Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3209: No loss

Audrey already understood the seriousness of the matter, and naturally she would have her means of handling it.

For example, going to the Dark Night Church to make a report can minimize the risk.

At this time, the circuitous way of reporting using the hands of others, on the contrary, was noticed by 0-08 because of the lack of shelter from the night.

"If I have the right opportunity, I want to hire two people."

After Audrey decided on the means of disposal, she continued to speak.

Mr. Lover has always been the military force of the Tarot Society, the strongest under the high order.

Mr. World is also mysterious, so it is likely that they will need their help this time.

"Of course, as long as the price is right."

Klein controlled the world and said.

Because Audrey has not yet reported to the church and there are no specific details yet, it is agreed to contact Mr. Fool at that time, and then enter the next link.

Silver City Rescue Plan!

Since the last time, Little Sun has also obtained the permission of the six-member council, and even the shepherd elder completely approves of this kind of help.

As long as they can help Silver City out of its predicament, they are willing to pay all the price!

Alger has already begun to use his identity advantages to find suitable ships and captains.

In his words, at this time, some pirates with good reputations are more suitable for cooperation.

For example, the generals above the stars.

The opponent is familiar with the waterway and has good driving skills and has many ways.

"I have already negotiated the location of Silver City, right next to Bayam, the capital of the Rhodes Islands, the ‘City of Generosity’."

When everyone was discussing about it, the heavy news that Xu Yue threw out was to once again make the insider Lei not light.

Little Sun didn't think so much.

But several others understood what Xu Yue meant!

Indeed, because the control of the Rhodes Islands is still not strong.

There are even resistance forces on the island.

Therefore, real estate in many places is relatively cheaper, because property cannot be effectively protected.

But this does not include Bayam and its vicinity.

As the capital of the Rhodes Islands, Ruen is the embodiment of the colony, where there are demigods in the military and the Storm Church.

The safety factor is absolutely sufficient.

This also caused Bayam to ignite the wick of the entire Rhodes Islands.

The name of the ‘City of Generosity’ is evident.

Although it can't be compared with Backlund in scale, it has a different kind of prosperity.

The land near this kind of city was unexpectedly taken down by Xu Yue?

This shocked Audrey, who had always assumed the position of the gold master in the Tarot Club.

Although she has relatively little concept of money, she also knows the value of this industry.

Perhaps, you have to wait until you get all your assets as an adult before you can compare.

Mr. Lover, it's really scary...

And that kind of important location must be in the hands of a powerful nobleman in Ruen, and I don't know which nobleman reached an agreement with the lover.

Being able to give this kind of industry obviously won't hurt the other party.

Duke Negan?

Audrey’s reaction ability is also very fast, constantly combing the latest situation, and then tentatively said

"Recently, Backlund has also experienced a lot of twists and turns. For example, Duke Negan was once again assassinated and rescued. The Aurora Club has declared responsibility for this."

"I saved him."

Xu Yue didn't hide it. He was wearing a vest anyway. As for Klein, it won't be long before his vest was ruined by himself.

After hearing Xu Yue's words, Alger couldn't help but started to make up his mind.

Aurora will declare responsibility?

He can remember that Mr. Lover also got mixed up in the Aurora Club, and because his brains are better than those madmen, you have used them to do things.

Is this self-produced and sold?

Arrange the assassination and save yourself?

It's really dark...

"Only people who have a dark heart will feel that others are equally dirty.

"Mr. Hanged Man, I always think you are thinking about something impolite."

Xu Yue's words also shocked Alger's heart.

Such a keen observation ability is no longer under the Miss Justice in the audience.

In addition, Audrey had also made up his mind over there. It is estimated that Mr. Lover was asking for land for Silver City, and after intervening in the assassination of Duke Nigan, did he notice the 0-08 sealed item.

As for Miss Salted Fish Magician, she was shivering now.

Here again, here again!

I want to move, I don't want to be in Backlund.

Uh, but it seems that other places are not much better, and my teacher is coming over soon.


I don't know if I can use the teacher's family to provide convenience to Silver City.

Forsi herself is also kind-hearted. Although she deceived the teacher about the Tarot Society, overall she has a good impression of the newly recognized teacher.

While considering asking the teacher's family to help, Forsi is also considering helping the teacher's family.

Because it was already known that the Abraham family had suffered heavy losses, and there were no middle-sequence Beyonders, but after they had mastered the Level 0 Sealed Artifact.

Forsi knew that the Abraham family desperately needed reliable and high-power allies.

At this point, Silver City is definitely suitable.

The Abraham family needs the fighting power of the Silver City, and the Silver City also needs the knowledge and help of the Abraham family, which comes from the ancient family of the Quaternary Period.

They are completely complementary.

It's just that she hasn't found a suitable entry point.

"Since Mr. Lover rescued Duke Negan again, you should know the reason for the assassination, right?

"I don't know if I can disclose it, of course, if the price is right."

After this round of discussions came to an end, Audrey, who was very curious, finally didn't hold back the question.

"Actually, this is a bit similar to the 0-08 mentioned earlier, and this organization is much more powerful than 0-08.

"Anything that is said will be known."

The two serial 1 characteristics and uniqueness are perfectly combined, and a sealed article formed by the serial 1 characteristics is compared.

This gap is larger than the gap between Amon and Grandpa Angel.

0-08 It's just that the more you know, the more you will be understood backwards, but Adam has reached the level of ‘whatever is said, you must be known’, even the organization he created...


"You said Miss Justice would go directly to the Dark Night Church to report it?"

After the Tarot meeting was over, Klein, who came out of the bathroom, began to approach Xu Yue to discuss the next method.

The prince must also give an explanation.

On the surface, we are investigating the cause of death, but in fact we have to secretly undermine Ince Zangwill’s conspiracy.

Moreover, Ince Zangwill must have a strong companion, and it should be something that the cooperation is doing ugly.

Even if 0-08 is strong, the three Orthodox churches will probably have a way to deal with it.

So as long as the three major Orthodox churches take a high-handed move, it is very likely that they will be able to complete their efforts...


Two changes are over...Slowly adjust the time to see...Puff~

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