Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 319 Ending and Return

Chapter 319·Ending and Return

Twenty-seven days.

Only three days have passed during the first month of reincarnation in this world.

When the fourth day came, whether it was Zhu Wen or Zhao Yingkong, their injuries were fully healed by the medicine. Of course, the good ones are only physical injuries, and the spiritual level is another matter. Zhao Yingkong didn't care, but Zhu Wen was taught a lesson by the dominant character Zhao Yingkong and was quite frightened.

When she saw Zhao Yingkong, it was like a mouse meeting a cat. Even though Zhao Yingkong had sincerely apologized to her several times for her previous actions, it did not prevent her from feeling weak and weak when she saw the assassin girl.

This isn't entirely a bad thing. At least none of Zhu Wen's pride as a 'genius newcomer' was left at this moment. She became much more obedient and very well-behaved. As for whether there are any psychic loopholes left that can become a breakthrough point... that will only be known by Zhan Lan after the Lord God has repaired them.

Jiang Yu thought so.

However, Zhu Wen seems to be more inclined to seek therapy from him - even if he is fully self-aware of his fighting skills and emphasizes it again and again.

Well, since it was the prayer of a lovely team member, even if Jiang Yu, as the acting captain, was completely confused, she could only force herself to do it. The result of this was that Zhu Wen pestered him for two whole days. And this made Zhao Yingkong, who wanted to find time to be alone with Jiang Yu... in a bad mood.

The worse her mood became, the more scared Zhu Wen became.

The more frightened Zhu Wen was, the more reluctant she was to leave Jiang Yu, and even had physical convulsions when she tried to simply blend in. She was forced to do something like "I will also come to receive therapy".

Infinite loop.

There is basically no solution.

No matter how low Jiang Yu's emotional intelligence is, he can still feel that the current situation does not seem to be very good. But he has become accustomed to solving problems with his fists. There really is no strategy to deal with this weird situation.

He's a loser - he only knows how to act stupid.

Fortunately, the reliable Xia will help him, so that he will not spend the next three weeks or so on this embarrassing three-person dance.


"Ayu, I found a hidden communication base station. It seems to be functioning normally after replacing spare parts. If we use it, we should be able to call the spacecraft passing by this star area. And I remember that in the alien world view There seems to be an aerospace order that must be explored for distress signals.”

Indeed, the plot of Alien 1 was inspired by this. The Nosmo, which was originally just an ore transport ship, had to go to an unregistered strange planet and conduct on-site inspections. So much so that it led to a lot of subsequent changes.

And now, something similar may be about to happen again.

"Ayu, do you want to activate it?" Xia asked. She brought a perfect escape method for Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu had no reason not to use this straw, which did not save his life, but at least it could save his life.

Jiang Yu thought for a while.

"I remember, as the executive director of Wieland, I came to accept the assets of the planet Black Steel. And we encountered betrayal on this planet. The people who did it were the clones Chu Xuan and Ripley. And the human bishop. This is an obvious internal and external collusion, and if the other party has a back-up plan, it should be used soon."

The bishop backstabbed 'Middle-Continent', and naturally this kind of cheating behavior cannot be exposed to the sight of Wilander's board of directors. Jiang Yu made sure that other members of the board of directors were not involved, because if it was a factional act, then the planet would have suffered an orbital bombardment from the company's fleet on the second day at the latest. But now... the company has lost a mothership, an executive director and his assistant have lost contact, but there is not even a trace of him coming to collect evidence and investigate.

They have clearly won the corporate war. It was impossible to act stupid about such a shameful matter. Therefore, there is only one answer, and that is Wieland Corporation, which does not know anything about what happened on Fiora 161. As a traitor, the bishop did not have enough leverage to make a final decision - he may have mobilized a private army through the power of the directors to deal with the aftermath, but this private army was afraid of the power of "Zhongzhou". Because they are not strong enough.

"... There should be a small fleet hidden in this star area. It can't destroy the planet, and it may not be able to wash the surface. However, if someone takes the initiative to expose the coordinates, or boards a starship that has nothing to do with the company, The will come in handy.”

Very simple logic, no matter who the clones Chu Xuan and Jiang Yu win in the end. Bishops who are traitors need to silence those who know about it. This way, even if there are clues found when the company is held accountable afterwards, the blame can be placed on the old excuse that the synths lost control. Rather than taking the risk of being boarded and killed by members of the "Zhongzhou" who have extremely strong individual combat capabilities, they chose to wander within a certain distance of the star area and then blow up all the aircraft trying to leave the planet. This is the safest and most appropriate response.

If you signal for help, you must be able to call someone.

And the spacecraft called will definitely be attacked and destroyed by this small hidden fleet after the rescue is completed. Of course, choosing to continue wasting time on this planet is also a way of coping. The reincarnators will inevitably return after thirty days, and the subsequent development can naturally be left to the identity set by the Lord God to handle.


——The feng shui here is not good.

"Activate the communication station." Jiang Yu nodded and made a decision. "But we won't show up. If a rescue ship shows up, let them find where Ripley sleeps."

Ripley. The heroine of the Alien series.

And this is Fiora 161, the home of Alien 3. She was supposed to die here, but now she was just sleeping in the dormant cabin, and did not die in the smelting furnace with no bones left as in the original plot.

Therefore, if we use her as bait and follow the plot of the Alien series, there is a high probability that the other party will take action directly. When the other party takes action, it is when they are exposed, and at that time, they can return to the simple and rough rhythm that the reincarnations are familiar with.

Betrayal is betrayal no matter what.

The birth of the replica Chu Xuan was still attributable to the reincarnations. After taking action, she also paid a heavy price in the form of her body being annihilated and her flesh and soul turned into a side plot.

If she is like this, then the bishop's fate... is naturally not difficult to predict.


The day after the base station was launched, a cargo spacecraft passing through this star area discovered it. Fiora 161 is a site recorded on the public star map, but due to its special nature, it has never been a stop for spacecraft. Coincidentally, this cargo spacecraft happens to be the property of Wal-Mart.

The corporate war between Wieland and Walmart is less than a year away from ending. The industrial transfer between the winner and the loser can only be said to have just begun. Unless the war starts again and the intensity intensifies, the issue of wrangling for hundreds of years will not be considered a big problem.

And this means that when the cargo spacecraft discovered that Fiora 161, a planet that was delivered by black steel to Wilander, but whose property rights seemed unclear at the moment, had an accident, its first reaction was, Instead of following the interstellar convention to detect the survivors' information, they were more straightforward and first sent a communication signal to Wal-Mart's head office.

This is reasonable and even in line with plot logic. Because Wal-Mart is originally the invisible villain of Alien 4. It was supposed to annex Wilander in a world line without the participation of the reincarnations, and obtain Ripley's genetic samples to replicate the development of the alien. And after the plot of Alien 3 ended, it came to take over the plot of Alien was originally very normal.

But Jiang Yu didn't think about this.

So when Wal-Mart's detection fleet suddenly jumped over half an hour later, and immediately discovered the bishop's private army hidden in this sector with a high-precision detection system, he felt that his jaw was about to drop.

Unsurprisingly, the bishop's private army who wanted to bluff was exposed and was beaten to a pulp by Wal-Mart's regular fleet on the spot. The betrayal that the Bishop tried so hard to conceal was discovered on the spot by Wieland's spies lurking inside Wal-Mart due to the mobilization of forces by the hostile company. The Wal-Mart fleet, which thought it could grab a sore foot to gain a breathing space in the negotiation, ushered in Wieland's main fleet in an hour, and what followed was a battle that affected several companies within a few days. In the star area, several small fortress planets were wiped out by "small frictions between company negotiations".

Jiang Yu was confused about this.

He had no idea that this set of Domele dominoes could be played this way. He originally planned to build a downwind ship, but at most it was a plan to use shields to defend the ship when the opponent fired a sneak attack, and then relied on a common position to force the downwind ship to get closer to the opponent so that he could join forces to fight back. It turned out to be like this due to a chain reaction.

And in the end, Wieland's company deservedly had the upper hand. The sector where Fiora 161 was located was occupied by the company's fleet, and when the board of directors' welcoming fleet arrived in front of him... he had nothing more to say.

Zhao Yingkong and Zhu Wen both looked at him as if they were aliens, and perhaps it was Xia who pursed her lips and snickered.

What's even more embarrassing is that because of the special situation, he has to pretend to be confident.

"The company will not tolerate traitors, and the company will not let the achievements of its employees be buried. What's more, you are a distinguished executive director, and the board of directors' decision is that the traitor's seat and industry belong to you."

The special envoy from the board of directors who greeted him said so. In the hands of this high-level enhanced person, he held a transparent container encapsulating a living head. The bishop's old and ferocious face was restrained, and the many pipelines connecting his nerves obviously did not all play a life-sustaining role.

"He is yours." The messenger left the head. He seemed to dare not stay in front of Jiang Yu for too long. This may be because the battlefield restoration in the Fiora area has been completed. And Jiang Yu is only one of the Zhongzhous. There are many other "Zhongzhou" identities, which are distributed in various key places of the company due to the trusteeship of the Lord God.

Jiang Yu felt that she was not in the mood for revenge.

So he threw the container back and it fell into Zhao Yingkong's hands. But the assassin girl was quick and quick, and with one fatal blow, the bishop who only had his head left was freed.

The problem is solved.

Although it doesn't seem to be a very pleasant way to deal with it, the problem is indeed solved.

All technical remnants of Fiora 161 were restored and packed. As a member of the board of directors, Jiang Yu was naturally able to keep a complete set of backup files on hand. All traces of the clone Chu Xuan have become data, and the bishop has not left any residue. After refusing to participate in the second negotiation with Wal-Mart, Jiang Yu, who obtained the new mothership, took his companions to his trophy settlement site.

It was a planet... not big in size, but it had undergone a complete set of ecological transformations and formed a self-contained cycle of ecological garden asteroids. And this is a huge palace that can roam among the stars on the spot after being equipped with a giant engine that is not yet available in this world. And this asteroid, together with everything on it, is now under Jiang Yu's name.

What else is there to say?

Country bumpkin Jiang Yu has never seen the high-end luxury enjoyment of the interstellar era. He now only regrets that he cannot afford to buy the demiplane of the Kingdom of God, otherwise he would not be able to pack up the entire planet and take it away on the spot. Even if he couldn't pack it, he decided to spend all his free time in this luxury house.

This is what is called complying with desires.

People who follow their desires obviously forget that there is a heavyweight waiting for them at the right time.

When he arrived on the planet, there were still twenty days before his return. Twenty days can be very short or very long.

So, on a suitable evening, Zhu Wen and Xia were both strangely absent. A pretty girl who was very familiar to him, wearing a dark red lace princess dress with black background, blocked him in his bedroom.

The girl's cheeks turned red, and the girl didn't give in.

"In that small town, you told me, hoping that I would know you well enough to decide what to do."

"And now, I know you well enough. And, I am thinking exactly the same as I was then."

"So, what are you going to do? In my heart, Jiang Yu said that he likes me. Are you going to fulfill your duty as Jiang Yu, or are you going to escape from it?"

So despicable.

Jiang Yu was convinced that she was now allergic to the word 'responsibility'.

He looked at the calendar and then looked around. After thinking for a moment, the conclusion has been drawn.

"I think I still have the confidence to help you put on this princess dress." - Although there is no need to put the damaged clothes back on again.

It's still a long time.

It will take a long, long time before we can return to the square of the Lord God.

Today’s update brings this book to an end.

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