Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 125 ·Ambush from all sides

White phosphorus and a sticky glue are mixed into the napalm bomb. You can make a phosphating gasoline bomb with amazing stickiness. A 500-kilogram phosphate gasoline bomb is enough to create a sticky fire covering one hectare of ground in an instant. Heat of up to a thousand degrees Celsius would kill any carbon-based organisms at the center of the explosion. Immediately afterwards, adhesives and white phosphorus will let those who do not die in the first time know what a painful life is.

Poison, fire, adhesiveness. As long as it is a carbon-based creature, it will be a dead end if it collides with it. And although both napalm and white phosphorus bombs were developed by the Americans twenty years later. But since there are reincarnators here, their appearance is not unusual.

After all, the principle is not difficult and the drawings are not complicated. Coupled with the fact that there is no shortage of raw materials in this era, it is actually quite easy for the British Air Force of this era to prepare corresponding weapons in a short time. And since Xuenai had never dared to use scanning before, thus exposing his location, Zhan Lan's preparations would naturally not attract anyone's attention.

Bullets rained down.

The chain of explosions created a huge fire, and the sandstorm could only increase the intensity of the fire at this moment. In the blink of an eye, boiling flames covered the ground and sky in the entire area!

And this is just the appetizer, because the biggest surprise is still hidden among the bullets. The inside of an ordinary, ordinary, inconspicuous aerial bomb, but with some guidance capabilities. What is sealed inside is a winning weapon that originally belonged to the Inzhou team.

Jorif, Terminator Cyborg. It has a built-in deuterium battery. Just add some materials and use appropriate means to detonate it instead of letting it collapse on its own. Then the killing effect will be equivalent to that of a small-yield nuclear bomb—at least, one-tenth that of Hiroshima.

The yield of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb was 15,000 tons of TNT.

And one-tenth is fifteen hundred tons.

'boom--! ! ! ’ A miniature ball of light suddenly appeared at a height of less than fifty meters directly above the Indian team. Immediately afterwards, there was a powerful impact, thermal radiation, and chain explosions detonated together with other aerial bombs. At least fifty phosphide gasoline bombs were ignited in advance and exploded by this miniature nuclear bomb in the air. The result of this explosion was a ring-shaped layer of fire covering about three square kilometers, pressing down toward the ground from a height of one hundred meters!

There is no way to heaven. There is no way to escape.

The blazing and raging flames covered every direction in which the Indian team could escape.

Except underground.

‘Rumble, rumble—’ In the spiritual realm, continuous earthquakes trembled. The majestic ancient Indian palace complex collapsed on a large scale in the sudden earthquake, collapsed, and was covered in black mist. The soldiers fled in panic, and then fell into the abyss, or were crushed by the collapsed building debris until they died.

Zhan Lan stared at this fragmented building complex. She knew that this represented the spirit of the Indian team Xuenai, which was suffering a great shock.

Of course she would not miss this opportunity. The fleet of planes that symbolized her mental fluctuations were bombarding the sky above the palace complex. Blazing lasers tear apart the earth and burn the sky. Nuclear bombs kept falling, turning the entire spiritual realm into a colorful mushroom field.

However, it was not broken.

The core palace area is still stable. Even if there is only one 'Taj Mahal' left, it will still stand firm in the chain of nuclear explosions. A golden glow covered and spread over the structure of the core building. Let it resist Zhan Lan's endless waves of mental shock.

It's a prop - what Gan Tian used on Xuenai in reality. It is necessary to consume a D-level side plot to use the main god card mental interference rune. It not only eliminated the hints that Zhan Lan set when he smashed the door for the first time, but also provided a continuous protection so that Zhan Lan could not take advantage of this opportunity to directly break Xu Nai's mental power in one go, and then Erased, altered, or simply devoured.

You might be able to try using mental power amplifying metal, but the certainty of success is not very high for Zhan Lan.

——What a pity, if I turned on the second level gene lock. It’s much easier now.

——Obviously I have vaguely felt the door after using the black water enhancer... Well, as expected, is it impossible to open the lock without experiencing a life-and-death battle?

Zhan Lan stopped with some regret. The reason why she didn't take the risk was not just because she didn't unlock the second level lock. It's even more because she didn't hear the scoring prompt from the Lord God. The previous bombing failed to gain anything from the Indian team. It seems that the Indian team's resilience is extraordinary. Or perhaps they received more than just reinforcement from the god Set.

it's a pity.

But that’s okay.

So what if the core area is still alive? That just meant that he couldn't hack into Xuenai's spirit right away. But when this palace complex that represented Xuenai's shielded area was demolished to only the core area, it naturally meant that everyone except Xuenai was exposed to her sight.

So Zhan Lan moved his steps.

In the flames of war, in explosions, in radiation and storms, she wears a robe that disguises the power of Set.

On the ruins on the edge of the core area, there are multiple figures exuding anxiety and fear. She approached them, and several guardian warriors who had the outlines and physical features of members of the Indian team, transformed by Xu Nai's subconscious, immediately looked at her with vigilance.

——Although it is true that I am not good at and do not like fighting.

——But here I am, very powerful.

In one slash, the Hellfire Blade cut off the giant warrior's head.

With one strike, the telepath controlling the flying needle had his entire upper body blown up on the spot.

She continued forward, and there was another woman with a protective shield emerging from her body. and a black man armed with two knives approached her. This should also be a former member of the Indian team. Deeply trusted by Xue Nai. In the spiritual realm, however, their strength is only limited by Schnei's mental strength.

The man wielding two swords was chopped into four pieces by the demonic ax in his memory. And a sudden burst of thought waves directly overloaded the protective shield on the woman's body.

Zhan Lan stepped on the woman's body and continued to move forward. With his last step on the soft body, he crushed the struggling woman's head into pieces.

A little slippery, like a spoiled coconut.

The touch is very clear, but there is no real feeling. Killing in the spiritual realm is of course different from killing in reality. Although Zhan Lan had not never fired at America's army in Umbrella's underground. But she feels that in reality she is still a good girl with clean hands.

She blinked.

The total number of figures is seven. A young monk who mixes human beings with snakes. A doctor in wolf's clothing. A female warrior covered in blood. A tauren with a tall body and a humble heart. A pure-minded warrior and warrior. A soldier who is fearful and ready to escape at any time. Then there was a little girl huddled in the crowd, shaking constantly.

These are all the mental projections of the members of the Indian team, except Xuenai. The Indian team should have fifteen people. After excluding the four people who were killed, there should be three newcomers placed in a safe area.

Where have all the newcomers gone? ——Zhan Lan wanted to ask this, but she knew she couldn't interfere too much. It is not impossible to forcefully control the mind of an Indian team member here. But if the opportunity is wasted at this time, it will be a little bit of a surprise.

So, she just walked by the mental projections of the Indian team. Then, speak a whisper with a seductive rhythm.

——‘Places near water are safer. ’


"Imerton! Take us east! Get closer to the Nile!"

Explosion, burning, girl's scream. The main god's score. When Gan Tian roared, a Seth holy weapon in his hand was turning into cracking ashes. Ananya, on the other hand, was holding the spell book and screaming, supporting a protective layer that seemed to be shattered at any time.

There was a flame burning in her body, and what was burning was undoubtedly her soul and life. However, she did not die there. The dark green flames did not seem to be burning her body.

The sandstorm came in response, and the storm with the appearance of Immorton wrapped up the bodies of several people without hesitation. The violent flames burned the yellow sand that formed a sandstorm, and a senior man groaned from the burns on his arm due to a little carelessness.


The immortal priest's mobility is quite outstanding. It took the people of the Indian team and fled quickly into the distance.

Fly, fly hard. The burning fire spread behind him, and the mental power user covering his head screamed.

"I blocked it! I blocked her - she didn't call in, she's not any better than me!" Schnee screamed, everyone felt relieved. It took a few minutes for this breath to finally come out. When Immorton led the Indian team to land on a sand dune, they were already close to the Nile River basin.

——Losing by six points.

The declaration of the Lord God is very clear. Although it seems that there is no reduction in personnel, escaping from death does not come without a price.

Gan Tian gritted his teeth and looked fiercely at the group of returning bombers in the distance. If he could do it, he would definitely let those British soldiers die miserably after being tortured.

But he couldn't do it.

He could only watch them leave with endless anger.

"Captain." The members of the Indian team who were still alive looked at him eagerly. Some people have a desire to retreat.

They waited for him to make a decision.

Whatever he decides, Immorton will head north, to Hamna Tower. It didn't look afraid, but rather seemed impatient, as if it was rushing to meet its lover.

Gan Tian could only grit his teeth again.

"Is there a place we can escape?" There was a dark atmosphere in his tone. "We... can only seize the opportunity and complete the victory in one battle."

After losing six points, they had no way out.

Yes, there is no escape.

Because the two cargo barges had already arrived at a flat land more than ten kilometers away along the Cairo River. In these two ships, there were survivors from the battlefield of World War I. The most elite British artillery. And, their heavy artillery group.

The location is very good, next to the Nile River, and the sandy and dusty climate is difficult to affect. And there is an invisible commander who has already calculated and adjusted the bombardment of various elements. Her thoughts echoed around every artilleryman.

One more section for the first day of the new year

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