Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 305 Playing House and Drinking

Ishimura No.

Above the silent space, the huge wreckage of the spacecraft floats quietly in the void. The signs of life were once strong in this wreckage, then weakened and then became strong again, and all of these reasons were due to the several buttons pressed by the clone Chu Xuan before the battle.

She's left behind here.

Leaving behind the weight of perishing together.

Of course she didn't have the energy to reincarnate again and create a new body from the new divine seal. But this does not prevent her from leaving a large enough divine seal on the Ishimura and activating it when she needs it.

After all, the essence of the divine seal is a weapon and a harvesting device. It has the characteristic of being 'easy to copy'. It does not require a high technical level and can be shaped many times according to the same pattern. Once the pollution of the divine seal in the area reaches the appropriate density, the harvesting device will be activated, the "dead space" characteristics will be canceled, and all the corpses will converge towards the location of the divine seal. Eventually, a super-large aggregate that gathers the flesh and blood of the entire infected civilization will be created, and its appearance will be like a blood-red moon.

The blood moon is what the people on earth call it in the original novel.

A giant aberration, the Lord God gave it this name.

Of course, even if the battle damage is taken out, the number of crew members on the Ishimura will not exceed 2,000. Even if they are completely spliced ​​together, they are at most the level of a small high-rise building. If they want to become a blood moon, they are completely substandard.

The number of organisms is insufficient.

But the problem of quantity can be made up for by quality.

The clone Chu Xuan chose a different strategy for this safety device. She uses the necromorph as the foundation, and then uses black light and black water as auxiliaries for mutual iteration. In the end, the giant power engine on the Ishimura is the source of energy that completes the conversion of mass into energy. It will provide sufficient and huge power, but in fact, if it is triggered at the beginning, then Jiang Yu and others will most likely not be able to win as easily as they have experienced before.

Unfortunately, she couldn't do it.

The final blow from the Wieland company's giant ship destroyed part of the Ishimura's power structure and also interrupted the clone Chu Xuan's original plan. She couldn't cast this killer weapon at the beginning, let alone place a giant one in the black steel prison, and then be directly hit by the powerful pollution radiation to kill her first when it was activated. Her failure has become inevitable, and regardless of whether she fails or not, the mess she left behind, or the mess left by Chu Xuan, will eventually have to be dealt with by the reincarnations of the Central Continent Team on their own.

This can also be regarded as a manifestation of making the best use of everything.


"Hmm, so that's what happened."

On top of the wreckage of the giant ship, Zhao Yingkong's landing point was covered with the newly generated remains of the corpse. After a failed attempt, dozens of huge arms and legs withdrew in horror from the ruins of the broken battleship towards the depths, because their number was originally dozens, and those who failed to escape in time became Alondette's sword. Drop the residue.

Just one sword.

The girl's hand stabbed into a relatively pleasing-looking arm and foot, and with the most brutal and subtle power, she quickly and accurately analyzed the genetic memory in the remains.

She saw the scene where the crew was running around after the battleship was damaged, working together to repair the damaged area.

She saw the time when the out-of-control... or controlled flesh and blood erupted from the secret room where the divine seal was placed, crushing the unprepared security personnel and emergency measures into pieces.

She saw contaminating radiation spreading through the hull, killing over ninety percent of the survivors in an instant and transforming them and the remains of the earlier dead into necromorphs.

She saw the necromorphs slaughtering all the survivors and quickly gathering towards the place where the seal was placed. The flesh and blood merged with each other, forming a huge and twisted distorted form. And a certain mechanism pre-set by the clone Chu Xuan drove it to approach the damaged but not completely destroyed power engine at the fastest speed.

The newly born polymer thrust its limb into the engine. The black light liquid and black water containers that had been placed there for a long time were also stimulated, and rapidly multiplied and mutated under the strong energy supply. Although matter is limited, if the energy is abundant, the limited scope can also be slightly expanded. to modify. In the end, a giant necromorph with a radius of about one mile filled the entire power zone and extended its flesh-and-blood arm tentacles to every area within the wreckage was born. It has the intelligence of an alien and the plasticity of black light.

A rather troublesome guy - quite troublesome for the original trio of Central Continent team.

What if it hadn't been discovered at the first time, but had been allowed to continue iterating in space, or even quietly land on the ground to absorb soil and rocks as its body structure. Perhaps at the end of their thirty-day stay, what stood in the way of the reincarnators' return home was really a huge 'blood moon' the size of an asteroid.

That's not something that can be solved by blasting it with the Spear of Judgment.

The time reserved by the Lord God is seven days, which naturally means that after seven days, this man-made monster will reach the out-of-control area that the reincarnations' paper combat power cannot effectively handle.

It's a pity that before this monster grew to be strong enough, it encountered more and more truly terrifying and weird things compared to it.

Zhao Yingkong.

The protagonist Zhao Yingkong.

Now she is undoubtedly at the strongest combat power point in her life.

Even if she couldn't familiarize herself with the energy circulation in her body for a while, she could use her fingers like an arm. The multiple strengthened physique, powerful and precious weapon props, and two non-conflicting A-level enhancements have also upgraded her current body to a level far greater than before. After all, the members of the Sora Project are all level 4 blank slates that only exist in theory. Before they can obtain the energy cycle, they will be exhausted in a short time. They may even suffer from high-tech weapons and become genetically locked. A negative example of the fourth order.

She is strong.

Therefore, the monsters on the Ishimura were nothing to her.

The clone Chu Xuan's method of returning together made her a wedding dress. Because this large and inappropriately giant piece of distorted flesh allowed her to amplify her body for the second time as quickly as possible.

She understood the whole story.

She took steps toward the Ishimura's power engine,

Arms and tentacles fled from her sight, and bravado threats and screams echoed throughout the huge ship. She clearly sensed that the behemoth entrenched in the power zone was struggling and twisting hard, trying to get her too huge body away from the ruins of the ship, trying to put a sufficient distance away from her.

It can't do it.

Because Zhao Yingkong actually only needs to take one step forward to reach it, or even inside its body.

And the reason why this step was not taken forward. It's just because in her mind, someone is trying to hold her back, trying his best to resist her.

Although in her eyes, this kind of resistance is actually no different from acting coquettishly.

She shook her head. Her excellent thinking algorithm saved her too much computing power. This allowed her to move toward the core of the Ishimura while playing house with another part of herself. All the obstacles caused by the giant aberrations in front of her were easily erased by her as if dust were brushed away from her eyes. As she moved forward, the monster could only wait for death that would come sooner or later.

"Although I compare myself to a demon king, it still makes me a little nervous because the princess doesn't look like a princess."

Her whispers echoed in her heart, and her inner world had turned into a solid castle at some point. The assassin girl who was forced into a princess dress is trying to escape in the maze of hearts that evolved in the castle. The girl has exquisite handcuffs and shackles on her body, and the knight's armor, which symbolizes the owner's hunting desire, is searching for her in the maze.

Just a play house.

Just like her previous battle with Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu's judgment on her was indeed correct - 'breaking the defense means instant death'. However, what Jiang Yu didn't know, or was unsure about, was that even if she had just taken over this body, she could effectively stimulate the light of the soul deep in her mind.

The assassin girl doesn't know what the light of the soul is.

But Jiang Yu must know.

And Zhao Yingkong's spiritual light has the effect of annihilation. Annihilation of matter, annihilation of energy. Theoretically, she could blow away Jiang Yu's shield and armor with one punch, as well as the body behind him. But if she really does that, everything will really not end.

She didn't really come here to take over her body and be reborn. If she really wanted to be resurrected, she could swallow all the sub-personalities down to the dregs with just one thought. Wherever I need to procrastinate, I still find time to play with Jiang Yu. The past experiences have left deep enough trauma in her soul, and as a person with a broken heart who was born with a disability, she doesn't have much desire to resurrect the dead.

Those who died should just be treated as corpses.

The members of the Sora Project are like this, and so is myself. Death is a certain sense of relief for those who are born with disabilities, not to mention that she also knows that her brothers and sisters rushed to the battlefield out of their own volition, and did not die inexplicably because of coaxing or deception.


——I actually don’t care about them that much.

Zhao Yingkong walked in the maze of her mind, and she knew where her goal was. But she didn't want to simplify things that had finally been complicated. After all, the Dragon Quest game is my own plan. It may seem a bit boring in some aspects, but overall it is more in line with my own aesthetic.

She summoned a knight's armor and put it on herself. In this way, she became one of the pursuers, hunting the fugitive little princess who was not far away from this node.

She actually didn't care much about her brothers and sisters - or rather, she didn't care about her brothers and sisters as 'individuals'. Because she was raised as an assassin on a desert island since she was a child. And in the cruel...or harsh training, she didn't kill her brothers and sisters on the training ground once or twice.

Losers deserve to die, this is in line with her self-perception. Among her many brothers and sisters, there were only two who could shake her mind and even look at them differently.

Zhao Ruikong, and... Zhao Zukong.

Ruikong was dead, and she had to admit that she was actually looking forward to meeting Zhao Zukong again. Killing the other party or being killed by the other party is an interesting development, and she feels that her brother should be the same.

——He must also want to kill me.

——Or, be killed by me.

——Hmm... Based on what I know about him, I think the two things may even go hand in hand. Maybe he would deliberately create an opportunity for me to kill him, and then copy Ruikong's skills and cure me through homologous completion?

The more I think about it, the more it feels right. And Zhao Yingkong felt that he did not resist such an outcome. Although she is not very interested in resurrecting her life, dying together with her dear brother is in line with her aesthetic needs.

——I kind of want to trick him.

——He tried his best to complete me, to make up for the fault of leaving me behind, and then die... This is a good idea.

——But what if, when he thought he was sacrificing himself to complete me, he was replaced by me instead? Oh, even if I did that, I would definitely not be able to see what happened afterwards, but I feel like this kind of thing is a little unbearable just thinking about it.

The assassin girl was right about her, she was indeed crazy.

But there are different types of madness, and the direction of her madness happens to be in a position that is not in conflict with the current Central Continent team.

She sensed her prey, the fugitive princess, just around the corner from the wall in front of her. She deliberately made a lot of noise, letting her knight's sword drag on the ground, emitting a series of noises and sparks.

‘Clang—’ A huge decorative vase fell down and hit her armor-covered body.

——Oops, I got knocked down.

She fell down, and then she saw the petite fugitive princess jumping hard on her. He grabbed the sword that he had deliberately let go of, uncovered the knight's visor and was about to stab him.

The prey's hand was frozen in the air, and the psychological shadow of the little princess at this moment was naturally infinite when the visor was unveiled.

Bad taste.

In this regard, Zhao Zukong's level is only enough for her to carry shoes. Although Zhao Zukong is probably quite happy to accept this assignment.

——The expression is very good.

——Hmm... How to let her escape?

My thoughts are spinning, but the pillow delivered to my door will be here soon.

——[Complete the side mission, Ellen Ripley has been taken to the designated coordinate point within three hours. All participants in the reincarnation will receive 2 C-level side plots and 4,400 reward points. 】

The Lord God’s announcement sounded. She took the opportunity to act distracted.

A cloud of handmade smoke dust immediately burst out from the sleeves of the fleeing little princess, and the next second, the assassin girl quickly escaped in panic.

Great, we can continue playing house.

Zhao Yingkong thought.

In reality, she was standing on top of a giant aberration in the power zone that was split in half from the middle.

There is only one section today_(:з ∠)_

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