Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 39·Ninth Night·B

go ahead.

Go deeper into the base, deeper into the surface measures.

It was quiet all around, and there didn't seem to be any strange noises. The temporarily modified freight trucks of the reincarnations drove in the transportation channels previously observed by the vehicles that came to transport materials. The infiltration operation, which relied on electronic hacking, appeared to be smooth and successful.

"We confirmed that we have been discovered. I saw the hidden cameras - they are not on the system terminal I control." Xia held a small tablet for quick hacking in her hand, and while quickly inputting data, she looked towards the reincarnators. Notification. The path shown on the tablet is a smooth road. The vehicles are heading to the underground research facilities in an orderly manner, and the sentries along the way have been successfully removed.

"Well, it is indeed a trap." Zheng Zha's eyes flashed red. In a non-combat state, he can adjust his physical and mental state to focus on casting spells, allowing his bloodthirsty perception to touch a further distance. He saw an army gathering at the end of the road. The protective measures on this security force are so advanced that the technological detection methods show nothing.

Noise reduction, anti-reflection, and anti-infrared—no realistic military force in the 21st century can achieve this level. Umbrella's black technology obviously has effectiveness far beyond the current era. There were even a few small troops taking secret passages from the side to take a detour, intending to take away the reincarnations, the 'turtles in the urn', without leaving a single one behind.

They probably want to capture them alive - after all, the current situation is special, and they definitely have the upper hand in terms of military strength.

They will most likely start in the foyer area of ​​the underground facility, because they don't know what strange things are contained in this big truck. In the worst-case scenario, it's likely that a truckload of large bombs will send everyone away in one fell swoop.

Of course, this possibility is very low - if you want to use bombs, the means of cleaning the external area do not need to be so secretive and cumbersome. In the eyes of Umbrella's security chief, the Samsaras were clearly intent on kidnapping researchers or stealing confidential information. It's just that for some reason, the infiltration method used was so crude - almost like a bait.

——As rough as it is, that’s how good the soldiers are. There is no spiritual connection as the command center, so what else can we expect?

Jiang Yu thought that he had already switched the wide-area EMP into the preheating state in the Thunder Cloud Armor. The low-power electromagnetic waves projected from time to time indicate to him how many secret electronic devices are operating in the surrounding area. He incorporated his own perception and electromagnetic energy into it, and then the terminals in the armor showed the specific distribution and variety.

"There are ten suspended machine gun turrets in the passage, and we have passed six of them now. They are currently in a low-power state of stealth operation. If the opponent launches early, I will directly use EMP to paralyze the operation of all the opponent's electronic equipment. "

Jiang Yu informed in the communication channel that he meant to let his teammates be ready to fight at any time.

Zheng Zha took a deep breath and held the thermal battle ax. Mou Gang, who was in charge of driving, had veins in his hands holding the steering wheel that were almost pinching the armrests until they were deformed.

"It's the eighth one now."

Zhan Lan subconsciously stroked the single-molecule flying knife hanging on his armed belt. Zhang Jie cocked the bolt of the gun.

Then, the last two machine gun turrets and the empty entrance to the underground research area came into view.

Jiang Yu lowered her eyes, and Xia put away the tablet. Pick up the heavy sniper rifle for support.

‘Bang——’ there was a muffled sound, and the red spotlight lit up. Rushing footsteps came from all directions, accompanied by synthesized sirens coming from every direction.

"Unknown intruders, immediately put down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender. You have been surrounded -"

‘Crack—’ Jiang Yu pulled the gate that drove the wide-area EMP.

Red Alert 3 black technology, maximum power.

The Samsaras who were close at hand clearly saw a blue-white pulse of lightning erupting from the back of the Thunder Cloud Armor. It quickly swept across everyone in the carriage, and everyone felt a tingling sensation on their skin. The truck's electronic control system immediately exploded a series of short-circuit sparks during the emergency stop operation, and the next moment, the blue-white electromagnetic pulse broke through the truck's carrying compartment and extended directly to any direction that could not block the electromagnetic pulse!

The black technology of another world is stronger than Umbrella's non-core scientific research base. The red spotlights burned out in an instant, and the speakers and lighting systems all exploded. The two machine gun turrets that had entered sentry mode and were ready to fire at any time emitted flames and black smoke, thus becoming worthless scraps!

The brightly lit underground research base suddenly darkened. Even the backup emergency lights are no longer able to work, except in core experimental areas where key research and development projects are ongoing.

The rush of footsteps immediately stalled, and the wide-area black technology EMP impact also destroyed Umbrella Security's digital command capabilities.

The next moment, the car shell, which was smashed away by the thunder cloud armor, crashed into the security crowd who was instantly panicked due to this unexpected situation!

"Act!" Jiang Yu jumped off the carriage first. The huge mass of the Thunder Cloud Armor caused a slight vibration wave impact on the ground. The double shotgun on his left arm was modified by Kasumi into a heavy machine gun before the action, and a total of one thousand ammunition chains were ready.

‘Thud-thud-thud-thud-thud’ Tracer bullets combined with explosive bombs can tear a bloody path through the crowd, while the bright lights that light up in various parts of the armor can also effectively attract firepower. In an instant, a dozen Umbrella security guards were swept into a mass of blood mist in the line of fire. The remaining personnel immediately broke away from their frightened state, roaring loudly and roaring, and fired back at the huge Thunder Cloud Armor.


Security personnel equipped with light firepower may be able to easily defeat ordinary armed personnel. But when they hit the Soviet defense of Thunder Cloud Armor, they could only explode one or two sparks at most. What's more critical is that the multi-directional bright lights equipped on the Leiyun armor not only illuminated the ambush troops, but also attracted too much of their attention.

A very good taunting human shield.

There are some smart people among the security personnel. They reacted immediately after being briefly surprised. Take out a grenade or rocket launcher to launch a more effective counterattack. However, this 'brief surprise' has already consumed enough time. When they finished changing their combat configurations, the Samsaras, who took advantage of Jiang Yu's ability to attract firepower and detoured to the side, launched a side attack or even a back attack to pour down firepower on them.

The cannon carried by Mou Gang is equipped with larger-caliber armor-piercing projectiles. With the assistance of the Kashezin night vision module, which easily resisted EMP, he directly penetrated the temporary defense line of the security personnel and their bunkers from the side. There is no difference between heavy body armor and flesh and blood in the face of 23MM caliber armor-piercing bullets. The hastily formed defense line fell apart in an instant.

The frontal defense line collapsed like an ant bank.

The troops that rounded off from the sides and outflanked them from both sides encountered even more terrifying close combat attacks. Zheng Zha, who was driving the propeller, swung his battle ax and passed through the queue. When the people left, only two pieces were left.

Death, more death.

The remaining position gathering areas encountered grenade bombing by Zhan Lan and Zhang Jie. Compared with the heavy firepower specially prepared by the reincarnations to deal with rough-skinned and fleshy monsters. The flesh and blood body of the base security is really too fragile. The total number of security personnel of more than a hundred was reduced to ten in the blink of an eye. When the Thunder Cloud Armor completed its decoy mission and continued to move forward, all the remaining defeated soldiers died.

Another wide-area EMP. Even if the base's super AI has a backup system, its backup host will be burned out this time. Jiang Yu drove the armor forward and pushed aside the broken roadblocks. He saw more than one heavy fire area that was detonated silently and remotely by Xia's heavy sniper rifle.

Rocket artillery teams, Humvees equipped with heavy machine guns - there are no weapons in this base that can threaten Thundercloud Armor. But my reliable Miss Creation silently and neatly eliminated them all in advance. When it comes to 'support', Xia has done it better than Jiang Yu could have imagined. After all, most of the entire attack plan was based on Xia's intelligence and support, and if one were to judge by merit, then at least 70% of the success of this operation was due to Xia's credit.

Xia's contribution is Jiang Yu's contribution.

He moved forward with heavy and fast steps, no longer needing the third EMP, which turned into a lightning pulse to quickly kill the firepower of the subsequent refueling support troops.

One cannon blasts one piece, one blasts a group of people. The Thunder Cloud Armor and the Samsara Team ran rampant in this dark base. This operation was unexpectedly smooth. And when the trembling researchers were blocked by the reincarnations in the inner hall of the research center, it was difficult to tell whether they had done evil or not. They obtained a few shock bombs as final treatment.

Shock bombs, in a narrow area, cannot kill people, but they will lose their mobility for a long time - at least the reincarnators at this stage are not very interested in creating unnecessary killing karma, after all, these researchers seem to be defenseless.

Moreover, they also handed over their life money.

"Succeeded." - The surrounding gradually became quiet, and the reincarnations did not clean the entire base. Because contacting Alice at this point in time would be harmful to the Central-Continent team. Although it's just an inference, who knows if contacting her will actually trigger the main plot of the second part in advance.

The main god obviously doesn't want the Central Continent team to do this, and the stuck point's return time is a clear indication. And after ignoring the secrets that researchers would rather hand over their lives to hide. The clear goal of this operation was finally presented before the eyes of the reincarnators.

T stock solution, T vaccine—a whole box.

The quantity was larger than what Jiang Yu obtained last time. Zhang Jie looked at it with very complicated eyes.

Jiang Yu threw the box into the dimensional ring.

"Retreat," he said to his companions, and then he waited for the voice that was destined to come.

This operation went too smoothly.

There is no branch line in this battle.

Of course, it is possible that the T original solution is not very valuable to the Zhongzhou team at this moment. But it’s also possible——

——Troublesome things are still to come... The Lord God never hesitates to respond and test teams that show their ambition.

‘Boom——’ When the reincarnations retreated to the underground entrance as a fighting position. There was a distant vibration from the ground.

And accompanied by the solemn solemnity from the Lord God.

[Trigger the biochemical crisis second branch - defend the Umbrella Research Base in Raccoon City for 6 hours. During this period, the reincarnators are not allowed to contact Alice in any way - complete this prerequisite branch, and all participants will receive a B-level branch plot and 5,000 reward points. If Alice dies, one B-level branch plot will be deducted from all members, and the reward points will be 5,000 points. 】

[If the score of the reincarnator is negative, erase it! 】

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