Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 356 Resurrection (long-lost two-in-one)

Chapter 356 ·Resurgence (long-lost two-in-one)

at the same time. Somewhere in Fangorn Forest.


Alexandra frowned slightly and looked into the distance strangely. That direction doesn't seem to be Essinger, but to the north of Essinger, somewhere at least a few hundred kilometers away.

She couldn't scan there with her mental power - it might have been possible in other worlds at its peak, but under the restrictions of the Great Barrier of Ilúvatar, thirty kilometers was already her best effort. However, even though she couldn't scan it, she still vaguely sensed that something was entrenched there.

Something familiar, something homely.

It seems that there is some kind of blood connection, as if there is a familiar relative of one's own there.

Like a younger sister... or an older sister?

But it was wrong, because she remembered clearly that she had no brothers or sisters at all. I was born into an ordinary family that could not tolerate a complex background. Moreover, his appearance completely inherited the appearance and outline of his father and mother, and it was even more impossible for him to have such an adventure as airborne a sister.

And... why do they have to be older sisters and not older brothers?

She blinked her eyes gently, and the subtle strange feeling surging in her heart quickly dissipated from her body. It's like an illusion, an illusory bubble that can be popped and has already been popped.

——Is it because I am too nervous?

She gently clenched her fists and felt her body with her meager strength. As the only remaining veteran and spiritual player on the East American team, she actually has no melee combat abilities that are worth mentioning. She must rely on guards, and only guards. But she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that she had made some progress in motor nerves recently.

All good things - but now is not the time to relax.

Although the long-distance hacking of the Nanyanzhou team's mental power user took a lot of effort, it was able to infiltrate the opponent's spirit and replace the opponent's heart without any risk. But this is actually not a safe operation, because it is a team battle now, and the main god provides a warning when team members die in battle. Therefore, when the killing situation unfolds, he still has to leave the enemy's psychic power alive.

Couldn't kill. Then the other party has the possibility of dying. He had to use a lot of computing power to suppress the opponent, and at the same time, he had to take into account the area where his own body was located, so that the two combat powers that he had controlled by him always obeyed him.

Very tired - Alexandra thought at the beginning that she could not afford such a huge computing power. After all, she herself only managed to reach the second level by relying on Qi Yu, while the black and white duo of Dongmei were all experienced first level. Even if she purchased the corresponding mental skills in advance, she still felt that her ability to barely control these two people was her limit.

But now... even if he controls those two people and adds a spiritual power user from Nan Yan, he still has a surplus of computing power in his mind!

The reason is completely incomprehensible, and I can only think that it is due to my extraordinary talent. Zhao Zukong's death was like a hidden switch, allowing him to exert more powerful combat power in critical situations.

——Maybe...I can still...

"Miss Alexandra..." A weak voice came from a safe distance away from her. She tilted her head. She didn't want to waste computing power in a place that could be reached by her five senses.

It's Hedland, a true newcomer who has joined the team but has yet to unlock the first-level gene lock. She should have completed a task assigned to her just now. She used the ability exchanged by the reincarnation to build an anti-gravity wheelchair that can still operate within the Great Barrier.

"That... chair is ready." Her voice was timid, and there were only emotions of awe and obedience in her heart.

"Yes." Alexandra nodded, her mental power sweeping over this simple mechanical device. Possible dangers are eliminated. And she immediately boarded it, and when she leaned on the cushion, part of the computing power used to maintain daily body functions was thus saved.

Both Dr. X and Yuri love wheelchairs, and not without reason. The deeper you go in the spiritual realm, the more you feel the weakness of your physical body. Of course, compared to this simple operation of adding a wheelchair to save effort, a person named Zhan who even gave up his own body was the real heavyweight.

But she doesn't know Zhan Lan, at least not yet.

She just adjusted her position and quickly adapted to the current means of transportation. Subsequently, more computing power was transferred and invested. Move to a deeper area of ​​Fangorn Forest.

The Nanyanzhou team has found Treebeard and used their own methods to convince the ancient tree king to witness Isengard's atrocities. Next, all he has to do is wait until Treebeard sees the tragic situation of the tree people being cut down, then Essinger's attack will naturally begin, and this group of reincarnators from the Southern Yanzhou team will naturally benefit from it.

And she sneaked in very well - Xue Ling'er's consciousness has been completely controlled. Now it is up to her to use her usual personality to handle various current affairs. The possibility of exposure is not impossible, but the probability is very low. Regardless of whether he will be exposed at a later point in time, at least for the moment, he has already infected several of the weaker members of the Nanyanzhou team along the mental link. As long as the time is right, he can be shaken. , and even take over their hearts.

——The Essinger battle breaks out early, which will inevitably attract the attention of other teams. Maybe it's Central Continent, maybe it's Arctic... there will always be a team that will invest their strength here, and for now, the third party's 'power' has not yet touched the main body of Essinger's light and dark forces. They cannot provide help in times of need, nor can they be the icing on the cake. The possibility of waiting and watching is very high, but it is also possible that the battle between the reincarnation teams will start directly.

——And what I want to do is to provoke a war between the two teams at that time... at least share some pressure for Dongmei. If that doesn't work, you can also detonate the psychic trap while the other party is fighting each other to gain some team points and personal gains. Then, find a way to hide and wait until the other party wins the main mission.

This is her main plan. The backup plan is to use psychic traps to disguise the civil war in Nan Yanzhou. It would be best if you can take the opportunity to kill the wise men of Nan Yanzhou team. If you can't kill them, you can also recover some reincarnation resources and let the exposed Nan Yan attract attention for his hiding. And further gains are not part of her current considerations.

After all, just being alive is difficult enough. Dongmei, who suffered a major setback, was able to save the life of a senior and come back alive without being wiped out by the main god, which was already considered a comprehensive victory from head to toe. She, Alexandra, was not named Chu, so she did not have the confidence to make a comeback at this time. With Xiao Bo Da, the calculation of Nan Yan, who is the weakest, is already the limit. If he wants to go further, he can only say that he is living in a dream.

She exhaled softly. Finally, she calculated her plan - all the variables within her reach had been adjusted and accommodated in her cognition. Now, the only possible unexpected factor is here.

Hydeland, the new guy, is a little talented, but also a little timid.

From the perspective of Alexandra's psychological level, she and she are completely like grasshoppers on the same rope, and the probability of jumping or backstabbing is infinitely close to zero. But approaching zero is not zero after all. Once she pushes forward the last step of the plan and releases all the computing power, she who stays by her side will also have the ability to make herself fall short.

——Do you want to fill this loophole?

The blond girl thought that she had the ability to plant thoughts into the minds of newcomers and set up shackles. The only thing that needs to be paid is the already stretched computing power. There is no doubt that this is an intervention layout that can effectively improve the safety of the plan.


"Miss Alexandra..." Hedland's voice was timid and cautious. "Next...what should I do?"

--never mind.

- I...believe in 'my' level of psychology.

"Next, just push me. Wherever I tell you to go, you will go with me." Alexandra finally came to this decision. Just like she can find a hundred reasons to wash Drandt's mind, she can also find a hundred reasons to prove that such a waste of computing power is useless.

The emotional spectrum of the woman behind him suddenly changed to happiness.

"Okay! Leave it to me!" She happily grabbed the handle of the wheelchair. This happiness may be because she found her own place. But it's also possible that she realized something more.

But it doesn't matter.

"Well, don't let me down."

Alexandra's tone was gentle. Since the decision had been made, there should be no mistakes or omissions in the coordinated actions.

She lowered her eyes.

Her expression was gentle and her eyes were as cold as ice.

She didn't know that her eyes were as cold as ice.


——[Clean up the orc community in Moria, participate with all members, get 2 D-level side plots, and receive 1,500 reward points. 】

The main god's announcement sounded, after the monotonous and trouble-free killing ended. The six huge orc settlements in the mines of Moria have been turned into silent death places. They were unable to launch an offensive counterattack, nor were they able to unite as one. Without exception, they died quietly under the blades of the Central Continent Team. Perhaps there were still a few left in some border corners, but presumably with their pitiful numbers, they were no longer able to participate in any subsequent battles.

The variables have been eliminated, and the only thing that the reincarnators have not touched is the black field of mental power in the central area. There is the hall of kings of the dwarves, and it is also the central hall of this huge mine.

But before that, there is another situation that needs to be dealt with that is difficult to measure whether it is a big thing or a small thing.

Because there really are remnants of dwarves in this dark underground.

There is, but it is indirect evidence.

The air becomes dry after crossing a certain limit, and when the reincarnators cross the limit at the edge of a certain black area, Jiang Yu senses something that only he will notice first.

"Mithril." Jiang Yu stopped.

Under his feet was a once smooth but now rough stone slab. Only by looking carefully can one find extremely fine silver traces on these stone slabs.

That is mithril, which has a certain homology with the fine gold that makes up his body. He sensed it the moment he touched it. Unlike fine gold, which is strong and resistant to magic, mithril has extremely high toughness and also has a very good ability to guide magic. If it is processed into a close-fitting armor, then while it provides light defense, it can presumably also obtain an excellent spell-casting bonus effect.

It's sturdy and stable. Conventional high-temperature flames cannot melt mithril, let alone turn this strange metal into such a thin layer, allowing it to adsorb irregularly to the ground.

"Ultra-high temperature." A golden apple appeared around Chu Xuan. It did not emit light, but it released some weak power to act like a sensor. And soon, groups of orderly data appeared in Chu Xuan's eyes.

"Some kind of unimaginable high-temperature flame evaporated a certain mithril item in an instant, but the mithril was not destroyed, but turned into dense silver vapor and quickly shaped on the surface after the high temperature ended. So, this piece The floor has been plated with silver. What’s interesting is that this trace is newer than expected. My nerve perception tells me that it still retains the temperature of being burned, and the golden apple tells me that this trace of burning The traces were generated in the past few months."

All reincarnations know what the high-temperature flame he is talking about is.

And even Tauriel, who didn't know it, saw some valuable secrets in it.

"Mithril is a sacred metal, and Orks will not touch it... and the only thing that can melt mithril is the dwarf's fire!" The elf girl murmured to herself, her tone was full of joy, she did not She knew about the existence of Balrog, but she used her own knowledge to explain everything that happened before her.

"I can feel the temperature flowing... I can feel the breath of the Children of the Earth... Not long ago, there were dwarves passing by here. And this area must be the area where the dwarves are active!"

She took steps subconsciously.

The reincarnations did not stop her, but allowed her to move forward. Because in this dark realm of mental power, even Zhan Lan can only release mental power over a short distance while maintaining the spiritual chain. Li Shuaixi might be able to smell the dwarf, but he couldn't smell the corresponding terrain according to the position!

She was a guide, and it was impossible for Jiang Yu to use the power of vibration that might alarm the enemy in the area occupied by the Balrog.

She put her abilities into full play and moved quickly towards a certain direction in the Hall of Kings.

go ahead.

Over the cloister, across the bridge.

Walk through the old ruins and step into the path formed by collapsed stone pillars.

She was fast and her movements were light. The reincarnations clustered tightly behind her, and a slightly warm and anxious atmosphere gradually spread in the air.

She didn't know what it was, but she thought it was some kind of tool the dwarves used to defend themselves against the Orcs. After all, she is just a Sylvan elf with a relatively low blood level. Unlike those real people of light, she will feel trembling and fear from the bottom of her heart whenever she is close to the gathering of evil.

And so she finally saw it—saw them.

After crossing a long path, what caught her eyes was an extremely large and splendid bright hall. Almost instinctively, she immediately saw several pairs of disbelieving eyes mixed with fear and anxiety at a cave that was blocked by a bunker and seemed to have collapsed, but with gaps left at the edge of the hall.

And she almost subconsciously called out one of the names she knew.

——[Side mission—Bring the wood elf Tauriel to the mines of Moria before the meeting of Rivendell to witness the destruction of the dwarf expedition. Completed, all members participated, obtained 1 C-level branch plot, and received 3,000 reward points. 】

She failed to shout.

Because an invisible force field like an arm suppressed her voice and forced her sight to shift in a certain direction.

So, she finally saw it. The source and reason of this golden and glorious land.

She saw a group of decaying yet solemn, magnificent yet evil blazing flames sleeping in the center of the hall.

It was the Balrog, the fallen Maia, the ancient evil. The lost servant of Morgoth, the reason for the destruction of the Moria Expedition. And this huge thing is entrenched here and guarding here. It sleeps here, allowing the last remaining dwarves deep in the mine to avoid being hunted by the hordes of Orcs. It was also blocked here, causing all the remaining dwarves to disappear from the light of day. Even if they paid a huge price, they would at most escape to the Hall of Kings not far away.

There must be a reason why the dwarf who was carrying mithril, perhaps wanting to use it to ward off fire, died there.

And the reason for this is the brilliant afterimage gathered around the sleeping ancient Balrog - that is the flame, the flame beyond the flame. The vitality of the flames danced and circled around. They are spirits of fire and shadows of evil. And when outside visitors broke the silence of this sleeping place, they also used their own way to extend a warm welcome to the uninvited guests.

Flames swept through.

Flame has the ability to easily obliterate all living things and turn everything into nothing. Because this flame is hot and powerful. Even though the Balrog didn't actually wake up at this moment.

Tauriel's duty has been fulfilled. As the chess piece chosen by the Lord God, her value is to bring to this area the reincarnators who have the ability to wipe out the Balrog at the bottom of Moria. Of course she couldn't resist the flames. Even if she escaped with the dexterity of an elf, the final outcome would be to be burned in the Hall of Kings by the flames chasing her.

But the flames couldn't catch up with her... The end of the flames was the realm created by Jiang Yu raising her palms. Tauriel, who had completed his duties, was pushed aside by her. Next, there were the problems that the reincarnations needed to deal with.

Because even at this moment, the sleeping ancient Balrog has not yet awakened.

It’s been a long time since I’ve gone 5k, and I feel like I can do it two-in-one.

Anyway, today is a day, 616 went to the birthday party_(:з」∠)_

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