Chapter 317 ·Stubborn

A feeling of déjà vu.

A familiar sight.

The last time, it was the cutting spear that penetrated Zhao Yingkong's heart, and her response was 'no pain, no itching'.

But this time, it was Jiang Yu's hand that held the heart, and at this moment, he did not directly release the destructive power inside.

What's the use of breaking this body?

The main body of the personality has undoubtedly reached the fourth level of power. Unless he completely destroys this mass of flesh and blood without leaving a single cell, he will be completely unable to defeat her. But if he really did that and really did it, the other Zhao Yingkong he knew well would also die together in an instant.

The goal cannot be mistaken. What he has to do is to take back the secondary personality Zhao Yingkong from the hands of the main personality, rather than kill one of them neatly. Because theoretically speaking, Zhao Yingkong, the protagonist, is the real owner of the body in front of him, and the other person he knows is just a rootless duckweed. It is far more difficult to survive independently than the protagonist.

So, there is only one way.

That is... to seize the control of this body from the hands of the master personality!

Forced resonance, turned on.

In the astonished and unexpected eyes of the protagonist Zhao Yingkong, Jiang Yu's biological force field completely filled this petite body that did not belong to him.


The time for playing house is over.

In the palace of the heart of the main personality, the assassin girl who was close to giving up hope and just instinctively ran away in the maze subconsciously raised her eyes upwards. The Heart Palace vibrated under her feet, and the frequency of vibration was so familiar, so similar to someone!

It's him, he's finally here!

His will and strength joined this battlefield in the soul.

The huge maze was torn apart and collapsed in the earthquake. The light from the sky finally penetrated this lonely land for the first time.

The assassin girl ran without hesitation. Even though her hands and feet were still bound, she ran towards the falling light with all her strength. Countless soul guards struggled to climb out of the ruins and roared towards her, but she didn't care. In her eyes, there was only the direction shown by the ray of light.

"Jiang Yu!"

The call of a girl is the best beacon.

The light was restrained by her call, and came to her side because of her call.

The light molded into Jiang Yu's appearance.

"Sorry, I'm late." Jiang Yu glanced at the beautiful princess dress on the assassin girl and the shackles under the dress. She molded her heart into a gun and swept it around. All the mind guards were here. The blow was cut into two unequal parts, and he immediately stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around the girl's slender waist.

"It's not too late." The assassin girl's voice was thin. But clear.

She hung on Jiang Yu's body tightly, trying not to add any hindrance or burden to him as much as possible.

Her mind settled down.

Jiang Yu clearly felt her mood and her heartbeat.

The battle is not over yet, and it is impossible to walk out of this palace of broken hearts with her. Because in the next moment, everything in front of you has been transformed violently, from a damaged ruined castle to a stable and gorgeous secret palace.

The main personality is at the other end of the hall, with her head raised like a proud queen. She still has power in this spiritual place. The heavily armored knights, symbolizing her will to resist, guarded her like a dense forest.

"Not bad, not bad." She clapped her hands gently. "You really found a way to defeat me and put me to sleep for a long time."

"Using resonance to compete with me for control of this body is indeed an idea that I have never thought of. But no matter what, as a host, I have to treat uninvited guests well. good."

"Come and try, I'm right here. I won't hide or run away." Her chin raised, and the heavy-armored knights beside her surged up. "If you can overcome the obstacles in front of you, if you can come in front of me, what's the harm in handing over my head to you?"

The knights swarmed forward.

Each of them has pure combat skills that perfectly replicate the Sora Plan Assassin. And Jiang Yu is not afraid of them, even if their number is as huge as the ocean tide.

go ahead.

The girl in his arms clung to him tightly.

The spear blade cut the knight's throat, and the spear tip penetrated the knight's armor.

He is not afraid of the giant sword, he faces the falling battle ax head on. After all, powerful skills must be adapted to powerful strength before they can be used effectively. He just moved forward, and all the silent knights fell under his gun.

A knight died. Another knight added.

One hundred knights died, and the next hundred knights joined the battlefield.

The Queen was waiting for him at the end of the hall, and he moved forward without hesitation, until he leveled everything in front of him.

Is it ten thousand or twenty thousand? He was too lazy to calculate.

Is it one million or two million? He doesn't know.

He doesn't care about these things, he only cares about the goal he is going to achieve. Boiling blood crossed his ankles, and piles of debris stretched across his knees. The girl in his arms always trusted him, and this expectation would naturally be rewarded.

When he came to the throne, he was still unharmed. Even if the battle in the spiritual world lasts for several days, in reality it is just a fleeting thought, and there is not even a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

The Queen was waiting for him.

He needs to get the Queen's head by himself.

He didn't care about this trivial exertion, he just waved the heart-forged spear in his hand without hesitation.

'clang--! ’

The sword blocked the gun.

The queen's eyes were filled with disappointment.

"You are still a tool." She said, the giant sword in her hand fighting against the gun. "You are still not moved by anything. In your eyes and in your heart, there is still only the idea of ​​'fulfilling your duties'. I have said so much to you, but you haven't listened to a word. What you want to save is' A member of the Zhongzhou Team', not 'Zhao Yingkong'. You, let me down."

"Oh." Jiang Yu replied softly. "Finished?"

The gun knocked away the sword.

There is no light of annihilation, no power of destruction. The battle between the Queen and the uninvited guest is one of pure speed and strength. The blood-stained and gorgeous palace turned into fragmented ruins during the confrontation between the two. The walls collapsed, the ground shattered, and the huge pillars tended to collapse.

"I'm going to take her away, that's what I'm going to do. It doesn't matter whether you're disappointed or not, if you block my way, I'm going to knock you down."

His martial arts were as unorganized as ever.

But he only needs to be fast, accurate and ruthless, and he only needs speed and strength. No matter how complicated and exquisite the moves were, he used blind attacks to break them head-on. No matter what Zhao Yingkong said, he never wavered in the slightest.

Her theory seemed to make sense—but so what?

Her words seemed to indicate some truth - but so what?

She was right, but it was only correct relative to herself. She likes to say that it doesn't matter whether she is a tool or a monster, Jiang Yu will not waver in her goal anyway.

"I am not the kingly protagonist in RPG games. I can be persuaded casually, and I can't escape as long as I talk. Why should I care about your thoughts, why should I care about your position? You said that I am a tool, Even if that’s true…”

"So what?"

His gaze did not waver in the slightest as the guns and swords clashed.

"...I won't hand her over to you." Zhao Yingkong stared at him with complicated eyes.

However, the next moment, the entire gorgeous palace collapsed under the seeping external light.

Forced resonance that never ends.

"I'm not here to ask for your opinion." Jiang Yu's gun pierced her heart again.

"I'm here to take her away, take away the Zhao Yingkong I know. If I want to do this, I will overcome all resistance."

"It doesn't matter whether you agree or not."

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