Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 109 ·Inventory and Analysis

The first battle is over.

The Zhongzhou team did not pursue it - because there could not be so many people packed into the aerial fighter plane. And if we divide our forces to attack, unexpected changes may occur.

The final result was a positive four points.

Cyborg, muscle warrior, telekinesis, and a non-gene lock opener with unknown enhancements who died in the aftermath of the demonic strike.

Among them, telekinesis enabled Lamb to open the first-level gene lock. The rest of the people have not been able to possess the power of genetic locks.

"The tauren is not dead." On the high ground, Jiang Yu noticed that one of the supposed negative points had not been deducted.

"The tauren hero in Warcraft. One of his skills is to be reborn within a short time after death in battle. If I remember correctly, this enhancement should have a B-level strength." Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses. , in the lenses of the glasses, a waterfall-like tide of data quickly slid down.

The totem pole disappeared, even if it was just a fragment. The Indian team also struggled to take it away during their final escape. The meaning of this kind of thing is self-evident. Of course, it also means that the intelligence of the Indian team is exposed to a greater extent in the eyes of Zhongzhou.

"Now the number of confirmed kills is four, and apart from that, the remaining combat power of the Indian team is also roughly known."

"A monk, or a monk. He has two exchangeable rare items. The first is a Buddhist or Hindu wheel that can make a protective shield. This can be broken through zero-point sniping. The other is a giant snake-shaped summoning object. He has the ability to breathe out energy. And this person doesn’t really care about the life or death of this giant snake.”

"Based on several obvious giving orders, I can confirm that this person should be the captain of the Indian team. He should have at least opened the first level of gene lock, maybe the second level. The giant snake may have a rebirth ability similar to that of the Minotaur warrior. I guess the rating is at least B-level, and if it’s a growable type of rare object, then it might be A-level.”

"Can it be exchanged for growth?" Zheng Zha suddenly interrupted. "You seem to be a little dissatisfied with this type of exchange, Chu Xuan. Is there any reason for this?"

"It's not that I don't take it seriously, it's just that the price/performance ratio is not high." Chu Xuan shook his head. "Growth exchange means low initialization and high upper limit. As well as a huge loss of time and resources in the middle part. But for reincarnations, the most lacking thing is time. Unless you encounter extreme special circumstances, buying growth exchange or odd Materials, the result is most likely to be unable to make ends meet.”

Zheng Zha, seems to understand but not understand. He hasn't bought A-level growth qigong yet, so he naturally doesn't understand how deceptive it is. Although Jiang Yu knew that in the original plot, Gan Tian's A-level Brahma Cobra would be killed head-on by the C-blood Zheng Zha with C-level Hongyan. But naturally he wouldn't say more about this truth that sounded so outrageous.

In short, cherish life. Stay away from growth-based exchanges. This is an unspoken rule in the world of reincarnation, and it is covered with blood and tears shed by those who try the law. Although in most cases, only those who have experienced it personally can understand the pain inside.

It's really painful. The money is gone and people have to die. If he is lucky enough to survive, this lesson will be ingrained into his bones.

"When exchanging in the future, we'd better avoid choosing this type of enhancement." Jiang Yu added. "Also, I suspect that the little monk has some kind of trick in his hands. Whether it's a snake or a Buddha wheel, they are all high-level enhancements that come directly to the top. And as the leader of a formed team, he shouldn't be able to do it overnight. "

Jiang Yu said that he thought of a major doubt in the Yuandian Yinzhou team during the team battle. Every performance of Gan Tian before the decisive battle was remarkable. The Indian team was at the weak point of the Zhongzhou team at almost every point, and in the end it was Zhang Jie's illegal shots that turned the victory around. But before that, no matter what kind of difficulties Gan Tian encountered, he never showed fatigue and was extremely bloody. He would rather lose points than let the Zhongzhou team gain something.

However, he turned into a quail on the spot after the Buddha Wheel was destroyed. He was obviously the holder of the second-level gene lock, but he didn't even dare to resist when facing the half-crippled Zheng Zha. He only knows how to run away desperately. So in the end, he was bitten to death by Yuan Dian Zheng Zha, who didn't have much energy left at all. It was simply a surprise.

There are many possibilities for this to happen. If you don't consider the sudden mental breakdown, then either Zhang Jie tricked him again. Either the Buddha Wheel is of great importance to him. Perhaps he bound his faith to the Buddha Wheel through some spiritual mystical method, so that when the Buddha Wheel was destroyed, his will to fight was completely wiped out.

"There is a possibility. After all, he can coexist peacefully with another second-level unlocker and has a certain authority." Chu Xuan agreed. "But the specific configuration is still unclear. I speculate that it should be related to the spirit or spell casting ability."

"The other second-level lock picker... uh, do you mean the werewolf?" Zheng Zha once again tried hard to brush up his sense of presence. "The claws are quite sharp. But the speed is too slow and the strength is not enough. And the scalpel...don't you think it's a bit uncoordinated for a werewolf to use something like this?"

"That's Arot, Dr. Jackal." A white man's face appeared in Chu Xuan's glasses, which was the record peeked from the cracked Yolif electronic eyes. "The number one bounty target of the Western Assassin family. It is said that he tortured the youngest daughter of the contemporary family leader for seventy hours and then sent the videotape to the Assassin family's manor. Using a scalpel is a professional habit he has in the real world. Then look It seems to be a C-level rare item at best, and its werewolf bloodline is only BB at best, so it shouldn't be A-level."

"He seems to have no mental or technical growth compared to when he was wanted. He didn't even innovate in fighting methods, he just changed his bloodline... It seems that the Indian team has been living in an overly simple reincarnation environment. Medium. No wonder their combat effectiveness is so weak."

"I's a perversion that exists in reality." Zheng Zha nodded. "It doesn't feel very strong either."

"Next time we meet, it should be easier to kill him." Jiang Yu turned her head and looked at the burning Cairo. The British aircraft fleet fell into panic and retreated after losing their commander. On the low ground not far away, Cheng Xiao, who was the nanny of the new recruit, was waving from a distance two blocks away.

If Cheng Xiao can join the battlefield, then this raid may have different results. However, considering that his Dragon Transformation Uniform cannot cover his whole body, so he will be specially attacked by Lamb, and the fact that the Dragon Warrior's legs are really short, we will keep his combat information for the time being, and he should be able to make some achievements in another battle later.

Probably, maybe.

Chu Xuan continued to summarize.

"In addition, the Indian team still needs to pay attention to the combat effectiveness of several people."

"The girl holding the book." Ananya, the Central-Continent team doesn't know this name yet. "She should be a spell caster trained by the Indian team. She mainly uses magic books, which means she has plenty of talent, but not enough time to grow. That book may be a B-level rare object. If you encounter the opponent next time, you need to kill it first. "

"Zhan Lan's evaluation of female mental power users is slightly inferior to hers. The opponent should have opened the first-level gene lock. However, Zhan Lan should be able to handle the battle at the level of mental power users - her kill priority It has to be above the caster. If we can erase her, we can basically directly seal our final victory."

"Magic Bullet Shooter." The golden apple in Chu Xuan's hand revealed the projection of an experienced female soldier. After Jiang Yu teleported, it was this man and Lamb who launched an attack on Jiang Yu's helmet. "She has no redundant abilities and is basically positioned as a sniper. If she is given a good position, she will be a quite fatal threat to the light armor personnel in the team."

"Then... there is another person." Chu Xuan frowned. What finally appeared was a tall, thin, middle-aged Indian man. He has basically no presence in this battle. He only launches some feeble attacks with firearms, but his actions are quite sharp. And it vaguely protects Ananya in a defensive circle around him, but it can only be seen after reviewing it afterwards.

"This person... I suspect that he has opened the genetic lock. Considering the importance of the spell caster as the ultimate insurance, he may have been consciously hiding his clumsiness until the end... There are shadows of ancient yoga in his movement. See you next time If we hit him, we have to be prepared for his sudden action."

Jiang Yu had no impression of this person. Obviously, he was also a variable caused by the butterfly effect.

"Yoga...he didn't take action. The possible reason is that he couldn't take action against heavy armored units."

Fists of the same level cannot break armor of the same level. Penetrating strength is a joke when faced with multi-layer composite armor. Jiang Yu has proven through actual combat how effective stacking armor is. He alone made the Indian team try their best, and no one could break his defense.

"The possibility is not low. But in short, we are facing such an Indian team. Without considering Immorton, I think it is not difficult to defeat them."

Immorton...the target of annihilation. Its strength is in line with the assessment of the C-level group branch. If all Blackwater members are strengthened and the Central Continent team before the gains is strengthened, it may indeed require the entire team's strength to defeat it.

But doesn't work anymore.

Jiang Yu deflected her gaze. In the distance, Xia was returning to the battlefield with the Spear of Judgment. Zhao Yingkong followed her, and Imani's body was dragged on the ground behind her.

At this moment, Zhan Lan suddenly snorted.

"The trick of playing hard to get failed. Immortun did not turn back to Hamna Tower because we did not pursue it. It did not expose its lair, but continued south until it was out of my scanning and tracking range. It seems that we have to use other means. Digging out the location of the Capital of the seems we have to deal with the hero and heroine after all."

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