Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 139 ·Meet the Lord of Power

The decision has been made.

There is no need to hesitate.

Eddie, the leader of the tombkeepers, gathered all the troops within a few hours - three hundred in number, and more would join on the way to the Temple of Set. This group of men in black obviously has some kind of special communication method, which can work even in Seth's sandstorm.

Their actions bring something extra to the Middle-earth team - the protagonists of the plot notice the actions of the Gravekeeper. And Evelin, who had not been injured at all or even frightened during the whole battle at Hamunata, suddenly became extremely curious. With her brother and new boyfriend O'Connor, she went on a noisy day trip to the Temple of Set.

This is what the Central Continent team might have done, or planned to do - who knows whether the configuration of the Pharaoh's daughter + the God's chosen warrior + the lucky thief will have some major impact on the battle situation? Before taking action, Jiang Yu planned to entrust Zheng Zha to find a way to bring these three people with him without putting himself in the position of a coercive villain. However, unexpectedly, the three protagonists took the initiative to join the battlefield.

Reincarnators are happy to see this happen.

The tomb guards did not raise any objections - Eddie just looked at these people up and down. He waved his hand and agreed to their temporary joining. Obviously, the past lives of these guys play a major role.

So be it.

Set off and march towards the temple.

March towards the temple of Set, towards the final battlefield.

The giant steel ship tore through the yellow sand and storm. Warriors riding camels and horses followed behind the giant ship that had its tail swept away by the sand flow. Every tens of kilometers forward, a new group of black-clad tombkeepers would cross the yellow sand and join the marching array. The sky was turbid and dark, and everything was desolate. In a daze, everyone felt like they had returned to the ancient mythical era. Become David, determined and ready to face Goliath!


The Egyptians were probably not very fond of the Israelite myths. So it is only the reincarnations who feel this way. And whether these silent tomb keepers compared themselves to the Pharaoh's guards or the spokespersons of Horus, only they themselves knew.

Jiang Yu is more inclined to the latter - because he asked Eddie. He asked Eddy, 'How are you going to appease the wrath of Set'. And Andy gave an answer that was consistent with his behavior in gathering an army.

"This land is the land of the Pharaoh. Even if the Pharaoh no longer exists in this land, we are still the bodyguards of the Pharaoh. And even the noble god Seth should not vent his anger endlessly on the Pharaoh's land. It has crossed a line, and it is our duty to erase the fault of this noble god."

"We will destroy the guardians of the temple and overthrow his altars and statues. When his temple collapses, he will no longer be able to make trouble on this land - don't worry, the gods have their own rules, as long as mortals use courage Defeat its will. The god Set will not and cannot come. Of course, we are likely to all die in this battle. After all, it is a foolish act to fight against the will of God. But, my friend, although I don’t know why you go to such an extent to ask for our help. But I believe that even if we fail in the end, you will accomplish your goals."

He and the Zhongzhou team are not friends - Jiang Yu doesn't understand him, and he doesn't understand Jiang Yu either. He has never exchanged even a single word with most of the people in the Zhongzhou team. But when he said such words at this time, he obviously entrusted the life and death of the entire Tomb Keeper Corps to the hands of the Samsaras of the Central Continent Team.

What a wonderful feeling.

Jiang Yu didn't know how to answer at this time. In the end, he just patted him on the shoulder.

And soon, Eddie rode his war horse and disappeared into the yellow sand behind the giant ship - there were his troops and his brothers. And in what is likely to be the last moment of life. He decided to stay with them.

He wanted to be with their companions - and Jiang Yu also wanted to be with his companions. When he walked into the giant ship, he saw Cheng Xiao flexing his muscles and doing calisthenics. He saw Chu Xuan flipping several golden apples floating in front of him. Two pairs of infinite Gauss pistols were placed next to his legs.

Li Shuaixi crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and stood leaning against the wall. In another corner, Zero Point is checking the bullets in his hands one by one and maintaining the firearms. and disposed of the spoils taken from Isabella Levi.

A high-tech firearm with a longer range, and a musket that can fire magic bullets.

The former is of little use. After all, it is impossible for Zero Point to change familiar weapons in the middle of a battle. But the latter was very helpful to him. Because as a sniper, he always has to face a problem - the problem that bullets cannot turn.

Whoever shows up will die. It is certainly a very stylish style of conduct. But if you can do it without showing your head, you will die. Wouldn't the effect be better?

Zero Point was in the past and could not solve this flaw - he originally planned to accumulate resources. When you have more money, buy an A-class firearm called the Void Shooter, which can travel through illusions and ignore all conventional bunkers. But now, this money-burning loophole may be solved in a more economical way.

——I don’t know if he can master this cursed musket in time. I hope so.

Jiang Yu thought - he had to focus enough attention on Ling Dian to be able to think about Ling Dian's situation. He just remembered not long ago that he didn't know where the B-level branch line at Zero Point was used, and he purchased a passive enhancement feature called 'Aura Concealment'. And this feature is so suitable for Zero Point, because Zero Point explained his new ability to everyone after purchasing it. However, in just a few words, everyone forgot what exactly they bought at Lingdian.

It can only be said to be a natural fit and a perfect talent. Can't learn. And it was precisely for this reason that Jiang Yu added zero points to the combat power configuration for stealing the Sun Golden Scripture.

So Jiang Yu deflected her gaze.

Zhan Lan was meditating with his eyes closed, trying his best to restore his spiritual power that, although not exhausted, had been consumed most of the time. She had just simulated the overview of the Temple of Set through the psychic network for a while. It wasn't until everyone was familiar with the layout that the mental drain was over.

She is tired and it is not good to disturb her.

And next to her. Zhao Yingkong was playing with the crystal scalpel - the blade kept dancing on her fingertips, turning into nails, gloves, and arm armor - her perception of the things around her was obviously very keen. When Jiang Yu looked at her, she also raised her head and glanced at Jiang Yu. Not sure if it was an illusion, she even smiled softly at Jiang Yu.

Is that a laugh? --uncertain.

It is also possible that the crystal knife was assigned to her as a courtesy of thanks. This is roughly the situation for seniors. Not exactly a soybean, with all kinds of talismans and personal armor wrapped around his body, with a face full of reluctance, but in the end he decided to act together with the seniors. The five seniors had already treated their newcomers with utmost kindness. . In the middle position between the two groups of people, Qi Tengyi was reading the Atharva Veda carefully. Some kind of invisible energy was flowing through his limbs.

His ability to use this book was indeed beyond Jiang Yu's expectation. His ability to complete the ritual independently exceeded Jiang Yu's expectations. And now, although it is unknown how many spells he can learn during this short journey, his value as a newcomer is obviously rising.

——What a pity. If it is a group branch line above BB level, then I probably won’t have the energy to ensure your safety.

——Try to live as hard as you can, if you can. Even if you die in battle, I will consider resurrecting you.

Jiang Yu did not disturb him, but left the lounge quietly. He saw Zhang Jie in a side room nearby. And this guy was smoking a cigarette by the filter window, looking relaxed and comfortable.

No need to say much, just see his face. Jiang Yu already knew the result of his expected inquiry. He and Zhang Jie each nodded. Then, he went deeper.

Mou Gang is the power furnace of the giant ship, but according to his own words. Driving this giant ship forward is like taking an afternoon walk. Because we can't get out of touch with the tomb guards, we can't go too fast. When Jiang Yu saw him, the mechanized robot expressed its ideal condition to Jiang Yu with a smile that appeared on the screen.

Very good - Jiang Yu patted the shell of the power furnace gently. past him. Zheng Zha was sitting in the cabin near the rear. When Jiang Yu arrived, he was using ancient Egyptian incantations to shape a storm.

Little storm.

"The ghosts of the storm, obeying the command of the God of Death, gathered into shape and turned into a tornado..."

A small tornado half a foot high appeared in his other hand that was not holding the Black Sutra. And he stared at the tornado. The invisible and substantial tornado that was visible to the naked eye turned into burning, rotating red flames.

"It's really interesting. The red flame can actually attach to the ownerless Yin spirit, thereby changing the energy nature of the storm. And I can even control it easily, just like controlling the blood energy operating in my body." Zheng Zha shifted his gaze, and the whirlpool of red flames climbed on his shoulders like a living creature, deforming and taking on various interesting forms.

"If the blood energy in my body is more abundant, or I can control the energy more accurately, maybe I can create a red flame wind column up to a hundred meters high. Using this technique, the consumption feels better than directly releasing the red flames and then The shape has been reduced by about three-quarters. If you use it for protection, the battle should be much easier."

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Yu.

"I think this technique should have a name. What do you think of the name 'Tornado Sky'?"

Jiang Yu, who had prepared a lot of words, suddenly felt unable to complain.

"The red tornado is not very impressive. If you can make a black one one day, it will probably be fine."

"It feels very reasonable." Zheng Zha nodded. "Then I won't name you for now...Jiang Yu, why did you come to see me?"

"I'm not looking for you, I'm just passing by." His original purpose was to check the combat readiness of each teammate. But he didn't expect that he would actually use this "unnecessary action" on Zheng Zha.

"Oh..." Zheng Zha nodded and did not ask further questions. He just continued to look at the Black Book of the Dead in his hand. But this time, he summoned a small ghost, and when the red flames attached to the ghost, it burned using the ghost as a medium. The deep red color was filled with a layer of darkness.

He is really studying to dye the red flame black - maybe he can actually do it!

Jiang Yu wanted to speak but stopped, stopped talking but wanted to. In the end, we can only take steps forward and move forward.

——Damn it, why do I feel like the painting style of the Central Continent team is going to look like that of the Demon team?

he thought. But it was just a complaint in my heart - as Zheng Zha, the reincarnation of Pangu, no matter what, Honghuang and Yuan An could always learn one of them. No matter how he walks, he can't end up on a crooked road anyway.

Then, there is no need to think too much - Jiang Yu passed through the last tail cabin and came to the back of the giant ship. The wind is particularly noisy at this moment. The rectified fine sand vibrated rhythmically at the tail end of the giant ship.

Everyone is preparing and preparing well. Then... the only one who needs to take action next is himself.

He held on to the railing at the end and gradually closed his eyes. Invisible vibration waves flowed out of his body, gradually resonating with the yellow sand beating behind the giant ship. And soon, it extended from the yellow sand to the wind, to the atmosphere, until it was filled with small pieces of heaven and earth.

Xia was watching him quietly from behind.


The temple of Seth will be in sight soon.

The black-clad army of tombkeepers numbered close to two thousand. The reincarnators also recharged their batteries and adjusted all their conditions to the best possible state.

However, when the reincarnations were ready to break into the interior. And when the tombkeepers planned to demolish the temple from the outside. The closed door of this secret but magnificent ancient ruins temple is open in front of the reincarnations.

An altar caught the eyes of the reincarnators, and the Sun Golden Sutra was placed just above the altar. In front of the altar, a woman wearing gold decorations all over her body, giving people a 'princess' feeling no matter what angle she looked at, was holding a black dagger and standing in the shadow of the statue of Set.

"I am Ammanet, the messenger of the god Seth."

"I am Ammanet, the bride of Seth."

She stepped out of the shadows, her skin covered in fine chains drawn with spells. She stared at the army of tombkeepers and the positions of the reincarnations with contempt and pride.

"Stooges of Horus, villains of foreign lands... If you come here to accept death and sacrifice your souls and lives, then the great god Seth will forgive your sins that have offended Him. Now, kneel down."

No one answered.

No one paid attention.

Jiang Yu tilted her neck and tried to teleport directly to grab the book but failed. The leader of the tomb guards rebuked and was severe.

"You have already lost this world, God Seth! Return to your kingdom, otherwise, we will demolish your palace!"

Eddie drew his knife, and all the gravekeepers also drew their weapons.

The air was gloomy and dull. The yellow sand flying all over the sky seemed to have returned to silence.

And the next moment, darkness surged.

"Then, I will erase your lives and souls with my own hands."

Darkness accompanied Ammanet's whisper, and the next moment, endless darkness spewed out from the temple, covering the temple and the vast land outside the temple!

——[Trigger side mission: Defeat ‘Emissary of Set’ Ammanet here. All participants will receive 2 B-level side plots. Reward points 6000 points. Failure penalty, none! 】

A messenger of Set, not a bride of Set. The main plot or pre-plot of The Mummy has not been triggered.

However, knowing this information is meaningless, because some of the layouts and tactics prepared by the reincarnations have all become worthless!

The endless darkness disappeared, and two suns appeared on the sky - no, those were not suns, but eyes. Seth's jackal-headed face replaced the sky. And the palm He extended turned into a dark continent under the feet of the reincarnator and the tombkeeper!

Under the will of God, fight!

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