Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 393 A good start

Feeling of weightlessness.

A strong sense of weightlessness.

It transforms into an extremely powerful impact in an instant. The doomsday ship finally arrived near its target. And when the pure gold radiant field used to maintain the front burst like a balloon touching the tip of a needle, Adam raised his sight.

The Nagel method damage rate was 3.44%, with no structural damage. The time until fully autonomous repair is expected to be 42 seconds.

——An energy barrier based on alien technology and universal magic technology. It has good adaptability to the low-energy environment covered by the large barrier and is also upwardly compatible with the high-energy environment... Sure enough, Chu Xuan calculated the direction of my layout. And I was convinced that its breakage would be a trap.

——What kind of trap will you prepare for me?

For some people, solving puzzles is enjoyable. Especially at the moment when the puzzle is revealed and you have a chance to win. His heart was extremely happy.

——I guess, first of all, it’s ‘restrictions’.

The flow of time seemed to slow down at this moment, and all the reincarnations, combatants, defenders, and plunderers were all dumbfounded as they stared at the doomsday ship that suddenly landed in the center of the golden apple barrier. And then... broken.

Everything in front of Adam was shattered in his understanding. Whether it is people or objects, it is the golden realm destroyed by the doomsday ship, or even the entire space and natural order. Everything is broken.

Prayer spell, reality reshaping.

Adam could clearly perceive the mythical power based on the Two Rivers Legend Circle. And in an instant, he judged that this was a mysterious spell based on Asha's fire.

It's a trap—but it's a general trap, not one that's entirely specific to yourself. Chu Xuan could not directly infer that his enhancement was a blasphemy to the priest to usurp divine power without any reason. After all, he needs to go through a step to verify and deduce.

He knows now.

Adam looked around, and the broken realm was reshaped in his perception. He realized that Chu Xuan had arranged a separate world for uninvited guests like him. And he also knew very well that this level of spatial separation could not stop him for much time.

Maybe three seconds, maybe five seconds. He was alone, and all his teammates were blocked to other places outside the barrier.

He was sure. Because a crucial piece of information finally fell into his hands.

——You have not unlocked the fourth level gene lock.

——You are even far away from the limit of the third level!

The scepter in his hand struck heavily toward the deck beneath his feet. Before the reshaping was completed, the alien world based on divine power and the power of prayer was filled with space cracks that were as dense and orderly as a spider web. And at the same time, thousands of huge frost giants were formed directly around him, without hesitation or hesitation, waving frost weapons and rushing towards every area affected by the crack!

After ‘restriction’ comes ‘misleading’.

As it should.


-Adam disappeared.

Haotian suddenly unfolded the wings of light behind him, and a circle of sacred territory suddenly spread out around him. After the collapse of the Golden Apple Domain, the chaotic energy tide flowing out in all directions covered Najirfa. Adam's spiritual beacon was also broken in the spiritual network and lost its signal.

He was exiled - no surprise there.

If he chooses the Xing Bian style of play, he will naturally have to accept the bitter consequences of stepping into the enemy's trap. doesn't matter!

The spatial structure in front of me is unstable, and enemies are trying to teleport over. But the airspace where the banishment spell was cast does not support the rapid activation of the teleportation ability. The teleporter would not arrive for at least another second, and this was obviously some kind of misdirection.

The plank road is built openly and the warehouse is secretly built. The trick is reliable but old-fashioned.

Shadows floated from behind Haotian, and the flickering wings of light brought about interactive changes between light and shadow. The appearance of the giant axe-wielding man was accompanied by the sudden disappearance of the dead river above the sky. And when the demonic battle ax filled with unknown power slashed down violently, a huge lightsaber burning with flames had already blocked the path of the giant axe!

——Zheng Zha, the fourth-stage initial stage combat power that seems to have not fully unlocked the fourth-stage gene lock. The exchange system held is mainly to strengthen negative attributes such as vampires, demons, and dragons. It is suspected that he showed psychic light-like power during the attack on Isengard. It should be regarded as the standard for being good at close combat - powerful fourth primary combat power. Not to be underestimated.

'boom--! ! ’ The lightsaber and the giant ax collided, and the pure power of the two different attributes split into thousands of cunning energy jets of different sizes at the moment of contact. They are shaped and transformed in various strange ways, and in one blow they can display thousands of the most advanced martial arts techniques. However, no matter how many power changes Haotian had iterated on, the enemy in front of him was actually able to keep up with them without missing a beat!

Thousands of martial arts masters have learned all their lives to strike with all their might, which can be summed up in one sword or ax wielded by one of these two. This power can destroy a small city and shatter a fortress in an instant. Regardless of the construction material of this fortress, whether it is earth bricks or the top-grade composite steel!

Light is bursting - light and dark colliding with each other. The generation of the annihilation effect is natural. The moment it bursts out, all excess matter or energy within a hundred meters of the warring parties will be wiped out. Haotian even felt that he had been slightly injured.

It's just a minor injury, and the time it takes to heal itself doesn't even take more than a millisecond. However, the difference in power represented by victory and defeat was clearly revealed in Haotian's cognition. He could clearly sense that the holy light energy he sent into the giant sword of flame was not as strong as the dark energy in the opponent's battle axe. He tried to use his strength to widen the gap, but he definitely suppressed the inner demon's fourth-stage reincarnation, and Light was already stronger than Dark in terms of restraint!

——The calculation power is on par with mine, and the power level is even higher than mine...

——I can't easily defeat this kind of opponent single-handedly. At the very least, I have to work hard to do it.

Wings of light, twinkling. The distance increased by several kilometers in an instant. Since it is difficult to gain an advantage in close combat, you must at least try to use your strengths and avoid your weaknesses. In the collision of long-range means, it is difficult to say who is stronger than who!

"Repent." Haotian's eyes sparkled with white light. His words were both incantations and contained power to a great extent.

In an instant, more than 30% of the tens of thousands of predatory beasts that descended from the dead river evaporated instantly. An indescribable sense of depression and fear spread in all directions. If there was a timid person with a weak mind within a radius of ten kilometers, he would kneel down subconsciously and beg for mercy.

Because divine punishment is coming.

The holy light swords gathered together again, and the power of the spirit of speech attached to them. The held-up light blade expanded to several hundred meters in size the moment it was lifted. And when it was violently swung down, its end even extended to a large extent again.

Lightsaber, ten kilometers. No need to accumulate energy, no need to prepare. Its power is enough to destroy the entire Rivendell along with those miscellaneous bunker barriers. The reincarnators who surrounded those fourth-order behemoths were inevitably distracted, while the powerful natives had too much time to take care of themselves!

——You have to take it hard.

Haotian thought.

——Are you able to make it in time?

Haotian thought.

A mixed light shield of gold and red spreads rapidly over Rivendell. And at the same moment, the sword light that could destroy everything has fallen!

Heaven and earth lost their voices at this moment.

All that remains is pure red and white light.

The other main force of the Zhongzhou team finally managed to catch up as Haotian expected. He used his best defensive power to completely block this lightsaber strike that symbolized extreme destructiveness.

Rivendell, safe and sound.

Dozens of kilometers of mountains outside of Rivendell collapsed, all living things died, and trees withered and burned.

——As expected...Using the Holy Light Qi to control the Calamity Sword still won't be fully effective... Damn it, if only I got Frey's Sword of Victory! Obviously they are both called Levatin!

Haotian took a breath. From the treasury of saints in Narnia, the treasures obtained by the Daxizhou team basically originated from the Nordic gods. The sword in Haotian's hand is the calamity sword used to destroy the World Tree in Ragnarok. Unfortunately, although he holds it, he has never received the sword's response - the attributes and bloodline are wrong. , the driving premise is already Adam’s power of lies. In the entire Daxizhou team, there is only one person who can be confirmed to have obtained the relic weapon recognition.

——Liu Li, you shouldn’t watch me being attacked from both sides.

The blazing light gun dropped from the top of the sky. The mentalists who should have shaken the balance at this moment remained silent. Even if this was not the main body of the Spear of Heaven descending, the golden-red shield used to resist Rivendell was once again delayed in place. Liuli's figure holding a gun suddenly appeared next to Haotian, and her unblocked eyes turned sharply, and her sight immediately penetrated an inconspicuous and dim shadow beside Haotian.

The light gun arrived together with the line of sight, and the dim phantom dispersed, accompanied by the sound of the gun tip touching some kind of blade. The assassin hiding in the darkness retreated in embarrassment, but he managed to save his life under Liuli's gun.

The assassination failed.

But the shadow remained.

The moment the figure of the axe-wielding warrior emerged from the shadows, he swung the weapon he carried with him. And a huge and deep black fire whirlwind lit up together with the crimson thunder that was galloping from ten kilometers away!

Great, two on two.

The battlefield once again fell into a balance of power. but……

Something uneasy and terrifying is gathering in the destroyed core area of ​​the Golden Apple Realm.


——This guy Liuli just can't change his soft-heartedness. If it were me holding the Sky Spear, I would have smashed the fully charged main body down directly, instead of holding a sub-body gun that is no different from an A-class weapon to guide the bombardment with less than 10% of the force. ...Gan, why can't I be Odin?

——Haotian is also a shark-armed man with angel blood and holy light energy. He is really afraid that Levatin will jump and chop you instead. If light characters insist on using dark magic swords, isn't this a mental illness? Anyway, it’s all suppressed with the power of lies, wouldn’t it be better to put it here with me?

——Adam is even more amazing... Does he only have Chu Xuan in his head? If he targets this person, I'm afraid he either hates him out of love or has a brain problem. No matter what method you use, you can't use my method... I even know that I'm stupid, but you still want to learn from me, so you might as well give me the position of captain.

——And Christine...forget it, she can't tell where in the spiritual realm she is being beaten three to one. As the only non-main combatant in the Daxizhou team whose gene lock has not been unlocked to level three, it makes sense for her to dislike her. Just...just let her go aside to cool down.

Xing Bian thought that he had hidden his whereabouts.

Although he is an undead, he has not followed the unparalleled stealth path of his peers who just "kill all those who know about it". Instead, a person stays alone in a fragmented and constantly changing space fault. Carrying his self-defense weapon, the only one in Daxizhou that was not obtained from the treasure house but exchanged from the Lord God. Take your time and move forward step by step through the faults.

After all, he is good at it - compared to other people, he is really good at it.

The gene lock can only be opened to the third level, and the fourth level is far away. The bloodline is also very ordinary, basically just A level to support attributes. It's just a skill, it's AA's ten-step, one-kill technique.

Kill in ten steps.

Every ten steps you take, you have to kill something. Otherwise, the killing intent in this skill will come back to bite you. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people will turn into ghosts the first time their murderous intent comes back. Those with a strong will may be able to carry it five or seven times, while those with a stronger will may choose to use a wheelchair.

Just don’t walk, just don’t take steps. This loophole is easy to exploit, but unfortunately not everyone needs to fight or escape.

Xing Bian doesn't need to, he doesn't even have to think about this kind of thing. After all, he was thinking about killing something every minute. The so-called ten-step restriction was really difficult to cause a violent reaction in his heart.

-Adam is lying again...he lies every time.

——Whoever believes what he says is sick. I don’t believe that he really wants to play ‘beat the master to death with random punches’. If I admit this, I would rather stand on my head with a needle every time I drink water. !

He thought, but he also felt that what Adam said when he mentioned Chu Xuan might be sincere. The so-called old enemy theory is most likely true, but I don't know how much attention this guy attaches to him.

Whatever, it’s not important anyway.

Although this raid station was obviously a mess, at least the basic division of labor was relatively clear - Adam held back the opponent's wise men, and Haotian and Liuli tried to deal with the opponent's main force. Although Christine is a novice, she has not yet died of defeat in the field of mental power. As for the rest of me, what I have to do is naturally the same remaining things.

Stealing the newcomers and secondary strength of the Central Continent team is indeed a reliable strategy. But considering that the Central Continent team has hidden dragons and crouching tigers, a combat power of the same level as itself might suddenly jump out to hold it back. So... it's better to solve some things that can't hide any combat power. At least, the announcement of a good start can be justified.

——Speaking of many steps did I take just now?

It's not clear, and it's not important.

Xing Bian shook his head and stepped out of the space gap as casually as if he were walking in the back garden. A Samsara team that was trying to hunt a fourth-order behemoth, but was now being dragged down by the behemoth, came into view. And with a casual wave of his hand, the sword slashed across the body of an unlucky man.

‘Peng——’ A large piece of blood mist suddenly exploded. The unlucky ghosts who were hunting the giant beast looked in disbelief.

——[Kill one person from the Nanyanzhou team, and the Daxizhou team will gain one point. 】

What a breeze.

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