Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 166·The theory of finite past lives


Endless water.

The feeling of being soaked spreads throughout the body. It doesn't feel like I am soaked in water, but like I have become a part of the water.

——Familiar feeling...

——It seems like a long time ago... or not long ago, I had the same experience.

——Was it when I first arrived in the world of reincarnation... Then why did I... Oh, it turns out that I was affected by a spell that peeks into my past life.

——I really have a past life.

There is the concept of 'cold' in perception, and then 'warmth' is contrasted from 'cold'. Then sensing the 'difference' from the alternation between hot and cold, Jiang Yu realized that she was floating up, from the bottom of the abyss to the unknown upwards.

Where exactly is Jiyuan? --have no idea.

Jiang Yu had thought that it was the source of the light of the soul in the legend, or in the setting of the prehistoric era, the sea of ​​soul that surrounds the entire multiverse - this theory has evidence, because if he is really Diversity comes from the outside, even higher dimensions. Then the sea of ​​soul is the only way to go. As long as you are not a local, you must have passed through there.

--so what?

——What does this mean and what is its significance?

Such thoughts came to mind. But it soon proved itself worthless. This 'past life spying' was just an accident. I just happened to be paying attention to the function of the resurrection altar... no, I put my finger there consciously. Subconsciously, I still wanted to know if there was a way to activate the altar, so it was an 'accident' out of my own will and a traceable emergency. There is no need for any meaning at all.

The thoughts in my subconscious were very clear at this moment. Without the drag of her body, Jiang Yu found that she seemed to be more relaxed and could carefully examine her heart. The subtle corners that are difficult to self-check and clean under normal circumstances also become clear at this moment. He could even count the tiny corners.

There are seven in total, seven of the most hidden holes in the heart. And all distracting thoughts, negative or positive emotions seem to flow out from these seven holes. Until it fills the entire soul.

——The heart has seven, anger, sorrow, joy, love, evil, and desire. Is that probably the truth?

——Hmm... What if I blocked them, or put a filter on them. Doesn’t it mean that I don’t need to purify myself regularly, but I can also get rid of all distracting thoughts, so that I can concentrate at all times. Make your own power realm more stable?

A good guess, and worth trying right away.

The results of the attempt appear to be good. Even if the seven orifices in the heart are not blocked, the filtering device shaped by thoughts can still play a role in delaying and reminding the main consciousness when messy emotions burst out.

One step closer to the third level. And he felt that there should be no next step.

Because this is already the so-called ‘Twelve-level Peak Breaking the Limit and Half-Step Great Consummation’, it would be rude to continue with the nesting of dolls.

——Is this a new iteration? Or should it be added together with the previous induction?

——I really should stay here a little longer...

The feeling of floating is getting worse. I want to stay, but I am getting away faster. The feeling of stalling and weightlessness gradually came, and a lot of noise also appeared in the ears.

It was like the roar of a train in progress, and the sound of countless people chasing and shouting. The huge amount of chaotic data gradually exceeded the upper limit of the analysis capacity of consciousness, and the darkness in perception gradually turned into pure light covering everything.

Light, pure and blazing light.

It came from chaos and penetrated his body.


"Jiang Yu?"

Time passed by no more than a moment.

Jiang Yu's vision returned to stability, and his will was gathered together - he saw his companions looking at him, and so far there were only doubts in their eyes, not worry.

The time of being absent-minded is very short, and the time spent in that dark ocean has a different timing from the operation of the world. It took him half a second to comprehend the situation. Even if consciousness is lost, the brain and ears in the real world are still functioning. He found the auditory records in the memory area faster than ever before, and then learned about the conversations and suggestions of his companions when he sank into his previous life.

"I think it's okay." Jiang Yu nodded and naturally joined in the conversation of the reincarnators. "The Scorpion King's bracelet needs to be worn by someone before it can be activated. And it's better that this person is one of us, not a child who may have good luck but is still physically fragile."

"Shall I wear it?" Zheng Zha raised his hand. "Is this thing the same as the Black Book of the Dead?"

"It is indeed possible, but you have already obtained a black scripture. Considering the maximization of effectiveness, Zhao Yingkong may be a more suitable candidate for the load." Jiang Yu turned his head and looked at the only two losers in the Zhongzhou team. Another of the attribute energy holders.

"No...well, okay, I'll give it a try then." Zhao Yingkong seemed to want to refuse at first. But he seemed to have thought of something again. Maybe it's Zhao Zukong, maybe it's Anmanet. So in the end, she chose ambiguous consent.

Very good. In the original world line, Zheng Zha, who carries both the Black Book of the Dead and the Death Bracelet, and is the main melee combatant, is simply unable to exert the capabilities of these two rare items. Slightly adjusting the configuration will obviously be more conducive to improving the overall combat effectiveness of the team.


Jiang Yu nodded, and the topic came to an end - he thought about it for a moment. Some things have to be hidden, and some things don't necessarily have to be hidden. Anyway, I can't understand what I encountered in that dark ocean. It might be helpful to ask people with high intelligence.

"Then it's decided," he said, then. I am too lazy to organize my words to change the topic. "And...I just encountered some special circumstances."

What should not be said has been sorted out by him. Next, amid the curiosity of his companions, he began to describe what he had just experienced.

"I just seemed to be affected by that altar..."


About five minutes later.

"...That's probably the case. I don't quite understand what happened to me, but it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. Everyone, do you have any special insights into this?"

A group of people with no experience at all looked at each other.

"Uh..." Zheng Zha raised his hand. "How about we try it ourselves? Maybe we can draw some conclusions from it?"

It sounds like a feasible strategy. Moreover, it seems that more than one person is interested in this proposal.

"I also want to know what my previous life was like..." Zhan Lan's fingertips touched the resurrection altar. "As long as you put your hand on it, only you can see it. Anyway, we still have a lot of time, so it doesn't hurt to give it a try?"

"I want to know if I was a martial arts master in my previous life." Cheng Xiao looked serious.

"But this is not our world. Can we really see it?" Mou Gang raised an objection and rubbed his hands. He seemed to be very interested.

Zhao Yingkong pursed her lips, Zhang Jie turned his head and looked into the distance. Except for Li Shuaixi who was really indifferent, the reincarnations of the Zhongzhou team all looked moved. I thought that even if I forcibly rejected this proposal, someone would find an opportunity to try it secretly. doesn't hurt to give it a try.

Jiang Yu made a please gesture.

Zheng Zha first pressed his hand on the altar.

Accompanied by the incantation recited from his mouth. His vision gradually became blurry and chaotic.

Time, seconds passed.

Zheng Zha frowned and his eyes gradually converged.

"Why was I a woodcutter in my previous life?" He scratched his head, a little confused. "I thought... it could be more interesting."

"Let me take a look!" Zhan Lan rushed over and took the Black Book of the Dead from Zheng Zha's hand.

She frowned faster than Zheng Zha.

"In my last life, I was a bad novelist!" He threw the Black Book of the Dead away. Zhan Lan was furious and walked aside.

"...Not the Grand Master." Cheng Xiao also looked a little disappointed. "He was just an ordinary soldier... and died on the battlefield."

"Old business." This is zero point.

"He's a rich man, not bad." This was Mou Gang who was laughing.

Zhang Jie stared at the Resurrection Altar for a long time, as if he wanted to give it a try, but he looked like he was afraid of something. Before him, Zhao Yingkong directly triggered the spell.

She looked strange.

"No..." She raised her head and looked at the others. There was actually a bit of helplessness in his cold eyes. "It's dark...I can't see anything. Do I...don't have a past life?"

"Empty plan." Chu Xuan snorted lightly, walked over and took the book in Zhao Yingkong's hand. "From a genetic level, you should have no previous life. But from a soul level... maybe there is something special in the real world?"

He chanted the mantra and closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, open it. Then the mantra was recited another time.

"I see." He pushed up his glasses. "Souls can exist for a long time. People who can see past lives may have more than one past life. This should be a random screening process and has no reference value. However, there should be differences between old and new souls. If the soul is newly born in this life, then it is normal for there to be no previous life. Just like the world's population a hundred years ago was less than one-third of what it is now."

This is a reasonable explanation, but he explains too much.

People who are familiar with him probably know the reason for this. Only a guy with a bad brain would do some boring things at such times and occasions.

"So, Chu Xuan, your previous life was..." Zheng Zha asked like a curious baby. "Uh... isn't there?"

Chu Xuan glanced at him and said nothing.

Just throw the Black Book of the Dead back to him.

It didn't hit him in the face, nor was it particularly forceful. It's just very ordinary, very ordinary, throw it back to him.

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