Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 344 Changes in East America

Chapter 344·Changes in East America

The guess is correct.

A few minutes ago, there was a secret camp that was not close to Isengard, but not too far away, and could observe the movements of Fangorn Forest.

The message from the Lord God suddenly came to the ears of the members of the East American team who were full of fishing atmosphere.

——[One member of our own reincarnation team died in the battle, and the East American team lost one point. 】

One point is counted.

Several senior members of the East American team raised their heads at the same moment. They looked at each other in disbelief.

"I'm going to see the newcomers!" George, a strong white man, stood up with a bang, raised his tomahawk, and broke through the fragile wall of this temporary camp without even leaving the door. His sudden movements were accompanied by screams from the newcomers across the wall. And the next moment was his counting sound that was so urgent that it contained some suppressed surprise.

"One, two, three... damn! Stand still, don't move! One, two, three, four... five people! Five newcomers are here! Michael! Come and help me count, five Are all the newcomers here?”

One to five, very easy to count. The newcomers were overwhelmed, while the veterans were in a state of ecstasy and panic.

"It's five!" The black young man's voice was sharp and high, like a chicken without a castration. "Five! Plus the two of us, it's seven! Plus Alexandra, it's eight, and then there's Hedland... I'm sorry, you just came on stage. I didn't forget to count you on purpose. Anyway, plus If you fuck you, that’s nine!”

"And the East American team has a total of ten people!" George screamed excitedly. He swung his tomahawk and chopped the stones and wooden walls in the camp while screaming. "The Lord God makes no mistakes, one of us died!"

"He's dead! He's dead! Zhao Zukong...that devil...he's dead!" He danced with joy like a madman. The black youth, on the other hand, counted the number of newcomers and seniors again and again until it could no longer be repeated.

" dead? Zhao he dead?" The blood on her face faded, and her whole body became pale. She looked towards the far north with some disbelief, and that was the direction that Zhao Zukong finally went.

There is no doubt that Zhao Zhukong is dead. The Lord God's notification has absolute authority. At this moment, the East American team lost its captain and its most powerful combat force.

The blonde girl took a few deep breaths, turned on the gene lock, and forced herself to calm down. Picking up the ceremonial sword that fell on the ground, he took steps toward the outer camp that was being destroyed by the ecstatic two people.

"That's enough!" Her voice was filled with shocking and refreshing power, and she made the two low-level unlockers feel excited all over.

"Zhao Zukong is our captain and our comrade! Now he is gone, and you actually show up like this! Are you still from the East America team?"

Her questioning was like a switch, a signal.

The two people who stopped had their necks twisting at the same time. He looked straight at her with terrifying eyes.

"You actually spoke for that devil. Ah... you don't know anything, poor Alexandra, miserable Alexandra. You thought you met a graceful Eastern gentleman, but you didn't Knowing what he did, even the devil would feel cruel." George's eyes were cold, but a twisted and weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "But that monster is dead...then it's time for you, the flower in the greenhouse, to experience the cruelty of the storm."

He picked up the battle ax and walked towards the weak spiritual power user. Michael on the other side also smiled, raised the chariot wheel, and outflanked Alexandra from the other direction.

They have been suppressed for too long.

They need to blow off steam.

The girl frowned and scolded loudly.

"What do you want to do? Stay away from me!" She backed away, seemingly subconsciously. There was some nervousness on her face, looking like the panic of a helpless girl.

"What?" George laughed lowly. "You were protected so well by that monster. After all, you are the little strawberry in his mouth. But strawberries and other things are just for eating. Now that he is dead, and we have suffered at his hands, there must be someone Come take it upon yourself!”

With a bang, the ceremonial sword fell to the ground. The blond girl, who seemed to be swallowed up by fear, looked at the last quasi-senior person asking for help. She kept backing up and was about to retreat to a blind corner.

"Wait... We are all companions, now we should..." The person called Hedland was a relatively weak woman. She tried hard to try to do something, but she didn't have much power.

‘哐——! ’ The tomahawk struck her feet, causing her to scream in terror.

"Mind your own business, Heideland, or you will be next!" The malice from his teammates swept over him, and the newcomer, who had never seen Zhao Zukong's methods, felt the exact depression and terror at this moment. Her legs gave way and she fell. The next moment, she saw Alexandra let out a scream and fled into the conference room in a panic.

There was only one entrance to that conference room, and there were two, including the wall that had just been torn apart.

Hedland closed her eyes subconsciously, and she no longer dared to think about what would happen next.

The newlyweds huddled together in silence.

Even if I don’t dare to see or think about it. But they can still hear it.

They could hear the strange laughter of the men and the screams of the girls. You can hear the sound of something being torn apart, something being penetrated and broken, and people wailing. And accompanied by the smell of blood.

The storm did come.

But the storm did not last as long as expected.

When some familiar yet unfamiliar heavy footsteps approached Hedland, she subconsciously raised her head. The panic in his eyes turned into surprise in an instant.

She saw George, who walked up to her with dull eyes and lifted the tomahawk with his remaining hand.

She saw Michael, the black young man wielding the chariot with several almost fatal wounds on his body, but he just stood quietly, without any aura in his eyes.

The unharmed Alexandra stood in the middle of them.

Her hands gently pressed on their foreheads.

"...So that's how it is." The blond girl turned her gaze away, and in her eyes was the melancholy of a girl whose dreams were shattered. "It turns out that Zhao Zukong is such a person. It's really..."

"...It's exactly as I imagined."

"Ah..." She suddenly turned her head and looked at the last remaining lone seedling among the seniors. Although he didn't have much power, Hedland did want to help her just now. "Thank you for what you just said. It seems like you can be my partner, Hedland. We haven't had much contact with each other before, but we need to get closer in the future."

Hedland opened her mouth. The girl in front of her smiled brightly, but she felt panic for no reason.

"Alexandra, you..."

"Girls who are alone outside always need to learn some means of self-protection. Although, sometimes it is actually useless."

The blonde girl let out a soft breath.

"However, we are in danger now. Without Zhao Zukong, each of the next three teams may be able to eat us. And in order to survive, next..."

"...We have a lot of things to be busy with."

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