Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 183·Mechanism

"If we are not allowed to pass directly, then of course we will be forced to pass through the jungle in front of us."

"The plot of the original work has been expressed very clearly - there are only a group of short natives in the jungle who can use blowguns and cold weapons. It does not seem to be difficult to cross their defense lines."

"So, as the last portal, this group of natives...or monkeys, there must be some kind of hidden trap hidden in them. And we still have relatively ample time now, so it is best to find out their details."

The reincarnators stopped at the edge of the oasis. They had already tested the rule that they would not be sniped by the laser at the top of the pyramid without flying. The height limit for this flight is not very precise, fifteen meters, which is exactly the average growth limit of large trees in the dense green jungle above this oasis.

Jiang Yu knew the answer.

He knew that under normal circumstances these indigenous monkeys were a group of small, agile primitive humans. Using blow darts, wielding stone axes and even sharp bows. It sounds easy to solve, and it is actually so, but as long as they cause damage to them, the weapons they hold will quickly iterate, and they can fully master and use them.

Kill dozens of monkeys, and the monkeys will transform from primitive humans into warriors wearing armor and holding long knives and axes.

Kill a few hundred monkeys and the monkeys will transform into classic warriors and into an early shooter army armed with flintlock guns.

After killing thousands of monkeys, the shooting army will quickly iterate to the First World War or even the Second World War, carrying large-caliber rifles, equipped with heavy snipers, and equipped with tanks and rocket launchers, just like an elite armored division.

And if tens of thousands are killed... I don't know what will happen in the original world line. But Zheng Zha felt that the monkeys would drive Gundam to chase him. But at that time, he resurrected Chu Xuan and got advice on using incendiary bombs. However, after not facing the enemy head-on, but borrowing the power of nature, the monkeys' technological iterations stayed at the World War II period when the number of battle losses was thousands. , without further upgrading.

Of course, the technical iterations of the monkeys must have an upper limit. The upper limit is the total number of monkeys, and their number may be a fixed number of tens of thousands. As for the source of their power, it is of course the divine power of Anubis.

It's tricky...but Jiang Yu knows a less tricky way to deal with it.

There is no need to go to the trouble of using incendiary bombs - since the monkeys will evolve as the number of monkeys killed in battle increases, just don't kill them from the beginning. Wear the armor, keep moving at high speed, use spells to cover yourself, or simply rush in directly with the shield barrier. These dart stone axes alone cannot break the defense of the reincarnations, and as long as they do not die, their combat effectiveness will naturally not be upgraded.

"I didn't see any abnormal phenomena...well...there are indeed a lot of monkey-like natives." Zhan Lan pressed her forehead. She started scanning the interior of the oasis when the aerial fighter plane made an emergency landing. . Unlike the black Death Pyramid, the woods in the oasis do not have the effect of blocking mental scanning.

"Can you estimate the approximate quantity?" Jiang Yu asked.

"A lot...but I can try. Well, there are a total of nests discovered so far..."

"There are seven nests in total, with 64,000 to 67,000 natives." Chu Xuan suddenly spoke and gave the answer. A projection was projected from his glasses, and several golden apples of unknown efficacy floated around him.

"Satellites can be used here, and the laser transmitter will not launch snipers at targets more than a hundred kilometers away. At the same time, these indigenous monkeys are also warm-blooded animals with biological characteristics. Infrared detection can capture their shapes, and then It’s not very difficult to count them one by one.”

It turns out that high technology does have advantages over mental scanning.

And since the total number of monkeys is close to 70,000. That means that after they reach the level of armored divisions in World War II, they can still iterate at least three to four times... Considering the power of Anubis behind them, when the monkeys are killed to only single digits, They might actually be able to fight in Gundams.

A troublesome challenge, but fortunately there are many loopholes.


——Well, do you really not want to touch it?

My heart was slightly restless, after knowing the approximate upper limit of the monkeys. Jiang Yu's uneasy nature began to stir again. Although this group of monkeys is troublesome to fight, each of them only has a few reward points. But there is no doubt that they are very good whetstones. This kind of nature in which we are strong and the enemy is strong is indeed suitable for reincarnations who have only iterated their combat capabilities to practice here.

Jiang Yu was a little hesitant in his heart.

At this moment, Zhan Lan brought new information.

"...I scanned the insides of the bodies of these natives. Their physiques are not much different from ordinary people, but there is some kind of special energy vaguely lingering. This energy may be related to Anubis, but every monkey's The total amount of energy held in the body is not large. Other than that, I have not observed any signs of civilization."

Civilization, writing, records, proof.

Without civilization, there is no inheritance. Without inheritance, there would be no systematic supernatural power.

"Some kind of curse." Zhao Yingkong suddenly said. "I... can feel that everything in this forest is filled with things similar to the dark power inside the bone harp."

The blessing of Anubis is also the curse of Anubis. It is not difficult to understand this logic. When the Scorpion King dies and the Dark Pyramid collapses, the Amshe Oasis will sink into the depths of the earth as Anubis's power fades. And this means that the life and death of these indigenous people have been tightly in the hands of Anubis from the beginning.

They are His props.

They are extensions of Him.

They are left here by Him to give the challenger a final test.

"Then... I probably understand the operating mechanism of this last level of test." Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses and said: "There are no powerful creatures, and there is no crisis curse on the surface. So, what appears here is It can only be the power of rules.”

"...Rules?" Zheng Zha scratched his head.

"What kind of god is Anubis?"

"It's the God of Death."

"Yes, but in this oasis, all I saw was a piece of vitality - I have a guess that this last test will only appear after life transforms into death. Moreover, it can be bypassed, It’s even adjustable.”

Chu Xuan stretched out his hand, and a golden apple floating on his shoulder flew into the woods.

Jiang Yu didn't stop him, because what he wanted to do was what Jiang Yu originally planned to do. Regardless of whether the monkeys here will continue to evolve indefinitely as before. He has to verify it with his own hands.

And the next second, an explosion occurred.

'boom--! ! ’ Deep in the woods, a ball of light burst out. Dozens of indigenous monkeys affected by the controlled power of the golden apple explosion were reduced to pieces in an instant.

The forest suddenly became noisy, with the screams of the monkeys coming from the depths and their chaotic movements as they ran around.

"Huh?" Zhan Lan shouted softly, his tone full of surprise. "The monkeys...have leather armor on their bodies? When did they complete the change of clothes...Wait, they also have copper weapons and shields?"

"Zhan Lan, have their physiques changed? Have they moved faster and become more powerful? And has the special energy in their bodies grown?" Chu Xuan asked quickly.

"Let me There is no change in speed and strength. The monkeys wearing leather armor run a little slower. But the energy in their bodies...well, I can't tell it clearly. But it seems to be true. There is a little difference.”

"It seems that these monkeys can become stronger according to the increase of death." Jiang Yu nodded. Such an operation by Chu Xuan saved him a lot of effort. "So, in other words, as long as there is no death among them, the speed of getting stronger will be interrupted and stopped. We can easily pass through this forest, and they can't break our defense anyway."

"It's logically true." Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses and confirmed Jiang Yu's statement. "Also, when I just started, the Lord God informed me that I had killed 86 jungle guardians, and each one gave me 1 reward point. Considering that we were still worried about reaching the Pyramid of Death in seven days, branch line, then this shows that in the Lord God’s judgment, killing them is optional, not a necessary measure.”

"So, let's go?" Zheng Zha interrupted, trying hard to show his presence.

"Yes." The man without glasses nodded. But the conversation changed. "However, I feel that avoiding them or rushing past them is not the most appropriate option. We will undoubtedly trigger the next main mission in the Death Pyramid, and a challenge that is definitely better than B is waiting for us. Cross over. In this case, it may not be a good plan to have a group of hidden dangers that contain Anubis's divine power."

"And..." He paused. "I feel that these natives exist here. It is not only a test, but also a hint. A... hint to us."

There was a rare hint of uncertainty in his tone. But even so, every word he said was still very convincing.

“In the later stages of the second part of the original plot, when Immorton walked into the Pyramid of Death and sounded the gong to challenge the Scorpion King, Anubis deprived him of the mana curse and allowed him to take on a mortal form. Fighting the half-scorpion-turned-Scorpion King. And I suspect that when we walk into the Temple of Anubis, the same treatment will appear on us."

"We don't have the power of Anubis." Zhan Lan rubbed his forehead. "...But it is true that the Lord God does not rule out doing this."

"Yes." Chu Xuan agreed. "But even so, there are still ways to break the situation. Even in the original plot, the use of the Spear of Judgment is not prohibited. In addition, these indigenous people 'enhanced their equipment under the influence of divine power, but did not improve their physique' This hint can prove that the various equipment we carry in the next battle are not within the prohibited category - even if the Lord God regards these as external forces and imposes restrictions, there is still a kind of equipment , will not be subject to the Lord God’s adjustment.”

"The equipment derived from the power of Anubis, our gains in this world, the trophies and weapons we can obtain by defeating the jungle guardian in this jungle." Jiang Yu sighed silently.

He thought that as a prophet, he could easily avoid the pitfalls in the original script and get the maximum results at the minimum cost. but……

"The test of fate, the greater the test, the more you will gain."

"Gods favor the brave."

Jiang Yu stretched out her hand and held up the Spear of Judgment.

"We have plenty of time. So..."

"Let's see what these jungle guardians can bring to us."

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