New York City, Manhattan area.

New York City can be described as turbulent recently. After the Lizardman attack, Osborn Industries was reported to be an illegal genetic research project, which caused a great uproar.

Many family members of the victims who had no way of venting immediately blocked the door of Osborn Industries.

Some asked for compensation, some smashed and vented.

The shares of Osborn Industries have plummeted, and the market opened directly to the limit. Faced with such a dilemma, Norman Oss was unable to recover, because the impact of this incident was too great!

Tens of thousands of casualties were still in a metropolis like New York. Not only civilians but also many wealthy businessmen and officials died in it.

The people in the military cleared the relationship for the first time, so that Norman Osborn became the first candidate to be the one to hold back.

When the police came to the door, Norman Osborn, who did not want to sit still, secretly returned to the headquarters of Osborn Industries.

"Father, do you have to do this? The [human body strengthening potion] hasn't been completed yet, it will kill you!" Norman's son Harry stood in front of the instrument and tried to persuade Norman to give up his crazy behavior.

"We have no retreat. You don't know what the high-level faces are. If we are caught, then we can only wait to die in prison. [Human strengthening medicine] is our only hope for survival!" Norman My mind was determined, I took out a can of green [Human Strengthening Medicine], put it into the experimental device, and then tapped on the control keyboard.

Norman installed the [human body strengthening agent] on the instrument, then lay on the experiment table, and let Harry start the experiment.

Harry pressed the switch nervously, and in the closed experiment chamber, the [Human Body Strengthening Medicine] turned into a green mist, filling the entire experiment chamber.

Norman's body began to twitch violently. After a while, Norman's body calmed down, lying motionless in the experimental chamber, and the electrocardiogram stopped!


Harry opened the experiment cabin in a panic, ran to the experiment table, and held the lying dead Norman.

At this moment, the beating sound of the heart rate graph sounded again and was strong and powerful.

When Harry was surprised, Norman on the test bench opened his aquamarine eyes and held Harry's neck with his right hand. The murderous intent in his eyes made Harry feel strange and terrified.

[Human Body Strengthening Medicine] It cured the genetic disease of the Osborn family and strengthened Norman's body, but it produced an evil second personality.

Tiger poison does not eat children. Even though Norman at the moment is tyrannical and bloodthirsty, Norman did not hurt his close relatives as Harry.


Norman quacked and laughed, throwing Harry aside, then walked into the armory not far away, put on the Green Goblin armor, and stood on the hang glider.

Harry asked worriedly, "Father, are you okay?"

"It's never been better before, it feels great!" Norman looked at Harry with an unscrupulous smile, and then picked up the [Human Strengthening Medicine] on the side: "Come on Harry, after the injection, your genetic disease can also be Heal, we leave New York, leave the United States, and start again."

Harry hesitation, took the [human body strengthening agent], put it in the equipment, and walked into the experiment cabin...

S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.

Nick Fury was sitting in a chair with a black face facing a pile of documents, and he was very busy.

Lizardman incident At the moment, there was a lot of noise. It was known as the biggest terrorist incident in the 20th century. Without knowing the United States, the world's eyes were on the follow-up development of the incident.

Nick, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, faces a lot of pressure.

At this time, there was a knock at the door, and Nick Fury put down the file: "Please come in."

Phil Coulson in a black suit pushed in and said helplessly to Nick Fury: "Sir, the serum that suppresses the lizard virus has been made, but it can only be suppressed for a short time. If the injection loses emotional control, he will still become a lizard man again. , The method to completely eradicate, has not been found yet!"

"I see." Nick Fury frowned slightly, and then seeing Phil Coulson hesitating to say something, he asked, "Is there anything else?"

Phil Coulson solemnly said: "There is news from the Council of State, preparing to convene the "Super Ability Act". I am worried that it will irritate some people!"

"Can't these idiots be a little safer?" Nick Fury's face became more ugly when he heard the words.

Those who are beyond Ability are mostly unruly people, thank God for not doing anything!

Now the State Department is still preparing to prepare a set of sanctions against the other party. Don’t you know how many catties you have?

A group of rabbits make laws and think about how to restrain the lion. This kind of thing looks very funny!

at the same time.

In the Longtengzhuang courtyard, Su Moqing and Feng Baobao are having a barbecue on the lawn.

Celestials, Selena, Raven, Feng Baobao, and Qin Gray took the ingredients and drinks and placed them on the table. Hell's three-headed dogs, unicorns, and Chaomeng basking in the sun leisurely, a scene of enjoyment.

"Swish swish~"

Suddenly, five missiles dragged long tails of smoke, and they flew swiftly towards the direction where Su Moqing and the others were.

Seeing that the missile was about to fall, a huge, semi-circular blue energy shield flashed to block the missile.


The missile bombarded the defensive cover of Longtengzhuangyuan, and exploded suddenly. The flames skyrocketed, but the protective cover was not broken.

Longteng Manor has been in business for many years, and it is not just a place for Su Moqing to relax. There are many high-tech iron-blood planets. Su Moqing knows that he is a big fan and has many enemies. Naturally, it is impossible not to take defensive measures.

The missiles did not have any effect. When the flames dissipated, twelve combat helicopters quickly flew towards the Longtengzhuang Courtyard.

Su Moqing looked at Qin and asked, "Do you know who the other party is?"

"The helicopter is equipped with a mental power interference device, and I can't get into their thoughts." Qin replied.

She had used [Telepathy] just now, and wanted to perceive the other's thoughts, but because of the mental interference device, she did not get any information.

"It seems to have come prepared."

With a cold face, Su Moqing said to Gaea, the smart butler, "Leave one helicopter and destroy all the others."


Su Moqing's words fell, the environment around the lawn began to change, and more than a dozen particle cannons rose up, each aiming at the target.

"Swish swish~~~"

In a volley, 11 helicopters exploded in time and turned into fireballs and fell.

The pilot on the last helicopter saw that the situation was bad and immediately wanted to escape.

"Chaomeng, bring people here." Su Moqing said to Chaomeng.

"Yes, master."

Chaomeng nodded slightly, and then flew out of the protective cover, covered with a layer of blue light, two claws facing the remaining helicopter, the invisible [Psychokinesis] spread, and the helicopter was disintegrated in an instant.

Just when Chaomeng was about to capture the driver from the air, the driver's body suddenly generated a high temperature, bursting into a huge explosion, and there was no bones left!

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