That realm.

Zhan Lan's will came to a prosperous city, and she felt that her thinking was covered with a layer of mist. It seemed like something was seeping into her mind, but she immediately let out a thin scream, like a mosquito that had hit the power grid.

Do not overestimate your own capabilities.

She turned her gaze slightly, and the Supreme Lord of the Rings on the ring finger of her left hand was glowing slightly, softly and brightly.

Of course A Chinese Ghost Story 2 hasn’t started yet.

She didn't intend to just rush forward and face the challenge head-on, even if she was really in a hurry - she knew that no matter what, she had to wait in the reincarnation space for ten days...nine days. And she was determined to be well prepared for this resurrection journey.

Resurrecting someone may still require reincarnation resources - even if Zhang Jie said that it would most likely not cost much.

The next world may be more dangerous than expected - even if Zhang Jie said there would be no intruders or powerful mutations.

It's not that she doesn't trust Zhang Jie. She just plans to keep the variables as low as possible. Moreover, even if the Zhongzhou team currently does not have a captain, something can and needs to be resolved regardless of Jiang Yu's presence or absence.

That's the flaw in Mid-Continent as a senior team - rising too fast and advancing too fast. As a result, the equipment and utensils on hand are always eliminated soon after being mastered. In order to keep up with the team's iteration speed, all resources can only be spent on the same constant iteration of weapons and equipment and bloodline exchange. This has resulted in some special but important treasures that have not yet been fully equipped.

For example, the Ankh of Rebirth.

Resurrection from the dead is not difficult to say. Having mastered the perfect resurrection technique, she can now resurrect any unit below level four at will once a day without paying any price. Even if they are fourth-level legendary demigods, she can still drag them out of death and bring them back to the world by consuming some resources.

This is not a difficult task.

Even the life treasure box modified by Chu Xuan can have even better effects. But the key function of the Ankh of Rebirth has never been resurrection from the dead. Rather - 'resurrection from the dead in the Lord God's space'.

The Central Continent team needs a means to force an exit. What is needed is a weight that can still escape calmly on the battlefield when encountering extreme unexpected situations. Jiang Yu would still do this even if he was resurrected. Rather, it is precisely because he has not been resurrected that this is the best thing to do.

Because the current state of Zhongzhou is ‘on the brink of annihilation’. Because Zhang Jie is a fourth-level player who is not included in the evaluation at this moment. The Central Continent team is at its lowest point in the Lord God's evaluation, and the next evaluation will be the time to end the world of Ghost Story 2.

Once multiple fourth-level combat powers are revived, the main god's evaluation will immediately rise to a strength worthy of the overall strength of the Central Continent team. And this means that if you want to increase your points and earn a lot of reincarnation resources, then this nine-day gap is the best time.

Boosting points was even tacitly approved by the Lord God at this moment.

And this means that as long as the executor works hard enough and is careful enough. Then, the remnants of the Zhongzhou Team at this moment are enough to obtain enough resurrection items for the Shengsheng Team before the dead people are resurrected. At least, it can cover the main force of Central Continent.

Just need to find enough worlds to earn points...

——[Activate the side mission in advance to completely bury Freddy and end the world view of the "A Nightmare on Elm Street" series. Participants will be assigned 2 A-level side plots based on their efforts, and will be rewarded with 14,000 points. 】

The Lord God's announcement rang in his mind. Yes, this is the world of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Zhang Jie shared the option of this world that he had visited once in the distant past. But he himself did not actively participate in this world out of avoidance of suspicion.

Freddy, a monster who dominates dreams, may not even be able to deal with a group of high school students. In terms of absolute strength, it is completely unworthy of the total amount allocated by AA, even if it possesses some unique power.

Because it's weak. It was the mosquito that crashed into the wall of Zhan Lan's consciousness at the beginning. Zhan Lan who wears the Supreme Lord of the Rings is equivalent to a strong fourth child who cannot exert the unique ability of a spiritual person. Even if it can arouse the inner demons of the waver, it is not enough to penetrate into Zhan Lan's sea of ​​thoughts and consciousness. among.

It's hurt.

But it is still entrenched in this land and in this city.

Because everything in front of you is a dream, and Cheng Xiao and Zhu Wen entered this world together with Zhan Lan.

Those two people may be in a different state than her. But...she felt that those two people would not let their newly exchanged power be shamed.

Mental power fluctuates and unfolds. The entire city was reflected in Zhan Lan's eyes, and she scanned every dead or living thing accurately. She didn't find the target she expected the first time. But she found faint trace changes.

Just a little deeper, just a little more careful.

The last trip between the two worlds gave Zhan Lan some inspiration. She realized that the world manifested itself in more than just physical structures. At the same time, there are many spaces and conceptual gaps hidden in the dark side of the world, and dreams are obviously a type of gap.

Mental power fluctuations seeped into the void, and her subtlety was not enough for her to detect plane faults. But it was enough for her to analyze the depths of the dream. She seemed to find that the city in front of her had tens of thousands of different faults. And this means that at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of people have been corrupted and captured by Freddy, the dream demon, and have become its resources and power.

No wonder it can force myself and others into a dream... It is considered to have good strength.

But not important. Zhan Lan went deep into the fault dream as he pleased.

She remembered that Cheng Xiao's exchange was for an S-level ancient dragon vein - the Zhu Jiuyin series. It is said that he originally planned to exchange for Yinglong but gave up. Because the Tao he understood himself is for balance.

Yinglong is too arrogant and strong, and is not suitable for the way of balance.

However, the candle dragon is located exactly at the boundary between morning and dusk, and its essence is the embodiment of balance.

——I don’t know what kind of power he has discovered from this S-class bloodline.

Zhan Lan thought that she had equipped herself with dozens of protection and corresponding triggering techniques. Maybe even if she didn't wear the Supreme Lord of the Rings, she would be able to wake up in Freddy's dream immediately.

The next moment, she arrived at the destination she expected.

A gap, a dream. A mansion, a wedding.

The sound of firecrackers sounded, and the unique rural drums and suonas were noisy and festive. She saw the delicate bride timidly getting off the wedding car. Cheng Xiao, on the other hand, is dressed like a groom and has a sweet smile.

But his eyes were clear, and from his eyes, Zhan Lan saw the reflections of countless bones and skeletons.

The pink skull... But she didn't see any Buddhist charm in Cheng Xiao. But life and death present a clear boundary in his vision. He has come out of the nightmare, he is just nostalgic but not addicted.

That's fine too. Zhan Lan heard about Cheng Xiao's story and knew what a sad experience he had with his childhood sweetheart.

She originally planned to send a fantasy cloud bomb as a gift for this fake marriage. but now……

She came to the assistant of the master of ceremonies and wrote her own congratulations on the gift list.

And the next moment is the roll call.

"Ms. Zhan Lan presents a ninth-level magic slot!" The singing voice was loud and clear. Since it was a dream, it was natural that no one would care about it. She walked into the crowd amidst applause and compliments. White light appeared in the eyes of the bridesmaid and then transformed into her appearance. The next moment, she entered the ceremony holding the bride's hand.

Cheng Xiao's smile immediately became very embarrassed. Of course he knows what the nine-ring spell position corresponds to.

"Why, don't you think that I redeemed the Perfect Resurrection Technique just for personal gain?" Zhan Lan walked at a leisurely pace, looking ahead with a faint smile. "Or do you think this kind of playing house game is interesting?"

"...Uh, just think of it as a rehearsal in advance?" Cheng Xiao's voice was a little dry. "I...have always owed her a perfect wedding."

"I think what she wants may not be a wedding." Zhan Lan chuckled. "But this is your own private matter, and I shouldn't interfere too much. As long as you don't want to leave her for her own good... you shouldn't be such an irresponsible man."

Cheng Xiao laughed dryly. His eyes begged for mercy.

And Zhan Lan was too lazy to continue forcing him.

Anyway, everything that happened now has been constructed into a complete memory video in her mind. And when he returned to the real world and used the perfect resurrection technique to pull Cheng Xiao's dead Qingmei up from the cemetery. She would definitely not forget to arrange a live broadcast of the wedding celebration for the poor girl.

Of course, Cheng Xiao might die of shame. But just die, as long as you can still get up and work after pretending. And obviously, Cheng Xiao also saw her plan from her eyes.

He might really roll around and beg for mercy, but Zhan Lan no longer wants to waste time on him. The red carpet for the newlyweds has reached its end. And Zhan Lan also crossed the dream fault and arrived at another place.

Zhu Wen is here.

She saw Zhu Wen sitting in a corner of the busy city, surrounded by people, but she was alone for a quiet time. Several drunken gangsters approached her stall from the street. And this is obviously the fear that makes people chosen by the Lord God.

Zhan Lan tilted her head. She didn't see Zhu Wen's response.

However, the next moment, several police officers happened to pass by on another street. His eyes met those of the gangsters.

"Hey! What are you guys doing!" The Sheriff's voice was clear and loud.

The next moment, the drunken gangsters immediately woke up, apologized profusely, and then walked away in despair. The street returned to silence for a moment, and then returned to bustle again the next moment.

Zhan Lan took a step towards the divination master in the corner.

When an old lady passed by her, her feet suddenly went weak and she was about to fall on her - she avoided it lightly and continued walking forward.

Step two.

The crowd suddenly became noisy, and someone started an argument, and the fight was about to spread to his direction.

third step.

'boom--! ’ A dump truck sped over, and there were many casualties among the gathered crowd. Sheriffs who had left earlier swarmed in, sirens sounded, and a group of soldiers happened to be nearby to help.

They quickly pulled up the cordon, and they even had guns ready.

However, Zhan Lan had already sat down in front of the divination master with his eyes closed and white eyes.

"Godly bloodline, destiny tends to divine power." Zhan Lan smiled softly. "You really regard yourself as a professional calamity indicator. Even now, what you are thinking about is escape and self-preservation, not counterattack."

The white-eyed divination master raised his head, his ethereal face showing no excess emotion.

"Guest, do you want fortune telling?" she asked.

"Forget it." Zhan Lan smiled softly. "Even...Zheng Zha!"

A tarot card appeared in front of her - it is interesting to say that because the status of the oriental fortune teller is too high, Zhu Wen, who can only afford a single S, is obviously a traditional oriental fortune teller, but he is forced to buy the destiny of the west. Divine power. The next moment, the tarot cards turned over and turned into entities.

Death, reversed.

A burning city suddenly covered the land, a Gothic-style demon city. And the next moment, the jet black fire falling from the sky burned everything away. Those powerful demons screamed and roared and ran around, and the dark flames spread everywhere, and the largest one even rushed towards Zhan Lan's area!

The six wings suddenly unfolded, and the pure white light dispersed the imaginary fire. The divine power of light is not inferior to the divine power of fate, and the violent inflammation that Zhu Wen evolved is just superficial.

The next moment, the Gua Master raised his hands. Because the cyan moonlight sword blade had already touched her eyebrows.

"Well... don't do this." She said cautiously and conscientiously.

"It's nothing more than a nine-ring resurrection technique." Zhan Lan snorted softly. "Killing you and then resurrecting me will surely solve all problems."

"...You are so murderous, Sister Zhan Lan." The white-haired Gua Master girl carefully pushed away the sword in front of her eyes. Breathe out gently. "Obviously, it can be solved with a gentler method..."

"Are you dissatisfied?"

"No, no!" Zhu Wen waved her hands repeatedly. "It's just...Sister Zhan Lan, wearing the Lord of the Rings is not necessarily a good thing. You have to be careful, even if Sauron is dead."

Zhan Lan rolled his eyes slightly.

'boom--! ! ! ’ Loud noise.

The dream world suddenly shattered, accompanied by the screaming terror of nightmares.

They returned to reality, with Zhan Lan's hands raised high.

"I'm not Sauron," she said.

The next moment, a pure white, huge actinic eyeball like a second sun appeared above the entire city!

Since Freddy has infected the entire city, all living creatures in the entire city will be purified in an instant. No one will die anyway, so as for the sequelae, you don’t need to think too much about it!

The Lord God's scoring announcement suddenly sounded. The harvest of this world ends.

And next, there are several worlds.

The dead line failed, just one second away, I have to find time to crawl for a day_(:з」∠)_

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