The Styx Galaxy, in dark space.

After Karthus finished the call, he informed the gluttonous warship to set off on earth.

The gluttonous warrior Stag said: "Our pioneering action to reach the Chiwu Galaxy may have been discovered by some divine civilization."

The gluttonous warrior Lei Feng didn't care: "With my god Karl, do we need to care about other gods?"

"The soldiers we sent to capture the crocodile god Thornton were completely wiped out. According to the information collected, Juxia City has a large number of intelligent lifeforms beyond the pre-nuclear era, so I suggest that we pick a soft persimmon first. "The Bucks put forward their own ideas.

Lei Feng heard this and asked: "Where do you think you should start."

The Bucks vowed: "I think the island nation of Tokyo is the most suitable, where there is a monument of civilization, but it has not responded to the defense of our gluttonous pioneers, and there are frictions with China, where can we start to cause death."

"I agree with you, and the target is Tokyo."

After Lei Feng and the Bucks made clear their goals, they began to discuss combat plans.

"The earth has now entered the pre-nuclear era, with nuclear bombs of different magnitudes. Their conventional weapons cannot destroy our defenses, and air combat units are even less likely to compete with us." There is a sense of contempt.

The Bucks were a lot more vigilant and said in a serious tone: "But if they use nuclear weapons, they will cause huge amounts of harm to us. My idea is that when fighting at low altitude, human beings belong to the old god Hehe radiates civilization and respect life and morality, unless it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, it will not drop a nuclear bomb on its own city."

"Well, this proposal is feasible. In addition, you have to pay attention to the movements of the Super Seminary and formulate a plan for the killing of gods."


The two of you talked about the strategic deployment, precautions, and preparatory plans of the "Tokyo Raiders".

The gluttonous advance warships passed the Great Worm Bridge of Pluto and began to march towards the earth, ready to die and please their gods.

Angel Yan caught the movement of the gluttonous battleship and found Lena from Super Seminary, and talked with it.

As for why you are looking for Lena instead of Ducao or Ryze, it is because there is only God who can talk to God on an equal footing.

In the conference room of Super Theological Seminary, Angel Yan and Lena sat opposite each other.

Angel Chase and Angel Moi stand behind Angel Yan. They are both Angels who followed Angel Yan to the earth. In terms of age, among Angels, they are considered to be a younger generation.

Lena At the moment has received the information sent back by God Mao, knowing that the gluttonous fleet is sailing towards the earth with malicious intent, but it is not yet clear what Angel is coming from.

Looking at Angel Yan for a moment, Lena couldn't help but ask first: "What are you Angel doing here?"

Angel Yan leaned Erlang's legs up, with Angel’s usual high cold tone: "The earth is suddenly exposed to the eyes of the major cosmic forces. The devil has come, and the gluttonous army is coming soon, and we, Angel, want to ensure that the earth is in the name of justice. Down."

Reina, who was in the rebellious period, was slightly upset about Angel Yan's arrogant attitude: "In our Lieyang Star, there is no word justice. You can explain it."

The wings behind Angel Yan stretched out a bit, and he chuckled: "Little girl, seriously, I envy you. Wu You is carefree. In my seven thousand years of warrior career, I have always been for my own tomorrow, or other things. Angel is worried about tomorrow."

"Huh, old fairy."

Lena grumbled and waited for the other party's message.

Angel Yan didn’t care about Lena, and said sternly: “The word justice is the city of Angel when our king Kaisha ruled 17,000 years ago. For the orderly progress of the known universe, we have customized a set of very reasonable laws. Angel calls it—just order."

"Enough, I'm not here to listen to your brainwashing." Lena looked a little impatient. Now the Xiongbing Company has just been established, training, learning, and actual combat exercises are piled up like a mountain, plus she has to prepare for the gluttonous invasion. But there is no leisure time to listen to the other side's long talk.

"Tsk, don't say so bad words, I have studied you, Lieyang civilization will be safe for the country and the people, and our values ​​are close to the same."

Saying this, Angel Yan paused, and then continued: "Now the earth is about to be attacked by gluttons and demons. In order to prevent the spread of evil, we Angel decided to come to the earth to do justice. Definitely, out of courtesy, we want to seek the Supreme Seminary first. Views."

"Your Angel's extreme dominance is not better than that, I don't agree." Lena had a grudge against Angel because of her philosophy, and she rejected Angel Yan without even thinking about it.

Angel Yan shook his head slightly: "Don’t make decisions lightly. The gluttonous civilization is ahead of the earth. The current Super Seminary may not be able to cope with it. Your current decision not only represents yourself, but also concerns the safety of other people on the earth. People are responsible for their words and deeds."

Lena hesitated after hearing this. She didn't like Angel, but she also knew that the current Super Seminary only had two or three big cats and kittens. Ge Xiaolun and others have not yet grown up, and there is really no chance of winning against the gluttonous army. .

Angel Yan did not urge, but said lightly: "You can think about it, justice may be late, but it will never be absent."

After that, Angel Yan led Angel to chase Angel Moi away and flew to the sky, using Angel communication to connect with the sacred Keisha in the Angel Nebula.

"The gluttony of the Styx galaxy is about to march into the earth on a large scale, and the super seminary on the earth does not seem to want our help."

"Respect the opinions of the Earth Super Seminary first." Divine Kesha's voice echoed in the void.

Divine Keisha was once a student of Ultra Theological Academy, but she did not agree with the concept of Ultra Theological Academy, and eventually quit automatically.

But after all, there is some sentiment, it is not a bad idea to give face.

"In addition to the light of the sun, I also saw the power of the galaxy, the god of war, and the three major projects of Shenhe gathered on the earth. Obviously it is not a coincidence, and Morgana has begun to carry out evil activities on the earth, but... People are hanging!" Angel Yan said at the end, he felt a little unbelievable.

"Oh, Morgana would actually stumble in a backward place like the earth. Could it be that Principal Kieran did it himself?" Keisha was also surprised.

She and Morgana have been sisters for hundreds of years, and then they fought for tens of thousands of years.

Although she slammed Morgana in the File size battles of tens of thousands of years, Keisha still recognized Morgana's strength.

Angel Yan replied: "It's not a super seminary, it's an earthling named Su Moqing. He was surrounded by a three-generation beast warrior Thornton, as well as an evil god and a monster."

"Su Moqing! It seems that the earth is getting more and more interesting!"

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