Chapter 311 ·Rise

Second level.

Everyone's feeling and process of unlocking the second-level gene lock are actually different.

Like Zhu Wen, she has rich and detailed new senses, and she has to pass a test she prepared for herself before she can achieve it in the last step. However, if it were Kasumi, everything would fall into place.

Open the dragon's blood potion and drink it.

That's all she needs to do. A few seconds after drinking the potion, the second-level gene lock was already in her palm.

Because she was already familiar with it.

Under Jiang Yu's resonance, she has long been familiar with the effects of the second and even third levels.

She has already accumulated enough, what she lacks is just an opportunity and an opportunity. And when she felt that she could take the dragon's blood potion, she would naturally be able to take this step easily.

The difference from usual feeling is not big. The experience of opening the second level when resonating with Jiang Yu can be transferred to this newly opened gene lock almost without any hindrance - Xia made a little evaluation for herself. After opening the second level, she and Jiang Yu When resonating, you can get a fairly good overall increase. Compared with the previous third-level resonance state, it is about ten percent stronger.

better than nothing.

Because the main aspect to strengthen is actually her combat power base in the non-resonance state. Xia could clearly feel that her newly opened second-level gene lock had reached the middle to late stage of the second level in an instant, although she was not able to reach the peak stage of being able to vaguely perceive her inner self. But at the first level, she basically didn't think about how to use the Holy War Angel ability under normal conditions, but she was able to control it freely at the moment of breakthrough.

The most intuitive manifestation is that Zhu Wen has not been able to discover her until now.

Well, that's right. In fact, she has always been behind Zhu Wen. She blended into the shadows, stepped into the wind marks, and always maintained a distance of less than ten meters from Zhu Wen to provide protection - she sensed something abnormal about Zhu Wen the moment he dropped the bottle, because she dropped the bottle 'This incident itself is one of the prerequisites for the triggering of protective measures, and as the agent of Jiang Yu's authority, she chose not to make everything a big deal, but hid in the darkness, waiting for Zhu Wen to seize it through her own efforts. success.

Although protection will always exist, as long as the 'protection' itself is not discovered, it will not hinder the path of growth. And Xia did not do anything other than stealth protection during Zhu Wen's trial. Zhu Wen's results were not at any discount to her.

And now, she has already felt Zhu Wen's level rise - after turning on the second-level gene lock, the caster's control accuracy will be greatly improved, and this means that she may not succeed if she continues to hide. It is possible that Zhu Wen, who is in a good mood and has become more confident and publicized due to the new step, will tease her and play a clown role.

She doesn't mind being a clown - as long as it benefits Jiang Yu, she's fine with anything.

But in fields that have nothing to do with Jiang Yu, she doesn't want to be the target of others' teasing.


She waited for a few seconds until the gene lock level in Zhu Wen's body became relatively stable.

"Opening a gene lock with drugs is different from opening it by yourself, especially when the personal attributes are not biased towards physical enhancement. The sequelae of unlocking the gene lock for the first time will be particularly obvious after it is closed, even if the treatment is prepared in advance Spells can also cause the physical body to suffer unnecessary disability and pain."

Xia walked out of the shadows, with a bottle of genetic repair medicine in her hand - this was the medicine reserve used by Jiang Yu to help newcomers survive the first backlash of incapacitation, but because it had been too long since the purchase and The Lord God's Light Pillar could provide better repairs, so he forgot about this preparation measure.

He forgot, but Kasumi didn't.

Hao raised his wrist and the medicine flew smoothly to Zhu Wen's location.

Shape the Miracle Fire and then catch it - this is what Zhu Wen achieved on the spot after opening the second level.

Zhu Wen glanced at the potion and tilted her head.

"Injection?" she asked. "Now?"

"Ayu is usually used to carotid artery injection." Xia nodded. "Although the onset time of the drug is almost the same, he feels that it is more powerful. Use it before you close the second stage. Experience has proven that experiencing genetic incapacitation is worthless, but will affect subsequent Combat strength is needed.”

Zhu Wen nodded.

She didn't say anything, just did what Xia said and pressed the container toward her neck with great force. And the next moment, a subtle sense of security filled her heart.

The sequelae were relieved, and Xia's advice was indeed accurate and useful.

She nodded slightly to Xia in thanks, then turned her gaze to search among the burning remains of the aberration.

"Have you been looking at me, Miss Xia?" she asked casually.

"You made too much noise down there. I followed the noise here." Xia didn't lie to her, but she didn't answer directly either.

There is no direct answer, but it is also an answer.

Zhu Wen pursed her lips and said nothing. There is no need for more words at this moment. And her eyes narrowed slightly, something was captured by her, and then, the miraculous fire of shaping lifted it into the air directly in front of Zhu Wen.

That's a launch gun.

The contents are unknown, but Jacob used it to destroy the seal rather than just pull down the incinerator. It is obvious that this launch gun was once filled with some kind of precious object that is quite fatal to the divine seal, and even the derivatives of the divine seal. Unfortunately, it can only be used as a souvenir and cannot be used again.

It cannot be used by ordinary people...even ordinary reincarnators.

However, for those who perform miracles, it may have some interesting effects.

"The warrior's sword, the sharp edge that slays evil spirits. Your name is 'Jacob's legacy', and you will complete Jacob's unfulfilled ambition." Zhu Wen stared at the launch gun in front of her, and the fire of miracles was in the air. Her low chanting was effective. The impromptu spell and the fire distorted the shape of this high-tech creation. After a few seconds, the flames dissipated and the high-tech launch gun turned into an exquisite short embroidered sword.

"A sword that can only be used once, it embodies the legend of a warrior called Jacob. It will hit a huge evil that Jacob could not eradicate during his lifetime, and it will bring about the power of that evil. Defeated.”

She tilted her head, looked at Xia, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"I made a magic item. It may be useful in the next battle." There was a faint hint of showing off in her tone. Then, she threw the dagger, exactly the same as when Kasumi delivered the gene repair solution before.

"Thank you for what you just did. Let's take this as a return gift. Although it may not be of much use..."

Kasumi took the dagger.

She experienced an interesting sensation.

For the first time, the gift was given directly to her, rather than being handed over through Jiang Yu's hands, or it was simply a gift given to her by Jiang Yu - at this moment, she clearly felt the connection originating from outside Jiang Yu, and...resistance.

Returning the favor is not only out of politeness, but also because you don’t want to get too close. At this moment, Xia clearly sensed Zhu Wen's thoughts. The confidence she had grown up surrounded this new fighter. She couldn't wait to stand on her own, rather than staying under the wings of the powerful for a long time.

She is familiar with Jiang Yu, and she knows that Jiang Yu is happy to see such things happen.

However, specific decisions still need to be made...

Xia turned her head slightly, and Zhu Wen's eyes suddenly widened.

In their perception, within their field of vision, an invisible, substantial, and huge wave was being released outwards with Jiang Yu's area as the center!

It's space.

This entire space is in turmoil.

The fluctuations in this space are like ripples on calm water. In an instant, they have covered the sky and the ground for hundreds of miles!

The center of the wreckage of the Ishimura.

Zhao Yingkong, who had been waiting for a long time, finally cast an interested glance downwards.

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