Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3166: Magician's true finishing skills

Although the Mother Earth God is also one of the seven righteous gods, Luen is not its main sphere of influence.

Therefore, although there is a harvest church in Backlund, the mission has been relatively low-key and quite satisfactory.

In the eyes of many ancient insiders, the Mother Earth is the queen of giants in the past, and has a good relationship with the **** of war of the giant prince.

But in fact, under the secret authority of the goddess of the night, the ancestor of the blood family, Lilith, who is believed to have long since fallen, is the true mother **** of the earth.

It is precisely because of this that the Harvest Church likes to teach vampires. This is a traditional technique.

It's just that the Mother Path represented by the Mother Earth and the adjacent Moon Path belong to the old path of the Pillar Level of the Fallen Mother God, and belong to the ‘outsiders’.

Although Lilith is already the true **** of this approach, she can still penetrate because of the old strength.

And there are two other people who can influence Lilith in the old days.

A fallen mother goddess who is of course Lilith related to both ways.

Mr. Door was contaminated by the fallen mother goddess, and Emperor Roselle's blasphemy card was also contaminated under his influence after landing on the moon.

When Lilith was ‘fallen’ when the moon was passing through the ancient gods, she was partially polluted by the mother god, reducing her sanity.

In addition to this one, there is another "Mother Tree of Desire" whose old days can also have an impact.

Although the ‘Mother Tree of Desire’ is not one of the three pillars, it is theoretically slightly weaker than the ‘Fallen Mother’s God’, and the related channels are the ‘Abyss’ and the ‘Bound’.

But after all, the old days are torn apart. After the "Mother Tree of Desire" has controlled the bound God and mastered the Rose Church, his influence on the earth will be even greater.

In addition, the ‘Mother Tree of Desire’ has also collected the high-sequence characteristics of part of the moon pathway, and has mastered part of the moon’s authority, forming the belief of the primitive moon to deceive some vampires.

In the old days, the "Mother Tree of Desire" and the "Degenerate Mother God" were actually hostile.

It is precisely because of the chaos in Lilith's related pathways that the congregation under Lilith's command often hears false oracles guided by the old days.

Therefore, Fengshou Church can be regarded as the most low-key of the seven major churches. The church members are often deceived into not telling them, even if someone has received the ‘oracles’ or the ‘revelations’, they still need to seek confirmation from the favored ones.

Fortunately, although the environment was a little bitter, Lilith found the fairy teammate, the goddess of the night, and exchanged posts for the giant queen. Not to mention, after Lilith helped the gods of the night stab the **** of war, she also got part of the moon path collected by the goddess of the night. authority.

It's a teammate lying flat all the way.

And the bishop Utravsky of Backlund Harvest Church is a favored one of the Mother Earth God.

It is a dawn knight in the sequence 6 of the giant pathway, who will become a demigod in the future.

It's just that Utravsky was a ferocious pirate in the past. After he converted to the mother **** and became merciful, he suffered from schizophrenia and always had an evil personality in his body.

Now the bishop is looking for someone who can help him solve his inner demons.

In his hand, he has a strange object called the "Inner Demon Candle", which can be pointed directly into his heart.

It allows powerful outsiders to kill the inner demons in the body.

And because Fengshou Church has mastered the cultivator, the mother pathway, and the pharmacist pathway, which represents the moon, after helping the bishop complete the task, he has the opportunity to obtain the pharmacist formula.

Because Father Utravsky was a giant, and he was a Fossak himself, when the two were added together, he was as burly as a little giant.

After Klein pushed in from the front door angrily, he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the fierce muscular priest.

Fortunately, Father Utravsky himself had a very peaceful expression on his face, and he said softly after seeing an outsider.

"Welcome you, strangers, the Church of Mother God welcomes anyone."

Comparing that blend with the burly figure of the muscular priest, there is a sense of contrast inexplicably.

"The Harvest Church does indeed control the path of the pharmacist. No wonder..."

And Xu Yue, who followed in, also nodded, attracting Klein's eyes.

"Although I don't know how you got it, it is true."

Even if the two of them expressed interest in the formula of the pharmacist, they also explained that they are Extraordinary through these words. The priest still has a compassionate face and no hostility.

"I heard you have something to entrust? Can you get paid for the recipe?"

Klein then took the words again, so as not to cause the misunderstanding of the two of them coming to rob.

"It's true, but it's dangerous."

"Perhaps, we can listen first?"

"Come on, let's come in and talk."


After the priest's explanation, Klein finally understood the content of the commission.

To kill the evil in the past deep in the priest's heart.

The priest also blew himself up with the strength of his Sequence 6 Dawn Knight, and he must be able to solve this.

Klein pondered for a moment. Although he was in Sequence 7, it was not impossible to rely on the magician's many abilities.

Of course, it is best to let Xu Yue take the shot, but he has always performed only Sequence 8 in front of him, but with the extraordinary item of creeping hunger.

Find time to bring up the creeping hunger at the Tarot Club, and let yourself find a ‘clue’ to pierce him. It’s a pity that the cold Mr. Fool is not suitable for taking the initiative to propose such a ‘low-level’ item.

No way, I had to do it myself.

Moreover, at the bottom of the soul, it has always been Klein's home court. Because of the gray mist, Klein can remain lucky in his dreams. This is a big advantage...

"I took it, please believe me.

"But I need to fully understand the various abilities of the Dawn Knight and the general level he can play..."

Because of this incident, Klein also gradually understood the true meaning of the magician.

Well-prepared performance!


The progress of the matter is undoubtedly smooth.

Klein finally relied on the magician's various methods to perform, and finally kicked the evil priest's temple with his foot and broke it apart.

Although because of what Detective Isinger said last time, Klein had the habit of subconsciously hiding some of his actions outside.

But facing a Dawn knight in Sequence 6, it also made him unable to think about so much.

Anyway, the battle in the depths of the soul does not care whether it is exposed or not.

The magician's unexpected close combo is an absolutely unexpected finishing technique.

The mighty Dawn Knight is no exception.

In terms of strength and physicality, Klein and the Dawn Knight are very different, but as long as they find the right time to get close, the Dawn Knight will also have weaknesses.

Except for the final kick, this Dawn Knight knight is miserable...


The next two or three points...

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