Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3191: Meet strangers

The former'ill girl', now Tracy, who replaced the seven pirate generals as'lieutenant general of the disease', moved her long eyelashes, and then opened some blank blue eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the Luen man who was leaning on the edge of the bed and smoking a cigar, a specialty of Rhodes Island.

Gradually, she also recalled what happened.

I was about to train the maid to bring her joy, but suddenly seemed to be attacked by crazy spirit creatures.

Even if the spirit world near the Sea of ​​Fury was abnormal, this sudden attack caught her off guard for a while.

If it weren't for the life-saving props left by her mother, maybe it would be dead.

Even so, she was seriously injured.

Feeling the pain caused by the injury on his body, he looked at the Luen man with a comfortable expression in front of him.

Tracey's charming face couldn't help but gradually become savage.

"I am going to kill you!"

It's just that although the words were very fierce, they were soft when hitting Xu Yue because of his injuries.

This made her shed tears of humiliation.

Tracy herself is quite unique among the witches, because she has no interest in men at all when she passes through the stage of the witch witches, all of which are aimed at all kinds of beauties.

And her life experience is also very tortuous. Her mother is a high-level witch in the Witch Church.

Her father suddenly became a ‘mother’ when she was a child.

Well, Tracy has a "mother" and a "mother"...

So her persistence all the time seems extremely important in her own heart.

As a result, it was all over.

Feeling the powerlessness of her whole body, Tracy wowed directly and cried out without image, crying like a child.

He put his head in the pillow and kept sobbing.

"You are mentally ill, you have to be cured, I am saving you."

Xu Yue looked at the female pirate leader and spoke casually.

"Shut up!"

"Oh, do you like this pose?"

Well, Xu Yue's subsequent inquiry was more effective than all persuasion.

Just let Tracy stand up and jump up, and then quickly snatched the Luen man's clothes in front of him and put them on.

Although it was tight, it was still stretched barely.


The hard voice seemed to be questioning.

"My name is Charlotte, and I am a well-known detective from Backlund."

Xu Yue, who held his ‘Klein’ face, said seriously.

"Also, shouldn't you have a better attitude towards lifesavers?"

"Remember, today is just an accident. I have already repaid my life-saving grace, and we will not offend the river in the future."

Tracy stared at Xu Yue's Klein face with red eyes, as if she wanted to remember it.

"You are so ruthless."

Xu Yue looked at Tracy as if sighed.

"But I, Charlotte, respect your choice. From now on, we will meet strangers, and the water will not be offended by the river.

"Next time I meet, I won't know you."

Hearing Xu Yue's words, Tracey, who had a tight face, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Remember your words."

After taking a deep look at Xu Yue, Tracy wanted to get up and leave, but she felt that the injuries on her body made her frown again.

The violent spirit creature is too strong, if it weren't for the mother's thing, it would be impossible for him to survive.

The injuries on his body are also extremely serious now.

Activities in the pirate zone at this time may have even worse consequences.

However, when the imprint is triggered, the mother should have sensed it. Although the relationship between the mother and daughter is not good, as her descendants, she will still come to find herself.

For the time being, let's go to Backlund to recuperate.

Although Backlund is a mixed bag, he also has many ways to heal his injuries.

Moreover, in her state, she didn't even want to meet other people in the Witch's Church.

Maybe they will be treated as prey, or sent out to please someone.

As long as he doesn't hurt his life, his'mother' won't care.

Backlund is safer.

"Aren't you going to leave?"

Xu Yue looked at Tracy's face for a while and couldn't help asking.

"I'm going to Backlund, too."

"Okay, but you also said that you have cleared it up before. This is first class..."

Xu Yue seemed to hesitate to speak.

It was obviously impossible to hide the money in the simple attire when Tracy came in.

"I, I will pay the rent!"

Seeing "Charlotte" say such words, Tracey bit her silver teeth in secret, but finally she was relieved...


"Don't pass it this way, from now on we meet strangers, it is better not to meet each other."

After docking in Pritz Harbor, Xu Yue helped his top hat, and after speaking regretfully to Tracy, he left in a hurry.

Tracy, who originally wanted to organize some language, couldn't help but go crazy.

This should be what I said!

I said it!

Why do you say that!

I am so angry!


After Xu Yue went to the Land of God Abandonment and his party, and then came back through Luoside Island.

Klein didn't stop here either.

First, it was discovered that Mr. Vampire had begun to ‘convert’ to the Mother Earth.

Then came the case of human trafficking in Cappin.

Wrapped the bonus of the spirit body with the card of the "Black Emperor", successfully removed the card and saved a group of trafficked people.

Among them was the daughter of a laundress he had known before.

At the same time, this action also allowed Klein to complete an impossible performance, and greatly digested the magician's potion.

The reputation of the "Black Emperor" has also begun to appear.

At the same time, Klein also began to intervene in the investigation of the fate of the snake’s father, Dr. Allen...

On the little sun's side, there has also been progress.

Except that his identity has passed the clear road, and he has received support from Silver City.

It also exposed an infiltration of the real creator into Silver City.

After Elder Luo Weiya returned, he exposed the other contaminated team members.

Just because Silver City still needs the evil **** behind Elder Luo Weiya to balance the Fool, the elder didn't receive much punishment this time.


Just when Klein was exploring Ellen's dream, and saw the phantom that heralded the Mercury Snake, and dropped the paper crane that was folded by the opponent himself.

Xu Yue also temporarily changed his identity and returned to Backlund.

Well, I came back after a week of traveling and so on. What can I do?

The journey back and forth is not enough.

Xu Yue was able to achieve such a fast speed with the help of the spirit world before.

In order to avoid the trouble caused by Franklin's instructor status, it is naturally better to change it temporarily.

Anyway, Klein also knew that he had the abilities of the Faceless.


But it seems that it is not a good thing to be known to him that he has this ability.

Thinking that Klein might meet with the sick girl in Backlund, Xu Yue sighed ‘It’s not a good thing’, but the corners of his mouth unconsciously showed a curve of evil taste...


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