Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 3226: bansi

"Hurry up for me!

"When the time comes, it doesn't make any difference whether you exchange your heads for the reward, or the living person for the reward!"

Danitz stood on the deck of the Red Skull, waving the flame whip in his hand, and scoldingly instructing the captured pirates to clean up.

Because now the ownership of the Red Skull has fallen to Xu Yue.

Therefore, Klein and Danitz also followed him to the ship, and under the help of the sailors of White Onyx, they followed near the White Onyx.

Go to the nearby Bansi Port, prepare to stop temporarily and report the situation.

Then hand these pirates to the local church.

Of course, since Klein received Erlan's money, and Erlan also took the difference, then all of these will be handled by Erlan.

Now Xu Yue is just remote control Danitz, let him arrange for these pirates to drain the remaining value and clean up this fast-packed pirate ship.

"At first you said you wanted to be a captain, but I thought it was just getting a boat for fun."

Klein said while standing on the deck looking down.

This steam-mixed sail-powered pirate ship can normally carry hundreds of people, and at the limit, it can carry thousands of people.

According to Little Sun, there are only a few thousand people left in Silver City.

That is to say, a few more ships of this size are enough.


After thinking of this, Klein also reacted somewhat. Xu Yue should have prepared it for the City of Silver.

Yes, according to Mr. Hanged Man, sometimes pirates are more reputable, and there are not many suitable captains.

If that's the case, then it's reasonable to make one yourself.

"But what about the sailor? Really let him recruit?"

Klein glanced at Danitz who was wielding a flame whip over there.

"It's not bad to find an opportunity to catch a Beyonder of the Death Path, and then use the spirit world creature to drive it."

Xu Yue's words left Klein speechless. Isn't this a ghost ship?

"Also, if it's just sailing, a simple contract with two larger spirit world creatures can be done now."

"Do you think that the spirit world creatures are raised by your family? Come to whatever you want?"

Klein also began to think about it, and he was going to ask Mr. Ards about the rituals of contracted spiritual world creatures.

For example, Xu Yue's spirit world creature that can store things is quite useful when it is inconvenient to stuff things into the gray fog.

"I can become a ghost and find it myself."

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

Klein rolled his eyes. As for whether he is willing to find a suitable person, it seems that there is no suspense in terms of Xu Yue's bad intentions.

"But the next stop is a temporary stop at Banxi Port, which is a bit interesting."

Xu Yue then changed the subject again.


"Perhaps, you can ask the coward in the glove."

"This uncle is not a coward! This uncle just likes to be quiet!"

Medici came out and said plausibly.

Just the movement of floating behind Klein still revealed his inner thoughts.

"Bancy has my descendants here, but..."

Medici hesitated for a moment. It doesn't really matter what the descendants are. However, there is still a mapping of the source substance "City of Disaster", as well as some underground pollution.

It's just different from the pollution of the starry sky. As long as the underground pollution is ignored, the threat is not big, but the mapping of the 'city of disaster' will cause it to become a little weird.

This means that he has become an evil spirit and has no Beyonder characteristics.

Otherwise, if he absorbs Beyonder characteristics, it would be inconvenient to come here.

"But what?"

"But if there's nothing else, it's better to leave here early.

"Both you and I appear here, which may cause something bad to happen."

Medici grinned.

The 'City of Calamity' itself was sealed in the Western Continent by the previous Origin Castle master, and there is a mapping here.

The current owner of Origin Castle, coupled with the presence of the former Red Angel, seems to be a matter of course for the mutation.

And even if there are his own descendants here, Medici doesn't care too much.

It's been so many generations, and now I'm just a three-in-one evil spirit!

Not disturbing here is actually a kind of protection.


must die...


Because of Medici's proposal, this time Klein didn't even have the idea of ​​going ashore, so he guarded Danitz on the Red Skull.

And this time, the White Onyx's capture of a pirate ship to Bansy Island itself seems to be a deterrent.

Some hidden things were temporarily suppressed.

Although Elland also noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere.

But after handing over the pirates and taking the telegram, he chose to flash people.

The price difference of the bounty is ready to go to the next port to collect it.

Anyway, it has been verified here.

The two ships left the port and looked at the port of Bansi, which was gradually sinking into darkness.

Klein also felt an inexplicable infiltration.

The evil spirit in the glove is a former king of angels.

There must be something amazing and secret hidden here.

This made Klein's hidden soul of reporting also begin to stir.

Of course, reporting also has to tell the way and method. Klein is not stupid enough to tell Elland directly or write an anonymous letter to the Church of the Storms, which will cause a lot of trouble.

Klein planned that when the Tarot Club convened in the next two days, he would use 'World' to mention the anomaly in Banxi Harbor, and 'The Fool' would understate 'Rose of Redemption' and 'King of Angels', as related to the Church of the Storms. People, 'The Hanged Man' naturally understands what to do next.

This will be his chance to make merit.

In fact, if it weren't for Medici, it would have been sent by Xu Yue.

Klein is ready to bring this controlled angel king evil spirit to the Tarot Fair for exhibition.

Give the members a long experience.

But unfortunately, it's nothing to use the identity of Mr. Fool to mention 'Rose of Redemption', but if you take this evil spirit up and bring it back, you may expose yourself to Xu Yue.

The more time passed, the more Klein could not accept the possibility of his identity being exposed.

I didn't even dare to think about that kind of scene, for fear that I would lose control on the spot.

Too embarrassed!

"Are you thinking of something rude?"

Medici also glanced at Bansi Harbor, and then turned around and said to Klein suspiciously.

"No, no, don't talk nonsense."


Above the boundless gray fog, the magnificent palace stood quietly.

Emlyn White, who came here again, had just regained her sight when she saw Miss Justice looking at the top of the mottled long table and greeted in a brisk tone.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~"

It seems that Miss Justice should have come out of the shadow of the big smog.

And because of the relationship that broke out in Queens this year, just after the New Year this year, many nobles went to their fiefs ahead of schedule, preparing to stay until June and come back.

Of course, this is also Loen's custom originally, but it was not so urgent in the past...


Two changes are over...

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