Go to hell because you chose to jump into the abyss.

A heart that is no longer strong will not be able to be a support, but even without support, it can still gain strength.

Liuli firmly believes this, because this is the fact - when there is more than one fourth-level reincarnation in a team, the difficulty of climbing will be reduced for those who are behind. After all, unlike the confrontation between inner demons, which is destined to be different for everyone, at least when crossing the threshold between three and four, most people are treated almost the same.

It is easy to reach the fourth level of combat power. No matter what method is used, as long as you have the subtle power of the genetic level that can be used multiple times, this is the fourth level of combat power - divine grace, future supercomputer, ancient relic. Secret treasures are all shortcuts to achieve it. In ancient generations it was called the fourth level of profession, while in older generations it was the third level limit. It is higher than ordinary people but lower than the true sense of demigod legend, but it also has the ability to move mountains and seas.

Unlocking the fourth-level genetic lock is actually not difficult - after completing the above requirements, the power of subtlety will gradually penetrate deep into the limbs and bones. Until every cell is filled and transformed, it becomes a basic unit that can independently release computing power. Once the appropriate time is reached, they will all be awakened and release new power.

This is the truth about the fourth-level gene lock - the average number of somatic cells in the human body is between 70 trillion and 100 trillion, and after exchanging blood, this number will further increase. Once all of them are awakened, they can provide a total amount of power consistent with their number and a size equivalent to their specifications. Moreover, it is no longer necessary to use skills and external forces in combat as before being promoted. , or consumables.

The increase in absolute combat power varies from person to person, but the gap is not so large that it is unreasonable.

The most important improvements are battery life and stability. And the vast majority of people who have reached the fourth level of the profession, the third level of the extreme...or those who have skipped this boring stage and reached the sky in one step, all face similar challenges.

Just subdue your own cell community.

No matter what method or method is used, as long as the cells' will group is calmed down and made to obey the orders.

Adam's breakthrough experience at this level was deception - he used lies to penetrate deep into his body and mind, making his cells believe that they did not have self-will but were an extension of Adam's subjective consciousness. And when they gave up their 'self' because of this, even if the power of lies faded, Adam had reached the fourth level.

Haotian's breakthrough experience in this level is assimilation - his holy light energy is both strengthening and the prototype of the light of the soul. When he was about to take that step, he accumulated enough resources to expand his Holy Light Qi to an extreme, so that he was completely immersed in the center of the Holy Light Qi when the Cell Will Group awakened. The price is to permanently transform your biological nature into a light-like structure, and the prototype of the light of the soul is also hindered by the cells themselves. The road ahead becomes worse, but it is not impossible to repair it.

These are all experiences, and they are all treasures that can be obtained by those who are latecomers in the powerful reincarnation team. There is no doubt that Liuli has reached a place where they can be used.

She drank from the fountain of wisdom, and the secret treasure from the ruins greatly enhanced her own consciousness and the computing power of every cell. She also possessed the Spear of Heaven, also known as Kungunir, and used the power of this holy weapon to forcibly suppress the restless nearly one million billion cells in her body. And she has even prepared a plan. As long as the time is right, she can easily pass this level.

Just beat them.

According to Adam's theory, as long as the evil thoughts within him that will infect all cells as he is promoted are not things like 'disbandment' or 'self-destruction' that cannot be passed by ordinary means, then when his subjective consciousness lowers, he will There will inevitably be some cells that choose to continue to follow themselves and become the carriers and hands and feet of the subject's consciousness. And it is like an elite army. As long as it is commanded properly, it will be able to wipe out the "world" sooner or later.

This is Liuli's plan. Her plan is to stick to her beliefs. When you are well prepared, use a fierce enough battle as an opportunity for you to leap forward. The power of the Spear of Heaven will ensure that she is invincible, and she only needs to lead the army she is destined to have to defeat all the powerful enemies in front of her, and the fourth level of power will appear in her hands as a reward. superior.

But it can no longer be done.

Once thoughts become turbid, it takes a long time to make them pure again. Once you let go of your integrity, you must go through rigorous experience to refine your beliefs to perfection. And if you are promoted without permission before completing these preparations, you will only end up losing control.

Liuli's vision condensed, and in the stagnant time, she reached her inner vision - what came into view was a huge and noisy doll processing factory. Along with the rotation of rust-like gears and the friction of thin wires like nooses, one after another pale puppet figures were dragged out from the depths of darkness and hung in all directions of her vision.

The dolls opened their eyes, and each doll had the same appearance as her. This is her homeland, where she was able to reach the light of the Lord God before she was transformed into a costly and intricate living doll like her sisters.

Humans always have unique ideas about torturing the same kind - Liuli raised her hand and stared at the blood-stained ball joint on her wrist and the smooth fingertips that were half flesh and half enamel. This is also a manifestation of a certain kind of art, and until it is repaired by the Lord God, it can be called a 'defect of beauty'.

"Glass-shaped ornamental living doll, code, 10023." She chanted her name softly, and it was etched on her synthetic lightweight arm bone that had been processed. The seal used to cover one eye was also dismantled, and from the empty eye socket, there was a brilliant rotating vortex like a gem.

Odin, Odin obtained the Fountain of Wisdom at the cost of one eye.

And she had lost this eye long ago.

"I sometimes think - this is the only flaw in my promotion ceremony. And the only person who knows about it is Adam. He promised to arrange everything for my promotion." She stretched out her hand and held it. The spear of heaven. The living dolls with the same appearance as her broke free one after another. Outside the factory, the earth trembled and the strong wind whimpered caused by the vast march.

The living dolls are marching on.

Liuli's kindred are marching on.

They were supposed to stand with her, but now they could no longer be her carrier. She is able to exist independently here only because of the Spear of Heaven in her hand, but relying on it alone may no longer be able to hold victory in her hands.

"...Then, I ended up like this at the only point where failure can happen. Is it...?"

Thoughts were interrupted.

She stopped this meaningless deduction. Because she couldn't find Adam's deliberate motive, and there was no point in fighting at this moment. She doesn't like to create too many kills because she wants to prove that she is significantly different from her creators. And when she looked into her heart, she knew that her murderous intention towards these two-legged creatures had long been as deep as the ocean.

Destiny has gone round and round, sending her back to the identity she originally wanted to be, but refused to be - the advancement is destined to be out of control, and the moment she reaches the fourth level, she will be swallowed up by the murderous intention like an abyss. Thus attacking everything around him indiscriminately. Before she dies or survives the out-of-control period, tens of thousands of bipedal creatures will die on her hands. And she does not reject such changes.


The dolls rushed towards her, tearing apart her flesh and blood with their pale limbs, and devouring her bones and blood with their movable joints.

She didn't resist, because resisting was meaningless. Also because resistance was not the solution she expected.

"I'm not here for revenge or anger."

"I have to fulfill my responsibilities and complete my mission. The Samsaras of the Central Continent Team still give priority to destroying the target, and if the decision-makers of the Great Western Continent Team have other orders, I should also fulfill them."



Blood spurts and splashes everywhere.

She raised the Spear of Heaven and pierced her heart. The premonition of death was so clear at this moment that it seemed as if it was right before our eyes. And her will was temporarily engraved on the Spear of Heaven.

This is a sacred weapon. This sacred weapon could help her suppress her own cells and genes in her original plan.

But now, this holy weapon can still do the same thing. Because the gun has not become weaker, she is the only one who is weak as the wielder. Then, if she can give the gun enough autonomy, then this sacred weapon can complete her purpose after she falls asleep. Even the control over her body and consciousness no longer belongs to her.

The dolls stopped, and pure white light flowed from her heart, rushing to the boundary of the realm that she could reach.

The mission was being carried out, and the gun's mimetic will was being handed over to her. Unparalleled weakness and exhaustion overwhelmed her at this moment. She didn't die enough to trigger the resurrection item. But even if she doesn't die, she will sleep forever.

"...After all, it's still a doll."

Her pupils gradually dilated and lost their highlights.

Then, she became what she was supposed to be again.


——Code name, Liuli·10023, activated.

——The to-do items are being counted...At the current status, annihilation is the first priority.

The doll opened its eyes, and the user's will was confirmed. The current goal is to annihilate the enemy reincarnators and comply with everything decided by the decision-maker.

The Spear of Heaven landed.

After accumulating power for seven days, its power was already huge enough to crush Valinor in an instant. And when the user reaches the fourth-level gene lock, and the computing power and control accuracy increase sharply, even if 70% of the power is consumed on Valinor, the remaining amount is enough to tear apart the mountains, level the valleys, and level the valleys. Rivendell also turned into dust and smoke.

So Valinor was shattered.

Pure white light lit up the sky, and at this moment all living creatures on the entire continent could clearly see the kingdom of God being torn apart in the falling holy white light spear. Turned into trillions of collapsing fire points.

That's a meteorite, a meteor shower. Its physical blow to the creation of Middle-earth would be as strong as its psychological blow. The descending spear of light did not stop, and after penetrating Valinor, it pointed its subsequent target in front of the doll.

Her enemies are there.

The powerful enemy wrapped in dark armor and wielding a spear was right there. The puppet judged that he was at the same level as the previous user. The pressure may cause him to break through, but the greater probability is that he will be wiped out on the spot. But if left alone, he will definitely become a major threat in a very short period of time.

so be it.

The boiling sky was torn apart by the falling light gun in an instant. The fatal blow under the fourth center has already arrived in front of the enemy. The enemy in front of the puppet made a timely response. He raised his hand toward the sky, and a thick shield appeared between the Sky Spear and his head.

A strong shield, a thick shield. The doll even has the feeling that the shield can withstand a blow from the Spear of Heaven - she is the gun, and her feeling like this means that the enemy in front of her has a chance of resisting the oncoming destruction.

——Amend the tactical plan...

The puppet moved.

She avoided the black fire spear thrown from another battlefield - even now, she was convinced that the dark flames had the ability to bring destruction to the user's body - the spear was being used by her daughter. The person's hands. And it only needs to be used appropriately, and it can cooperate with the mother body to eliminate the enemies in front of it.

The body turns.

Speeds measured in meters per second can reach thousands and thousands.

It is easy to break free from the gravitational constraints of the stars. Before the first sound exploded, the light gun had already pierced the enemy's waist.

Missed a hit.

The Spear of Heaven has reached the top of the shield.

Huge energy tides surged rapidly at the contact points on the shield surface. The majestic power of destruction forms a balance, and then harmlessly overflows to the outside with some powerful technique.

Two hits missed.

There was an illusion of obstruction before his eyes, but it was not enough to interfere with his own actions. The remote curse has almost zero disruption to this body. The only thing you need to be careful about is the Dark Throwing Spear, which will be disturbed by the descending Sky Spear.

So, strike three. The time loss of combat is less than one millisecond.

The puppet's light gun finally penetrated the enemy's chest. The heavy shield constructed to resist the Sky Spear can no longer exert its deflection power. A grand explosion of light erupted immediately in front of the puppet at the point of contact. The enemy in front of him was reduced to ashes in an instant.

The end is near.

The destructive energy tide easily evaporated all material structures within a radius of several kilometers from the point of contact. Even the pitch-black sea of ​​fire that was tearing Haotian apart had a huge impact. The dilapidated barrier used to protect Rivendell, where the two-legged creatures gathered, immediately collapsed. Nearly 10,000 weak lives that got in the way were directly burned to ashes.

The doll feels a strange feeling - the feeling originates from the sleeping user. It may be named remorse and sadness. But the puppet immediately cleared them and prepared to move on to its next target.

She failed to do so.

Because she immediately realized that she had neither observed the glow of the Rebirth Ankh. There is no scoring announcement from the main god on the watch.

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