Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 303 Love at first sight

If words were needed to describe it, it would be to stuff the earth and the sky into a front-loading washing machine, and then turn it at a speed high enough to disintegrate the machine. The entire black steel security prison was violently shaken by this blow, and bloomed.

The steel fortress became a blooming metal flower.

A large metal structure tens to hundreds of meters long and wide was violently torn apart, lifted up, and turned into petals or stamens that bloomed in any direction in all directions. The explosion itself became secondary, because the extremely harsh tearing and concussive sound filled the sky, even causing the floating clouds in the sky to tremble.

Jiang Yu personally experienced the power of the fourth level for the first time.

Pure and huge force, gathered in a small point. The absolute power of Zhao Yingkong's Phoenix Eye Fist may only be a mere 10,000 tons. However, the direction where it converges is even more subtle than the tip of a needle!

One cubic micrometer of space was completely wiped out.

The energy within the space...or, in other words, the vacuum zero-point energy used to maintain the stable existence of the space itself, crashed in all directions like a wild horse running wild at this moment. This was literally 'shattering the vacuum' in the physical sense, and more than 90% of the released energy was all vented on Jiang Yu's body at this moment.

He seemed to hear the sound of the Shield of Purification cracking.

It seemed as if he saw the extremely sturdy Kryptonian armor turning into pieces like a paper shell.

The moment he received this blow, his perception turned into chaos, and the surrounding field of vision was stretched into color blocks and lines in a high-speed environment. He didn't know how many walls he smashed and how many pieces of metal he tore with this blow. He only felt that the sub-divine power and biological force field in his body were rapidly depleted by this blow, and severe phantom pain continued to emerge in every corner of his limbs.

If there was even one tenth of a million hopes at the beginning, I thought that Zhao Yingkong's main personality would take into account the interpersonal relationships of the sub-personalities and give up. So Jiang Yu now completely gave up this chance - at this moment, he realized exactly how big the gap existed between the fourth level of unlocking the gene lock and the fourth level below. If he hadn't been here, no matter who he was in the Central Continent team, he would have only died.

——But I'm not dead yet.

—— doesn't hurt!

Disturbed perceptions suddenly became clear.

Jiang Yu's eyes narrowed, and what he saw around him was a dented desert hill, and a huge black steel structure that was blooming like flowers and constantly collapsing was already nearly ten kilometers away in front of him. The feeling of the shield being cracked and the armor being shattered was all false, and the energy and blood in his body was only used when he was pushing the grain with all his strength, and the pain nerves were not accurately touched by external force!

She didn't break her defense!

Once her defense is broken, she dies immediately, so her health bar is only 1 and 0!

Both Penetration Strength and Hunyuan Strength were firmly resisted by their own powerful defenses. Even that purely powerful blow could not penetrate their own defenses!

"It's so hard." The girl's voice came suddenly.

The mountain split open. A huge and smooth canyon was torn open as if cut by a giant sword several kilometers long. Arondette's surface was filled with unprecedented blazing black-red flames. The moment it slashed, it was as irresistible as the wheel of fortune.

If it's unstoppable, don't block it.

The sense of crisis is always at its highest at the moment the war begins, and no matter which direction it comes from, it is extremely deadly. The invisible bone harp vibrations spread in this airspace as Zhao Yingkong traveled, tearing apart the spatial stability of this vast airspace.


The biological force field exploded on the side of the body and turned into a powerful driving force, helping Jiang Yu avoid this vertical slash that could not maintain micro-speed at all times. The moment the mountain was cut open, the spear he held tightly in his hand also glowed with blazing light. Not throwing, but forward - stabbing!

‘Buzz—! ’

The restrained Judgment Light Cannon ionized the air over a large area, and this blow, which was not expected at first, almost touched Zhao Yingkong's body at the moment of activation. But the surprise turned into fright in the next moment. Jiang Yu's pupils shrank. He clearly saw Zhao Yingkong reaching out and following the trajectory of the beam bombardment.

Then, rotate your fingers.

The Judgment Light Cannon, which is essentially a beam of high-energy particles, bends like a noodle in boiling water. The brilliant trajectory drew an arc that perfectly conformed to the golden ratio under the boiling sky. It actually turned around and blasted towards Jiang Yu himself!

what is this?

God damn energy cannon returned?

It doesn’t matter if it’s a thunder cannon, why can’t the special light cannon be countered! ?

It is too late to think, and the curse can only be run in the mind with a fleeting calculation power. The most important thing to do, and the only thing that can be done, is to block the shield of sin in front of you, and then welcome the impact of your own power.

My own...power?


Jiang Yu realized something.

It resonates with itself and becomes one whole body. The source of one's own resonance comes from one's own life and one's own power. In other words, the continuous power released by oneself will also maintain the same frequency as oneself due to resonance, and this means that this power that is completely in the same frequency as oneself at this moment may break one's own. defense!

Use Zi's spear to attack Zi's shield.

He didn't realize it, he didn't realize it, he didn't expect that the cover door could be used by others, and it actually manifested itself in front of his eyes in this way at this moment. And this means that he must immediately——

--frequency conversion!

Frequency conversion is still a flaw, and the change in power form will also slightly weaken one's defense. But compared to being taken away directly by the opponent, it is naturally acceptable to suffer a little at this moment!

'boom--! ! ’ The flipped Judgment Light Cannon hit the Shield of Purification. The change in power frequency caused instability in his heart, but it was immediately rebalanced under the physical control of the Gene Lock. However, the head-on collision is irrelevant. The key point is the surprise attack launched by Zhao Yingkong with this luminous cannon!

"The response was faster than expected."

Her voice already appeared behind her.

Her speed was unbelievable.

The teleportation device embodied in Jiang Yu's body trembled slightly, revealing the fact that the spatial structure was slightly unstable at the previous moment, but it was filled with a certain order. It was clear that the entire world was covered by the vibrating waves of the bone harp at this moment, but she was still able to move through it with the help of the turbulence of the space itself!

It's frequency. She used the frequency of space changes due to the bone harp.

She used her own feet to navigate through curvature!

'clang--! ! ! ’

It's too late to change posture.

But for Jiang Yu, who was completely intact, it made no difference whether he was hit in the neck or the vest. All impacts are automatically transferred to the solid surface of the Shield of Sin. Since the shield door no longer exists, he will not be vulnerable to any weakness attack in any sense!

The attack is the same, and the grappling is the same. Zhao Yingkong's hand wrapped around her neck, because it couldn't capture the friction at all, it seemed like it had hit a layer of ideal fluid!

——Thunder comes!

‘Crack-! ! ! ’

The power issued an order, and the thunder suddenly generated was as dense as a heavy rain. Zhao Yingkong, who failed to succeed in the attack, let out a chuckle. She shifted her steps again and sailed several kilometers away from the curvature amid the trembling sound of the bone harp.

She shouldn't have done this.

Even if Jiang Yu is not a Saint, she shouldn't do this.

Because the moment she took steps, Jiang Yu also calculated the frequency of the bone piano's shock wave. This is what he is best at. Even if it is just one step behind, she may not be as good as him in this field!

Space, transfer.

The moment Zhao Yingkong sailed through the curvature, Jiang Yu also arrived at this unstable space fault. He stepped into it with his own calculation power, experience, and feeling, and he decided at this moment to be bolder than usual.

Zhao Yingkong is not invincible.

Her strongest point will also be her weakest point.

Because Jiang Yu knew her and knew that Zhao Yingkong's personality had always been sleeping deeply enough. And before falling asleep, he had no experience at all in mobilizing energy circulation. Under normal circumstances, she might be able to use the fourth level of Subtle Realm to control it forcefully and quickly adapt to it completely. But when moving in space, her attention to detail must be applied to adapt to the spatial structure.

The time she spent waking up was still too short.

And Jiang Yu was willing to take a gamble here, betting that she would be too late to fully adapt to her ability cycle!

——I see you.

In the unstable space fault, he searched and locked her.

And he did not hesitate, risking even the possibility of both of them dying in the space storm, and suddenly raised the Spear of Judgment in the process of moving through space.

‘Pfft——’ The spear penetrated the heart.

The moment the teleportation ended, the war spear penetrated the assassin girl's body - accompanied by a rupture of space and a thunderstorm.

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