Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 65·Communication...and Descending

The passage of time is not slow. Half an hour can allow the reincarnations to do some preparation work.

Of course, communication with new people and follow-up information explanation are also necessary links. Especially Chu Xuan, in addition to focusing a lot of attention on the super-era technology of the alien spacecraft, he also cares a lot about the Lord God's intelligence.

Some things cannot be hidden - for example, senior members generally have only lived one world, and Zhang Jie is the oldest member. Or you can go back to the world you went to, and even include key information about the real world.

Yes, the real world - veterans have already discovered real-world options when returning to Resident Evil. It’s just that Jiang Yu guided the conversation in the early stage. Making returning to the world of Resident Evil a priority. And after returning from the bloody battle of Resident Evil...the need and desire for power also interrupted someone's idea of ​​​​returning to reality immediately.

After all, returning to the real world requires an additional D-level plot and 50 reward points per day. Except for Zheng Zha who may have this need, neither Zhan Lan nor Mou Gang want to return to the real world at all. Because they were there, they didn’t have much nostalgia.

This should have been a hidden danger...a hidden danger that Jiang Yu had prepared for in advance but failed to eliminate. And if everything goes well, after the aliens in World 2 pass safely, Zheng Zha, who has a greatly increased sense of security, should return with sufficient wealth. In the original infinite, that return will become an opportunity for a break between Zheng and Chu. Because Zheng Zha took Luo Li back, and Chu Xuan's calculation method of transferring technology threatened Luo Li, whom Zheng Zha cared about most.

However, this hidden danger should no longer exist - because Chu Xuan has a better candidate to carry intelligence. That is Cheng Xiao. Cheng Xiao's background means that even if he turns back, he will not be threatened by many real-life threats. And Cheng Xiao knew Chu Xuan in reality, and knew how cold and ruthless this guy was when scheming people. Naturally, it was impossible for him to go back with the created people he valued, which would... lead to some unfriendly things.

Not bad, although the way to solve the problem is to transfer the problem, but once it is solved, it is solved. This saves Jiang Yu from having to make some remedial arrangements when the time comes, which may lead to flaws - after all, he is an out-and-out foreigner, even a high-dimensional gangster. Although the strange thing is that he can actually see the real world on the return option.

There are pitfalls, but in short, he can do it without jumping.

Also, some things about Kasumi were revealed during the conversation. And after learning about Zheng Zha's Luo Li, as well as Zhang Jie and Mou Gang's creation of humans. The air of decadence that could not be removed from Cheng Xiao's body disappeared completely in the blink of an eye. Visible to the naked eye, the fighting spirit and blood in his bones are burning. I think he will work hard to perform better in the future.

As expected, Jiang Yu felt that she was very optimistic about Cheng Xiao - rather, if she hadn't come first and gained the first pot of gold and the first-mover advantage, she would have had to embrace Cheng Xiao, and maybe even ask for help. He asked for martial arts lessons. In the original Infinity, Cheng Xiao was also pitied by many viewers as a 'peerless genius who was raised to waste'. He was trained as a team doctor in the early stage, and he basically failed to display any of his abilities. After his resurrection in the later period, he bought a C-level boxing skill and high-end boxing gloves that were upgraded at the end of the battle. But his record was that he was able to injure Zheng Zha who had unlocked the fourth-level gene lock with almost no reinforcement!

It can only be said to be outrageous. In other words, Zheng Zha's reputation as the shame of his peers is too strong. But no matter what, Cheng Xiao is a high-level talent worth cultivating and attracting. After seeing that he was interested in the topic of creating humans, Jiang Yu also asked him for some help during the preparations, and chatted with him on this topic.

Things are working and intelligence exchanges are working. There is no doubt that Zero Point is an Aka Zero, and he basically has no sense of existence. Based on the joint judgment of Zhan Lan and Cheng Xiao, the middle-aged man estimated that he was unlikely to wake up within three days. The female white-collar worker shrank herself into a small ball and fell into a state of fear of autism. And Li Shuaixi...he tried very hard to help Chu Xuan, and Chu Xuan did have a job for him.

"I plan to place a bomb under the power furnace." Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses. "Use this powerful communicator as a signal receiving device. As a precautionary measure. Because in the original plot, the Nosmo spaceship will eventually explode. And although Miss Zhan Lan has scanned it many times, if We still cannot return in the end, so we need this last resort."

"Of course, it can play more than this role. Under special and necessary circumstances, it can even be used to negotiate with the company. But considering that we can return to the alien world, which is full of all kinds of In the case of super-era technology, it is best not to use this trump card at will. And... we need someone who will give up returning to the alien world so that we can have an excuse when we return, and who can act voluntarily. "

"I'll do it!" Li Shuaixi took over the responsibility of installing the bomber without hesitation, because he was of no use among the newcomers. And the other two are even more is autistic and the other is in a coma.

So he acted - he 'secretly' took away the bomb that the seniors had 'inadvertently' placed in the corner when they were sorting out their weapons and ammunition. Then he excused himself to go to the toilet and bravely walked alone through the passage of the spaceship filled with corpses and alien debris. He went to the location of the power furnace, installed a bomb, and exposed his whereabouts to the surveillance system where "no one happened to be watching".

And in this way, if this trump card is not used in the future, there is no direct conflict between the Samsara and Wilander Company. The next time we return, we can put the blame on Li Shuaixi, who will not come back together. Otherwise, we will probably have to give up the company identity given by the Lord God and change our appearance when we return.

very smooth.

When Jiang Yu witnessed all this, he felt very strange - Li Shuaixi, who in the original book would become a bomber to threaten the entire team, now became a willing bomber in Chu Xuan's hands. He completed the task cheerfully, feeling proud of his bravery and determination. And Jiang Yu, who was watching the whole process, had to rely on gene locks and armor to cover her face to manage her expression well.

Outrageous! ——Jiang Yu thought.

And amidst this miscellaneous trivial matter, the reincarnators finally arrived at their destination—over the planet lv426. As a transport barge for loading ore, the Nosmo naturally has the ability to descend into the atmosphere to load cargo. But...there's no need to do that.

Because Wieland's fleet is there.

Well, not a ship, but a fleet. A total of five large space ships are suspended outside the atmosphere directly above planet lv426. When the Nosmo had just left the high-speed state, the reincarnators received communications from Wieland Company.

A majestic old man in formal attire appeared in the center of the light screen.

"I'm Ridley Scott. First Class Officer, Fleet Commander. Soldiers, you'd better tell me you've done your job."

Ridley Scott. Director of Alien 1. When they heard this name, the reincarnators knew that the true master was really on the opposite side.

"The mission has been completed, sir." Chu Xuan stood at attention and saluted with a military salute that was at least common in Alien II. He reached out and uploaded many processed pictures to the display area. The Alien Queen's huge mutilated head was also dragged into the main control hall by the Thunder Cloud Armor.

"The Nosmo has been completely eliminated. I'm sorry that we have not found any survivors. But all extraterrestrial alien life forms have been killed. We are now waiting for your next order, sir." Chu Xuan obviously knows how to deal with this. This tough guy deals with military officers, and when he speaks, the others stay quiet.

"Very good." The commander on the other side of the light screen kept his expression unchanged, but nodded slightly. "As expected of the company's first-class elite, it seems that the company's strategy of allowing you, 'Zhongzhou', to modify your own equipment and absorb new members from within the company is correct. It is much better than other wastes. I think you are completely worthy of it. A good holiday in Garden World. But I recall that I gave no order to clear the ship beyond the Nosmo."

A normal person might defend or agree with this at this time. But Chu Xuan just straightened his back.

"Follow your orders, sir!"

But this time, the commander opposite finally showed a subtle smile.

"Very good! This is what real soldiers should be like. You are very energetic and very good. So, I have a new task for you here."

"There is an alien spacecraft down here. There is a life signal, but the radar cannot accurately detect it. The tragedy of the Nosmo should not happen again. So, I need you to go down there and figure out what is hidden there. If it is a monster, Just leave a few alive. If they are intelligent creatures, capture them alive as much as possible. I have set up an automatic path for your transport ship, and below. The synthetic team will join you, cooperate with you in combat, and prepare for you Those combat supplies you're used to - this operation is important to the company and you must succeed."

"Promise to complete the mission, sir!"

"Yes." The tough old man on the other side of the screen nodded. Just as he was about to end the communication, he seemed to think of something. "There is another survivor on the Nosmo. Her name is Ripley, and the crash point of her rescue ship coincided with the alien spacecraft. I don't know why she came here, and I don't know if she is alive. .If you encounter her, bring her back with you. If she dies, bring her body with you. Got it?"

"Understood, sir." Chu Xuan did not emphasize his tone this time.

The next moment, the light curtain went out and lit up again.

And a boarding message was simultaneously conveyed to the eyes of the reincarnators.

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