Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3193: Rescue plan

"How about it, are you interested in doing a big vote."

After everyone gradually digested Xu Yue's words, Xu Yue made a new proposal.


Audrey asked with some curiosity that Mr. Lover said that he had a big vote, so everyone except Mr. Fool would think it was a big event.

"Help save the Silver City and bring it to reality."

Xu Yue's words caused everyone, including Mr. Fool, to take a breath.

It's really generous!

And Little Sun is quite excited

"Do we have a chance to leave and find a way out?"

"Of course, if you have confirmed what I said, there will be a way to find an exit, and then, together with the abilities of Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged, you will be picked up."

Xu Yue said of course.

"Wait, let's not talk about how many people there are in Silver City, how many ships need to be prepared, just talk about the battlefield of the gods, we can't pass through, you said it is very dangerous."

Alger also found Huadian at this time and said quickly.

Without the help of the Storm Church, Alger alone would hire at most some pirate ships and merchant ships, and there would be no way to keep it secret.

Although Miss Justice has plenty of funds, it would be very difficult to rent so many boats.

This is not just a question of money.

Not to mention the danger of the battlefield of the gods.

"That's what I want to say. You and Miss Justice are responsible for solving the problems of ships and settlement locations, and I am responsible for ensuring safe passage through the battlefield of the gods."

Xu Yue said this, seeming to make them feel at ease, and then went on to say

"Although the battlefield of the gods is very dangerous, if you are lucky enough, plus some precautions, it will not be a problem for all to pass.

"It just so happens that I have a sealed item in my hand that can be favored by fate. As long as the others can be settled, it is possible to take them out of the dangerous sea at one time without staying in them."

What Xu Yue said was a bit magical, but the reputation Xu Yue had been accumulating was somewhat convinced by them.

What is the lucky thing to be able to shelter so many people through safely at once?

However, if it is exactly what Xu Yue said, then there is indeed something wrong with this matter!

The cost of input is of course huge, but these costs can be paid back, all they need is to advance the funds, and then find a channel for ships.

Silver City looked bitter, but in fact they were rich and oily.

Look at the various materials that Little Sun almost arranges for everyone's potions every time you can see one or two.

It's just that the extraordinary characteristics and materials can't be eaten as food, and the accumulation of many years in Silver City can only be stored.

It is as if gold mines were discovered in Africa, but their material conditions are very poor.

Judging from the situation of Silver City's search for a way out, the initial investment return of ten times is not a problem!

And at least it can arrange half-human and half-god materials.

In addition, Silver City itself has a demigod and a powerful force of Sealed Artifacts.

In addition, all the people are soldiers, and if they really come to the real world, although they can't be compared with the church and the kingdom, they are worse than those old organizations with angel-level power.

But relying on the shelter of level 0 sealed artifacts, it is enough to stand firm.

Whether it is Miss Justice or Mr. Hanged Man, as long as they can find a suitable reason and excuse and become a bridge of communication, they can also gain influence and capital in addition to funds.

And the Silver City, which has just arrived in the new world, will also need to be sheltered by strong enough allies to avoid being coveted by forces similar to the Aurora Society.

Because Silver City itself seeks to get out of trouble, their expectations for demand will be quite low after arriving in the new world.

After all, for them, being able to live in the sun, eat normal food, and get rid of the curse of killing relatives is the greatest happiness.

Such low expectations will make them extremely suitable allies.

Of course, the Silver City appeared in the middle and late stages of the original work because of the shelter of ‘Mr. Fool’. At that time, Klein, because of his unique identity, indeed had the bargaining capital with the Orthodox Church.

If Silver City appeared in advance, it would indeed receive some prying eyes.

Then this time the Tarot Club was crooked, and after finding that the matter was operability, he began to directly discuss the relevant issues.

Manpower, material resources and funds, everyone can provide the help they can provide.

After the successful transfer of the residents of Silver City, huge returns will be obtained.

This is equivalent to an investment!

Even if Little Sun could not be the lord of Silver City, based on his current understanding of Silver City, if he could really see the sun again, he would bring people to the sun to live normally.

That Silver City is willing to give everything, including the level 0 sealed artifacts!

So the hypothesis they put forward is completely feasible, even if he doesn't ask the chief, he can still draw a conclusion.

This made Little Sun's heart surge.

"Although the population of Silver City is not too large, there are only a few thousand people, but this number is for the city. If you want to use a boat, ensure the number of crew and sailors, as well as enough food and supplies. It is best to prepare ten boats. Specifications of large passenger ships."

"Even if it's just renting, not buying, it needs enough channels. After all, it is difficult to persuade the captain and sailors to go to the dangerous sea itself."

"As for the resettlement location, I think the Rhodes Islands are very good and the location is excellent, and Ruen is not strong in management of many of them, and it is easy to buy large tracts of land. You only need to pay attention to the relationship with the rebels. ."

Everyone, you and I say a word.

Because everyone on the scene can be said to belong to the Ruen camp, not to mention how much they love Ruen, the location of Silver City will naturally have its own tendencies.

The Rhodes Islands are indeed a very good location.

The Southern Continent’s Orthodox Church is less influential, and Silver City is easy to be spied on, but the Rhodes Islands are just right...

Of course, this time we can only agree on a general charter, set the tone, and then work hard in this direction.

It takes a lot of time and preparation to actually start the implementation.

But there is no doubt that the beginning is no problem...


This time the tarot meeting was overtime due to the overtime of the discussion, and Klein was a bit spiritually exhausted, and he seemed a bit weak after buying the food.

After seeing Xu Yue coming in with his new identity, he couldn’t help but vomit.

"You really can't take it easy, you made such a big move when you went out on vacation."

Klein was also a little stunned at the thought of the silver city rescue plan that had been finalized.

Whether it was Xu Yue's instigation of the Aurora Society's relief, or the finalized Silver City rescue plan this time.

Every time this guy makes a move, he can pull more power, which is really amazing.

"Look at you guys, what should I do if I have a girlfriend in the future, I will do something for you today."

Xu Yue heard Klein's feeble spit, and couldn't help speaking in a bit wicked way...


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