Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 386 Before the door

Chapter 386 ·Before the door

Just boil the soup to stop it from boiling.

Jiang Yu stared at himself, and the other Jiang Yu in front of him also stared at him. The location here is the underlying illusion of genes, and the outcome here depends on the most basic competition of wills.

The will of the body.

The will of the mind.

The fourth-level genetic lock has not been opened, and the existence form of the opponent will be determined by Jiang Yu's own cognition. There is only one in it, not the hundreds of billions that should exist. And this means that its failure is doomed.

Let the soup stop boiling.

‘Bang——! ’ The other self in front of Jiang Yu exploded into blood mist splattering everywhere in the collision of wills. The next moment, the entire ground beneath his feet cracked. All the diners in the cafeteria were instantly burned away by the invisible flames, leaving only their skeletons, and the skeletons were turned into ashes in an instant. Shop windows exploded, beams and columns shattered, and a wail of destruction erupted from the depths of every floor tile.

Destruction has arrived, and everything follows Jiang Yu's will.

He felt that the restless dark surge deep in his mind fell silent under the collision of will. And the aftermath of the destruction is still spreading outward, expanding, overflowing, until the painting of the campus is torn apart, until the true image of this spiritual world finally appears in Jiang Yu's observation field of vision.

He saw a volcano that was boiling but not erupting, which represented arrogance and anger that did not erupt.

He saw the endless river of lava, which represented the flow of power and the desire and ambition to swallow everything.

He saw a majestic and majestic factory standing among the volcanoes. Countless steel pipelines penetrated into the boiling pool of fire and extracted energy. And this undoubtedly represents rules, reason, and acquired morality and self-restraint. The savagery of nature is firmly restrained and allowed to be driven and used by this artificial power.

This is him, the correct self he perceives. A natural and earthly disaster bound and restricted by things forged by civilization. And from inside the industrial machines that are constantly running, there is a steady stream of steel industry creations being produced.

Such as nuts, such as steel nails.

Such as molten aluminum and iron.

The desire to vomit suddenly rose from the bottom of Jiang Yu's heart. This premonition was so strong that he vomited all the food he had taken at the dinner table down his throat without any resistance. Undigested finished or semi-finished industrial creations were scattered at his feet. And in front of him, the huge factory that represented himself also vomited correspondingly!

'Boom - boom -'

The vomiting of heavy industry is the spurting of gold and iron. As the saying goes, there are gains and there are losses. Since Jiang Yu chose to fight, he chose a path that was not foolproof. Then he is destined to pay something.

"I've lost something." - Jiang Yu thought. It was something that manifested itself in a vision of genetic memory in the form of undigested food and vomit, which he viewed as the least important thing he owned. And he will lose them briefly, until he finally wins the battle of cellular wills that has yet to begin.

He didn't know what it was, and now wasn't the time to delve into it.

He watched the torrent of gold and iron in front of him converge, gather and then take shape. Until a dark gold giant with his own appearance stood in his field of vision.

There should have been hundreds of billions of giants. Just like the total number of cells in Jiang Yu.

But there is only one giant appearing here now.

The giant stepped forward and waved the dark gold war hammer and heavy shield. It and the blue surge of electricity surrounding it charged fiercely at Jiang Yu, the enemy, without any hesitation or pause.

A victory without any variables.

After procrastinating for time, the boiling water stopped after being repaired with paper.

That's all.


Jiang Yu opened her eyes, and the water in the basin was already boiling and drying up. The elf queen holding the pot did not stay here either - Galadriel had already left the garden, and this hidden place returned to the long-lasting tranquility it should have had.

Jiang Yu took a gentle breath. He felt that his brain was operating extremely transparently at the moment. The various instinctive impulses that were usually hidden deep in his soul and could not be sorted out immediately all faded away at this moment, just like some kind of feeling on the tip of his heart. Unknown and invisible burdens are generally eliminated.

The mind is indeed a dangerous and troublesome thing, and he relies on it for wisdom and strength. He also encountered many obstacles and constraints. If he could obtain enough wisdom to curb all these worries through Odin's Hanging Ceremony, then he would not hesitate to dedicate one of his eyes to the Fountain of Wisdom at this moment. Unfortunately, there is no such shortcut that will allow him to achieve success overnight.

After all, everything was just a simmer. He defeated the will of the tiny cells that he forcibly recognized. In exchange for a certain period of security and stability...or in other words, surviving. Next time, however, taking this shortcut won't be as easy. Because every cognition requires a corresponding price. This time it is a trivial thing that does not matter whether you remember or forget it. But next time, the chips you need to pay to delay the duel will inevitably be more and uncontrollable - because when you are When you think of a way to break the situation, your body will also know the corresponding method. This time, he relied on the power of Galadriel to catch him by surprise, but he may not be able to find the right help every time.

——Facing it is inevitable, ah... I thought I could delay it until a point in time when I can be fully prepared. But now... Sure enough, there is no free benefit in the world.

The world was pushing him, pushing him to keep going, pushing him to become stronger.

When the person being pushed is talented enough and the way forward is clear, this push is gentle and kind. Because every step of growth is step by step. Every jump is natural. So all the opportunities seemed so tender.

However, once the person being pushed reaches the bottleneck and encounters a limit. Then this push for assistance will become impatient and urgent. Because it is not smart enough to customize a perfect and exclusive path for everyone. It will only push the people it chooses forward in a way that is within the scope of its knowledge.

——Galandriel guided me to see this step. And I decided to take this step myself. Then, the second and third are imminent. When I choose to let the soup stop boiling, I also stir up the water that was originally in dynamic equilibrium. Thinking about it, it won't take long before I have to take the next step, forcibly unlock my fourth-level gene lock, and fight to the death with my awakened cellular will cluster.

Jiang Yu clenched his fist. At this moment, he felt the fourth-level lock in his body so clearly. He knew that he was actually the undoubted fourth-level gene lock holder at this moment. The difference between him and other units at the same level is that he has not released the energy of this genetic power lock for the first time.

He could already open it, anytime, anywhere, with just a thought. But unlike a normal holder of the fourth stage of Gene Lock, as long as he turns on this power, he will inevitably lose control of his inner demons as soon as possible.

The guess on Fiora 161 was correct - as long as he could successfully reach the fourth level, he could directly reach the initial limit of the fourth level where he could completely suppress his inner demons. Because as long as he unlocks the fourth-level gene lock, he will directly face the strongest will counterattack of the cell cluster. If he wins, he can naturally ignore the inner demon whose influence has been reduced to the lowest. If he loses... then Jiang Yu is Inner demons.

-I need a fight.

He has a clear and definite understanding of this.

——A battle that was fierce enough, crucial enough, and enough for me to risk everything for a chance of victory with the determination of a moth to a flame.

——And this battle won’t take long.

The world's aid cannot be without reason and without cost. Although the dark sky has not revealed the dark omen it should represent until now, it will not take long for it to become reality.

Jiang Yu believed that the node should be around the time of the Rivendell meeting - before and after the set time. The Fellowship of the Ring will be established if any means are used to prevent it. At that time, I thought that I would also face the battle that I was destined for.

Escape is useless, facing is the only and correct ending. Jiang Yu has never understood his current situation so clearly for a moment. He even knows that this time of 'raising the pot and stopping the boiling' can bring him a few days of buffering peace at most.

The breath he took in was exhaled with the same amount of lightness.

Jiang Yu bowed deeply in the direction of Galadriel's departure. This was indeed a favor, no matter how much world power she had behind her.

So, next...

He turned his gaze to look at his dominant hand. His thoughts turned a little, and among the props in his storage, the black smartphone he used to take the first step to face reincarnation in the world of Resident Evil appeared in his palm.

It was exactly the same as when it was put away by him, and its corners still had the fine wounds caused by that throw. It can still be used because it has a permanent seat after the storage ring is redeemed. Its built-in battery had not been able to drive for a long time until this moment, and it immediately resumed from standby mode following Jiang Yu's will.

It's just a very ordinary smartphone - the latest model from Jiang Yu's previous life, domestically produced, suitable for students, not a flagship cheap product. Because Jiang Yu loves PC more than using a claw machine to rub glass. It's just a cheap phone designed for reading novels and checking information.

Jiang Yu has deleted all the apps on his mobile phone... In fact, he should have completely destroyed this portable communication tool that once stored many unlimited novels as soon as possible instead of letting it stay in his possession. In the storage ring. But now, even if it is crushed to pieces without any residue left, it is meaningless.

——Speaking of which, why did I choose to keep this mobile phone?

Jiang Yu tilted his head. He couldn't figure out the specific reason. No matter how powerful his calculations are, he cannot reproduce the picture of his subconscious mind when he made decisions in the past. Maybe it's just nostalgia and reluctance. Anyway, this kind of trivial matter doesn't make much sense even if we pursue it.

It was just a trivial matter—at least, that was the only thought in his mind when he made the decision.

But now, everything has become a mystery.

‘Pa—’ Jiang Yu put away her phone.

He felt a breath, a step, a familiar will approaching.

And reach resonance with your own body and mind.

Soft arms wrapped around his neck lightly from behind.

"Ayu." Xia's voice was as gentle and sweet as ever. The identity of the captain of the Zhongzhou Team has been quietly switched to Jiang Yu as an ordinary young man. The stagnation and resistance generated when switching identities have been reduced to a minimum.

He knew that he should always maintain his identity as the 'Captain of the Central Continent Team' so that he could face the next battle with the highest efficiency. He knew that every time he switched his self-awareness, the buffer period obtained with the help of Galadriel would be reduced. He knew that as an ordinary young man, Jiang Yu was neither good at tactics nor rigorous, and only had unrealistic fantasies and all kinds of gaudy lusts in his eyes. But even so, he still overcame the resistance of self-awareness and arrived here.

"Xia." He opened his mouth slightly. Thousands of words are stuck in my throat.

"Sorry..." What he expected was not a 'no need to apologize'.

"I forgive you." He got the voice he needed to hear most. "No matter what you did or planned to do, Ayu, I forgive you."

The girl's cheek gently rubbed the young man's neck.

The reason why she didn't appear next to Jiang Yu until just now. It was because she knew very well that until just now, Jiang Yu did not need her to be by her side but as a hidden secret combat force. And now, she also clearly felt that Jiang Yu needed her very much, so she rushed here as soon as possible.

Jiang Yu and Xia's minds are the same. Their bodies and minds have long resonated. They know what distance they should maintain between each other at all times.

Then... Jiang Yu gently placed her palm on Xia's arm.

The night is still long.

Although the current occasion is not suitable for being too intimate. But at least, we can enjoy the silence of the night together.

Jiang Yu raised her head slightly.

He saw Zhao Yingkong, who had appeared there out of nowhere, squatting on the top of the grape trellis, holding her chin and looking at him. Jiang Yu and Xia were not the only ones who had a similar mind. The assassin girl tilted her head slightly and blinked.

very good.

It seems that this grape trellis is very strong and will not fall over.


On the second day when dawn had not yet arrived, the reincarnators bid farewell to the queen who was slightly unwell, and continued northward with the queen's gifts and the coalition forces that had received more elven troops. Darkness still shrouded the land, but the reincarnators did not encounter any unexpected situations.

They arrived at the outer suburbs of Rivendell on the fourth day of their departure. With the aid of spell effects, they arrived at their destination almost in tandem with the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

And at the same moment, somewhere in Middle-earth no one knew. Ilúvatar's great barrier finally collapsed and the first crack appeared.

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