Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 602 Chain Collapse

Event Observation——

November 24, in Northern Canada.

The pursuit of the Samsara coalition failed. They rushed to the underground ruins, but failed to prevent Julian's transformation. No one knows what happened next to the stone sculpture that functions as a beacon of Paradise. The pursuers could only determine the death of Julian as an individual and the rapid expansion of some nameless disaster.

They tried to continue hunting and destroy the source of this new disaster before it spread - but they failed, because they certainly had the manpower, operational capabilities, and even the intelligence network to achieve their goals. But the most critical time is not in their hands.

At 4 pm that day, Central Asia. The first batch, a total of seven, led by a huge army of sun beasts, finally successfully descended.

November 24, night, on the border of Central Asia.

The coalition forces that rushed back to defense paid a heavy price when fighting against this group of behemoths and their accompanying legions. Although the behemoth with the "strong four" combat power is lacking in intelligence, its vitality and energy reserves will crush the reincarnation. Because of the nature of the 'sun', the most destructive fission and fusion technology among mortal technologies has no effect here. The first front can only rely on high-ranking reincarnations to bear the burden. The coalition forces paid a considerable price for this.

Several high-ranking reincarnators were seriously injured, and the loss of props was even greater. Relying on large-scale suppression spells and a huge amount of emergency liquid nitrogen cannons, the coalition finally succeeded in suppressing the giant beast and killing it. And when the first battle that was the opening ended, the panic quietly covered the earth.

This is inevitable.

This is a reality that will naturally lead to reality without any external push. Because the number of behemoths is endless, the later they come, the higher the average combat power of the sun behemoths will be.

November 25, daytime, in North America, South Africa, and Northern Europe.

The main force of the giant beasts, which totaled more than one hundred, was divided into three detachments under the guidance of the reincarnations, and they descended on three different places on the earth. However, even if the reincarnations worked hard to make arrangements, the divided behemoth army still had an absolute strength that could not be defeated individually. An extremely brutal war began here, and what followed was more than 2 billion casualties.

Maybe 2 billion, maybe more.

The combat effectiveness of the Archangel Raven increased by more than 75% in this catastrophe, and it was able to independently defeat the three giant beasts and effectively confront the lower-level Sun God Legion. And this also makes her regarded as a target that needs to be jointly annihilated by the vigilant giant beasts. In order to prevent the three behemoth legions from merging into one again, she had to take the initiative to leave the surface of the earth and guide the battlefield to the moon as much as possible.

November 26, 5 a.m. In the lunar storm sea.

Archangel Raven, died in battle.

Before she died, she successfully guided more than seventy giant sun beasts to the moon trap made by Xiao Honglu in the East China Sea. Using the self-sacrifice of Dongkai team member Yamanaka as the centerpiece of the ritual, the petrified Ultraman statue successfully sealed this group of powerful behemoths and the corresponding legion of servants. The hard work of the reincarnators finally achieved some results, and the losses were not as huge as expected.

Fifteen minutes later, the self-sacrificing Yamanaka returned with the Ankh of Rebirth. However, due to the need to maintain the seal, he fell into a long-term state of power loss - he had to temporarily step aside and recuperate for the next challenge.

On the afternoon of November 26, at the border of the Eastern Hemisphere Front.

The induction will naturally fail with the success of the plan. Even after experiencing many weakenings and calculations by the reincarnations. The remaining twenty-four sun beasts gathered together and the tens of thousands of legions of gods they command still possess a powerful force that is difficult for the Samsara coalition to confront head-on. Relying on the urgent defense line, the Samsaras temporarily suppressed them at the edge of the Eastern Hemisphere front. And this, of course, means the complete erosion of the theater in the Western Hemisphere and the misery of the survivors.

Disaster thus takes advantage of the situation.

The phenomenon of large-scale worship of Paradise appeared in the Western Hemisphere area where it was difficult for the Samsara coalition to intervene - of course, this was still not enough to create an effective beacon that could guide the will of Paradise. However, this large-scale pagan worship still caused uneasiness among the reincarnations, especially as their influence gradually spread to the Eastern Hemisphere.

On November 27, at the border of the Eastern Hemisphere Front.

A probing attack by the beast herd was successfully resisted. Humanity has proven its resilience. Pagan worship in the Eastern Hemisphere was somewhat suppressed as a result. The Samsaras immediately went out to attack the group of giant beasts that had been frustrated in their attack, and regained their lost western homeland after a little bit of reorganization.

November 28th.

At 3 a.m., the coalition regained Central Asia.

At 5 a.m., the coalition forces recaptured Eastern Europe.

At 11 a.m., the coalition forces arrived at the Apennine Peninsula.

At 4 p.m., the coalition forces captured North Africa.

November 28, 9pm, in Britannia.

Xiao Honglu repeated his old tricks and successfully allowed the infiltrators to set up a sealing formation in Britannia under the eyes of the giant beasts, and induced the giant beasts who gradually acquired some intelligence but were not smart enough to set up an ambush circle in Britannia - the giant beasts. As a result, the beasts gave up the battle line and allowed the Samsara coalition forces ample time to deploy. And when these giant beasts with superficial intelligence thought they had a plan, the sealing array was able to operate again.

Luo Gandao was the executor this time.

The unfolding world impact effectively modified the physical laws of Britannia. The entire British Isles lost the concept of 'temperature' at this moment and the beasts were inactivated as a result. Unlike Shan Zhong, whose combat power level was slightly insufficient, the awakened EVA was enough to protect Luo Gandao, who had fallen into a weak state after launching a world impact, and left. And the disaster of giant beasts can finally come to an end temporarily at this moment.

But the threats don't stop there.

Although the all-out efforts of the Samsara Alliance saved the world from the brink of destruction, the large amount of intelligence leaked also revealed their weaknesses and weakness. If someone... or a force wants to subvert the order of the Samsara Alliance. So now is just the right time.

November 28, 11 o'clock at night, in an Indian settlement in North America.

The forces of Paradise gather here and accumulate. And now is the time to burst out - hundreds of millions of survivors in North America were able to survive underground during the disaster of giant beasts because they worshiped Paradise. And of course they put all their faith in the belief in the Paradise, and at this moment they triggered a transformation of power.

Its core body still cannot be accurately glimpsed. But his name should be the self-proclaimed Sigiwald - this intentional naming successfully directed the worship of Paradise to the fictitious god Shalish who was not among the ranks of the heavens. And a plurality of high-ranking demons called "Secret Keepers" were created and started from North America, leading the army of demon servants to attack every strategic node of the Samsara Alliance.

Bliss indeed exhibits some ambiguity.

It's not like Taiyang Tian, ​​who has a clear attitude, directly caused the biggest disaster trial so far. Paradise did not even expand on its own subject concept but deliberately revealed an aspect that may be close to the concept of 'esoteric Buddhism'. His impact on the earth was greatly reduced as a result. However, this surprise attack was still deadly on a considerable scale.

On November 29, at 4:30 in the morning, at various strategic nodes.

The Paradise Raid Force suffered serious setbacks at all defense lines. The Samsara Alliance is on guard, and this is a natural operation. However, this multi-point raid was just a feint attack to mobilize the Samsara's manpower. And the node subject 'Sigvald' led an elite force to seize the opportunity of the emptiness of the Samsara's defense line and drive straight in, directly pointing at the core of the coalition, the rear headquarters of the East Asia Alliance.

Here it encountered very stubborn resistance. But its raids are always growing. A large number of soldiers died as a result. Park Geunxi of the Donghai team who stayed behind to take care of the wounded was even beheaded on the spot.

The information about the Ankh of Rebirth has been exposed.

The reincarnator can delay resurrection for up to fifteen minutes, and all parameters are weakened by half. If you can be killed once, you can kill a second time, and after the second time, there will be no new resurrection.

November 29, 4:44 am. At the station of Donghai Team.

The trap of Nanyan team Nyos was triggered at this moment. 'Typhons' Arminius, who was successfully suppressed by the Archangel and whose whereabouts were unknown, appeared at the East China Sea Team's station at this moment. When she is out of control, she will attack the individuals with the highest threat first. But even she is just a bait used to delay time and mislead the Paradise node.

She successfully bought Park Jinxi a safe time after his resurrection.

and succeeded in delaying the assault force for fifteen minutes. And this just touches the vigilant boundary of the Paradise node.

November 29, 5 a.m., in an abandoned church in North America.

A prayer group formed by Nyos and the Living Saint Alice operated for three days and nights. This moment coincides with the three-day death of the archangel raven. The leader of the Soul Sea reshaped his body through the resurrection ceremony of the Son after three days of slumber. The point where she landed happened to be close to the headquarters of the Paradise Sect, and under the guidance of Beibing Ye Zi, a large-scale teleportation dispatched the main force of the Samsara coalition back to the headquarters of the East China Sea in an instant.

The foundation of Paradise in North America was instantly eroded away by the blazing fire of heavenly karma. The large-scale loss of the faith area naturally led to the weakening of the Paradise node's combat power - its biggest mistake was that it failed to accumulate enough power to subvert the war situation when Raven died in the battle, and allowed the Samsara coalition to be attacked from both sides at that moment, and Now it must swallow this bitter pill itself.

November 30, 6 a.m., at East Asia United.

The suppressive battle that lasted for a day and a night finally came to an end, and all the strongholds of Ji Letian around the world were eradicated. As a node of power, Sigiwald was sealed and suppressed deep in the Sacred Cathedral in South America after being killed and resurrected several times. The people on earth finally survived a catastrophe once again, but fate never favors people when they expect it.

In the afternoon of the same day, during the astronomical observation ceremony newly developed by the Samsara Alliance.

A huge natural disaster community with more than 10,000 main behemoths and more than 3 million lower-level servants. It is proven that it is within the boundary of Proxima Centauri - the mere gathering of such huge solar beasts is enough to cause extremely violent cosmic phenomena. Several planets in the Proxima Centauri system were directly disintegrated in the high-heat shock because they were on the trajectory of the giant beast, and their target was, of course, the Earth.

Despair gripped the hearts of the Samsara Alliance at this moment. The giant beast, which was only in its early 100s, had already made the Samsara Alliance army think hard and use up all their strength. But now, they have to face a hundred times the former - a negative atmosphere appears among the group of reincarnations, but under the example and encouragement of the Arctic captain Kampavski, the operation of the coalition remains the same. stable.

December 1, in the Western Hemisphere.

The reconstruction of the ruins is proceeding in an orderly manner, but at a somewhat slow pace. Billions of casualties have made the emotions of mortals sensitive, and some strange things displayed by the reincarnations appear in the eyes of those who are interested.

December 3, in the Western Hemisphere.

The Elysian Sect has resurfaced, and its teachings have been improved and become milder. After confirming that Sigvald's seal was still solid, the coalition forces only briefly cleaned it, which meant that the message was slightly exposed - the wise among mortals realized that this time there were several reincarnations involved in the Paradise rebound. in. And their idea is to 'carpe diem'.

December 6, in India.

The information was exposed,

Mortal observatories have observed the presence of the beasts at the edge of the sun. This huge scale caused a significant world sensation in an instant - the secret was unearthed from the observatory and spread on a large scale in India. And this country, which has a tradition of "disposing of things", was instantly overwhelmed by the concept of "carpe diem".

Sigvald was still restrained.

Mortal loss of control has become something that is difficult to stop. The suppression of the Elysian Cult and its variants seems futile at this moment. Because even the reincarnations seemed to lack motivation at this moment.

December 8th. in India.

Massive riots broke out, and people laid down their weapons and abandoned their duties. Stop fighting for others and indulge in your own enjoyment. Neither suppression, speeches, nor incentives are of much use at this moment. Because the belief in Paradise is spreading, it has even appeared on a large scale among newcomers and secondary members of the reincarnations. And this is not even brainwashing or pollution, it is their choice to escape and mess up, and the situation is spiraling out of control.

The reincarnations are helpless.

The reincarnators can only place their hope on the last variable.

December 9, 10 am, in East America…………

The fourth inverted reincarnation team arrived in a deserted town. And their strength and their stance will be important variables that determine the subsequent direction of this world.

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