Memories are like a group of well-raised cats, spinning in front of our eyes every day on weekdays, but disappearing at critical moments. However, when it comes to truly critical days, it will suddenly appear at the critical moment and play a perhaps crucial role.

It was like this before No. 4 Middle School.

Before Fourth Middle School, it was always like this before I completely suppressed my inner demons and got over it.

Fragments of the past will always drift past our eyes inadvertently. And it is particularly noticeable at critical moments.

"You actually like Ultraman. Then, I will call you Yamanaka from now on. Member Yamanaka, are you good at fighting?"

The girl's bright smile is still in front of her eyes. The woman known as Shifangyuan Liuge is the embodiment of the word youth all over her body. She shuttles between newcomers, breeders, and veterans like a butterfly, protecting the weak and fighting against the strong. And use its own value and ability to force farmers to restrain their actions.

"Remember to follow me. Although a man must be responsible, he must also learn to seize the opportunity. But don't worry, even if you fall behind, I will find a way to get you back."

Her voice is full of energy.

Her movements were brisk and agile.

The authoritarianism and anger of the breeders were diverted away by her using various clever words. And by the time the plot begins, she has already led the newcomers out of the sight of the seniors.

She is not a very strong person.

But she is a valuable person.

She can infinitely reduce the presence of herself and those around her, or she can greatly increase the presence of a designated object. As long as that object exists in her field of vision, she can do it.

Breeders can tolerate her because of this, because this ability is extremely powerful in team battles and difficult plots. And in the same way, she can hide all the newcomers in her shadow as long as she wants.

In the shadow of Shifangyuan Liuge.

Yamanaka no longer remembers how he lived through that world, and how he got the first pot of gold under the guidance of Shifangyin Liuge. He only knew that it was because of her that he could survive the dangerous situation of being isolated and helpless, and he also knew what kind of tragedy he would have suffered if he had not received this help.

Because he saw it - he saw what happened to the newcomers who didn't believe in Shiboin Liuge and had strong ambitions when they tried to surrender to the breeders. The poor guy's screams continued for two days and two nights, until the brain was taken out, sealed, and controlled, turning it into a canned living body that could only pay reward points.

Shifangyuan failed to save the poor guy - even if she was willing to pay double or even triple the ransom for the strong man. Even if it's just for their own authority, the farmers will use the can as a warning sign for those who come after them. And this is also the trick they use to check and balance Shifangyuan.

Breeders rely heavily on her abilities. Because of her, even in difficult worlds, the Donghai team can safely earn a lot of money.

Breeders are also wary of her abilities. In order to deal with her, they prepared many targeted methods, consumables, and props.

She has the ability to check and balance with the breeders.


"Why didn't you resist?" Yamanaka remembered asking her at that time. "If it were you, you would be able to compete with them, right? Even if your strength is inferior, at least you would be invincible?"

He knew very well that he had a despicable thought at that time. He wanted to encourage a girl who had just helped him, who was even younger than him, to fight against the strong man so that he could get more breathing space. When he said those words, he was so tortured by regret and shame that his face turned red, and he almost couldn't help but hide his face and leave.

But it was the girl's voice that stopped him.

"I can't win. Besides, I can't do it alone." There was a slight sigh in the girl's voice. "I want to protect everyone, no matter what. But if everyone can't learn to protect themselves, there's no point even if I defeat them."

"Can you fight? Yamanaka." The girl looked away from him. "Even if you don't fight for others, you must fight for yourself. Will you protect yourself? Will you step into danger for yourself?"

"If Shifangyuan you are willing to guide me..."

"But what if I'm no longer here?" The girl said with a clear voice. "What if I die? This is the world of reincarnation. Anyone may die, and I may die too. And when that happens, how will you survive here?"

"I can't think of it. You can't survive. So, there's nothing I can do. Or...can I trust you?"

A certain strong impulse filled the young man's heart.

Maybe it's the man's self-esteem, maybe it's the excessive secretion of male hormones. Maybe it's some kind of subtle emotion that's hard to explain and indescribable. From his throat, words full of determination came out subconsciously.

"I can fight, you can trust me." The young man said like this, making a decisive move.

The girl looked at him steadily until the swing continued several times per second.

"Okay, I believe you," she said.

She had a very beautiful smile at that moment.

Thus, the mountains became mountains.

The young man forgot his past name, but called himself by the girl's nickname and asked for it. He was the first newcomer to step out of the shelter of Shifangyuan to face the challenges and crises of the reincarnated world. He narrowly escaped death many times in a row, but was saved by Shifangyuan from desperate situations.

She could always save him, even if she was bruised and on the verge of death.

She always perseveres, checks and balances the breeders, and shelters more newcomers under her wings.

No matter how powerful the enemy is.

No matter how scary the world is.

There are more and more people like them in the mountains - Miyamoto, Park Jinxi, Luo Gandao... She leads them to overcome dangerous situations again and again. No matter how difficult the trial was, the reincarnations of the East China Sea Team were able to overcome the danger under her protection with increasing evaluation.

It wasn't that long actually, it was just two worlds. However, for people like Yamanaka who follow her and fight alongside her. That was a long enough time.

The more I recall, the longer it becomes.

The more I recall, the more immersed I become.

Until farmers realized the increasing difficulty.

Until individuals who unlocked themselves gradually appeared among the newcomers, and with high-level reinforcement, they had enough combat power to protect themselves.

The moment of break finally arrived, and the hearts of the followers were filled with confidence. Everyone believes that Shifangyuan can win, and everyone believes that as long as they continue to follow her, they will definitely win.

Shanzhong is one of the most convinced individuals.

He is no longer the strongest among his followers, but he always thinks that he is the one who has been with Shifangyuan for the longest time. He exchanged Ultraman, even the most junior Ultraman, and he knew very well that he was not as addicted as he seemed to adapt to Ultraman's power.

He just wants to be a ‘Yamaka’, someone who calls him a member of the Yamazaka team. For this reason, he felt that he could overcome any danger.

Any danger.

As long as Shifangyuan Liuge still stands in front, he can overcome any danger.

Even the once unrivaled and now extremely powerful breeders will have no problem.


The fragments of memory jumped, and the fist of the Giant of Light penetrated the heart of the biochemical beast. He used up all the trump cards of the breeder's minions in bloody battles and desperate efforts, and he finally contributed a valuable contribution to the victory of Shiboin Liuge.

"Go with peace of mind. After you disappear, the Donghai team will only get better."

The ordinary exclamation was replaced by a mocking and sarcastic voice. It pierced into the heart of the mountain like a sharp thorn.

【Do you think you won? Do you think you are following a good guy? 】

That man was the breeder's most loyal slave, and he had considerable credentials.

[You don’t understand anything. You don’t even know who Shifangyuan Liuge is. You have no idea how cold-blooded and indifferent she is. How do you think she, a weak and beautiful woman, survived until you newcomers arrived, and was able to maintain her freedom and independence? 】

[You have never seen her before, you don’t know the real her at all! Just wait, Shifangyuan Liuge will reveal her true face soon. And when the time comes, you will regret not dying in our hands! 】

For the first time, Yamanaka dealt a heavy blow to someone who was unable to resist. When he realized it, the beast had become a broken thing. He wanted to laugh at him loudly, standing on the mutilated corpse and saying that it was nonsense. He did not believe any of the sounds made by the corpse.

He was certainly confident at the time - but deep down he did have a tiny bit of doubt. Because he really didn't know what kind of person Shiboin Liuge was in the past. He also didn't want to think about why Shifangyuan Liuge, who was supposed to be helping newcomers before him, didn't have any help available.

He didn't think about it.

He didn't want to think about it.

However, the truth will eventually appear in front of those who are unwilling to face it, and it will be dripping with blood.

The breeders fell.

The reincarnations of the Donghai team celebrated their victory.

However, when the countdown to the completion of the mission was running, Shanzhong, who had been carefully watching over Shiboin Liuge, saw what he least wanted to see.

He saw that the bright smile on the girl's face was fading.

He could no longer feel that passionate, beating heart.

Although they were so close, the distance between him, them, and her seemed to be endlessly lengthening and far away in an instant. Until there is no possibility of touching each other anymore.

"I have something to tell you." The girl's voice no longer had the warmth of the past, and the emotional color was fading from her body.

"Captain, you..."

The voice of concern was interrupted unceremoniously, and everyone realized that something was wrong. Park Jinxi subconsciously wanted to hold her arm, but unlike the thousands of previous acts of coquettishness, this time there was a huge distance between them that was difficult to bridge.

Distance on a physical level.

"I'm leaving," she said. Her tone was so cold that it made your bones tremble. "I'm going to the Celestials. Next, you have to take care of yourselves."

No one knows why.

She didn't explain the inside story to anyone.

She just explained many things that the successor captain should know. And some important secrets in the world of reincarnation.

And five minutes later, she got rid of all the reluctance and all the efforts to stay, and disappeared from everyone's eyes so simply and neatly.

The East China Sea team lost its captain.

The great victory lost much of its meaning.

However, life still has to go on, and the Lord God will not give the winner too much time. After a brief period of chaos and loss, the Donghai team finally established a new order.

One, just like Ishiboin Ruka before the victory, an order that has always existed as a captain.

A long dream from which one cannot wake up.


Yamanaka gently opened his eyes.

The world is still the world in his eyes, but the world seems particularly quiet at this moment.

Because everything stopped, and a familiar yet unfamiliar figure sat one meter away from him.

It was just a phantom. A phantom in his mind.

"team leader……"

"It's time for you to grow up." Shifangyuan Liuge's voice was as indifferent and deserted as when she left. "It's time for you to wake up too."

"...This kind of you is the real you, right?"

"You know the answer." The indifferent girl responded. "You should also accept the facts."

"...because I can already protect myself."

"You could have done it a long time ago."

The young man took a gentle breath.

"So, the reason why you didn't take action until then was because you didn't believe that we could survive in the world of reincarnation even without your protection until then, right?"


"But you still left a hidden hand on each of us to make sure we got here."

"Not completely." Shifangyuan Liuge's phantom shook his head slightly. "Except Xiao Honglu. He should be able to take care of himself."

"You should have more confidence in us." Yamanaka sighed softly. On him, some kind of shackles are being broken, and some kind of realm is leaping forward. "The heart of saving is a kind of arrogance. Everyone should be able to move forward of his own will. We should believe that people in this world can face their own future and save themselves. Just like you should also believe that we can control ourselves fate."

"I have always believed in you." The girl replied, and the power she had left gradually dissipated because there was no use for it. "Always believe in it."

"It's just that you're still a little worried, aren't you?" The young man tilted his head and stretched out his hand to her. "…Always, thank you."

Her form dissipated.

"But I have figured it out. Even if you no longer guide me, I can still move forward."

"And this world doesn't actually need us to save people with charity." He stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky.

There was a sound like breaking glass, and in an instant, the camouflage layer of the real world suddenly dissipated. The terrifying rift in the sky appears in the eyes of every person on earth. For the first time, mortals finally knew their own destiny of destruction before the reincarnators decided everything.

"Everyone, I am Yamanaka from the Tokai team."

His voice resounded throughout the world.

"I have something to tell you."

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