Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 30·Fourth Night·The Hunter and the Giant Crocodile

Jiang Yu has been waiting for one thing.

Something that is bound to happen, something that must be faced sooner or later.

The content of this incident is the item "The changes in the plot are different from those in memory".

——I will encounter it sooner or later.

——Sooner or later, the more and more butterfly effects I bring will distort the original plot beyond recognition. Sooner or later, I will find that I have to face a trial where my two strengths of 'reading scripts' and 'understanding settings' cannot be used at all.

——I don’t intend to be timid because of this and let go of the benefits that are within my reach. But... I should also prepare in advance. To challenge the unsolved and face the unknown. And only in this way, when the real test appears in front of me, I will not panic.

——Of course, under controllable conditions, it is better to do this step by step... I can still tell the difference between seeking death and taking risks.

When Predator Gamma appeared, Jiang Yu knew that the script in front of her had changed from the one in her memory. This is no longer the magically modified movie world of the original work, but a new biological worldview mixed with game settings and even the follow-up content of the movie. Everything I knew in the past is no longer completely correct. And the possibility of the conjecture that I just obtained in my mind is increasing.

Maybe Alexia really exists in this world.

And Alexia in this world will bring new changes to the plot in the future.

The Resident Evil 2 team battle that should have started smoothly after five worlds may soon be changed beyond recognition due to his intervention and influence.

And long before that, he first had to face the challenges caused by the butterfly effect.

——Then come.

The blood flow rate is increasing. The will to fight is boiling in the body. The huge biochemical monsters rushing out of various sewer pipes are certainly terrifying, but when humans have effective weapons, their fear will turn into hatred and anger when facing monsters.

‘Chug chug chug—’ When Gamma, the first hunter, turned into burnt barbecue under the lightning pulse. The single-man small cannon, which had been set up in advance by the auxiliary robotic arm and loaded with 23mm high-explosive shells, opened fire violently in the broadest front under the control of Mou Gang.

There was no need to aim, just a rough sweep, and the tracer bullets directed to fire had already drawn a golden jet in the dark underground waterway, and the steel hit the flesh and blood, followed by a chain of small-scale explosions.

‘Push——’ The knocked down biochemical monster fell down suddenly, and the splash of water was dyed crimson in mid-air. This is a reliable fire support, and it relies on suitable bunkers to achieve its maximum effect.

Bunker - the most suitable bunker is the Thundercloud Armor, which is taller than Hunter Gamma.

"Ayu, there is a smaller predator hiding in front. It may be waiting for an opportunity to attack." - It was Xia who gave the instructions. As long as it was not imminent and critical information, she would only report it to Jiang Yu alone.

Thunder Cloud Armor strode forward, swinging vigorously with its thick and free left arm. Even if the biochemical war beast that rushed from the side opened its mouth to the maximum extent, it could not swallow the giant steel soldier in one bite.

It couldn't, so the armored arm hit the center of the mouthparts. Electricity flashed, and the close-range defense weapon Kasumi had modified and mounted under the metal left arm was activated.

‘Bah—! ! 'Two flaming fires.

Large caliber shotgun, double gun, equipped with dragon's breath bombs. The sneak attack hunter received a broken mouthpart and a pierced head in the hoarse wail. It fell backwards, with two shell casings falling from beneath the metal left arm.

"Use grenades and cooperate with Mou Gang's barrage suppression." Jiang Yu's command came from the communication channel. This advice was originally meant for Zhan Lan, who was holding HK416 to scrape the predator, but he didn't expect Zhang Jie to do the same. responded to his order. Two rifle grenades mounted under the 416 immediately popped up and shot behind Mou Gang's frontal barrage.

‘Boom—boom—! ’ There were two loud noises, and the ground shook. The grenades were not powerful enough to destroy Raccoon City's underground structures. But for a biochemical monster like Hunter Gamma, its lethality is already huge enough.

"Ayu, there are two more coming over from the right." It was still Xia's private message, and there was indeed an underground passage on the right that didn't move much at first - when the searchlight on one side of the Thunder Cloud Armor turned around , the two biochemical behemoths charged towards it one after another, and Jiang Yu's response was a thunder and lightning pulse.

Two rounds.

‘Here—cluck—! ’

The first lightning scorched the first head, and the current splashed by the water surface paralyzed the second head. By the time the second hunter Gamma regained his mobility, the second lightning pulse was already fully charged.

"Ayu, it's safe." - Xia's voice reached Jiang Yu's ears together with the main god's scoring announcement when the second one fell down with smoke all over his body.

"Ceasefire." Jiang Yu said. He first saw Zhan Lan and Zhang Jie stop pressing the trigger - Zhang Jie also reminded Zhan Lan not to waste too many bullets.

Then, Jiang Yu raised the right arm of the Thunder Cloud Armor to block the sight of Mou Gang, who was a little murderous.

The Vulcan cannon, which had already wasted hundreds of extra rounds of high-explosive shells, stopped its barrage. Along with a strong wind triggered by Zhan Lan's telekinesis, pieces with the flesh and blood of seven or eight gamma predators appeared in the main passage directly in front of him.

The flesh-and-blood weapons produced by biochemical engineering are, at least at this stage, still somewhat inadequate compared to 23MM caliber high-explosive bombs. Coupled with the assistance of rifle grenades to suppress it, it was obvious that not even half of the biological beasts coming from the main passage were alive.

‘Peng——’ Zheng Zha, whose exoskeleton was stained with many pieces of flesh and blood, walked out of the left passage carrying a thermal ax. There was heat surging all over his body.

"I killed three here! Everyone - uh..."

He looked at the slaughter scene in the main aisle. Then he looked at the several behemoths that had fallen near Jiang Yu - and finally turned his head, Xia, who had no sense of presence, killed a small hunter species that tried to sneak around and attack behind the temporary position of the Samsaras. .

He realized one thing - Jiang Yu originally wanted to give him a nod, but finally decided to let him say it himself.

"I'm hurts when I cut it. I will pay attention to teamwork next time. Well, teamwork." Zheng Zha scratched his head in embarrassment. It was not like he had never learned team tactics in previous training battles, and he had done quite well. But sure enough, holding a rifle, an exoskeleton and a giant ax is still very different when facing different types of enemies and terrain.

Inside the Thunder Cloud Armor, Jiang Yu curled her lips. The future Zheng Zha in the original work is indeed like this. He thinks about the time to rush and rushes over. Anyway, his teammates will naturally cooperate with him - after all, he was the leader of the team at that time.

In this world line, the choice of team is more stable.

And Jiang Yu didn't intend to pursue such details.

"This ambush is not normal... I suspect that we may have stabbed their nest." Jiang Yu said, his observation equipment scanning some specific places under Xia's secret instructions. And soon, he discovered a fork in the wall on one side of the main passage that had a lot of connective tissue adsorbed on it.

"It's indeed a nest." Zhan Lan walked over to take a look and gave a guess. "The size and number of these monsters are too huge. Simply by eating garbage, they should have been hungry enough to attack the surface - I guess these monsters play a 'scavenger' role in the sewer pipes, so we basically I didn’t see any mutated creatures or zombies. Because they hunted all the weak monsters.”

"In other words, we only need to deal with this 'Hunter-γ' nest. This sewer will be emptied." Zhang Jie interjected: "In this case, if we move faster, we may still have time to return. Take a nice hot bath at your base."

His tone was relaxed.

But Jiang Yu, who knew his identity, understood that he would not speak for no reason - the memories in Jiang Yu's mind immediately began to be sorted out quickly, and a special item appeared in his mind.

"Crocodile." He suddenly said: "There is also a mutant crocodile in the sewer in the game."

"I remember that crocodile was not big?" Zheng Zha interjected, then shook his head and pointed to the remains of the hunters lying on the ground. "But I remember the Gamma Hunters from the game being much smaller than the ones we encountered."

He was talking about the original Resident Evil game, while Jiang Yu was referring to the remake more than ten years later. The mutated crocodile in the reset version has changed from a large monster that can attack to a behemoth with an instant-death mechanism that can only be killed through plot.

If there was a subplot in the sewers, this would be it.


"Mou Gang, the cannons should be replaced with armor-piercing bullets. Everyone, prepare the shock bombs and grenades. The rifles...well, replace them with anti-biological bullets, which are more expensive ones. Assume that crocodile really exists and has expanded. Then Zheng Zha and I will be responsible for attracting firepower, Mou Gang will be responsible for breaking the armor, and the others will cover us and give it a hard blow with anti-biological bombs."

Anti-biological bomb, the effect is to inhibit the regeneration ability of carbon-based organisms. This is a product of Resident Evil 7. In the Lord God, it has the same cost as the anti-spiritual bomb.

Jiang Yu turned her head again - turned her head inside the armor - and glanced at Xia, whose presence was even lower than Zhang Jie's.

"Xia, lay mines here. There are so many corpses here, I think they will be more suitable bait."

Xia nodded silently, and quickly and neatly laid out the booby traps while the others were adjusting their equipment. And soon, the reincarnations once again set foot on the road of going deep into the sewer pipes.

Jiang Yu's guess was correct. Deep in the sewers, there was indeed a lair of Hunter Gamma, and it was not far from this ambush point - most of the members in the lair had already been in the previous battle. was purged. The two or three kittens left in the nest were quickly dealt with.

He was right, and his suspicion became a fact - when the reincarnations easily cleared the hunter's lair. More than a hundred meters away in a straight line, there was a series of faint explosions.

‘Boom—boom—roar—! ’ An explosion, accompanied by a roar of pain.

The big guy injured by the booby trap must be in pain.

Hmm... Come and count the votes?

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