Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 133 ·Indian team, eradicated

A layer of colorless gravel wrapped in the breeze approached the area where the newcomers were. Ananya's last spell was just such a deception. The figures of some members of the Indian team were hidden, and Immorton was asked to cover them with yellow sand to create humanoid disguises.

—Isabella is dead.

Arlot thought. He knew that it was not Schnei who died. Because if Xuenai is killed, everyone here will now be on another battlefield.

No, the one who died was Isabella. And when this happened, it also meant the liberation of the snipers of the Zhongzhou team.

It is difficult to escape from Hamna Tower. But if you don’t try, it’s simply impossible.

——I am not a good person.

Arot has a clear understanding of himself. He is a killer from a Western assassin family. Moreover, he is also a character who can be classified as a pervert among killers. He knows that what he likes most is to torture his prey, and then take away their last hope and life in the fear of the other party.

He once thought that he would die sooner or later, especially when he traveled to North America and met the man called Zhao Zukong in the Eastern Assassin world - the moment he saw those gentle and chilling eyes, he felt that he He will definitely die in the most miserable way and for a long time.

But he didn't - he was let go, or rather, abandoned.

He didn't deserve to die at the hands of Zhao Zukong.

Zhao Zukong didn't bother to kill him.

After realizing this, he fell into despair - he thought that he was a powerful character, and that he should gain attention even if he was not famous in the real world. However, in fact, in the eyes of the truly powerful, he is not even a clown.

The Immortal Thieves Group, Zhao's Assassins, and the mysterious 'Long Yin'. These people who are truly at the top of the world have never even glanced at ants like him. And this extremely powerful feeling of loss eventually became his ticket to visit the main god's space.

The sound of rapid footsteps was heard not far away. Arot and his companions held their breath and watched several reincarnations from the Central Continent team quickly go away. The Spear of Judgment is in the hands of one of them, and this is completely in line with Gan Tian's expectations.

——You are right, Gantian. The huge size of the Brahma Cobra after its liberation will inevitably make them try to use the Spear of Judgment as long as they can delay the situation... O'Connor is in their hands, and they have also contacted the Gravekeeper. They definitely have the power to exert the Spear of Judgment in their hands, but the price they need to pay for using it should not be much different from what we pay.

The plot of the second part has not yet been activated, and the Spear of Judgment has not yet been able to show its power. Therefore, the Central Continent team will only use this projectile weapon as a weight at critical moments and will not immediately enter the battle. And stimulating it requires a combatant to pay a price, so in addition to this combatant, there will also be corresponding guards to protect him. Manpower should not be wasted so wantonly, so while protecting the spear, these two combat forces should also have the task of protecting newcomers and plot characters.

One spear can hold down two members of the Central Continent team, or even more, but it is a pity that even if several of the main combatants are removed. The Zhongzhou team is still in a crushing situation against the Indian team.

And if O'Connor can already use the Spear of Judgment... that's okay, because the Central Continent team will also value this plot combat capability, so they will still send guards to protect him.

At present, it seems that the situation is the first.

That's fine too.

Arot did not launch a surprise attack - since the newcomers were not far away, why take the risk and confront the seniors? There are three people on our side and there are also three people on the other side. According to Ananya's spell reconnaissance, there are only three members of the Central Continent team around the newcomers. Although her spells cannot get too close under the eyes of the opponent's seniors, at least now, they have all been transferred away. battlefield.

So, go ahead.

Arot took a step forward, and his two companions immediately followed. The smell of living people was already lingering on the tip of his nose. Victory and vitality were just ahead.

——Gan Tian told me that there are many opportunities for resurrection in the world of reincarnation. And as long as one team has no resurrection props in their hands. Then there will always be new opportunities that will appear in the world where reincarnators are about to arrive.

——Then... before resurrecting Gan Tian, ​​can I... think about it? What about being a good captain like him?

Thoughts turned around. The stone hall where the newlyweds are located is right in front of you. The hero and heroine were carelessly thrown into the middle of the stone hall. A total of six newcomers with pale faces and unable to conceal their excitement in their eyes, who looked like ordinary citizens, were gathering in the open space in the stone hall.

Alot didn't roar. He didn't make any noise either.

Werewolf transformation is activated to the greatest extent among the disguised spells, and the crystal scalpel covers the finger claws. And the next moment, his too violent movements were about to destroy the effect of the camouflage spell. With the fully opened second-level gene lock, he pounced with his claws!


'boom--! ! ! ’

The Spear of Judgment was thrown by Li Shuaixi, and it turned into a golden stream of light and pointed at the giant snake's crown. Thunder and fire simultaneously restrained the movements of the giant snake and yellow sand. And the biggest dodge is just to change the landing point from the crown to the body!

The giant snake and Immorton screamed together.

The divine power of Osiris sealed within the Spear of Judgment and the protection of Set within the giant snake conflict with each other. The aftermath even caused severe trauma to the undead high priest.

The translucent snake body was broken into two pieces.

Jiang Yu was holding the war hammer, suspended in mid-air, his eyes facing the weak Li Shuaixi and Chu Xuan next to Zhang Jie.

The Indian team has fallen into a trap, and the next thing to do is to finish it.

"Zheng Zha, go and deal with the matter over there." This is the allocation of resources. Zheng Zha, who has put in a lot of efforts, should naturally gain something. Moreover, it is true that Cheng Xiao alone cannot deal with Arlot who has unlocked the second-level gene lock.

"Can you handle it?" The blood-red bat wings fluttered in the air, and Zheng Zha, who was holding a battle ax, was surrounded by a blood-red aura.

Jiang Yu didn't answer, just waved her hand. In his field of vision, the giant snake that had been blasted into two pieces by the Spear of Judgment was gradually shrinking while roaring and wailing. The severed half of the body disintegrated directly, while the upper half with the head was twisted and deformed, showing the split appearance of a multi-headed snake.

Gan Tian's legacy and Seth's protection have been erased by the Spear of Judgment. Now the snake has returned to its original form, no longer supported by Hamna Tower, and no longer restraining its own power.

Immorton's body disintegrated into a ball of yellow sand that couldn't live on the ground, but he couldn't even condense into a human form immediately.

So, the next moment, Jiang Yu's body appeared around the twisted hydra. With one swing of the heavy hammer, the huge snake head was smashed into pieces!


‘Click——! ! ! ’

The claws struck, tearing the surface apart.

The moment when Arlot's huge wolf claws passed through the bodies of the new members of the Central Continent team and made a long and narrow depression on the ground. His heart was colder than the edge of a crystal scalpel.

It's a trap, it's a disguise. The Central Continent team had expected this from the beginning - they deceived Ananya's spell, or in other words, they immediately set up this must-kill hall after Ananya's spell took effect!

The newcomers are not here, and the protagonists of the plot are not here either. They have been replaced since I don't know when. And the moment when the phantom disappeared. What appeared in the eyes of Arlot and others was a spherical object like a golden apple. Moreover, the huge energy contained within it is expanding rapidly!


As soon as this thought came to mind, the huge force coming from behind was accompanied by the rapid explosion of the golden apple. Mixed in the explosion was not only pure light and heat, but also some kind of power that was highly targeted at him, causing his hair and body surface to burn sharply at the moment of contact.

It's silver! And it was consecrated silver, specially used to kill werewolves! Even if the werewolf bloodline of the main god card has eliminated the absolute flaw of fear of silver. But the restraint between attributes still exists!

The Zhongzhou team had long known that they and others would come.

The Zhongzhou team even knew that the person coming would be them!

The main god's point deduction reminder sounded in his ears, the moment Arlot's vision recovered. What appeared in front of him was a mutilated body of a bull head that had been burned by light and heat until only the skeleton remained.

Shudra is dead. The tauren's strong physique allowed him to leave Arlot and King Yogi behind at the last moment. And he acted as a human shield to bear the explosion damage alone - he should not have died so quickly. However, in the previous confrontations, all the consumable props he carried had been used up.

——We are dead.

Arlot thought. He pressed it to his chest and crushed the small box Gan Tian finally gave him into powder - nothing happened, but not far outside the stone hall, there were echoes of two different footsteps.

The hot breath came from the left and he tilted his head. The demon warrior carrying a giant ax was blocking one end of the passage.

The cold wind vortex came from the right, relatively close to the King of Yoga. A man covered with dragon armor and with a strong aura had his eyes locked on the King of Yoga.

"It is my honor to fight side by side with you." King Yogi's voice came from behind. The moment he finished speaking, he took quick steps towards the dragon-armored warrior.

A desperate fight to the death.

Just like what he is about to face.

Alot smiled bitterly and waved his claws. He took the final steps toward the demon warrior in front of him.


——[Kill one person, and the team points will be increased by one. 】

The sound rang three times in a row. In the last announcement from the Lord God, the team points of the Central Continent team reached positive ten.

The Indian team's team points dropped to minus fourteen.

Both Yogi Maharaja and Arot died. Xuenai stayed at the end, but only one breath remained.

Her hands and feet were chopped off by Zhan Lan, and the broken Shiva statues were scattered on the ground. Zhan Lan took her hair and lifted her up. And her heart palace was in pieces. From the broken palace wall, the death of the giant snake can be clearly seen.

She was the only one left.

Her companions were all killed, and she only had a few seconds left. Gantian's giant snake is about to become a dead snake. As an ally, Immorton was no longer able to resist.

However, a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"I saw... your main mission is to completely annihilate Immorton! You have to kill him before you can leave. You can only kill him by using the Golden Sutra of the Sun or reaching the pyramid of Anubis!"

This is inevitable, there will always be information leaked in the confrontation between mentalists. Zhan Lan was not surprised. Anyway, she didn't know that the main mission of the Indian team was to kill Ansuna.

"And you are the only one in the world who knows where the Golden Sutra of the Sun is?" Zhan Lan tilted his head, "Do you want to live this way? That's not impossible...but, I think I'd better see for myself Better."

Zhan Lan was about to do something, but the next moment, Xuenai looked at her with a relieved smile.

"No! I tell you! The Golden Book of the Sun is in Seth's temple and is enshrined on Seth's altar!"

After she said this, her mental power was burning fiercely. She wants to die right now, and she doesn't want any more secrets to be known to the reincarnations of the Central Continent Team!

All in vain.

"I didn't allow you to die on your own."

The dark fire spread due to Zhan Lan's will, and Xuenai's last smile turned into a painful wail. And at the moment when her head and torso were ablated into a skeleton, along with the Lord God's scoring prompt, Zhan Lan's last crude method was to extract two important pieces of information from Xuenai's soul.

The first item is the specific location of the Temple of Set. And what the Indian team did in the temple - they did enshrine the Golden Sun Book on the altar of Set. Moreover, he also signed an alliance with Seth using some kind of contract document that was the same as the alliance with Immorton. Use your lifespan and soul as a price to exchange for power.

However, the second one came from dozens of seconds ago. When the tauren Shudra was killed, an announcement from the Lord God sounded from the remaining members of the Indian team.

——[Trigger side missions, defeat the envoy of Set, or fulfill the contract. If successful, all members will receive an A-level branch plot and 8,000 reward points. Failure penalty, none. 】

Fulfilling the contract - this means that the Indian team tore up the contract with Seth at that moment. Zhan Lan's mental scan immediately located the remains of Arlot, and his head was chopped off by Zheng Zha. The small box containing the contract documents was shattered on his chest together with the contract.

Okay, the Indian team was stupid, but what's the point? It was them who triggered the mission, not the members of the Zhongzhou Team. Who cares how they would die?

Zhan Lan frowned, and her mental power returned to reality. She saw the remains of the giant snake disintegrating in the lightning. Xuenai's body, which was intact but had lost its soul, fell softly to the ground.

The team battle is over. Although it has not been settled yet. But the Indian team was completely defeated.

I originally wanted to send Yinzhou on the road yesterday, but unfortunately, according to the starting time, it is already the 27th_(:з」∠)_

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