Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 636 Consecrated Mary


The three-body snakehead who was fighting with the Demon-East America Alliance stopped.

The six-body snake head that was fighting with the descendants of the God Team stopped.

Something extremely huge and majestic is descending from the 'above' position. And this unparalleled sense of existence is evident in the perception of every intellectual individual with a little bit of soul strength.

[Holy*... # , # ¥! ,¥ # %! *Light】

Something was ringing. Ringing in the consciousness of a sentient individual. The nine-headed basilisk shrank inward, looking defensively towards the place that could be judged as 'up'. The pupils of the reincarnations who had been exhausting all their efforts to fight against the powerful enemy in front of them a moment ago were constricted. The invisible and insubstantial but real pressure was weighing heavily on their hearts.

The descendants looked at each other.

Their eyes were filled with surprise, joy, and vague uneasiness. They all raised their heads and looked at the sky, confusion and disbelief appearing on their faces.

The voice is reverberating, and the content is gradually becoming clear. It is by no means some unknown person, someone who can exert a liberating influence when they arrive. That undoubtedly means something powerful.

Holy power.

"How is it possible... We haven't set up a beacon at all yet!?" Ying Long looked up in shock. He didn't understand what was going on at all.

"Andromeda? Or—one of our colleagues?"

Light shines from all directions.

On the ecliptic plane, the fire of dusk gradually fades in the reflection of light, and even goes out in pieces.

The voice coming from 'above' became clearer and louder. What was originally just a vague chant gradually formed an image with a specific meaning!

[Holy*... # , # ¥zai,¥ # original*%%light]

Calles subconsciously looked at his palms. The head he was holding in his hands showed a silent sanctification phenomenon at the fracture. The golden-red blood is turning towards pure white, and inside the body, the circulation of energy silently overflows with divine radiance!

It's the Holy Light!

"It's the Supreme Heaven!" The headless man pressed his head back violently, a look of horror appearing on his thick face. "It's the group of worshipers of the Supreme Heaven in South America! It's them who called for the Holy Light... But how can this be done!?"

The Lord God's blockade blocks the sight of the heavens, theoretically speaking, until the beacon is established. There is absolutely no chance that even one holy throne will descend on this land. What's more, the quality and quantity of the one who is descending are different from usual!


"It's the Lord God...the Lord God has taken refuge in the Supreme Heaven!"


Ying Long and Kales' eyes collided. Their bodies were instantly erased from the battlefield where they were no longer being hunted.

——How is it possible to run away?

Their figures appeared simultaneously on the top of the Cathedral of the Holy Relics of South America. The most exquisite spells and the most violent slashes were directed towards the praying people near the church!

I can't run away...but there is a way!

The essence of the beacon that can bring down the heavens is just to provide a coordinate signal. And although I don’t know why the holy throne of the Supreme Heaven can descend without a beacon, it still needs a channel to create contact.

Prayer is the most common channel. Even if not, you can at least treat a dead horse as a living horse!

‘Boom——’ The power exploded.

The touch of the hit was clear and distinct, but panic appeared in the eyes of the descendants at the same time - not even a single prayer was removed in this hit, and even if the smoke and dust of the explosion did not disperse, they all clearly observed it The light wing blocks.

The sacred wings sprouted from the interior of the Holy Relic Cathedral. It stretched sharply toward the sky, expanded, and covered the entire America in an instant. Cut off all external interference forces.

The singing became clearer and clearer.

That song with words burst out from every direction in the void and echoed in every corner of the earth. The orderly sobs of wind flow through the rocks and trees. In the boiling and broken ocean, waves surged like whispers.

The beasts scurrying around in the natural disaster stopped.

The birds flying in panic in the forest no longer fled.

Their eyes and bodies emitted pure white light bit by bit. The broken stones and flowing fire when the earth cracked were all blocked by the silent overflowing light at this moment.

The light dyed through the boiling clouds.

The light cleanses the broken sea.

Xiang Liu, who was curled up in a ball, kept shouting and spitting out messages, showing an image of intimidation and vigilance.

And in the Holy Relic Cathedral, the eyes of a girl named Alice overflowed with pure holy light. The wings extended from her back to the sides. She raised her head and showed her holy face to the world.

A clear chant emerged from her throat.

"Holy, holy, with the original pure light."

"Holy, holy is Mary, blessed be the Lord."

Her voice echoes clearly in every corner of the world.

And in this world, almost every eloquent living creature on this planet responded to her simultaneously and uniformly.

"Holy, holy, with the original pure light."

"Holy, holy is Mary, blessed be the Lord."

Above the canopy, a woman's face is outlined with the sky as the background.

Its size is one light second, and the earth is as small as an apple. She seemed to have awakened from a long slumber, and she reached out her holy white hand to easily pick off this tiny apple.

"It's over." Ying Long stared blankly at the sky that was gradually covered in pure white, and all the fighting spirit in his eyes was wiped out in an instant. "It's actually her? Why is it her!? How could the consecrated Mary... this high saint really appear in the world!?"

"The original body has obviously never seen her at the meeting of is obvious that her temple has never been opened!"

Consecrated Mary.

It is said that in the distant past, before the supreme heaven Jehovah ascended to the throne, strangers from the east blessed him. The identity and appearance of this stranger are unknown, but in the realm of the highest heaven, she is called the ‘Mary’ and the ‘Consecrated Mary’.

He had a temple, but the doors of His temple were never open. He had legions, but His legions never conquered anywhere. He never attended the meetings of the saints and never expressed His will. But His authority has been certified by the Supreme Heaven and there is no doubt about it.

In the realm of the highest heaven, He is level with the Messiah. And on special occasions, He can even act as part of Jehovah’s authority!

The heavens have never paid any attention to this matter - there are three thousand holy places, and the highest heaven occupies one-third. What's the point of wrangling about this when Jehovah Himself wants to waste a high holy position on a secretive individual who never speaks?

The giant palm pressed down.

The curled and circling Great Witch Xiangliu burst out at this moment all the power it had not shown when playing with the reincarnations before. His huge snake body expanded rapidly, swelled, and with a strong poisonous water curse, it bit hard at the palm of 'Mary'!

The saint's flesh corrodes, and the snake's body crumbles. In the blink of an eye, nine of Xiang Liu's poems were broken into pieces. However, the descendants of the Celestial Team who had just given up their struggle suddenly had their eyes lit up!

Something's wrong!

How could Gao Sheng not be able to kill an incomplete wizard in one blow?

Xiang Liu's eight disintegrated poems were restored in the reversal of time. Wrapped in the poisonous water, they could barely resist the hands of the Holy Mother!

"I understand!" Yinglong gritted his teeth. "Mary doesn't exist at all! It's just an empty shell! The Supreme Heaven threw a high holy status without a carrier out of the battle situation in the ancient continent, so he was able to hide it from the eyes of the other heavens!"

In Ying Long's eyes, the holy face that covered the sky actually showed a little dullness at this moment. The high saint Mary who appears in this universe actually only has the size and size of a high saint - even if she has a little intelligence and a little skill, she can smash the entire earth to pieces with one slap. Not a single believer in the Supreme Being will be harmed. Unlike now, actually fighting against a mere powerful witch!

Gotta seize this opportunity.

Gotta stop it.

Since the Supreme Heaven has thrown this high holy throne here, it means that someone in this world can become the 'consecrated Mary'. Anyway, the Holy Throne can be completely controlled by the recipient as long as he reaches the fourth high. Even if he does not reach the fourth high, he can still exert some power reluctantly.


"Jade Cauldron! Still haven't broken the seal yet!?"

Somewhere in the broken earth, a majestic energy burst out.

In the abyss of the abandoned snake nest, the clone Zheng Zha asked incredulous questions towards the holy face that covered the sky.

"...Zhan Lan?"

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