Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 122 ·On the Road (2-in-1)

——We’d better prepare a high-speed vehicle with a relatively large load capacity in the future.

After dawn arrived, the sky turned fishy yellow. A sandstorm that definitely had supernatural forces involved, but was actually not that rare in the Nile Valley, covered the entire Egypt. In such an environment, it becomes quite challenging for satellites to capture specific figures.

"I didn't sense the other party's mental power, and she didn't open the shielding area."

Jiang Yu looked at Zhan Lan and got a very helpless piece of information. A psychic wants to scan a specific target, unless it is marked in advance or the psychic knows how to create a filter. Otherwise, once the opponent chooses not to expand the shielding area and uses the eleventh route to act, it will be very difficult to track down a specific target in the vast sea of ​​sand.

The same is true for psychics. It is easy for a psychic to find another psychic. But the premise is that the other party also launches mental power scanning, or mental power shielding, or the body enters the mental power user's shielding zone. Then the mental power fluctuations of both parties will collide with each other in the air, thereby identifying each other's general position. Once the opponent gives up on the spot, the active party can only spend time and patiently search.

It's just a few million square kilometers, maybe it just happened to hit it?

Very helpless, but there is no way. It is unlikely that the Indian team knew that the Zhongzhou team had a geostationary satellite in the sky. But this sandstorm did provide them with some conveniences.

This may be due to preparedness - the Indian team was prepared and then just hit it.

But fortunately, because the key to victory is still in the hands of the reincarnation of the Central Continent team.

"Although I couldn't find her, I found Hamnatta." Zhan Lan covered his forehead and made the same helpless voice. "The good news is that there are currently no traces of human activity in Hamnatali. The bad news is that I cannot see the core of the temple and cannot scan the area where the Resurrection Altar is placed."

It is not uncommon for certain areas to be blocked. It's like the tombkeeper provided the coordinates of several ancient temples last night...or rather early this morning. But when Zhan Lan scanned it, it was probably the core location where the statue of the god was placed, and she couldn't even get in with her mental power.

After all, the Egyptian gods existed, although it was unknown where they hid. But existence itself is a fact. The statues in the temple may store some of the divine power of the gods, and this is like those mutated aliens with biological force fields, which were forcibly planned by the main god to create a shielding zone.

——I remember, in the original plot. When Zheng Zha returned to the world of The Mummy for the first time and triggered the second plot. On the way to the Amshay Oasis, there were several instances where the statues in the temple came to life and then went out to beat people. Now it seems that this seems to be some kind of standard configuration, and it also eliminates the possibility of spiritual power users skipping the process and going straight to the Amshay Oasis.

Jiang Yu recalled past memories in her mind - after the pre-dawn battle, Zheng Zha went to talk to the hero and heroine, using his relationship-building ability as an elite white-collar worker. Jiang Yu first apologized to Zhan Lan through the spiritual link, and then found the official members of the team one by one and chatted with them for a while.

Don't laugh, it's really nonsense. Similar to 'the weather is nice today', 'how do you feel', 'be careful next time', this kind of nonsense is simply useless, but he racked his brains and said a lot. He felt that as the captain, he should express his concern and attention to his teammates, but it was a pity that one of his relatively rare shortcomings did include 'social skills'.

so awkward.

But who told Mr. Jiang that before he arrived in the world of reincarnation, he was a freshman who was keen on reading online articles and had just finished military training? He hasn't even gotten along with his roommates yet. As for the correct way of socializing between people in society... he really didn't understand it very well.

This makes poor Mr. Jiang's job of adjusting the team atmosphere a comical color. Zhan Lan, who was originally very angry, showed a dumbfounded expression and accepted his apology for destroying his sleep time. The others all looked like they couldn't help but laugh. Perhaps Mou Gang, who had some attributes of an old scalper, could resonate with him.

Jiang Yu felt that this was a bit of a dark history - but in any case, the task of adjusting the team atmosphere was finally completed. Although it may not be very rigid in the first place, at least, in the next battle, everyone may feel less psychological pressure.


"We have two choices." Chu Xuan ended his work of interpreting the secret history of ancient Egypt, and he didn't know what results he had achieved. "First, we go directly to Hamna Tower. We will fight the Indian team there. The disadvantage is that the Indian team has a high probability of hiding from us, or is faster than us and reaches the battlefield in advance. The advantage is that Immortun must be there to resurrect Ansuna. As long as we move towards the direction of Hamna Tower, the Indian team must keep up and use that place as a decisive battleground with us."

Immortun could not give up Ansuna. No matter what contract the Indian team signed with Immorton. It must all include the item that must assist Immorton in completing the resurrection ceremony. So, choose this path. It is necessary to save the enemy.

"The other option is that we go to Cairo, or somewhere else. We can calmly arrange battlefield positions there and strengthen the power we have. Evelyn is in our hands, and Immorton will definitely come to find her. But the disadvantage is that Evelin is not the only choice for Immorton. Although the whereabouts of Ansuna's reincarnation are unknown, it still exists. If the Indian team finds her in advance - this possibility is extremely small - they can find her and her Relevant clues. Then our position may become the Maginot Line of Defense. The advantage is naturally that the enemy who hits the Maginot Line head-on is destined to die."

Chu Xuan would not say the second choice without a reason. He mentioned the second option, which means that the benefits of the latter may be greater than the former. Because Seth has evolved with mythology and become a god who is not very friendly to humans and gods. Coupled with the evidence provided by the tombkeeper, it is basically certain that Set is not a generous god. If the Indian team gets some scraps from the plot of The Mummy 4, then they are most likely to be time-sensitive.

But this is uncertain. Who knows whether the Indian team got props, buffs, or other inner support?

Not enough evidence.

Now, someone has to make the decision.

"The initiative should be in our hands." Jiang Yu became the decision-maker, and no one stood up to interrupt him at this time. He knew that since Chu Xuan made the proposal after he had already decided to go to Hamna Tower, it naturally meant that the possibility of the latter was slightly higher than the former in Chu Xuan's calculations.


——Hamna Tower, with the Altar of the Resurrection. And this is one of the most valuable props in the mummy's worldview. A Sun Sutra that has lost its resurrection altar needs to pay twice the resources consumed by the resurrection object in order to execute the resurrection procedure. And this means that once A-level or even S-level enhanced holders are killed or injured in the team, it will be difficult for the remaining people to collect the money.

The Resurrection Altar must be in the hands of the Zhongzhou Team, and this world must belong to the Zhongzhou Team. Rather than leaving the Indian team with room to intervene.

Jiang Yu doesn’t know the rules of the world of the first generation. But he knew that in the original canon, the third world of biochemicals that ended in the battle was the second world of biochemicals where the two teams of Zhongzhou and the Demons fought in world seven. Although there is talk of world line duplication in fan works. However, there is no evidence to prove that in the first generation, worlds where team battles occurred would not simultaneously open access to return to all teams participating in the team battle.

——In the supplementary setting of the original sequel. It was mentioned that Chu Xuan and the clone Chu Xuan got in touch before the final battle. According to the rule that the Demon Team cannot return to the real world, the most likely way for the two Chu Xuan to contact each other is through the Resident Evil world... Anyway, there is no evidence to prove that this cannot be done. After all, the team battle of Biochemical 2 is originally He inherited the biochemical one that only the Zhongzhou team should have experienced.

The Lord God would never do anything unfair, so he used the biochemical field where the Central Continent team had experienced and had management and layout power as the place where team battles took place. It's a little too partial to one side. Of course, this may also be because the Central Continent team at that time was a bunch of real noobs, so that after carefully measuring the strength, the main god had to make a temporary enhancement of the world's monsters to ensure the balance on both sides, such an unseemly operation. But that should happen after the team battle world is set up, not before that.


Jiang Yu repeated it, representing the entire team and serving as the de facto captain. made his first strategic decision.

"We go to Hamna Tower. We want to force the Indian team to fight us at Hamna Tower. This environment is certainly favorable for Immorton, the immortal high priest. But once we move the location of the Resurrection Altar If a certain place is chosen as the decisive battlefield, then this geographical advantage will turn into its disadvantage."

Immorton's biggest threat is its dark spells with wide range and significant damage. If it is in the Tower of Hamna, it can even awaken the ancient Pharaoh's guards and let them assist it - but this is not a complete advantage, because it cannot use the Sun Golden Sutra and can only use the ancient Egyptian Sacrificial language to deceive the pharaoh's guards into fighting for it. And once Evelyn, who is the reincarnation of the real pharaoh princess, issues a refutation order to them in the ancient Egyptian language, the best case scenario is that the pharaoh's guards will defect on the spot. Usually, they get into conflicts and crash.

Also, Immorton cares more about the safety of the Resurrection Altar than the reincarnators. Once the environment is restricted there, it means that the high priest cannot release powerful attack spells with a wide range of damage. And it even had to be distracted by protecting the Altar of Resurrection.

It's a good deal. Using the location of the Resurrection Altar in Hamna Tower as a battleground can eliminate at least half of the momentum gained by the Indian team. After weighing the risks, it is worth it even if you have to face the possibility that the Indian team may be strengthened by all members.


"We're better than them. I... we can win, and we can win beautifully."

There was strong confidence in Jiang Yu's voice.

And his confidence naturally turned into the confidence of the team. Chu Xuan also nodded without saying any rebuttal or providing further guidance. But based on this, the entire team has become more confident.

"This is enchanted powder. Processed from the Ra offering provided by the Gravekeepers. On the way to Hamna Tower, we can enchant all weapons and prepare some reloading anti-spirit bullets. They can be effective Deal with those mummies of the Pharaoh's guards. And in the original script, there are not only Pharaoh's guards in Hamna Tower, but also slaves loyal to Immortun." - Chu Xuan first laid out a row of bottles, which was the No. 1 confidence Amplifier.

"This is an anti-curse talisman. I modified some anti-malicious talismans purchased from the Lord God, and added the knowledge provided by the tombkeeper. So that they can have a special effect on the curse spells of ancient Egypt. If Hamner If there are any unknown curse traps in the tower, then it should be able to solve some problems for people who lack the ability to protect themselves. Of course, there is also the wooden sign on our body. According to the leader of the tomb guard, we only need to read it in ancient Chinese , it can exorcise evil spirits. Even a newcomer may be able to exorcise a mummy." - This is No. 2, a processed simple amulet. One for each person, there is still more. It can be used to protect two plot protagonists who are probably fine but still thin-skinned.

"This is a counter-artifact against the power of Set. It comes from the sacred objects of Horus and Osiris provided by the tombkeeper, and I made some modifications based on Assyrian technology. Although there is only one, but If driven by light energy, it will produce a regional weakening effect on Set's protection." - This is No. 3, it looks like a staff. It was handed to Zhan Lan's hand, and it exuded a faint halo.

Seth is indeed a powerful god, but in any case, it is an indisputable fact that he was defeated by Horus, who symbolized light, by borrowing the power of Osiris, the king of Hades.

Well, this time everything is really ready.

The reincarnations of the Zhongzhou Team range from top to bottom, from seniors to newcomers, to the protagonists of the plot who are confused and have no idea of ​​the situation. I am full of confidence at this moment.

The giant steel ship started moving again, and the location of Hamna Tower was only a few hundred kilometers away from the feet of the reincarnators.

On the way, Zhan Lan soon gave out a piece of exciting information - the other party's spiritual power user revealed some clues!

"They noticed our whereabouts and knew our destination."

"Now, they're heading towards Hamna Tower too - they didn't get ahead of us!"

Happy New Year, everyone

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