Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 51 ·Going to World 2

Cyberpunk, prosthetic transformation.

Improve reaction speed through neural enhancement and stimulate the body to accelerate muscles - strictly speaking, this is an enhanced version of bullet time. In order to allow the body to keep up with the action, there is an additional load of internal high-end components. And for reincarnations who may lack fighting talent, this kind of enhancement is indeed good.

But there's a problem.

"To enhance the cyber series, you need to be careful about hackers - but I remember that this series also has a powerful firewall like ICE, so I don't care about it for now. But I took a look and found that this implant enhancement is made of electronic technology after all. route. In our team, Xia and I are both users of the electromagnetic system, and the wide-area EMP is a relatively easy-to-use... well, regional electronic unit suppression weapon."

Jiang Yu didn't say that opening Si'an Westan would be more suitable for melee combat. In the game, in order to take into account the player experience, the flight speed of bullets is basically adjusted to be visible to the naked eye. Therefore, it is better to use melee weapons with time slowing on, because the bullets will move very slowly during the time slowing. However, in fact, let alone Mou Gang's 4x physical growth rate, even if he increases to the enhanced 10x speed, the high-tech weapons will still have bullet speeds that he cannot react to.

"Also, the physical acceleration of the implant is limited to muscles. In this way, you cannot use power armor with its own transmission device. Although I remember that the same world view also has implants such as subcutaneous armor for sale. But that kind of thing , so it can defend against modern light firepower."

This is indeed the case with power armor. When the user is weak, the transmission device can provide the user with an increase in strength and speed. However, once the user becomes powerful, the effectiveness limit of the transmission device is gradually exceeded. Then these things will become cumbersome, even worse than unpowered plug-in weapons.

"Hey, you have to give up. As long as I run fast, others can't keep up with me." Mou Gang scratched his head, but found the subcutaneous armor column mentioned by Jiang Yu.

——[Subdermal Armor Implantation—It is referred to as ‘cyberpunk’ in the classics. It is a prosthetic body transformation that enhances the user’s cortical defense until it can withstand direct attacks from small-caliber light firepower. It can be additionally mounted with fireproof, insulating, acid-resistant and other coatings to effectively resist corresponding impacts and protect other implants in the body from interference. 】

——[Redemption requires payment of 1 D-level branch plot and 500 reward points. Each additional coating mounted will cost an additional 300 bonus points. 】

Mou Gang also chose a 'gorilla arm' implant to enhance it. It can greatly enhance arm strength and provide holding stability. This thing is also a D-class implant. Presumably it was for close combat and to be used with the heavy firepower weapon that Mou Gang was going to buy.

And he did buy a big one.

——[Pulse Laser Cannon—It is said to be ‘pan-sci-fi’. It has a high rate of fire and provides a high-energy laser strafing function, which is effective against light, medium and large units. Because of its advanced technology. Even when fighting against units such as spiritual bodies and incorporeal bodies, it can still have a certain degree of lethality. 】

——[To redeem this item, you need to pay for a C-level branch plot. Reward points 2000 points. 】

It's quite satisfactory and doesn't feel as good as the Infinity Tube Pulse. However, considering that the tube pulse is extremely powerless against magic units, and the high probability of the next alien attack, using the tube pulse is probably because you have to be a space trapeze. Jiang Yu thinks that this configuration is actually pretty good.

He thought it was good, and so did everyone else.

"In this way, our long-range firepower will be sufficient." Zheng Zha felt very satisfied. Because he is a professional melee fighter, the more fire support the better. The premise is that when he is killing people, he will not be accidentally hit by friendly forces with trembling hands.

Then he looked at Jiang Yu. Blinking, looking forward to his redemption equipment.

However, Jiang Yu just spread her hands angrily.

"Look what I'm doing? I already said I wanted to strengthen my advanced qigong."



Jiang Yu didn't lie, he did intend to exchange for advanced qigong. Because the advanced Qigong of the Lord God Pai comes with a whole-body circulation system. And if he wanted to open up the meridians throughout his body, even with Xia's assistance, he wouldn't know that he would have to practice it until the end of the year of the monkey. And as long as he fails to open up all the meridians in his body, the ultimate infinite magical power will only be able to stop at the primary stage.

It's a pity that he is still using mimicry, electromagnetic energy that has the effect of electric current propulsion, and bionic superpowers that he has given a nice name like "hundreds of creatures". Although with the help of the Tesla coil, he did open up some meridians and strengthened part of the electromagnetic energy reserves. I also learned the techniques of using electromagnetic energy to amplify the whole body, accelerate and explode. But compared to the one-step special offer from the Lord God, this type of enhancement is still somewhat insufficient after all.

as well as……

As a time traveler, he knows many hidden settings in the infinite worldview. He knew that the speed at which the gene lock was opened not only depended on talent, but was also closely related to the bloodline level. For reincarnators who have redeemed their S-level bloodlines, no matter how dull their qualifications are, they will not be very slow in opening locks, and it will not even be very difficult for them to touch the fourth-level gene locks that are crucial in the world of reincarnation. And if you can buy SS level, if the gene lock can't open to the fourth level, it can only be said to be a lack of luck.

Zheng Zha opened the second level and gave him a little sense of oppression, but not much, because he himself also sensed the second level gene lock.

But since I don’t have any urgent skill needs at the moment. Then, it is also a more appropriate optional item to maximize the first series of Qigong.


(Lord God, strengthen advanced Qigong.)

——[Accepted. 】

——[Reincarnation Jiang Yu, pay for one B-level branch plot and get 2,500 reward points. Redeem for advanced Qigong. 】

The main god's strengthened light pillar drooped down. But this time, Jiang Yu felt that the energy reserves in his body suddenly increased four to five times. The electromagnetic Qi with a tingling feeling started to operate independently, running through the whole body and flowing between the limbs and bones.

The two meridians of Ren and Du are all opened. Extraordinary hidden meridians are all activated. Decades of hard work by ordinary talented warriors are accomplished in an instant. And all the true energy is increasing and purifying during operation, revealing slightly mysterious effects.


Jiang Yu felt the breathing of the cells in the body, and the jump and fluctuation of the bioelectric field in the body and on the surface of the skin. He discovered that he could manipulate them if he concentrated hard enough. Even if they don't know any combat skills, they can still exert various powerful functions driven by their own will.

The close combat has become more advantageous to him, and the second-level gene lock seems to be only one step away. Now, he felt that if he could take that step, he might have the fighting power of Lan Dao Tianwu, the first magnetic field strongman in the Sea Tiger comic series, when he first awakened to the electric current push.

It just feels like, maybe not as good as that.

Regardless of whether the feeling is reliable or not, turning it into reality still requires a process.

Jiang Yu fell to the ground, he fell later than others. He saw the nanosuit equipped on Zheng Zha. When his muscles expanded, the nanosuit also expanded with his body. Red flames cover the blade of the thermal axe, and when swung with force, a blazing bloody fire can be left in the air.

He saw Mou Gang's body suddenly grow in size. From strong to burly, from burly to majestic. Subcutaneous armor strengthens not only the epidermis, but also the muscles beneath the epidermis. The pulse machine gun fell into his thick reinforced arms, as light and convenient as a toothpick. And when Si'an Westan is activated, this huge body moves around like a civet cat and cheetah, light and nimble.

He saw Zhan Lan, who was wearing a new cloak. It was elegant, exquisite, and decorated with many fine patterns and metals. It looked like a flame cloak in an online game, but Zhan Lan didn't need the kind of protection that would block his vision. What surrounded her was not flames, but an invisible and qualitative defensive force field. She raised her hand, and a halo of light spread above her head. The wings transformed into pure white light feathers are propelling her to float in the air, giving her the power to fly.

Everyone seemed to have become stronger - Zhang Jie also pretended to shine the light beam, tearing the surrounding ground with telekinesis. Use techniques to pretend you are as powerful as everyone else. And with the current configuration, there is a high probability that the Alien of the World will not change. It is estimated that fighting will be the same as bullying and beating children.

He couldn't help but look forward to the upcoming alien journey. But before that, he felt he had some issues to deal with.

The skills of martial arts are insufficient and need to be taught. The life essence in the body is too abundant and needs to be regulated and transformed. No matter which problem it is. Kasumi can be of great help.

Big, big favor.


In the next few days, the reincarnators mainly spent their time getting familiar with the equipment and power, as well as purchasing and mastering auxiliary props for combat. Advanced communicator, a special medicine to withstand extreme environments. As well as the running-in after team strengthening and the coordination between skills. As far as the final result is concerned, except that Zheng Zha grimaced in pain when receiving treatment from Zhan Lan, basically the respective problems were not that big.

Jiang Yu also repaired the Thunder Cloud Armor. With Kasumi's help, or rather Kasumi's request, he removed the overly thick outer carapace of the Thunder Cloud Armor. Replaced with lighter and stronger insulated plastic steel. Then, because he had a lot of reward points left, he spent 1,500 reward points to apply a layer of vibranium coating on his armor.

Very good, in this way, let alone the alien acid, even if a breath of black dragon breath comes down, the armor is estimated to be able to last for two minutes. After that, the material was also changed, and the railgun was modified with a folding function, which was also fixed on the right shoulder of the Thunder Cloud Armor.

With abundant combat power, the originally bulky armor became more agile. Jiang Yu even used up the remaining two Ds and bought a power glove produced by Warhammer Worldview with a built-in molecular disintegration field to replace the Thunder Cloud Armor's deputy.

Melee capabilities are sufficient.

Kasumi also changed into a more suitable set of full-coverage lightweight combat armor, specially equipped with acid resistance. The weapon has also been replaced by a high-frequency sword that does not require a side plot. It is equipped with some advanced sniper bullets, and the gun body has also been upgraded and enhanced accordingly.

The total ten days of repair time ended quickly - by the way, Jiang Yu and Zheng Zha made a bet to treat each other to dinner, and in the end, each of them paid half of the money. Because Jiang Yu gained the most in the whole process, Zheng Zha played a decisive role in the final battle. So, half and half. The gambling game has moved on to the next round, and this one is considered unbeatable.

The main god's beam of light drooped down.

While half asleep and half awake, the reincarnators heard the Lord God's announcement in their ears.

——[Start teleportation, Alien One. 】

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