Half asleep and half awake.

When Jiang Yu's feet stepped on the familiar pure white earth, his heart and body finally relaxed enough.

The healing radiance of the Lord God fell on him as he thought. After spending dozens of reward points, he quietly eliminated some hidden injuries and losses in his body that even he himself was not aware of.

——Lord God, settle my current resources. Want a detailed list.

The Lord God's response was as swift as ever.

——[Settlement in progress...]

——[Pass the world view ‘Legend of Gods and Ghosts 1’ and obtain 1,000 reward points. 】

——[Complete the main mission, annihilate the undead priest Immortun, obtain a C-level side plot, and receive 3,000 reward points. 】

——[Complete the side mission, defeat the Set envoy Anmanet, obtain 2 B-level side plots, and receive 6,000 reward points. 】

——[Kill 2 members of the Yinzhou team to unlock the gene lock, obtain 2 B-level side plots, and receive 14,000 reward points. 】

——[Kill 2 members of the Yinzhou team who have not unlocked the gene lock, obtain 2 C-level side plots, and receive 4,000 reward points. 】

——[The team annihilated an enemy reincarnation team in a team battle and obtained a C-level side plot. 】

——[The team battle points are plus five points, which can be converted into 10,000 reward points. 】

——[Full body repair, consuming 21 reward points. 】

——[The side plot is being automatically synthesized and included in the resources of the previous issue...]

——[Jiang Yu, the reincarnation member of the Central Continent Team, currently holds 1 A-level branch plot, 2 B-level branch plots, and 1 C-level branch plot. The reward points are 38542 points. 】

A man is not rich without windfall, and a horse is not fat without night grass. Even if we don’t count the unfortunate loss of six newcomers in the final battle. Team battles plus legends of gods and ghosts are an incredible world to gain points even in the first generation. Coupled with the trophies and plot treasures, this time it can be said to be a truly great harvest.

"What a great harvest!" While Jiang Yu was still sighing, Zheng Zha was already shouting loudly. This guy was dancing around, looking like he was dancing in ecstasy. "A-level branch! There is also a B! There are almost 30,000 points left!"

"Gan!" He was elated and slapped his thigh sharply. "When I buy soy milk from now on, I have to buy two bowls! Drink one bowl and pour another bowl!"

What an old joke!

Jiang Yu glanced at him, and two small beams of light fell on Zheng Zha's hands. The Lord God fulfilled Jiang Yu's request accurately. In the hands of this crazy guy, two steaming bowls of soy milk appeared.

The bowl on the left hand is sweet soy milk. The bowl on the right is salty soy milk.

Then Jiang Yu looked at him quietly.

Zheng Zha was stunned for two seconds.

Then, without changing the color of the noodles, take a bite from the left and a bite from the right. Swallowed both bowls of soy milk in one gulp.

"I happen to be thirsty." He said nonchalantly: "...and the spicy bean berries are actually better to taste."


"Tsk, man." Zhan Lan rubbed his head and turned around with a look of disgust. "There are actually seasonings in the soy milk. I don't know how to make it...Sister Yingkong, come here, and I will teach you how to use your personal space."

She picked up Zhao Yingkong, who was a little confused, and dragged him away as if he were kidnapping a child. And after the two ladies left the scene with such disgust, Xia also consciously held up her umbrella and ran to the side. Jiang Yu and Zheng Zha's eyes met in the air.

One second.

A ton of spicy soy milk suddenly appeared above Jiang Yu's head. They fall at a speed of ten meters per second.

However, at the same moment. A total of about one hundred cubic meters of salty and sweet mixed soy milk appeared in the sky above the Main Square, and poured downwards in the form of heavy rain!

The cruel soy milk survival battle has begun. Accompanied by Chu Xuan's push of the glasses, Cheng Xiao's rogue smile, and Mou Gang's rapid switch to waterproof mode. Under the heavy rain, mustard soy milk, bitter melon juice soy milk, lemon, jujube soy milk and other strange varieties also joined the battle.

This war is destined to have no winner.

And men are just so boring and twitchy.


Jiang Yu lost miserably - everyone lost miserably.

But Jiang Yu has always been indifferent, because no matter how miserable he loses. He can also lie down in the super large bath in his personal space afterwards and let Xia remove the many stains on his body bit by bit - he quite enjoys this process, and Xia also likes it very much. And the water in the bathtub was changed three times. Wearing a yukata, he was lying on Simmons on the beach enjoying the sun, and the girl in his arms fell asleep on his chest. When your mind and body are relaxed, your thinking becomes particularly clear.

There are twenty-four hours in a day, and there are still four or five hours before the agreed meeting time.

Plenty of time.

Moreover, there happens to be nothing to do right now - too lazy to move.

——It’s time to think about the future.

Jiang Yu thought. He knew that according to the rules of the Lord God, reincarnators with energy levels close to those of saints would not appear as long as the fourth level was high. Then the main god will not speed up the collision between the reincarnation teams, making team battles, even multi-team battles, the norm. So in other words, the next game will definitely not be a team battle, but the next one, which is a bit hard to say.

The Central Continent team has just finished third place in the world.

In the original world line, even if Zhang Jie took action against the rules. It is also necessary to go to World Five and the world view where the God of Death is coming, before the captain certification is carried out under the mandatory assignment of the Lord God.

Chu Xuan said that the restrictions on Zhang Jie were relaxed, and this time, Zhang Jie did not take any illegal shots in the team battle. In other words, Zhang Jie was able to delay at least until World Six before he had to make a decision - and taking into account the possibility that the team battle would not be continuous. As long as World Seven is still Biochemical Two against the Devils, there is a high probability that there will be a team battle in World Five.

Four, five, six, three consecutive ordinary plot worlds are not very likely.

So, for the next team battle, I don’t know what will happen. And World Seven hanging above his head like a reminder. Then you must make appropriate plans and actions.

——Devil Team…

Jiang Yu knew that the Devils were at this moment. In fact, it is not the most difficult opponent to deal with. According to the rule that time flows slowly for strong teams and fast for weak teams. There is a high probability that the clone Zheng Zha has just completed the liquidation of the former Devils. Considering that the Zhongzhou team has Zhang Jie, and the Demon team also has Zhao Zukong, the current ratings of the two teams and the absolute strength comparison of Zhang Jie, I am afraid there will not be much difference.

——I don’t know if Zheng Zha of the Demon Team saved his Luo Li.

——Have I been copied into the Devils?

This is what Jiang Yu is most uncertain about. He knew that Luo Li was not destined to die. As long as you work hard, it may not be impossible to save. He was convinced that if he copied the past with Zheng Zha, the result would probably be that Xia carried out the order and then died with him on the desperate journey back to the previous world. But Zheng Zha was able to survive and avenge himself.

Zheng Zha is blessed with great luck, whether he is the original body or the clone. Jiang Yudu believed that he could survive until the end. But Jiang Yu was completely unsure about whether she would be copied. He knew he had done a lot of things, but he wasn't sure if those preparations would lead to the end result he needed.

He shook his head silently.

——That's all...at least I tried hard. If it can be done, then everything will be fine. And if there is no way to save the situation... this battle with the Devils will always be inevitable.

Escape is impossible. Face to face is the only option, but considering the current performance of the Zhongzhou team, I am afraid that Zhongzhou will face an opponent more difficult to deal with than the Demon team of Biochemical 2.

The Celestial Team...or rather, the former Celestial Team.

In the original world line, there was a very contradictory... or weird plot point. That was during the Second Biochemical Period. The clone Zheng Zha personally said that the Demon Team he led once had a battle with the Celestial Team. Moreover, he was hunted so hard that he had no way to go to the sky and no door to the earth. If Chu Xuan hadn't conspired, he would have been completely unable to escape. The clone Zheng Zha even scolded other members on the spot for dragging their feet. Considering that the former Devils had been killed by him, he had undoubtedly become the captain of the Devils at that time, relying on the reinforcement of the Lord God to forcibly unlock the fourth-level gene lock.

So that's weird. The clone Zheng Zha who unlocked the fourth-level genetic lock. It is clear that Zhao Zukong has unlocked the fourth-level gene lock during his former days with the Devils. Coupled with the plan of the clone Chu Xuan and the rule that the weak team enters first - how strong must the former Celestial Team be at that time to chase down the Demon Team who came first and prepared first, until they have no way to reach the sky? There is no way, even the clone Chu Xuan and his team can only escape?

It's weird, and even weirder. It was during the Lord of the Rings period. When the narrator introduced the background of the Celestial Team, he directly said that at that time, the Celestial Team only had two members who had unlocked the third-level gene lock. And one of them redeemed the S-level enhancement. In addition, even Adam did not enter the venue, and Luo Yinglong did not become a disciple. Just relying solely on hard power, the Demons at that time were beaten to the point where they could only run away with their heads in their hands, not daring to confront them head-on.

This special meow is very fantasy... even very Tzeentchian. Jiang Yu tried hard but couldn't figure it out. The Devils team, which is at the beginning of Double Four, has to stretch its hips to a certain extent before it can take advantage of Chu Xuan's layout and take the lead. Being beaten into that state by the former Celestials without any wise men?

The clone Zhao Zukong took advantage of the situation?

The clone Zheng Zha is actually a disgrace at the same level. To defeat Reinhardt, it all depends on the right time, right place, and the right people and temporary explosive seeds?

In other words, the S-level enhancement is so terrifying. So much so that the third-level + S configuration can press two low-level enhanced Sichu to the ground and rub them together. But this is completely unrelated to the subsequent settings.

I can't figure it out - Jiang Yu would rather think that the narrator was playing a word game there. Similar to the third level, there are only two, but the fourth level has a dozen of them. In this way, although the combat power configuration of the reincarnation world has become a very strange hourglass shape. But at least the logic level is fine.

Headache - Jiang Yu thought.

But in this way, we have a general idea for the next direction of strengthening.

"I have to exchange for an A-level bloodline." Jiang Yu made a decision.

"But... which direction should I strengthen more reliably?"

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