Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 120 ·Team Core

"Oriental Strangers turns out that those people are you."

The reincarnations met Eddie, the leader of the tombkeepers in the Egyptian area in The Mummy Parts 1 and 2. He looked at the small wooden sign emitting brilliance in Jiang Yu's hand, but he also took out another metal product with a different painting style and different decoration from his close-fitting clothing, but it was still a sign, and accompanied by a sentence The ancient Egyptian language that the main god had not translated also revealed a light golden halo on the metal plate.

Golden light, white light. They complement each other and vaguely form a certain resonance.

Jiang Yu didn't understand the content of this, but he could understand this scene, which was like a secret code for a connection. Obviously, in the identity arranged by the Lord God, the reincarnators came from the East and were entrusted with a certain duty. This is essentially just a prop that makes it easier for the reincarnators to take advantage of their situation, but it is of great significance to the natives of this world.

There is a difference between an uninvited stranger and a guest holding an invitation.

Jiang Yu didn't reply, but just looked at the other party with a slightly searching look. Although he knew the plot of Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, it was far from being released at this point in time - and it didn't seem to have much to do with the current situation.

And sure enough, the explanation was accompanied by a welcome from the chief of the tombkeepers.

"A month ago, we received a warning from the Far East. It told us that a disaster would occur in this land. And we did not have the power at our disposal to deal with it - we knew our duty and we knew what we were guarding. Something. So when the warning came, we made a request for help from you. And the second letter told us that an elite team called 'Zhongzhou' would arrive soon and provide assistance."

As he walked, he led the way. The hero and heroine, who originally thought they would be the focus of the exchange, stood aside awkwardly. Fortunately, the atmosphere of a brother-sister reunion allows them to find reasons to divert their attention.

"It turns out they are really legitimate..." Jonathan muttered, his voice low. But anyone with keen ears can hear it.

The protagonists just followed the queue without anyone stopping them. The reincarnators also came to a large underground meeting hall under the leadership of Eddie.

"Of course, it is our duty to protect this land. It is our duty to ensure that those ancient evils do not awaken. So, before you arrived, we fought against the group of foreign cultists who released Immorton - fought The result was not ideal. But the survivors brought back the information in time, allowing us to successfully transfer the headquarters and leave an important treasure behind."

He sat down at the table on one side of the chamber. After everyone from the Central Continent team also entered the room, he took a small octagonal black box from the hands of a silent attendant and pushed it to the center of the table.

"Hey! That's our thing!" - the heroine Evelin showed her sense of presence. To be able to do such an impolite thing on such an occasion. Obviously because they had good treatment in this base before.

"What you took out of Hamna Tower," Eddie corrected. "Taking without telling is stealing. And that city is where our ancestors are buried."

Evelin turned her head and stared at her male companion, and O'Connor shrugged, looking innocent.


And the explanation of the leader of the gravekeepers continued.

"This is the key. If you want to seal Immorton, you must use the incantation in the Sun Golden Sutra. And if you want to use the Sun Golden Sutra, you must use the key to open it. Imogen may be able to use some means , forcibly bypassing the ban imposed by the gods on this holy book and using the power engraved on the pages. But other than it, in this era, it is probably difficult for anyone to do the same thing."

Jiang Yu tapped her fingers lightly on the table.

The invisible force field expanded immediately, and the black key placed in the center of the table was moved to his palm. It feels primitive and rough, and is unusually hard. It is very difficult to imitate this key. The craftsmanship is still second, the main issue is the material.

"And the Golden Sutra of the Sun is in the hands of Immortun." Jiang Yu said, and his biological force field memorized the inner structure of the key. "Only if we knock down or even control Immorton first can we use the found Sun Golden Scripture to deal with it."

"Not exactly." The leader of the tombkeepers shook his head. "Its power comes from its curse. Its curse comes from the permission of God Anubis. If God Anubis sends down his power to erase its curse, then it will naturally become like a mortal. Fragile. Although there is not much essential difference between that and using the Sun Gold Sutra."

Chu Xuan raised his hand and placed the Spear of Judgment on the table.

The leader of the tomb guards stared at him for a moment.

"The sacred war spear... This was blessed by the god Anubis. A holy weapon used to deal with another evil force. It should have rested inside Hamna Tower... But unfortunately, this spear The war spear is special and can only exert its true power in the hands of a specific person. And we do not have such a person here."

Wrong statement. Because this was originally a rune weapon created by the Egyptian gods. Only by using true energy, or divine power, can its power be fully activated. And like the giant warriors of the Indian team, using their own blood sacrifice to activate the weak divine power inside the war spear can also exert its power to a small extent.

The gravekeeper did not know this secret. Because there are no cultivators in Egypt. And divine power can only appear in the chosen ones. Just now, Zhan Lan had scanned O'Connor and Evelin from head to toe. And she didn't find anything magical - she just found the Chosen Warrior tattoo on O'Connor's arm, and in the second part, O'Connor once said that it was a pattern he randomly tattooed on his body in the orphanage when he was a child.

Just tattoos and nothing else. The gravekeeper must know their true identity. Otherwise, they would not be treated with such courtesy - neither now nor in the original plot.

But the gravekeeper had no reason to hide the secret. Especially after Jiang Yu turned her gaze and glanced at O'Connor.

Well, the answer is obvious.

They are reincarnations, and O'Connor is the reincarnation of God's Chosen Warrior. And Evelyn is the reincarnation of the pharaoh's daughter and the guardian of the sacred objects. Their reincarnation did not rely on blood but souls, and that was before Evelin recalled her past life experiences and found the ancient buried treasure. The power of the Chosen Warrior in O'Connell will not awaken.

A bit troublesome. Just like Zheng Zha in the original canon can directly use the Spear of Judgment without any prerequisites when he returns to Legend of Gods and Ghosts. However, now Zheng Zha and other members of the team are unable to use this spear. The function is average.

Jiang Yu guessed that this might be because the plot of the second part has not yet been triggered. Therefore, the plot props in the second part are also limited, so that the real power cannot be used. And this made his original plan of letting O'Connor join the battlefield at the right time and waiting for an opportunity to give the Indian team or Immorton a hard blow - this plan was no longer feasible.

Sorry, but that doesn't matter.

"You guys should be able to guess how we got this war spear." This sentence is the key point. "A total of four villains died at our hands in Cairo. This is a testament to our capabilities."

The meaning is clear, now that the local guardian has failed. Then we should let the reinforcements that have not yet failed take the lead and solve the problem here.

"...The tombkeepers will provide you with all possible cooperation." The leader of the tombkeepers easily understood his words.

"We need to know where Hamna Tower is." Jiang Yu said, leaning forward slightly. "And, we still need to know. In this land, there is all the information about Set...and a princess called Ammanet."


The conversation is over—the conversation continues.

The gravekeeper readily shared information about Hamna Tower. As for Seth's information, they took the initiative to disclose some information to the reincarnations after hesitating for a while. And when the information was transferred from general information, such as Seth has several secret temples in this land, to more complicated and difficult to understand theological knowledge and historical documents, those who were still in the meeting hall There were only Chu Xuan, Qi Tengyi, and Li Shuaixi who was always following Chu Xuan.

The reincarnators were given a chance to renovate, and the tombkeeper prepared a banquet and a room for rest. And provided a large number of sacred jewelry that are said to be spell-resistant. And they do contain a lot of sacred power, which can be of great effectiveness in the coming war.

Temporary supplies——This reminded Jiang Yu of the synth camp at the end of the second main line of the world. Put the newcomers here, and when the veterans complete the main objective, the newcomers will inevitably be attacked. And if you want to protect team points, you must lead the newcomers towards Hamna Tower.

"We will end this battle with them at Hamna Tower." Jiang Yu walked alone outside the Tomb Keeper's headquarters and stepped into the yellow sand. The night has not yet cleared, and now is the darkest time before dawn.

But the situation is very good and not unfavorable at all. Chu Xuan judged that the configuration of the Yinzhou team could not effectively restrain the current Zhongzhou team. Even if they get a chance, they can't adjust their combat duties immediately. Therefore, even if they become stronger, the only strategy they can choose is to go head-to-head in the same field, and then try to use spellcasters to take advantage.

He recognized Chu Xuan's tactical judgment, so he was not worried at all. This battle will be the last battle against the Indian team, and he is confident in his victory.

"I will win." Power surged through him. More of the originally inert electromagnetic energy adapted to his body.

"To be precise, we will win." A voice came from the side.

It's Zheng Zha.

Jiang Yu didn't turn her head, just stood quietly on the sand dune. He knew that Zheng Zha was standing about one meter away from him. It's a shoulder-to-shoulder distance.

"Jiang Yu, you have changed a lot tonight."

"When you opened your mouth, no one dared to speak."

Computer repair until 9 o'clock_(:з」∠)_

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