figure draped in a bed sheet seemed to have been standing in front of him quietly as if it had been waiting for a long time.

Under the shining of the moonlight, he looked very lonely.

The two holes dug out in the bed sheet also revealed the deep eyes behind it, and there seemed to be a pair of single-sided glasses.

"Fate tells me that you will get luck if you wait here.

"It seems that I dare not deceive me."

Seeing the embarrassed Zilinges rushing out of the woods and coming in front of him, Xu Yue seemed to smile from his heart.

"It's about 75 seconds before the arrival of the godsong. We have to make a quick battle."

While Xu Yue was talking, he was walking towards Zilingos all the time.

And after hearing Xu Yue mentioning the title of the Holy One, the Singer of the Gods, Zilingos immediately felt a chill on his back.

How could it be so fast!

However, thinking of premeditated ambushes against him before, he would rather believe it. Of course, he simply ignored the time Xu Yue said.

But under this sense of oppression, he quickly launched an attack on his own initiative.

The starting hand is a mind impact ability that wriggles and hunger.

It has to be said that Zilingus's choice was correct. Although the sequence level of the impact is not high, since he has always kept this soul, it is because of this ability.

The launch is fast and concealed, and even if the strength is high, it will be affected to a certain extent.

As a starting attack is perfect.

It's a pity that this type of attack is completely display for Xu Yue.

Moreover, in addition to a low-ranking ability, Xu Yue is also a shepherd with a divine nature!

Because of the divine nature of the true Creator, his shepherd abilities are much stronger than normal shepherds, plus the ability to downgrade his control.

Even if there is no soul grazing, it is already at the apex of the middle sequence.

At the same time that Zilingus took the shot, his own shadow seemed to have betrayed him, turning the shadow into substance and entangled towards Zilingus.

Shepherd Path Sequence 7 The shadow control ability of the monk was originally used for hiding and lurking.

However, in Xu Yue's hands, it was played out.

Generally speaking, in addition to herding, the shepherd's best ability should be Sequence 6 Bishop Rose about flesh and blood.

Such as flesh and blood bombs.

But Xu Yue just used the power of the shadows, and under his tricky control, he had completely suppressed Zilingus.

Astonished and angry, Zilingus could only transform his soul, using the purification ability of the priest of light in the sequence of the solar path.

This has a powerful restraint effect on the abilities of the undead and darkness.

After the shadow was emptied for a short time, the wave eased.

"47 seconds left."

And Xu Yue didn't seem to care about the dissipation of the attack, and said it unhurriedly.

Almost at the beginning of Xu Yue's voice, silk threads like spider webs had spread all around Ziringus.

The Maid Sharon, the happy witch, also shot.

Although Zilingos has various abilities, he is indeed a Rank 6 Wind Favored, and is on the same level as the Happy Witch.

Temporarily restricting him is enough.

Just as Zilingus was about to switch abilities again, suddenly his thoughts were lagging, as if everything had slowed down.

Then he saw a rush of the beach near the lake under his feet, and then a funny clown figure crawled out of the sand.

For a long time, Zilingos has been very conceited about his own abilities, has a squirming hunger, and has a variety of abilities, and can respond accordingly to different scenarios.

However, this time, in just a few tens of seconds, he was restrained in all directions, leaving no room for it!

Even the time and location for doing it yourself are just right.

I can think of it with my feet that this doll crawls out from such a close position, but this kind of control ability is limited by the distance...

However, Zilingos did not have a chance to think again.

The quilt monster has lifted the quilt to reveal the black hole of the muzzle.


The tyrannical physique of Sequence 6 caused the bullet to get stuck in the skull in front of the forehead, but the bullet that passed directly through the eye afterwards arrogantly shattered everything in the brain.

Beyond the half-human and half-god, the Extraordinary suffered this kind of damage in front of him, but he was also powerless.

There was only a twitch of the fallen corpse.

At this time, the breeze by the lake has intensified, and ripples have also been set off on the lake.

In the dark sky in the distance, you can vaguely see the figure of the singer of God galloping...


At the same time, a voice that did not contain any emotions also sighed from Xu Yue's side.

The elegant figure of the Azik teacher stepped out of the spirit world to this place.

After taking a deep look at Xu Yue, he slowly walked to the body of Zilingos, seeming to be observing something, trying to find clues and memories related to his identity...


The next three points...

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