Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 44 · Ninth Night · Highly Effective Herbicide


The full name is ‘High T adaptive variant plant No. 43’.

It's not in the movie, but it appears in both the old and new versions of the game. It is one of the main scientific research projects of the Umbrella Research Center in Raccoon City. What is studied is the transformation and application of T virus on plants.

In the old version of the game settings, Plant 43 was an independent medium-sized mutated creature. It looks like... or it is the prototype of the big-mouthed flower in the later "Plants vs. Zombies". It has the ability to move and a huge mouth that can chew up a zombie alive.

In the new version of the game setting, it became a huge plant that filled the entire botanical garden after getting out of control. It releases highly toxic spores and uses its branches to capture slow-moving zombies and transform them. This transforms ordinary zombies into plant-based monsters with extremely strong vitality.

The old version and the new version are different.

The similarity is that no matter which version of Plant 43 they are, they are afraid of fire.


Memories flow through my mind, forming countermeasures.

Then, call to the fire.

"Zheng Zha! Fire!"

The huge red ax swung violently, and the heat energy turned into a flame. The huge root system that broke out of the ground was cut straight apart. From the deep darkness covered by steel came the alien roar of the giant creature that was neither human nor insect nor beast. Zhan Lan and Mou Gang, who were almost captured by the root system, escaped from danger with the help of Zheng Zha.

Fire, more fire.

Jiang Yu raised his left arm and fired a few double-linked dragon's breath shotguns. The burning magnesium particles stretched and expanded in the air, turning into tongues of flame dancing wildly. And it cleaned the area around the tank where Zhang Jie was, and made room for Xia, who was standing next to the tank, to move.

Several sharp roots were cut off by Xia with an electromagnetic knife. And she immediately reached out her hand to catch Zhang Jie and escape from this dangerous area.

‘Boom—’ She took a step slower.

The reason why the mutated plants focus on this place is because it captures the nutrient solution molecules escaping in the air. Within the entire base, only the temporary tank where Zhang Jie is located has the most extensive contact between the nutrient solution inside and the surrounding atmosphere!

The ground suddenly tore apart, disconnected, and turned into a large falling hole.

Before Xia could catch Zhang Jie's body, the temporary metal tank where Zhang Jie and Zhang Jie were located plummeted into the deep darkness!

No, not falling. Falling doesn't happen that fast.

The tough roots that penetrated the cement partition and broke out of the ground had captured the bottom of the tank one step ahead of the reincarnations!

Kasumi failed to catch him.

But Jiang Yu had already rushed to the torn crack in the ground, and the mecha's right arm put on Xia's left hand. Along with a weak magnetic current surge, Xia climbed onto the right shoulder of the mecha from the unstable cracked ground.

Then, Jiang Yu took a step forward.

"Follow me!" The voice was swift, firm, and unquestionable. At the moment when he met Xia, Jiang Yu had already constructed a topographic map of the research center that had been engraved in his mind for a long time. Directly below this warehouse, and another floor away, was the Umbrella Botanical Garden, which is used to house plant species. And Jiang Yu knew that she had to take action immediately!

Immediately, must.

Monsters in the T series, without exception, have the ability to grow in size when resources are abundant. And once the other party actually obtains enough nutrient solution as a supply, only God knows to what extent it can expand. The reincarnators need to stay in this base for a full six hours, but now only a few dozen minutes have passed!

‘Bang——’ All the airborne searchlights were turned on at the same time. Light penetrates the darkness. Within Zhang Jie's eyes, in the dark area that was falling downwards, there was a vaguely huge wooden mouth made of thousands of roots and spikes!

Looks terrible.

It might actually be scary.

But at least at this point in time, the strength of steel is greater than that of wood fibers.

‘哐——! ! ! ’

The metal feet smashed down onto the fiber-covered ground. The giant wooden mouth that had already swallowed Zhang Jie and the cylinder where Zhang Jie was in was forced to open outwards under this powerful impact. Jiang Yu did not hesitate, and drove the armor forward regardless of mechanical damage. The mechanical claw on the left side tore open the huge wooden mouth. The pulse muzzle on the right overflows with blue light.

The electric current pierces the vegetation, and the lightning pulse, which is very effective on animals, should not be very effective when it hits the wood.

But dry wood is not wet wood, trying to expand its size so quickly. Then the water content inside this huge plant must be huge.

Thunder travels through the liquid inside the plant.

In just an instant, the burning stench hit from all directions. And the giant wooden mouth that might have been able to compete with the armor a moment ago also became weak in an instant.

The roots and leaves turned into sticky crumbs, and Jiang Yu's left arm's mechanical claw was already placed on top of the metal cylinder. With the operation of the hydraulic structure, Zhang Jie, who had not escaped from the protection of the cylinder, was forcibly pulled out from the mouthparts of the huge mutant plant.

——Hopefully, the nutrient solution does not conduct electricity well.

Jiang Yu thought, and the tight time did not allow him to hesitate at all. The huge plant that was shocked by the thunder and lightning regained its ability to move after only a moment. Huge root systems came from all directions, and they suddenly grabbed at the people around the giant mouth!

Can you hide? ——Can’t escape.

Can you carry it? ——There is a high probability that he will die.

But Jiang Yu didn't care, because he knew that he was not alone on this battlefield.

'boom--! ’ There was an explosion.

‘Boom-boom-boom-boom! 'Chain explosion.

The few seconds Jiang Yu fought for were enough for Zhan Lan and Mou Gang, who had a chance to escape, to recover. The prompts he had previously spoken in the communication channel had come into effect. And this was accompanied by several heavenly fires that landed far away from him.

Fire from heaven, burning rifle grenades.

The Samsaras who found the shooting angle fired continuously. Groups of blazing flames erupted all over the surface of the giant plant.

It is afraid of fire.

All the roots in its body were trembling violently in the blazing fire.

Jiang Yu's thunder pulse was thus able to complete its second charge. And when the lightning suddenly grasped the dense area of ​​​​the root system, the huge mutant plant further convulsed and trembled.

It was briefly incapacitated.

While it lost mobility, it had already encountered Xia's careful and cautious observation.

The parts with the most water and the most abundant veins were accurately identified.

The next moment, Xia suddenly exerted her strength. The electromagnetic energy amplified her body, and she quickly rushed towards the direction that she accurately identified.

A few thick roots were reluctantly alert, but they were completely unable to keep up with her. Others who were able to keep up with her were cut off by the double shotguns before they could reach her.

It second.

Xia reached her target, and the needleless syringe in Xia's hand pierced the tender root hard.

Artificial vaccine for T virus, T antidote. It is different from conventional vaccines, which stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies. Because it cannot eliminate the strengthening that T has caused to the infected body. But it can greatly eliminate the T virus in the infected body.

It is both a vaccine and an antidote. The more seriously an organism is infected with T, the greater the reaction will be after being forcibly injected. When the medicinal liquid spread rapidly along the veins of the implant, the reincarnators seemed to be able to hear a hysterical scream even without a vocal organ. The next moment, this huge mutated plant began to dry up, weaken, turn white, and turn yellow.

The T antidote didn't kill it - and neither did this medicine.

What kills it is itself. After losing the support and continuous transformation of the T virus. The plant itself simply cannot afford such a huge body.

A tree is a tree, not a monster with teeth and claws.

After losing the T virus, even if the root system is soaked in nutrient solution, it will only be burned to death. Instead of absorbing nutrients to a large extent, it becomes strong and huge.

The battle is over.

Jiang Yu breathed out softly and opened the gene lock continuously, which already made his body a little weak. He quickly stuffed himself with an energy bar. After a few seconds, his slightly weak body gradually recovered.

Zhang Jie hasn’t woken up yet.

Zheng Zha and others found a continuous platform and descended from above.

The giant mutated plants that filled the entire botanical garden also withered visibly to the naked eye, and gradually revealed an external passage that allowed people to leave the place.

Xia also returned to Jiang Yu.

——[Reincarnation Jiang Yu, cooperate to kill the mutant plant No. 43. Based on combat performance, 600 bonus points are allocated. 】

The voice of the Lord God rang, and he looked around. The companions raised their fingers one after another, some one, some two. In total, there should be a total of 1,000 points. Compared with the current battle losses, the price offered by the Lord God for this is quite normal.

The surrounding area became quiet.

The reincarnators looked at each other and smiled. It's not a disaster, but it is indeed a valuable and efficient cooperation. The strength of this thing is about as strong as a supercharged mutant crocodile. At least at the current stage when it was killed, it had shown this level.

No one knows what will happen if it is delayed for a long time.

Maybe it’s average, maybe it’s going to get really bad.

And because of the announcement from the Lord God, the reincarnators no longer need to worry about the possibility of the giant mutant plant resurrecting. So, after a few minutes of rest and a few more stabs from someone unwilling to give up. The reincarnators left this temporarily safe place.

"Let's set up a new line of defense." Jiang Yu said. When he made this proposal, no one in the team came up with other opinions to stop him.

There is still a long time. In the base, it is impossible to endlessly spawn a large number of monsters out of thin air.

So, when Zhang Jie woke up. It was already more than four hours later.

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