Chapter 366 · Essinger

It won't be long.

It really won't be long.

When the reincarnations of the Great Western Continent were counting the total amount of the countdown, they were in the center of Middle-earth, deep in the Morel Mine. The reincarnations of the Zhongzhou team also quickly distributed and packed up the relics and treasures located 20,000 meters under the water. And after that, it rose sharply.

The conversation between Jiang Yu and Chu Xuan didn't take much time.

Jiang Yu didn't explain much to his companions after finishing the conversation - after all, everyone already knew what they needed to know. And the real secret cannot be safely embodied in anyone's heart now.

I can’t explain it, I can’t understand it. Then, before any change occurs, you just need to believe in the advice of the wise - and for the reincarnations of the Central Continent team, there is not much distance between the mines of Moria and Isengard.

Of course, less is less. Some necessary steps still had to be taken care of in time - for example, the guide who led the reincarnations of the Central Continent team to visit the mines of Moria.


"You... actually defeated the Balrog!" When Tauriel saw the uninjured reincarnations and the petrified Balrog head in Zhao Yingkong's hand, her eyes almost widened. Falling from his eyes. Her eyes flitted back and forth over several people repeatedly, and at the end she lowered her head respectfully.

"Please forgive me, I was still questioning you... Possessing such huge power, but using it to deal with these undoubted dark evils. Everyone who can do such a thing must have a noble status. Please Feel free to use me as you wish, and I will follow your distinguished lords to defeat Isengard."

She bowed humbly to the reincarnations - and the group of dwarves behind her also followed the same example - the dwarves were dressed in sloppy clothes, but they were all equipped with various powerful weapons patchworked together. Obviously, this group of survivors was trapped in the mine and lacked nothing but a variety of ancient and powerful weapons and equipment. And if the reincarnations hadn't discovered the treasure in the water at the bottom, they might not be able to help but cast longing glances at them.

But now... the reincarnators have completely turned their backs on him.

"To fight against evil, we need to gather every bit of light power. If you have this heart, it's good." Jiang Yu nodded and glanced over the group of dwarves - they are not human and do not have genetic locks. strength. But as children of earth and stone, the protection and blessing of the mountains and earth flows in their blood. This provides them with a strong body and corresponding fighting power.

There are about forty second-level professional warriors. Among them, one can tell with the naked eye that the dwarf is quite young. The blessings of the mountains accumulated in him are already close to the third level... that is, the power of the ranger Aragorn.

A hero or nobleman among the dwarves. When Jiang Yu looked at it, it bowed to Jiang Yu again and introduced itself.

"Og, son of Orre. At your service." - He mentioned a dwarf named Orre.

For members of the Central-Continent team who have only seen The Lord of the Rings, the name Orui may only have a vague image. But Jiang Yu, who has watched the Hobbit movie, knows that it is a member of the Lonely Mountain Expedition and the Moria Expedition, and it should also be the dwarf who persisted to the end in the Moria Expedition. .

In the original world line, when Gandalf and his party were exploring the mines of Moria, they found the coffin of Balin, the King of Moria, in a stone hall. Next to the coffin, the nearest dwarf skeleton was holding a thick book that had been hacked by knives and axes, which contained the last records of the dwarves during the siege. This dwarf is Orui, the last recorder. It and its companions will die when it writes the last page, and the words on the page will naturally be its suicide note.

And its son was naturally what Tauriel needed to witness the final destruction of the Moria expedition.

So Jiang Yu nodded.

"I heard the story of the Lonely Mountain Expedition. Your father Orui was a very brave warrior. And just in time, we picked up an ax suitable for dwarves on the battlefield below. Perhaps, it is waiting for another person. The swing of a dwarven warrior."

A battle ax floated in front of the dwarf Oger wrapped in Jiang Yu's biological force field. This ax was a relatively new artifact in the monitor's treasure. Zhu Wen identified it and came to the conclusion that this battle ax contained considerable power, but it was limited to the use of the Son of Earth and Stone. Chu Xuan went one step further and identified the source of this battle axe.

This is a weapon that did not appear in the original novel or movie.

But it is a legendary treasure that was recorded in "The Lord of the Rings - Appendix". It actually has a long history and was discovered during the Moria Expedition and was lost with the destruction of the expedition. It is the heirloom of the Turin dwarves, a symbol of martial prowess, and its name is——

"This... this is the Turin Ax! I recognize its patterns!" The dwarf's voice was as excited as Jiang Yu expected. "I once saw King Bahrain wielding it... Unfortunately, its age has prevented it from using it to fight..."

The biological force field around the battle ax faded, and the hanging ancient relic was subconsciously held in the hands of the dwarf prince. The fellows behind it either gasped or cast direct glances at it. Obviously, if the reincarnations were not still here, they would have used the unique noisy way of the dwarves to show their joy and excitement.

"It is now back in the hands of Moria's successor. You should be able to make good use of it." Jiang Yu calculated the time and subsequent reply.

And the result was exactly what he expected.

‘Bang——’ The dwarf held the battle ax with one hand, clenched his fist with the other hand, and hit his chest hard. The eyes it looked at the reincarnators were originally filled with gratitude and awe, but now, it gradually turned into enthusiasm and respect.

"Please let us fight with your Excellency. I swear that I will not let this ax down." The dwarves behind it also beat their chests heavily.

"You are a warrior." Jiang Yu nodded. This is an admission. "But this world needs more than just warriors - the power of darkness is rising, and Isengard is just a tiny link among many problems. If you are willing, I hope you can take your people to the Lonely Mountain and bring me Go with the news of the war and summon all the dwarf clans."

The dwarves have a total of seven clans, of which Turin is the leader, but the royal power has been repeatedly lost with the fall of Moria and the Lonely Mountain. In the plot line of the original book of The Lord of the Rings, when Gondor was fighting a bloody battle with the army of Mordor, The dwarves of Gushan are also fighting together with the humans of Changhu Town. In the end, the King of the Lonely Mountain and the Lord of the Lake died side by side, but Mordor's partial army failed to go any further.

Sauron's war skills are indeed not very good. Looking at the entire War of the Ring battlefield, apart from Osgiris who was stuck in the main storyline, the Dark Army did not achieve victory in any of its branch battlefields. Even if every battlefield seems to be dominated by the dark side and the light side is like a candle in the wind. But from the Lonely Mountain to the Black Forest, from the seaport of Gondor to the Shire, Sauron failed to win any benefit in big battles or small battles.

This certainly confirms the war potential of the Light side, but it also shows that all battlefields are in balance. And as long as there is even a slight change in the weight, Sauron can only change from a big win to a big loss, even if it is completely different from the original canon.

As far as Jiang Yu knew, in the original battlefield of The Lord of the Rings, the other clans of the dwarves were not very eager to participate in this war...

So he got the answer he needed.

"Swear by my father's name, I will raise an army!" He heard a decisive reply, and judging from the customs of the Lord of the Rings worldview, swearing by the name of his father's ancestor would simply be the last resort.

——Easier than expected... This little prince seems to believe in authority a little too much. As a warrior who grew up under the breath of the Balrog and has been wandering between life and death since he was a child, this kind of performance is not considered mature...

——I see, is this the emphasis on civilized pan-consciousness? The world... longs for protection.

The world has its own will, it may be chaotic or ignorant. But there must be an attribute bias. But now, the one who dominates this world is Vera, the gods on the light side, so the direction of the world's will itself must also be towards the light side. When it needs to save itself, the light creature's hatred of darkness is amplified and its tendency toward unity and aggregation is heightened. On this basis, you only need to follow the trend, and you can save a lot of words that originally need to be used.

very good.

The dwarf prince nodded solemnly and strode out of Moria with his compatriots without looking back. There are no threats in or outside this mine, so there is no need to worry about their safety.

And Miss Tauriel seemed to realize something. He struggled a bit, but finally raised his head firmly.

"Do you need me to go to the Black Forest? Your Excellency, I have had some interactions with the lord there, King Thranduil."

"No need." However, Jiang Yu waved her hand. "Thranduil has prepared for war. The elves in the Black Forest will fight in the next war." - After all, Thranduil's son Legolas can be said to be a member of the Fellowship of the Ring. One of the cards, its existence has even affected a generation in the real world...or more than one generation's understanding of elves.

"I need you to join your companions." Jiang Yu then continued his words before Tauriel showed a disappointed look: "The conclusion has been verified. The ones who attacked the wood elves were not the orcs in Moria. . And we will go to Isengard at a faster speed. I need you to see the captain and make it slow down. It can come to Isengard with its companions to witness Saruman's results, but Until then, I hope it can gather as many groups of wood elves heading west as possible."

The wood elves traveling west are a very, very powerful fighting force. If they can be gathered together to form a coalition. Not to mention bulldozing Mordor, at least it would not be very difficult to bulldoze Sauron's main force while isolating the upper-level combat power. Previously, Jiang Yu had not considered such an unrealistic plan because he did not I think I have the ability to convince them. After all, death is just a way home for the elves. Even if Saruman's blasphemy had been discovered and wiped out, it was unlikely that they would remain.

But now... Jiang Yu thought she might give it a try. Because the world is saving itself, and as children of light, these elves staying in Middle-earth to fight will definitely be able to play a greater role.

——Hmm... I have a strange feeling, as if if I keep these elves, I will be saving them... Strange, why do I have this idea? Aren’t the lives of the elves always under the protection of the gods...

——Oh... The world needs to save itself... Also, if the sky falls, these Valar should be the ones to hold it up. But now that Tian is expecting other helpers...does this mean that those Vera have too much to take care of themselves?

——But what will happen to them in Valinor? Morgoth is resurrected? not enough. Or rather, there is one...

Thoughts stopped abruptly. It's that familiar thought block again that prevents my brain from moving towards further conclusions.

Jiang Yu closed her eyes and gritted her teeth gently. And when he opened his eyes again, Tauriel's figure had disappeared from his sight without a trace.

The Zhongzhou team lost its temporary guide.

And this guide was working very hard to complete the task assigned to her by the reincarnations of the Central Continent Team—Jiang Yu could clearly feel her fast and fast steps, and she ran towards the outside without stopping at all.

So he turned his head and made eye contact with his companions.

"Soldiers are valuable and quick," he said. "Maybe we can make a surprise attack, maybe we can just blast through."

While he was speaking, his body was already moving quickly. Driven by his companions, the rush spell has already unfolded, and the storm and sand are flowing rapidly in an expected direction.

The storm quickly passed through the cave of Moria and turned into an invisible dragon of breath, rising into the sky. The first ray of morning light has not yet appeared at the end of the sky. Although the world is leaning toward light, at this moment, it gives the surprise attacker the last cover of darkness before dawn.

The darkness before dawn, the deepest darkness. If you want to avoid the eyes and ears of darkness, the most suitable way is to hide in the darkness.


"I don't agree with challenging the darkness in the dark realm. Even if this darkness can provide us with shelter."

Chu Xuan once again put forward his suggestions.

So...that's it.

For a wizard, the rewards and risks of taking risks are not equal. Although the Central Continent team had made a lot of preparations before this, it was not impossible to make slight changes at the critical moment!

‘Peng—! ’ The dragon’s wings suddenly extended! Across the vast night sky!

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