Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 370 Inevitability

Chapter 370 ·Inevitable

Jiang Yu stretched out his hand and touched the thick door in front of him - with the Divine Resonance turned on, the power of subtlety was released clearly and accurately in his hands.

First resonate with the surrounding heaven and earth, and then use the volume of heaven and earth to resonate with the divinity sleeping in the body. Even in another situation, this technique can still work smoothly with slight modifications. And the power of subtlety itself can in turn promote the accuracy of the resonance of heaven and earth. When all changes reach the ideal cycle, he can clearly observe all changes on the entire battlefield.

He is outside the tower, but he can see all the internal structures of the black tower except the core high-energy area. When the virtual image of Zhan Lan's mental power guided Gandalf out of the prison, it was he who cut off the delicate magic seals and stopped them with the subtle tremors that penetrated into the tower.

He was in front of the door, but he could clearly overlook the general battle situation of the entire Essinger war zone - the stone giant and the elite orc army were visible to the naked eye under the 'violent flames and tornadoes' released by Zheng Zha. Speed ​​turns to wailing ashes. But outside the battlefield, deep underground, a large part of the orc community that served as servants and maintained the smelting in the workshops was not caught in the burning area of ​​the fire.

This is not possible, because the task of eradicating evil is over.

And precisely because the task of eradicating evil was completed, the vibration of the earth never stopped.

——This tower is very strong.

Jiang Yu stood at the door, her eyes sweeping over the material of the tower when her fingertips touched the door. The raw material that makes up this tower should be some kind of refined obsidian carved into a magic barrier. So much so that while it possesses extremely strong physical strength, it also has considerable resistance to all external energy interference. The violent flames cannot directly burn through it, and it is nonsense to try to knock it down by shaking the earth. As for this kind of deeply processed material, even if it is completely dismantled, it is estimated that it will be difficult to remanufacture.

It's a good thing - breaking it down or dismantling it would be a waste of nature. Keeping it is more valuable than destroying it, and it may play a greater role in future battlefields.

But, it’s just this tower.

When Jiang Yu walked to the door, the entire large underground workshop under Essinger had completely collapsed in the continuous earthquakes. More than ninety-five percent of the orcs died on the spot. The remaining less than 5% will soon die under the last hits of other Zhongzhou team members.

After all... Li Shuaixi has arrived at the dam upstream of Essinger. And just like the original tree people would annihilate Essinger's orc defenders by demolishing the dam. As long as the time is right, it is the same as leaving this matter to the reincarnations - the destruction of the orcs here is a foregone conclusion, and there is no need for them to be left behind anyway.

——"Ayu, I have found the production base of the strong orcs... As you guessed, there is a group of kidnapped wood elves being imprisoned in the prison of the production workshop. And their condition... is very bad . Miss Zhu Wen is already trying to treat them, but she said that some of the injuries have a very special form, and the most she can do is ensure that they will not worsen."

Kasumi's voice rang in her ears, and the weight that dragged the wood elves into the water was already in her hands. Although Jiang Yu felt that even without this evidence, the group of wood elves who planned to return home to the west could be allowed to stay on the battlefield in Middle-earth. But since it is something that has been decided before, it is better to have a beginning and an end.

--I see. Protect yourself, Kasumi.

Jiang Yu responded to her, his fingertips already staying on the door in front of him for a full second. He knew that he could actually use brute force to directly dismantle the door. But already knowing all the inner structures of this door, he felt that there might be a better way.

Just like using micro shock waves to close the magic barrier that prevented Gandalf from escaping, is it like opening the door in front of you directly from the inside?

No, that can't be done. The door in front of you not only has a strict internal structure. It itself is also connected to the energy field operating in this dark tower. The rune structure used to control this door is undergoing continuous changes of more than three digits every second. Even if Jiang Yu now has the power of subtlety, his power experience is not enough for him to calculate the correct value at the right time in a short time, so as to open it smoothly within a few seconds.

Can't do it.

But there is another way.

After gaining the power of subtlety, various deduction techniques that were once included in Jiang Yu's imagination, but were unable to be achieved due to lack of ability, finally have the possibility to become reality. And there is exactly one of them that can be used to cope with the current situation.

That's the DC comic series...or the 'Justice League' movie. There used to be an alien villain inside who could drive machinery to create a long-distance transmission channel based on vibration and changes in spatial structure. And this passage can even directly pass through various well-defended barriers and fortresses, directly connecting to the place the traveler wants to reach.

This ability is called the ‘sound blast channel’. In theory, it can even easily travel between galaxies and dimensions. Does not cause any physical damage to the surrounding environment. And it just so happened that the obsidian tower in front of him was guarded by heavy magic protection. Even if Jiang Yu could make the shock wave directly take effect inside through physical means, he could not directly tear open the space and send it to the inner end of the tower. .

The stage is just right.

Jiang Yu stared at his stretched palms, and the subtle interference force coordinated with the spatial vibration and biological force field lingering in his hands. He clearly realized that his life level was constantly improving at a measurable speed. After all, as a pure human under the gene lock system, there are actually rare cases of opening the fourth level of career before opening the fourth level of gene lock...

As an actual experiencer, he already knows the internal variables - the fourth level will drive another fourth level. Perhaps he will truly unlock the fourth level of the gene lock in the next second.

——It’s such a pity that the level of professional power at the fourth level cannot be synchronized with Xia. When she was by my side, the gene lock specifications were at the high level of the third level at best. I don’t know, after I truly unlock the fourth-level genetic lock, will she be able to share the same power that I have as before?

The answer is unclear.

Time passes, one second.

Jiang Yu was a little regretful that this 'next second' was not the 'next second' when her gene lock realm deepened. But even if he failed to get this most valuable treasure, the power he expected was already generated in his hands.

Construct a sonic blast channel—expand.

A passage composed of white rings appeared in front of you. And it was accompanied by a roar coming from inside the door and from the depths of the Obsidian Tower. That seemed to be a sign that Zheng Zha's violence broke out in Saruman's body. And Jiang Yu vaguely remembered that when Zheng Zha faced the demon, he seemed to have not been able to make the demon have such effects.

Growing up so fast.

——But I’m not bad either.

Jiang Yu feels that her recent mentality seems to be very good. The previous feeling of low mood had disappeared without a trace. Of course, it's also possible that they're just temporarily hidden. But at least for now, they won't affect him.

Go forward and step through the passage. The first individual that caught his eye was Zhan Lan's mental projection. Beside her, an old man with bruises all over his body and gray hair caught his eye.

Gandalf - the symbol and model of the 'wizard' in modern fantasy. Before entering the world of reincarnation, it was undoubtedly one of Jiang Yu's favorite and respected movie characters. If she had come into contact with Gandalf as the original college student, Jiang Yu did not doubt that she would have jumped up to him without hesitation and hugged his thigh to beg for protection and help, because at that time, she absolutely believed in this gray-robed man. The wizard's ability and kindness.

And now, this trust still exists. But Jiang Yu didn't have any exciting thoughts in her heart when meeting her idol. He will no longer change his plan because of the other party's presence, nor will he give up his current goal because of the other party's advice - he just turns slightly sideways to maintain the sonic blast channel to the outside for the wizard in front of him.

The two people's eyes met for a moment, but the wizard and the alien visitor did not exchange a word. Because Jiang Yu's murderous intention towards Saruman was pure and unshakable, Gandalf already knew the thoughts of the black-armored stranger in front of him in this moment of looking at each other.

It crossed the passage, and in Jiang Yu's eyes, the tall old man's back actually looked a little stooped. Perhaps it was indeed a noble celestial Maiya. But now, he is actually no different from an ordinary old man who is about to lose his old friend and can't do anything about it.

'He is human' - Jiang Yu thought.

‘Why did I separate humans and non-humans so clearly before? ’——Jiang Yu was confused.

When Jiang Yu came into contact with Tauriel and the dwarves before, deep down in her heart, she always referred to them as 'it' instead of 'she' or 'he'. And at that time, he didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it. However, now looking back at the past, he found that it was not just him, but the others in the team seemed to be the same - there was a clear decline in patience and attention when dealing with non-human races, even those who always liked to make friends with plot characters. Zheng Zha, the same thing.

Don't understand.

Jiang Yu didn't know what was going on.

There seems to be some kind of heterogeneous influence in this world. And it seems to be particularly effective for foreign guests like reincarnations.

——I have delayed for too long.

The passage closed behind him, and the guardian took steps directly upward. The second attempt was smoother than the first. Following the roar that echoed in the obsidian tower, he reached the center of the pitch-black tower in one step.

Saruman is there.

Saruman's whole body was covered and burning with black flames. Let it roar with rage. It waved its pure white magic staff wildly. Trying to use any completely ineffective method to expel and eliminate the dark flames on the body that are like gangrene attached to the bones.

And at the first moment of Jiang Yu's visit, he vented all his anger, fear, and pain, which was still very low at the moment, on the uninvited person in front of him.

"What did you do! What did you do to me!?" The staff struck down.

Even if the user is corrupted, the dazzling pure white light will still turn into the oncoming wave of disintegration. Even the solid obsidian lining showed regional melting in the aftermath of the White Tide. However, it was unable to penetrate the round table barrier that Jiang Yu had casually propped up, and at the same time, it was able to cause damage to the Kryptonian crisis armor on his body.

This is what happens when a warrior fights a spellcaster, once the caster loses range and one-hit kill. Then the situation of the battle will shift sharply from one side to another. In the light tide, Jiang Yu just took steps forward, and the destructive magic energy kept colliding on his body surface. But he can still lift the Spear of Judgment.

'boom--! ! ! 'Zero distance, light of judgment.

The protective barrier on the white-robed wizard immediately collapsed, and the next step was the opponent's physical body. The set of flesh and bones cast by secret techniques reflected a dazzling light in the power of the light of judgment, and then collapsed and vaporized.

The fallen Maia was killed again. Jiang Yu could feel that this kill showed signs of the other party's smooth flow.

And with the operation of the chain magic circle in the Obsidian Tower, when the next wizard's body was shaped again. In the entire area controlled by Essinger, the lives of all orcs were completely consumed at this moment.

Saruman made a mistake - the biggest mistake was that he suffered a move from Zheng Zha at the very beginning.

It could have relied on the Obsidian Tower and the land of Essinger to fight a tug-of-war with the reincarnations that would never end easily. But it used the wrong methods to bring itself to the worst end.

There is no doubt that the entire world is now cooperating with the Samsara's offensive. Through countless accidents and coincidences, a spellcaster with a solid position had to face a heavily wounded warrior in a narrow area with one or even several warriors who specialized in close combat.

Its downfall was certain and swift.

Because even if it is in perfect condition, it only has the combat power of a weak fourth grade... that is, without gene lock, the fourth grade of professional.

When the last rebirth ceremony ends. As Saruman's form reshaped itself at the base of the tower. Death found him.

The jet-black flames spurted out from its facial features the moment it was reborn. The burning that pointed directly at the soul finally made it scream in sharp pain. The plan to get rid of Yan Yan through rebirth finally came to nothing. It had to muster all the magic energy in its body to fight against the blazing and powerful scarlet lightning that shot out from the center of the obsidian tower.

It might be able to block them.

But at the same time, a dark blade of death quietly seeped out from under its feet, behind it, or in short, from within a shadow dancing in the dark firelight. Then……

It penetrated its defenseless back and heart.

Just like the stab in the back it would have received.

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