Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 322 What is coming will always come

Chapter 322 ·What is supposed to come will always come.

Beating Chu Xuan with your fist is an amazing feeling that can be summed up in one word.

And this word is - 'cool'.

Jiang Yu felt really good.

He has tolerated Chu Xuan for a long time - this extremely smart but ruthless guy. He never takes the lives of his comrades around him into account. Always regard everything as an ant. There is no doubt that he can probably be classified as an ant in Chu Xuan's eyes, but now, he has to pay the price for offending the dignity of an ant.

Even though, this price is not huge for Chu Xuan.

A hand stretched out from the edge of his field of vision, and it grabbed the spectacle stand that was placed on the table and was not blown away by the wind of the fist. And when the glasses were placed on the bridge of the nose again, the eyes of the person wearing the glasses also had the same indifferent glow as Chu Xuan's.

The personal space intertwined between ‘real’ and ‘illusory’ has become stable again.

Jiang Yu deflected her gaze, and what came into her eyes was Chu Xuan's appearance.

Chu Xuan did die once.

Then he came to life again.

The medium for his reincarnation from death is his creation Chu Xuan. And although I don’t know the principle, judging from the performance...

"Referring to the method you used to reshape Ms. Xia's body. Unfortunately, the practicality is very low. I had to consume the number of resurrections transferred from Li Shuaixi. It seems that this technology that provides immortality still has a lot of potential. There is a lot of room for improvement." Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses. Even if he used Chu Xuan's voice to speak, he could not hear the slightest hint of femininity. And he just waved his hand in a normal way, and the fragmented research area returned to normal under the will of the owner of the personal space.

Jiang Yu nodded.

"Don't let it happen again. If I knew, the next time it wouldn't end with just one punch." He had made up his mind. If there was another time, even if Chu Xuan could be resurrected, he would give it another punch. On the face of the resurrected Chu Xuan. If one punch fails, use two punches; if two punches fail, use three punches. Of course, it is also possible to use a spear instead of fists.

"Okay, I promise you." Chu Xuan also nodded and looked directly at him.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Hey, he promised so neatly, and you knew it was a lie as soon as you heard it. Jiang Yu remembered that in the original plot, Chu Xuan would avoid looking at him when he was lying - of course, this treatment was limited to Zheng Zha. But I don't have that closeness to enjoy.

It seems that I was perfunctory.

But even if he knew this fact, strictly speaking there was nothing he could do - he couldn't just eat what he just said. And even if he planned to make a contract or something... he believed that Chu Xuan had a way to bypass any seemingly seamless plan.


——Forget it, at least I can be treated perfunctorily.

——That’s it, even if you are the acting captain, you should trust your companions. If there really is a next time, then I will come back to fulfill today's agreement.

"Then, the agreement is reached." Jiang Yu raised her hand, clenched her fist, and then let go. "I hope the day it's not fulfilled, I hope you keep your word."

Chu Xuan did not answer, but nodded slightly.

So he didn't say anything more, just turned around and left this personal space that had returned to stability. He felt as if he had become a little more relaxed, and the feeling of 'overflow' that always existed in his limbs seemed to have faded a little. But this feeling only lasted for a short moment, like an illusion.

This may not be an illusion.

But now, he doesn't intend to waste time verifying it.

He left and a few more seconds passed.

In his own personal space, Chu Xuan, who had not made many other movements since putting on his glasses, shook his body slightly.

Crack-like marks appeared on his arms and face, and they continued to expand.

"Aftermath." But he did not show any panic, but reflected the process of the crack's manifestation in his own observation records. "His strength has been increased unusually, and it seems that he has touched the threshold of that level of strength. The strategy is effective, and the most priority goal has finally been solved."

He raised his eyes and looked in the direction Jiang Yu left.

"A heart that is pure enough and lets go of the burden can increase your probability of being successfully promoted by at least thirty points. And now, you are finally no longer afraid of me."

One of Jiang Yu's greatest advantages is the information he knows in advance as a prophet.

And one of his biggest disadvantages is that as a prophet, he has an instinctive fear and fear of some behemoths hiding around him. He is not afraid of Zheng Zha because he knows what kind of person Zheng Zha is, and sometimes he can even defeat him. But he was always afraid of Chu Xuan, because he knew what kind of person Chu Xuan was, and what terrifying wisdom and power this unscrupulous man possessed.

This was his obstacle, a mental barrier he didn't even know he had. But now, this obstacle can no longer restrain him.

This is the main goal of Chu Xuan's operation, hidden under many means and purposes, and the most prioritized plan.


Jiang Yu walked out of Chu Xuan's personal space.

He did not go back directly, but stayed below the Main Square. The huge light ball floated quietly above the conference table, solemn and solemn, releasing an eternal and pure glow.

——Lord God, whole body repair.

The healing glow fell down, taking away hundreds of bonus points from him and removing some hidden wounds that he didn't realize he had. He felt that he was in an unusually good state at the moment...not his body, but his mind. He felt that his thinking was very smooth. You can even easily see through the technical hurdles that usually delay you a lot of time.


——I should give this unique power that I have a name. It doesn’t need to be handsome or ostentatious, as long as it suits my preferences.

His naming skills are still in the advanced stages of cancer, but he has figured out a hurdle - no matter what name he chooses, this power must always be used by himself. The reason why I always have trouble choosing a name is because I always hope to think of a more handsome and fashionable name than 'Shu Yan', but in fact, this kind of thing is not necessary.

Just be earthy, after all, I am... very earthy to begin with.

Jiang Yu thought, and he remembered his tendency to major in civil engineering as a college student. Although as a freshman, he didn't even have time to take half of the professional classes. But this does not mean that he can take off his civil hat.

——No wonder I like stacking armor so much. Building structures was something I liked from the very beginning.

——So, this power...

He raised his hand, and the overlapping spatial vibrations manifested and shaped around him along with the resonance of the life force in his body. It turns into an insurmountable solid barrier, and also serves as a fusion agent that brings together all things, and a wall-breaking pickaxe that dismantles all things.

He decided to name it...

"Construct," he said. His power responded to him through his words. There is no doubt that this is a mediocre, even a bit unsophisticated name. It is his serious disqualification as a new era two-spined salamander, but it is also his undecided Civilian Medal that has never been dusted.

He thinks this is good.

And when an exact name is established. This huge power of vibration also disappeared under his skin, and smoothly and silently integrated into his body, as if the area vibrating with his power had become a part of him. .

The foundation of the technique has been anchored, and what is lacking next is subsequent development.

A suitable name is not only a referential title, it can also represent a future direction.

For example, Jiang Yu, who decided on the name "Construction", suddenly became aware of the research and development direction of his resonance power.

Build, build, strengthen - this is the promotion direction he deduced for his own strength. And at this moment, he already had a huge amount of inspiration in his heart that he wanted to use.

He couldn't wait.

But, before that...

"Hey, Jiang Yu. It seems you have become a lot stronger?" A familiar and hearty voice sounded not far away.

He turned his head and as expected saw Zheng Zha smiling stupidly there.

"Try it?" Zheng Zha raised his hand, and a black flame wrapped around him silently.

If it had been before, Jiang Yu would have turned around without hesitation. Because actual combat is the best way to develop one's own combat potential. But now, he has decided on the way forward.

Engineering requires precise calculations and design inspiration. The battlefield in the encounter is not the most suitable place to develop it.

So he waved his hand.

"Forget it this time. I just figured out some details, but I can't use it well now. In two days, I will accompany you to have a good fight."

And Zheng Zha also readily agreed to him.

"The loser needs to be treated to a meal." He added a number.

"If it's a draw, let's have a big dinner together." Jiang Yu also added, and had roughly predicted the final battle situation.

very good.

The men looked at each other and smiled.

The topic was ignored, and Zheng Zha turned his head and glanced at Chu Xuan's personal space.

"I guess that guy Chu Xuan actually caused you a lot of trouble in the alien world?"

Jiang Yu did not deny it.

"It's true, but it's been taken care of. Do you want to gossip?"

"Paparazzi only gossip." Zheng Zha waved his hand, and then there was a hint of mystery in his tone. "But I can trade Chu Xuan's secret with you - you know, when Chu Xuan is lying to others, he will subconsciously look away."


Although I don’t know what happened to these two guys in Jurassic Park. But it is obvious that the relationship between these two guys seems to be transforming in the direction of the original canon.

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