Chapter 389 ·Advent ·2

"They will be waiting for us in Rivendell."

"They have at least two reincarnation teams...maybe three."

"The probability of a weak team withdrawing early is not high, because there must be a battle between Central Continent and East America. If we are not exposed - not completely exposed, the Central Continent team will beat the East American team, but the East American team is unlikely The group will be destroyed. And even if there are lies that lead to the truth as a cover-up, the changes in the situation and the chain reaction caused by the fall of Valinor will inevitably be noticed by the wise men in the reincarnation team."

"So, the less optimistic and most likely development is that the Central Continent team suppressed the North Ice and South Yan teams. It did not even cause decisive trauma to the East American team——

——And no matter where we choose to come, we need to directly face the combined combat power of these two power groups. The League of Middle-earth should be in Rivendell, while the East American team may go to Mordor. And as long as we are fully exposed, the moment the lies are exposed, even if they do not let go of old grudges, they will regard us as their priority common enemy target. "

"This battle is inevitable."

"The Supreme Lord of the Rings is destined to be an important event node. No matter how many arrangements the other party makes, we have to try to prevent the other party from obtaining this key key to power. And we are definitely not the only group with this idea."

"Of course, there is a small probability that they will use their influence to change the location and time when the Fellowship of the Ring was established in an indirect way, bypassing the judgment of the Lord God - but I believe that this is a futile move. No matter whether they will use the Supreme Where did the Lord of the Rings lead when the Great Barrier of Ilúvatar collapsed on a large scale? The biggest gap must be the place where the Fellowship of the Ring was established. Because there must be too much power concentrated in that area nearby, and this will also affect the stability of the barrier there."

"So, they might as well let the Fellowship of the Ring be formed in Rivendell."


Xing Bian pressed his eye socket with some disgust and stuffed the broken eyeball back into the same crooked eye socket of the skull - although the immortal body based on strange objects is convenient in operation, it is always easy to have some details. question. Of course, this is also because the herds of predators in the void are too ferocious.

The broken right field of vision gradually recovered. Although the optical perception was old-fashioned and outdated, its reliability was its advantage. Void spiders are just one of the more common types of predators. And those weird and powerful special subspecies are not afraid of light and divine power.

Although he is not bright and has no divine power - he put the long sword stained with the blood of a thousand void predator beasts back into the scabbard, and after taking a few steps towards the agreed gathering point, he was messed up a few minutes ago. The black Tang suit has a new look again.

Well, void predators actually have many advantages, at least they know how to control their appetite. There was a series of fine collision sounds coming from a distance of more than ten meters or tens of meters behind me, and those might be the hooves of those predators who rationally chose to give up on the food in front of them. claw.

'Da da da da - bang bang bang bang -'

Xing Bian didn't bother to pay attention to them, since they couldn't eat him anyway.

And when those messy collisions and their appetites disappeared from Xing Bian's perception, he had already arrived at the destination he expected.

White sandbanks, the wilderness of Valinor.

The souls of the dead from Middle-earth will pass through the Great Barrier and wander here, and this means that once the Great Barrier is broken...there will be a crack that is large enough for powerful people to pass, then the crack must be very close to here.

But the person he was looking for was not here.

Adam is not here, and neither is Haotian. Christine, who is the Eye of Atlantis, is not here either. The only person standing on the edge of the sandbank was an inorganic woman who looked like a doll. The Liuli who had closed one eye since exploring the treasure house of Narnia and obtained a huge harvest second only to Adam.

Speaking of which, why did she give herself such a weird name as Liuli?

And...well...what's in that treasure house?

His head was a little confused, but Xing Bian didn't care. Using the portrait of Dorian Gray to gain immortality will always cause a bit of confusion in your own memories. But that's not a serious problem.

It's good to be alive.

It's good if you can kill people.

It doesn’t matter if he’s not a human being, as long as he can find something to chop with.

"Hey, Liuli." He went to hold the hilt of the long sword in the sheath - because it didn't matter, Liuli was fine.

But before he pulled out the sword, a pure white light gun was already pressed against his Adam's apple.

"Want to die?" The doll-like woman stared at the sea in the distance. The end of the sea was the boundary of the barrier.

"It's not impossible." Xing Bian shrugged, put down the hilt of the sword, and pushed the tip of the gun away from his throat - his palm made a "squeaking" sound when holding the light gun, and then the skin and flesh scorched, exposing the joints, and When the fingers were removed from the gun body, they quickly returned to their original appearance.

"But I have something to do with Adam...where is he?"

"You should ask Christine." The psychic power of the Daxizhou team, and the psychic network is naturally always established outside the Great Barrier. Theoretically, he could find any member of the team to say whatever he wanted to say just by communicating in his head. Of course, if you don't really want to use your brain, you can just say it here.

"Life always requires a sense of ritual." The man waved his hand. "But since he is busy, forget it - I just want to tell him that I have been to the ruins of Mandos Hall, and there is nothing left there. It has obviously been eaten clean by the void beasts. The previously detected spatial fluctuations have also disappeared, and even if something really happened there, we still can’t figure it out.”

"Oh." The woman nodded, without any fluctuations in her tone.

She continued to stand on the beach and look out for another two seconds.

"Adam said he knew. And, he asked me to tell you that he is currently analyzing some life souls that floated from the barrier to the pure white sandbank to obtain their inner memories. So he has no time to talk to you now."

"...kill people to refine their souls?"

"Only soul refining." Liuli shook his head. "We didn't kill the people."

"Did he get anything useful?"

"It takes time for the souls within the barrier to drift outside the barrier. The soul with the freshest memory he has examined so far died in a battle about two weeks ago - this person was a Rohan man. Adam suspected that the Essien River The battle has been brought forward. And this means that maybe there are reincarnations who saved the prince of Rohan who died in the battle, and maybe someone has even taken advantage of Saruman."

"Then it seems that there is still some value in doing this kind of thing... But I remember Adam said that killing indigenous humans at will may lead to some not very good results... Is it really a bluff?" Xing Bian's voice , some are eager to try.

"Killing is bad." Liuli turned around and stared at him seriously. "That's what I said."

Xing Bian didn't answer. He just raised his head and looked at the huge light gun floating about a hundred meters above the two people's heads. Its size should be described as a mountain or a giant city, and its shape was similar to that of Liuli's previous wave. That one is roughly equivalent. And that blazing light gun was filled with huge energy that was slowly increasing every second.

The Spear of Heaven has been charged for seven days - this sacred weapon taken out from the Narnia treasure house and not included in the main god's evaluation system has the power to change the terrain specifications. Adam's judgment is that after charging up, whoever hits four or less will die. And if you use it to smash the floor, it can probably evaporate the foundation of a modern city with a population of one million in an instant.

It was obviously not hanging there for viewing.

And Liuli, who controls such a powerful weapon, actually said openly here that "killing people is not good".

"I won't use it casually." Liuli caught his companion's gaze. "Its role is to fight against Morgoth, or the Daxi continent team is already in a serious crisis. Because I can't effectively control it now, it is difficult to lock a single target, and I will not use it To the cities beyond Mordor."

"Then I can only pray for those poor people in Middle-earth that you don't lose control. I remember that you are only one step away from unlocking the fourth level gene lock - after you are recognized by the Spear of Heaven?"

"Half step." Liuli corrected. "The fountain of wisdom has done me good."

"And, I will not lose control." She emphasized.

"I hope so." Xing Bian glanced into the distance. On the other side of the vast sea, the gauze-like barrier seemed to have some slight and disturbing turbulence. It seems that the deadline determined by the Lord God is coming soon, and from the other direction, the wave of nothingness is also expanding.

In the void, the number and types of predators are very large. They greedily want to devour all living creatures with bright colors, turning all colors into dull gray. However, they possess a certain degree of wisdom. Before opening the lid of the delicious soup pot, some prickly berries can be temporarily ignored.

Of course, this is also because Adam's power of lies is at work - it is not difficult to deceive them into thinking that the reincarnations of the Atlantic continent team are their kind. As long as the reincarnations do not leave their own 'territory' and go shopping in directions where fresh food is available, such as Mandos Hall, then they will turn a blind eye to the reincarnations.

And soon, they will become the vanguard army, clearing the way for the reincarnations of the Daxizhou team.

"Liu Li."

"What's up?"

"I think you are quite hypocritical. If you really think killing is not good, then you should aim your sky spear at these void predators. Although they cannot kill them cleanly, they also know fear. If you kill enough, Then maybe when the Great Barrier is completely broken, not all the people on this land will be eaten by them."

"I didn't say I wanted to save people." Liuli answered him indifferently. "I just say killing is not good."

"But what if the deaths of these people are related to us?" Xing Bian tilted his head and looked at her with interest. "I have always found one thing strange...that curse, which poses no threat to reincarnators, but is particularly effective against the indigenous gods, and has not been erased even after being repaired by the Lord God...does this kind of thing really exist? Toy? I think it might be better described with the word 'sanctuary blessing'. And..."

"...If we are really burdened with this kind of thing, then how could the main god who sent us here still give us this kind of thing that is two days later than Zhongzhou and three days later than Dongmei. Strictly speaking, it is not stronger. What rating is it? Or is this thing not included in the Lord God’s evaluation system?”

Liuli didn't answer, she just glanced at the distant sky. The gods, including Ilúvatar, have been shrouded in unknown power until now, and they are indeed becoming weaker, because their brilliance is truly dimming, and this weakness continues.

The facts are here, the truth is self-evident.

"Okay." Xing Bian shrugged again. "Just treat it like this. But I always feel that everything is not that simple. There must be another hidden meaning in the silence of the gods. There must be a bunch of insidious calculations hidden in Adam's belly. And I suspect that we are also in Adam's calculations. "

"Has there ever been a time when we weren't tricked by Adam?" Liuli asked back.

"...Uh, I guess not?" The man was defeated by an army.

"Also, Adam said he was very angry. If you continue to slander him like this, he will make sure you die miserably."

"I'm not slandering." He didn't care much about the threat. "I'm just stating-"

His words are finished.

Because at this moment, there is light coming from a distance. That was Haotian's angelic light, and it was also the signal for the action to begin.

And at the same moment, amidst the restlessness of the void beast tide, a series of mirror-shattering sounds suddenly burst out from the end of the sea, where the barrier is!


"...Then, it will be up to the little hobbits to hold the Supreme Lord of the Rings. A group of willing warriors will escort them until they reach Mount Doom."

In the noisy Rivendell conference hall, the participants finally made the destined decision under the guidance of Gandalf. The One Ring was chained and delivered into the hands of the hobbit Frodo. The representatives participating in the meeting, representing their own forces, expressed their willingness to provide assistance to this expedition team.

Sword, axe, bow, horn, lance. And the final staff. With the addition of four hobbits, one more than the original, the Fellowship of the Ring was established. But unlike the quiet and peaceful Rivendell in the original code, all the meeting participants now vaguely felt the crisis gathering in the dark sky.

Something is coming, something has already come!

‘Crack-! ! ! ’ Above the sky, the mirror shattered.

The participants stood up suddenly and looked at the cracked sky with shocked faces!

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