Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 164 ·Return to Hamna Tower

A storm rolled up.

After killing the Vampire Marquis, the car the O'Connors were riding in also successfully left London. After that, evacuation is a simple and quick action.

The vampire power in London has been completely lost.

The human loss in the city of London was basically zero. When Jiang Yu rushed into the sky under the cover of the sandstorm called by Zheng Zha, he vaguely felt the impact from Wilminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral. Two glances projected from within.

It's not very strong. It's actually much weaker than this vampire Marquis. But if they join the battlefield and add some hidden treasures or power, the reincarnations... are unlikely to retreat so easily.

Who set up the anti-interference barrier covering the city of London?

Who mobilized the troops, analyzed the battle situation immediately, and gathered them towards the palace while abandoning the battlefield in London?

The answer is actually self-explanatory, you just need to think about it a little deeper.

"Actually, it's very simple. I have reached a consensus with the church forces in this land that there is no agreement." Chu Xuan's answer rang in the spiritual link. The battle is over, and then there is only need to go through some finishing time. . "Vampires are indeed powerful in England, but they do not dominate the sky with one hand. They are limited by the royal power and are slightly above the religious power. No matter how different the Protestants are from the Roman Orthodox Church, they always have a common belief."

The wind is flowing.

Through Chu Xuan's voice, Jiang Yu stared at the ground beneath her feet - the silent city of London was slowly regaining its vitality. First the lights lit at the edges, then the surprised shouts of the crowd. They saw the long-lost starry sky in London, and were also attracted by the storm left by the reincarnations.

The movement of troops is certainly also a factor. And from the originally quiet church, hurried crowds also appeared.

"They are followers of Yahweh, so naturally they are also followers of Horus in a certain sense. Horus is hostile to Seth, and Cain has an even lower status under Yahweh. On this island country, vampires Because of the rise of the new nobility and the deliberate support of the royal power, they overwhelmed the religious authority. But the believers of Yahweh always did not want to wipe out all the vampires. Therefore, all they needed was a hint and an opportunity. In addition, the guardian Tomb Man’s channels, our actions in London will naturally be more convenient than expected——

——As long as we act quickly enough, the church, the royal knights, and even the local druids will all have reasons not to take action immediately. Because the Goblin Knights were transferred away, the force they left behind was even weaker than the vampires. Also because we disguise ourselves when we act. "

The speed of the reincarnations is too fast. From the vampire's attack to the two Evelins evacuating London. The whole process took no more than ten minutes, so it was understandable that I couldn't react immediately.

However, the reaction was too fast. The vampires had a plan of action even before it all started. But in the eyes of many people, this will become very problematic.

"The vampires arranged a night operation to capture Evelin - Zhan Lan only needed to slightly influence a few people in charge. This small operation would create the illusion of a big operation. And as long as Zheng Zha pretends to be a human If a "kind of vampire" appears at the gate of the palace, then in the eyes of all onlookers, this is an internal struggle between the blood clans. And if you attack the palace, the "blood clan internal struggle" will escalate to "the blood clan internal struggle" Conspiracy to usurp the throne'."

"Of course, you won't do that. But as long as the vampire in the palace is smart enough, it will avoid this worst future evolution. Unfortunately, its brain cost it its life. And since the incident has been determined by him like this If they have sex, then even if the main force of the vampires turns back, they will first give priority to stabilizing the internal situation and regard this incident as a conspiracy against them. And those other forces who profited from this incident will not I will miss this opportunity and the power gap.”

Everyone knows the truth of beating up a drowned dog. Wounded beasts will certainly show their teeth, but it is undeniable that this is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the disease and kill it. Even if you can't win directly, you can at least get a lot of benefits. Because the vampires are only strong, not having an absolute advantage. Even if the sick tiger is still powerful...but how much deterrence can it have when facing another hungry lion?

Obviously, in the next time. Seth's admirers in England will not fare well.

"We will gain time because of this." Chu Xuan finally concluded. "Even if the vampires respect the oracle, they must ensure that there is a stable rear behind them. So in the next period of time, our treasure hunt is unlikely to be disrupted. Of course, they will probably be able to stabilize in the end situation, and then organize an expeditionary force. But that will be at least a few days, or even ten days later. Moreover, the scale and intensity will certainly not be comparable to the full strength they could originally organize. "

Chu Xuan's answer ends everywhere.

Jiang Yu arrived at the large aerospace fighter transformed by Mou Gang, and waited there for the other companions to gather - he did not want to express any thoughts or comments on Chu Xuan's operation. No matter how outrageous Chu Xuan's actions were, they would not exceed his expectations. On the contrary, Zheng Zha, who came up with him, his whole jaw dropped when he was halfway through the process.

"...Is there such an operation?" He settled down in the cabin. "But why...we didn't hear anything about it?"

"It's just that everyone performs their duties." Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses. After switching to vocal cord pronunciation instead of mental dialogue, his desire to speak was reduced a lot. "And part of the plan is uncertain. It is not necessary to reveal all of it unless it has excessive side effects."

"And it's unlikely that you can hear the wind." Zhan Lan interrupted, pressing his forehead with his fingertips. "Eighty percent of the operations are my remote psychic interference and link dialogue. Only if you can hear the wind, there is a ghost. And...the matter of leading the Fairy Knights away is not something that was discussed in the team meeting. Huh? Did you hear the northwest wind at that time?"

In the Central African region, affected by atmospheric circulation during the rainy season, northwest winds are indeed blowing.

Zheng Zha turned his eyes away slightly - he didn't really want to admit that he was just a wandering nodding machine during the team layout stage. As an executor with actual force, he has become more and more fond of matters that can be solved by force.

He felt the same was true for Jiang Yu.

However, Jiang Yu didn't look at him at this moment - Jiang Yu just turned her head and looked at the increasingly noisy London sky. When the sacred light from the top of St. Paul's Cathedral dispersed the storm used by the reincarnators to hide their tracks, and Zhao Yingkong and Cheng Xiao flew upward respectively with the O'Connor couple and little Alex, he just took a moment Averted his gaze.

I was waiting in the cabin at midnight.

Mou Gang was not exposed, and the Samsaras still retained their air superiority. Moreover, all individuals directly affected by Zhan Lan's mental interference have died.

very good.

"The operation went smoothly, but the three-day time limit still exists." He said, ignoring the small interaction between Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan. "The next thing to do is to move away from England. Head to another destination - while the subsequent development is unknown, let's temporarily set the destination as behind the 10,000-meter cloud layer above Cairo, Egypt."

"Understood." Mou Gang's voice came from inside the cabin. He created a three-dimensional projection for himself and stood in the cargo bay with a smile.

"Then, Zheng Zha. You are relatively familiar with O'Connor and the others. I will leave the work of dealing with them to you."

"Ah, no problem." Zheng Zha gave him a quick response.

And soon, the action team of the reincarnators gathered with the important plot characters. Amid Evelin's shouting and Alex's curious gaze, the giant aerial fighter plane raised its altitude further and flew towards the south of the earth.


Communication was smooth.

Although Zheng Zha is a fool, he has never let go of his affinity. Soon, he informed Evelin of their current situation and kept them basically calm. However, when their past lives were revealed, these two living treasures still made a sound of exclamation.

"What!? I was the daughter of Pharaoh in my previous life?" This is Evelin. "Is there a huge treasure waiting for me to claim it?"

"What!? I was Pharaoh's bodyguard in my previous life?" This is O'Connor. "No wonder I fell in love with Evelin at first sight. It turns out we were a couple in our previous life."

"What!? My parents were Egyptians in their previous lives?" This is Alex. "Then what am I? Am I Egyptian too?"

That's probably it.

"It's hard to say this kind of thing." Zheng Zha glanced at Alex first, and then touched the little guy's head. "But one thing is certain, that is, the resurrection of the Scorpion Emperor is imminent. To defeat it, you must first get its bracelet... But theoretically, only one person knows where the bracelet is hidden."

"Me?" Evelin pointed at herself.

"You were the last guardian in your previous life. Of course you are the only one who knows this secret." Zheng Zha nodded.

"But... I don't know." Evelin blinked. "That dream... I never finished...?"

"How about I go back to sleep now... and try to have a dream?"

There was silence in the air.

This incident did not go beyond the expectations of the reincarnations. After all, since Zhan Lan entered her dream, he naturally entered her dream memory. Unfortunately, Zhan Lan can't see clearly what she can't see clearly.

"Chu Xuan?" Jiang Yu looked at the staff in the team and pointed at the Isu's Animus... genetic memory stealth technology.

"Their previous lives may not be their direct ancestors." Chu Xuan shook his head and nodded again. "But I can try, it just takes time to make a usable stealth sample."

"But we shouldn't waste time." Jiang Yu nodded. "Then it seems that we can only choose Plan B... Go to Hamna Tower and use the Resurrection Altar. Maybe we can directly see Evelin's past life memories."

Let's also take a look at whether this resurrection altar can still operate normally.

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