Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3157: share

Because of Isinger's temptation, both parties can say that they have confirmed the fact that the other party is an Extraordinary at the same time.

They are all unofficial Extraordinaries, and at the same time they are all detectives, investigating related cases.

It is also an object of cooperation.

Therefore, the exchange of information is fairly smooth.

Isinger knew what Klein had heard after sneaking in, and knew that the matter involved Carpin, a rich man.

And Klein also learned about Capin's identity through Isinger.

"He is a controversial rich man in the Jorwood district.

"In Backlund, there are often innocent girls missing in secluded streets, and after a long time, they may be accidentally found in various legal or illegal brothels. A large number of rumors point to Carpin. He is thought to be the criminal leader with blood and dirty hands, but because there is not enough evidence, he is still free and has met many big people."

After Klein heard Isinger's evaluation, the angry expression on his face did not hide the slightest.

Human traffickers and drug traffickers are undoubtedly the most hated objects.

"This is Luen, this is Backlund, Mr. Stanton, I should say goodbye."

"Thank you for your cooperation. By the way, there are only a few extraordinary people in the detective circle of Backlund. Maybe we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future. I don't know what Mr. Charlotte's contact information is..."

Klein and Isinger both recognized each other when they met for the first time.

Klein’s skill and insight ability, as well as Isinger’s ability to make Klein break through a casual sentence, left a deep impression on the other party...


Klein, who was extremely short of money, finally caught the attention of selling formulas.

Although the formulas of the fortune-teller and the clown have been sold by Xu Yue at the "Eye of Wisdom" gathering, Klein still has the Sequence 9 Singers of the Eternal Blazing Sun Church and the Sequence 8 Praying for Light because of the peeping of the sun. people.

The Eternal Blazing Sun Church, like the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, is in conflict with Ruen's Storm Church, so it is almost impossible to move in Ruen.

But this also means that the Extraordinary of the Solar Path will not be hunted down by the official church to investigate the source of the formula.

Although it may also attract the attention of the Storm Church, at most it is only questioned a lot, not as strong as the Eternal Blazing Sun Church.

And because the Solar Path is very good at dispelling, the Extraordinary in this area is quite popular.

The two formulas in Klein's hand were also sold for 600 pounds, which greatly eased his financial difficulties.

Although every logistics fee has been charged a lot.

In addition to selling the wool from the diary by Xu Yue of Gou Ri, he also bought a lot of materials through several transactions.

Anyway, 10% each time, you can use the gold pound converted from the estimated price, or you can provide more materials.

After adding the 600 pounds sold this time, Klein, who had paid the bodyguard fee before, felt like he was doing it again.

"Mr. Sun wants weapons, maybe I can buy them directly here..."

If you can directly buy the weapons that Little Sun needs, it almost means that you have the main materials of Sequence 7 in hand.

That guy Xu Yue had Sequence 5 silently, and he hadn't even reached Sequence 7. Fortunately, I used to mock him for not seeking to make progress, but the clown turned out to be me.

Oh, I was a clown, so it's okay.

Huh? The potion was completely digested...

And because this party has a lady with a craftsman behind, she often brings out some crafted items.

The "Hurricane Axe", a weapon that fits the little sun well, was taken down by Klein.

The 600 pounds he had just received disappeared instantly.

The Hurricane Axe is not a weapon built with extraordinary characteristics, so it uses a time limit. For about a year, frequent use will accelerate the ability to pass.

But for Little Sun, who has mastered the acting method and digested fast enough, this time is enough for him to update and put on new weapons...


"That great detective can be regarded as a reminder for me. I need to pay more attention to it in the future, and I also need to occasionally expose the identity of his'world' in front of Xu Yue.

"It is best for him to take the initiative to expose his identity after he is aware of his identity, so that the possibility of doubting the fool is even smaller.

"The assassinations are all completed, and he wants to come home more frequently now, Miss Magic is still his neighbor..."

Klein came to Xu Yue's residence again and went around. After learning from Mr. Butler that he was not back today, he was ready to leave again.

But when I went downstairs, I happened to ran into Xu Yue who came back with a top hat and single-sided glasses.

"Are you here to eat rice again? Don't buy any vegetables?"

Xu Yue glanced at Klein empty-handed, and said sarcastically.

"I don't know that you will be back today. If you are not there, it will be wasted."

Klein sneered.

"I bought it, I bought it."

At this moment, Forsi next door opened the paging and exposed his head.

After eating Xu Yue's food last time, Forsi had even thought about marrying, but later felt that others didn't like it, and it was troublesome to marry later, so she extinguished her thoughts and continued to be salty.

Just wondering how to eat and drink.

No, the opportunity is really reserved for those who are prepared...

After having dinner happily, after Forsi returned to the next door, Klein looked around, then lowered his voice and said to Xu Yue.

"Besides me, have you seen anyone who knows Chinese?"

"What? Have you seen it?"

Faced with Klein who used the clown's ability to perfectly control his expression and pretended to be a **** and secretly talking to him, Xu Yue spoke very cooperatively.

"I'm asking you, I recently discovered that someone is collecting the diaries of Emperor Roselle."

Klein gave Xu Yue a white look.

"It's normal. Some people think that Chinese can bring magical powers. There are tattoos. I've seen people get'gout' tattooed."

Seeing Xu Yue's slippery fall, Klein didn't go any further, otherwise he would appear deliberate, but it would arouse suspicion.

"By the way, a friend and I recently discovered an underground ruin in which there is an evil spirit who may have the power of a demigod. I am investigating this family and just got some clues..."

Since it was difficult to go deeper, Klein naturally began to shift another important topic.

He and Sharon had an agreement that the time was right to explore together, and Xu Yue was his foreign aid here.

"The style of the Quaternary Period is still under the Backlund...This is really interesting. I accept this invitation.

"During the time between the First Empire of Solomon and the Second Empire of Solomon in the Quaternary Period, a Tudor-Trensorst United Empire was born, with a dual-consultant model, and the capital at that time was in Backlund. It may be related to this."

At the Tarot Club before, Xu Yue had exchanged information about the Sauron family with Miss Justice, including the fact that the Angel of Sequence 1 and the Blood Emperor became the true god.

At this time, adding this information, after entering the ruins, and then telling that it is the place where the blood emperor becomes a god, you will be able to follow the boat.

My shepherd hasn't pastured any souls so far.

If Medici speaks so nicely, perhaps herding an evil spirit of the King of Angels is a very good choice.

After all, the combination of the three of them who have lost their extraordinary characteristics is a demigod level...


Two updates are over...

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