Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 619 Heaven descends

——[Additional adjustments...]

——[Corrected the arrival time of the Demons. The Demons will descend on the outskirts of Raccoon City in two hours and eleven minutes. 】

——[The arrival time of the Celestial Team has been adjusted. The Celestial Team will arrive at the South Pole seventeen minutes later at the latest. 】

——[The arrival time of the Central Continent Team remains unchanged... Correction, the arrival time and location of the Central Continent Team are uncertain. But the Central Continent team still applies the team battle rules...]

The information was like a storm, attacking the heart of every reincarnation present.

There is no time to adjust to the current situation or to explore the lost victory. An incredible change is happening before our eyes, and it must be dealt with immediately!

"It's unbelievable... Someone committed a foul! It's the Tianshen team! The Tianshen team is trying to come early by illegal means!"

The first one to react was Nios. He had no lost teammates to remember. And he is particularly sensitive to powerful combat power. He suddenly stretched out his hand, and the mental energy fluctuations extending outward wanted to force a meeting between mental powers like in the past. However, his attempt failed at this moment, because a strange spiritual force from the outside forcefully inserted into the territory of the coalition forces!

"It seems the situation has changed."

Alexandra's figure suddenly appeared beside him, and her appearance gave Neos the opportunity to react.

"The Devils, who were supposed to arrive more than two days later, turned out to be two hours later, and the Gods, who were more than twelve days old, arrived ten minutes earlier. It seems that someone is eager to enter. Is this wishful thinking possible? Let them play well.”

A pair of daggers hovered in her hands, and the mere fact that she spoke with her mouth and lips was considered etiquette before declaring war. The reincarnators of each team have received the signal to start the war at this moment, so what they need to do next is to do their best in their duties as reincarnators!

"We are not enemies!"

Nyos' will echoed in the air. Richard strode forward, his battle ax meeting the slash of the dagger. A huge qi explosion was generated as a result, and Dongmei's mental power user's casual attack actually showed the strength to compete with Nan Yan's main melee force!

She should be the one with the lowest combat ability—among all the people in Dongmei, she should be the individual with the least praiseworthy combat ability. There was a faint smile on her face, and she didn't seem to care about Hedland's disappearance at all.

"Ah, really?" Alexandra's figure was light. She passed through Richard's slashes like an elegant dancer. All her skills failed at this moment. In the chain of gyrations, Her form synchronizes with Richard's shadow.

"But haven't we been enemies from the beginning? You even defeated Hydrant."

The shadow jumped, and the shadow imitated the movements of the berserker himself, but the berserker himself was in turn disturbed by the shadow. This caused a very small obstacle to Richard's movements, and the next moment, his shadow completely overlapped with his, and countless dark shadow thorns shot out from his limbs, shattering his body!

Flesh and blood disintegrated into ecological pulp.

But even so, the fourth-level reincarnator will not die easily.

The roar of war burst out from the sticky solution named Richard. Even in this state, he still jumped and wanted to attack Alexandra!

...No murderous intent.

Nios was clearly aware of this.

Alexandra can definitely kill him first, and to kill Richard in this state, he simply lacks a control skill. Her actions were more just to show her position, otherwise Zhao Zukong would have cleared out all the reincarnators in the Nanyan team at a faster speed!

——You are not willing to form an alliance with us... but you are not planning to kill us?

——This is the attitude towards unstable and dangerous valuables. In addition to the bounties for team battles, what else do we have...?


Thousands of talismans fell from the sky. Ye Zi's long-distance spell solidified the space of the regional structure, but what was captured was only Alexandra's phantom. The seriously injured Richard was healed rapidly by the spell effect, and Ye Zi, who unfolded the nine-tailed form of the demon fox, immediately appeared at the border of the battlefield.

A large amount of frost condensed on the ground. Snowflakes with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly formed, as if it was a field equipped with both offense and defense. Alexandra's whereabouts hidden in the void disappeared in a flash, and at the same time, the collapse of the confining space was accompanied by the attack of EVA's giant palm!

East America showed hostility.

Although it is not known why they did not kill, they did show hostility. And since Alexandra appears here alone, even if there is little hope, if she can be captured, she may be able to win some rights to dialogue!

The not impossible.

No one knows exactly how many percent of the East American team's rating was accounted for by Heidlund's combat power. But the upper limit allowed by the main god is the fourth level, and Dongmei is only one month away from the North Ice of the East China Sea. In the future, there will be the third team of Demon God Zhongzhou. It makes no sense that those teams are all wholesale, and there are a group of quasi-sages!

Then...the East American team, which has lost Heideland, may no longer have overwhelming combat power. It was possible that there was no way to interfere on the battlefield before. Even if this possibility is quite slim, at least now is the perfect time to disprove it.

——What else can be done?

Neos was constantly calculating in his mind, and his sight caught several people from the West American team appearing at the border of the battlefield - the main force of the Samsara coalition had already gathered in large numbers in this area. And this may be the purpose of Alexandra's actions.

Maybe, maybe not.

If so, then the coalition will accept the kindness. If not, then the coalition forces will accept the trophy that was delivered to her door.

And the final result is——

‘Poof—’ the bubbles shattered.

The first layer of defensive barrier was shattered by the Absolute Domain, and EVA's giant hand successfully pinched the half-baked wise man of the East American team in its hand.

"Oh, it seems you have caught me." Alexandra tilted her head and said as she watched the purple giant's head quickly approach her. She felt a little anger from it. It seemed that losing an unknown companion was a big blow to them.

But - so what?

"Alexandra of Dongmei, you-" The little boy named Xiao Honglu stood on top of the giant. It seems that he has prepared a lot of manuscripts, and maybe there will be some sharp sounds next.

But Alexandra didn't intend to listen - she had already accomplished her purpose at this moment.

Everything turns into chaos in an instant. A truly powerful spiritual person can control even the rules of physics, and even hack into the causal order that structures the world. Whether it was will or strength, everything in the coalition was distorted by Zhao Ruikong at this moment, and the moment the powerful ones among them reacted, they had already disappeared from this land.

Zhao Ruikong rubbed her head and appeared next to Alexandra, with complaints in her voice.

"It's very troublesome to control the Quasi-Fourth Middle School who has overcome the inner demons and is only in the subtle state... Alexandra, you really found a troublesome job for me. Remove them without hurting them... It's a waste Time and effort." She put down her hands and shook her head slightly. "Look, I've done all this troublesome stuff for you, and you said no one cares about what you say in the team."

Alexandra raised her head and looked at the sky that was stained with red clouds. The dusk fire covers the ecliptic plane 13,000 kilometers below the earth, and this distance is getting farther and farther. This is a sufficient source of pure light, and the center of the sky is a dark starry field surrounded by red clouds.

The earth is rising, ever rising. The reincarnated coalition forces were moved there, where there were ancient remains of the moon. It was also the habitat of several members of the East American team until just now.

Almost all the members of the coalition were thrown there - almost all of them.

What is still left on the surface are some randomly fallen remnants. And...the abnormal individual anchored by Zhao Zukong.

"Hydland is one of us, she will always come back, and no matter what she becomes, she is one of us." Alexandra looked away from the moon skeleton. That space had been locked by her before she left, and it was never easy to escape. "And she spent so much energy, in the end, just to force these team members to save the world from her urge to destroy the world."

"Her efforts paid off, and they saved the world from her. Although I don't know what she will be like when she comes back, I am sure that this failed annihilation will definitely have a negative impact on her. The final form will have a certain influence. And this may make her return closer to the one I am familiar with."

"This is a small favor, and I decided to accept it. So I chose not to do anything to them, and... I still remember Hedland's judgment at the beginning."

On top of the moon skeleton, multiple forces could not help but struggle and collide. They would eventually get out of trouble, but that would definitely be later than the arrival of the Celestials.

"This world is filled with the pollution of heaven, and is almost... hopeless." Alexandra said softly: "And I believe that those who participated in the world saving activities have been contaminated by countless causes and effects. Even if the vast majority of the heavenly pollution among the hostile reincarnations has been removed by Hydeland, there will still be a lot of remnants."

"Destroying them is one solution, but moving them all to a clean closed area can also solve this problem - they themselves will surely realize this soon and start to purify themselves, and even if they can't... It is better to pile up bombs in one place and explode them than to explode them all into a sky full of stars.”

"Just throw them there, as a favor to them for not letting down Hedland. The Celestials and us are destined to be enemies, and since it will take some time for the Devils to be in place, before that, it's up to us. Let’s take care of these troublesome guys.”

"You are full of confidence in us." Zhao Ruikong snorted lightly. "But it doesn't matter. We reincarnations are already full of fighting and killing. Thinking about joining forces and joining forces is a headache. Since you have given up the cannon fodder to fill the lines. Then my brother and I will accompany you. Let’s go head-to-head with these guys from the Celestial Team.”

Fill in the lines... Alexandra doesn't want to use the coalition forces to fill in the lines. It is really not conducive to life safety to have a group of time bombs with God knows how many ingredients in them being on the same ground as themselves. No matter whether it was the Gods or the Devils that she had to deal with, she believed even more in the combat power that she and her companions around her had.


There are still ten minutes left.

Alexandra, gently put her hands together.

"It's time to prepare the position, Ruikong," she said. "Be it gods or demons, we will always have to confront them head-on. And..."

She tilted her head slightly.

"Being kind may be rewarded. At the beginning of this battle, maybe we can encounter good things?"


Jiang Yu sat on the ground, not wanting to move.

Beside him, Zheng Zha was lying down without any manners.

"Is the knot... over?" Zheng Zha said weakly. "Or... uh, the next one is coming soon?"

"I don't know." Jiang Yu reluctantly raised the meteor gun. If necessary, he could swing it a trillion times. He regrets it now, regrets it very much, regrets that he has a brain disease and has to fight a bloody battle before he can reach the fourth high. And now...

There may be four highs.

But this bloody battle is expected to be very long.

The main god clone of the Daxizhou team was defeated an unknown amount of time ago. However, this is the home of the Lord God. If the main god is willing, he can continuously produce one trillion of them, and the intensity can definitely be stuck at the point where the bold challengers will be exhausted.

"I have probably killed 267,100 'main gods'." Jiang Yu said with some melancholy. "And I suspect there may be millions more going forward."

"Then I'm better than you." Zheng Zha struggled and twitched like a fish, but in the end he couldn't successfully jump. "I think I've exceeded 270,000. And I've already... done it! I don't want to get used to this kind of thing!"

He turned his head and shouted at a guy who was obsessed with research.

"Chu Xuan! Think of something! If we keep fighting, maybe even the Biochemistry II will be gone!"

The guy obsessed with research pushed the glasses frame slightly.

"You are worrying about something unnecessary, Zheng Zha. Our time is unlimited, and we will definitely arrive at the right time. And you don't need to worry about the situation over there, just novices pecking each other, not paying much attention necessary.”

"What you said is easy! Come out with something that can make me feel at ease! I remember that you were very afraid of a certain guy across from you before!?"

Chu Xuan raised his head and glanced at this idiot.

"Do you think that if all the plans of a wise man go wrong, and the process of each plan does not develop according to her plan, but the result is that she strangely achieves her minimum goal, then this lady is lucky after all. Or is it a good plan?”

"Uh... deep blessing?"

"It's beyond stupid. The situation will change." Chu Xuan turned his eyes. "Destiny does not lie with the opponent. Battle reports can lie, but battle lines cannot tell lies. You can know the truth by comparing the gains and losses. And..."

He sighed helplessly.

"If you really want to feel involved, imagine punching someone in the face right now."

"...Ga?" Zheng Zha looked confused.

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