Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3168: Expose

The Summers left in a disappointed manner.

The channel that I worked so hard to find, the upper-class banquet that I finally got caught up in, was dismissed by others.

This made the two people who were originally complacent also felt a huge gap.

At the same time, he was envious of Charlotte, a detective neighbor.

Sure enough, the detective industry can easily come into contact with the upper-class people.

It was the same task last time when Mrs. Mary hired Detective Charlotte.

Perhaps this big man also met under a similar scene.

The family's annual income is as high as 430 pounds, and the Sammers, who are among the best in the middle class, are also considering whether to find an opportunity to ask the Charlotte detective to introduce Mr. Franklin to know him.

You can also ask Mrs. Mary at the banquet about the identity of Mr. Franklin...


"Actually, they are pretty good people. As far as the neighbors are concerned, you are really bad-hearted."

Klein pushed Xu Yue into the kitchen, while leaning on the door to stare at Xu Yue's artistic cooking, he also defended his neighbor.

Although it's a bit of Versailles, it's not a big problem.

Speaking of it, Klein's own income is much higher than that of the ordinary Summerers.

Although there has never been a deposit on the poor fools, the price of two formulas to buy weapons for Little Sun has exceeded the annual income of the Summers.

It has been more than two years to ask Miss Sharon to make a shot once.

"Yes? I'm just telling the truth, you see, in order to take care of their emotions, I didn't lose the invitation in the end."

The release of the dishes also made Klein no longer feel quarrelsome.

He threw himself into eating, not at all the grace that a gentleman should have.

Because Xu Yue is always nourishing, and Klein has never left to practice, now it is a lot stronger.

The tuxedo may not have been concealed yet, but once he exerts his strength, the contours of the muscles can also be highlighted through the clothes...

"Huh~Have you really not put some weird things?"

Klein, who was holding his stomach full, slumped on the rocking chair and said in a daze.

"Then don't eat it."

"Okay, I won't eat today."

Klein burped full, and said something very spineless.

"I will go to a secret extraordinary party later, you can do it yourself."

Klein once again revealed the Tarot Club information in front of Xu Yue. Of course, he knew that Xu Yue knew he was the world sooner.

Humph~, I have always pretended not to know, pretending to be stupid in front of myself, this time the Tarot Club, let myself lift your mask and let you die!

Klein had already made a secret decision in his heart...

I don’t know Klein’s sinister heart Xu Yue. After hearing the words of rushing the guests, he also shook his head with emotion in the world.

"Good guy, are you driving people right after eating? That's all, I'd better go to the Dark Night Church to see my students.

"Somehow they will respectfully call me an instructor."


"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

Under the familiar greetings of Miss Justice, a new Tarot Club will begin.

Mr. Fool couldn't help feeling a little speechless after reading the small dirty text provided by Xu Yue.

In addition to Xiao Huangwen, there was some extraordinary knowledge in the diary this time, but they were all known to him, and he couldn't find a handle when he was deliberately troubled.

After a while, Klein manipulated the "world" to speak

"I want to know the information about the two sequences of the demon and the guardian, and I want to know about a glove that can devour the soul."

Klein was about to start lifting Xu Yue's veil. In fact, he had thought about it for a long time when he asked this question.

Because he is positioned for the ‘world’ as a representative of his benefactor in the Tarot Meeting, and the ‘world’ can be any of his benefactors.

Under this circumstance, the fact that the hunting operation had its own "angels under his command" would be somewhat contradictory to this question.

But looking back and thinking about it again, it seems that it’s nothing. An angel’s actions don’t need to inform a favored one of ordinary sequence, and Mr. Azik was just a finishing touch to the action. The main thing was done by Xu Yue, so it didn’t seem to be anything. What.

It happened to be my beloved, who unexpectedly got a few words, so it seems normal to come to the Tarot meeting to ask questions when I am curious!

People can support it.

"Gloves that devour the soul? Oh, Mr. World joined late. I don’t know about our previous collaboration. You may be talking about ‘creeping hunger’..."

This kind of event about spreading the glory of the Tarot Club, Miss Justice, the biggest benefactor of the Tarot Club, is happy to inform it for free.

Now I briefly explained the situation that time.

Except for Mr. "World" who looked at Mr. "Lover" with a look of "shock", it was Miss "Magic" who was really shocked.

She had always been low-key before, although she knew that Tarot would be very vigorous.

But I didn't expect that it was an angel and a pirate general hunting and killing it, much higher than the few present.

"Huh? Mr. World doesn't just seem to be surprised by the strength of Mr. Lover. Is this the original identity of Mr. Lover through his gloves?"

As an audience member, Audrey also saw the problem through Klein's deliberate manipulation.

If it's just a similar extraordinary item, it's nothing, but Mr. Lover and Xu Yue both like to wear single-sided glasses, and Xu Yue himself can be locked in.

In fact, Forsi has also seen Xu Yue wearing monocles, but although there are not many people who wear monocles, they are not too rare in this era. Just like Audrey’s blond hair, they will not directly associate with them. .

Although Miss Justice was also very curious about the identity of Mr. Lover, she also respected the traditions of the Tarot Society and did not specifically inquire.

"Except for what Miss Justice has already told, I know these two sequences very well.

"The reward I want is information related to the Fallen Creator.

"Whether the two pieces of information are equivalent is up to Mr. Fool to determine."

"The Sun" Derrickberg, after giving the "world" some time of "shock", he began to take the initiative to speak, and he has learned to use his strengths to exchange knowledge.

Klein became a seller and an intermediary again, and of course he easily got what he wanted from the sun, but in the same way, he also told the sun what he knew about the real creator.

Let Little Sun, who still believes in the All-Knowing Almighty Creator, couldn't help feeling a burst of faith collapse.

Then Little Sun used the knowledge of Silver City to exchange information about the Seven Gods with everyone present.

A lot of this information about the ancient gods was also spread out in the Tarot Society through the mouth of the little sun.

For example, Fregla, the king of the demon wolf, known as the "Destroy Demon Wolf" and the "Night Demon Wolf"...

"Well, although I know that everyone has gained a lot, I still want to ask for some help."

Forsi raised her hand and said weakly that she was used to speaking after others had finished speaking.

After seeing all eyes attracted, I organized a bit of language to say

"With the help of a friend from the official church, I have received the blessing of obscuration and divination, and I have successfully contacted members of the Abraham family and became a disciple of that member.

"I want to ask you if there are any hidden dangers. I have no malice against the Abraham family itself. I just want to conceal the secrets of the Tarot Society..."


Estimate more than three points in the next chapter...

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