Mount Doom is still boiling.

As far as the eye can see, there are blazing flames, sulfur, and boiling smoke everywhere.

Zhao Yingkong did not forget to slash out the sword when he left, and something invisible immediately cracked and disintegrated. Its origin and function are unclear, but if anyone who has fought with Adam stands here, he can experience the familiar lie of divine power.

This may be a warning sign.

Zhao Zukong should leave immediately to avoid the Daxizhou team members who were hunting because the layout was destroyed - the two of them were very sure that this invisible force had another function rather than surveillance or detection. Because after the battle in Mordor between the Great Western Continent team and the East American team, their relative positions had long been purely life-and-death.

But he didn't leave.

He had simply left the forge of the Ring - he had already lost two of his sisters in one day. Ruikong will never be resurrected, and Yingkong... the path she chose is destined to make her short of survival.

He is familiar with her, and at this moment, the main personality has decided to become the food for the sub-personality. She no longer needs her brother, and the secondary personality Zhao Yingkong, apart from inheriting the former's name and body, is already a stranger to him.

She doesn't need him, she has her own support.

So, what can we still live for when we are no longer needed?

Zhao Zhukong felt confused. He even hoped that the reincarnations of the Daxizhou team could go and come back. Now that he had regained his body and was no longer trapped by his inner demons, even if he died in the end, he would definitely make them pay a huge price. The Central Continent team where Sakura Kong belongs obviously has the same sinister hostile relationship with the Onishi Continent team. Even if he has no intention of cooperating with Zhongzhou, this battle will definitely clear up some Yingkong... Even if the successor of Yingkong has a bumpy road ahead.

But the Daxizhou team did not come.

The sky is dark and full of roots, and the war is burning in the distance. However, Najirfa, which symbolized the sign of doom, did not appear in his field of vision. Obviously, the reincarnations of the Daxizhou team do not care about the changes here in Mount Doom. In other words... they don't have the energy to care at the moment.

His executioner never arrived. All that could be seen were the flames of doom and the burning Mordor - it would be too fragile to jump into the boiling volcano of doom. Maybe he should make good use of Ruikong's legacy to save his own life. Maybe... I can consider completing Alexandra's commission.


The Assassin King, who no longer fell into madness, had to admit that he did have some feelings for that woman. Even if the team battle of Lord of the Rings were triggered in a few more worlds, he might take a step further with her and start a new life that was different from the past. He wasn't quite sure how much of this love was due to Ruikong's influence, but there was something other than nothing.

But he was not grateful to Alexandra - without her, Ruikong would not be able to complete the completion plan alone. As an older brother, he hopes that his sisters can survive rather than his own survival. But now, it is useless to say such a thing.

Whatever, whatever.

There was nothing left to do anyway. Anyway, there is nothing left to care about. The Lord God can't wipe out his well-resourced self, but this world is ultimately a team battle. Next, let’s go to Milis Tirith and see how the Middle-earth team can reverse the situation of this war that has no son left. If they share a common enemy goal with themselves, then stretch their muscles. And if not... then try to complete the main mission of the East American team, and either die or end this battle.

And if you can return to the main god's space and have time, resurrecting that smart-aleck woman... isn't a bad option.

The King of Assassins lowered his eyes, and his depressed energy immediately replenished. He raised his feet in the direction of Baicheng and took a step forward.

One inch step.

His steps stopped in the air.

Because at the end of his sight, a burning flame appeared out of thin air. And a familiar yet completely unfamiliar figure appeared wrapped in flames.

a woman.

A person whose appearance and potential are just average. She also has a kind heart and seems to be a woman who is not in tune with the East American team. Her name should be Hydland, and her characteristics besides kindness should be timidity and cowardice.

But now, the woman's empty eyes were burning with blazing crimson fire. An unknown giant sword was tightly held in her hand, and a considerable sense of crisis appeared in Zhao Zukong's heart.

Now she has the possibility of killing herself. Even if the magnitude is not high, it does exist. And this possibility is increasing slightly as time goes by.

It's that sword. The sword's name is Levatin.

"The sword holder recognizes you, Zhao Zukong of Dongmei. Are you standing here, are you planning to stop me?" A voice burst out from the woman's throat, as unbending as a sword.

"Levadine?" Zhao Zukong looked at the sword, which gained strength by absorbing the overflowing flames of the Doomsday Volcano.

"I am."

"That woman is still alive?" - The watch has returned to Zhao Zukong, but he hasn't had time to look at the score yet.

"Still alive."

"what are you planning to do?"

"I want to kill the newly born World Tree, and for this I want to absorb the fire of disaster here. This is my innate mission, and I will try my best to eliminate all obstacles."

The corners of Zhao Zukong's mouth twitched. The last time he showed such a gentle smile was a long time ago. He showed his attitude by making way for Hydrant.

And the reason why he laughed was because he realized that the goal he had just found had turned into nothing. Holding the Sword of Disaster, Hyland's chances of surviving this world are probably about the same as his own. And if she returns, she will definitely resurrect Alexandra. And this just allows me to no longer have to face that face that I don’t know what expression to use to deal with it.

fair enough.

Levadin's sword wielder nodded, and she walked past Zhao Zukong.

"Want to come with me to kill the World Tree?" She stopped after taking three steps. "As a reward, if I still have some strength left after that, I can use this body and this sword for you to use."

"It's okay to be enemies of the gods?" Zhao Zukong tilted his head and looked at the back of her neck. "I might try to fight Ilúvatar."

"I was born to destroy the world, and killing the gods is just a minor incidental function." A small stiff smile appeared on the corner of the sword holder's mouth. "It's a pity that you don't have the wish to destroy the world at this moment, and you haven't completely taken the step to reach the sky. Otherwise, if you hold the sword, you may not be able to kill the creator of this narrow world."

It doesn't count as consent, nor does it count as rejection. Zhao Zukong smiled, and his eyes once again turned to the place where the war was taking place in the distance.

He could see the burning white city surrounded by tree roots. His mind was a little confused due to the complexity. Levatin continued on without receiving a reply, reaching the depths of Mount Doom. And when the boiling volcano suddenly stopped functioning, there was some vaguely familiar voice in the Assassin King's mind.

'Stay alive...'

That seemed to be a call sign from Baicheng. It seems to come from a more distant void. It seemed that there was a crown of thorns before him, and he only had to stretch out his hand to take it off.

Ah...I remembered it. When he was still wandering in the realm of death, when Alexandra and Ruikong's plan had not yet reached the final step. It was this sound that lingered in his ears. And its source even turned into power, pushing him half a step behind his back.

Half a step, half a life.

It seems that I owe half of my life to some dead people here.

His eyes immediately closed.


At the same time, Najirfa arrived near the White City.

Adam's eyes turned slightly. He noticed the changes in Mount Doom and forced himself to forget about this change. The silver moonlight flowing inside her body failed to notice this detail immediately. And this may mean that the life-saving straw is already in his hands.

But now is not the time to think about that kind of thing.

I have used up my last lie. Maintaining dominance over the Onishi continent team is the top priority. Backlash may happen at any time, and I have no power to make up for it now.

So, make the most of everything first.

He stretched out his finger and pointed at the gathering point of the army outside Baicheng.

"Go ahead," he said, pointing out the target to his companions, his targets of deception, and his temporary servants. "Kill all hostile Samsara Team members and resisters, no matter the cost, leave no one alive."

His will is about to work.

But before that—

'boom--! ’ The space structure beside him suddenly broke. The berserker holding the giant ax had wild eyes, and he let out a war cry of hatred the moment he waved his weapon.


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