Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 641 I just left the house and am about to arrive

Chapter 641 · Just went out, about to arrive

The time has come——

Pile firewood.

Set up boiler.

Light the flame.

Smelting everything.

The order of pure gold covered the entire Daxi continent team's activated main god. It is firmly bound within it, no matter how it struggles or resists.

Creating trillions of lower-level spawns will not work.

Calling out endless energy tides has no effect.

Even if the rules of order are changed and the cosmological constants are distorted. There is no way to break free from this impenetrable prison.

Then, the fire of original darkness burned and burned endlessly. Until everything that resists is smelted into rare materials that are no longer maintained by the old order.


Jiang Yu heard Chu Xuan’s urging.

And he was not that easily fooled.

He methodically worked with Zheng Zha to restrain and obliterate the descending body of the Lord God, which was powerful but not too powerful. Only a small part, equivalent to an infinite fraction of the leisure computing power, was invested in the observation of Zhan Lan.

Of course Zhan Lan can't have a problem.

If something happened to Zhan Lan, Chu Xuan would not call him in such an understatement. And he also believed in Chu Xuan's ability. He was convinced that when he and Zheng Zha faced the coming body of the main god of the Daxizhou team, Chu Xuan would definitely be able to handle all the trivial matters outside of the battle.

Sure enough, Zhan Lan is fine - she is still sleeping on the seat of the concept aircraft. His aura was stable, and his whole body was filled with sanctified light. The only strange thing was that he frowned slightly in his deep sleep.

She seemed to be dreaming - and the content of this dream didn't seem to be ideal. For a reincarnation at her level, her dreams naturally have some strategic significance. Combined with Chu Xuan's previous operation, it seems that she, who has not yet awakened, is now interfering in the battlefield of Biochemical II through dreaming. The current progress may not be very good.


Being bullied means suffering a loss in a dream. Perhaps it was due to the encounter with stronger natives, or the power of other reincarnators. And victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. There is no need to worry too much about such trivial matters...

——I don’t care...

——I am made of mud, so I don’t care!

A faint anger surged from Jiang Yu's heart, and his infinite computing power was immediately connected to Zhan Lan's dream. The descending body of the Lord God, which was struggling to death in the furnace, got a small chance to breathe. Because a wisp of original dark anger wrapped in the order of heaven rushed along Zhan Lan's dream to the place where she was defeated!

He saw a sea of ​​burning fire covering the entire void. The dusk-colored flames covered the place that should have been called the ecliptic plane. See a shattered planet floating on a sea of ​​fire. The core of the star has been shattered, and huge human-faced giant snakes are squirming and struggling in the bursts of light bursting from several astronomical units. A huge individual is being gestated in the core of the light explosion, and it has some power that threatens itself.

He looks like an Indian god - but he doesn't seem very strong.

The dusk fire is stirring, and it seems that some homologous entity is approaching the border of the solar system. When Jiang Yu saw the other party, the woman subconsciously assumed a prepared posture, and Jiang Yu's eyes passed over her.

That face was a little familiar, and so was that sword.

It seems that Dongmei's Hedland gave Jiang Yu a very different feeling from the last parting in The Lord of the Rings.

A bit threatening, but not much. Ninety-nine percent of it lies in the magic sword named Levadin. But the solution should be to give it a hard thump once or twice?

It might be an illusion, after all, Chu Xuan had previously said that there was a powerful power hidden in Hedland. And this guy looks like he's coming back from the outer reaches of the solar system. Maybe it's because he had a fight with a strong enemy not long ago?'s possible. And my own evaluation may not be correct. After all, he should have become a lot stronger. Since the senses are relatively consistent, then this lady should be roughly in the same state as herself when she woke up after being teleported?

It should be four high. After returning to form, maybe he will be stronger? Ah... I really envy these monsters that can be upgraded just by sitting on the ground. Obviously the last time we met, this guy could be easily killed with just a breath.


Speaking of which, I should have four highs? ——An infinite fraction of the computing power creates a shaking head. Jiang Yu felt that she had underestimated herself slightly before. Able to fight against the main god's clones and suppress them relatively easily in a two-on-one situation. Then he must have had four highs, perhaps much better than the ordinary four highs.

He should be able to compete well with the Devils - unfortunately, he is not strong enough.

Jiang Yu remembered that in the third generation of the original canon, Zheng Zha, who was in the state of becoming a saint, once said, 'The worst possible outcome is to break the main god of Central Continent and forcibly become a saint.' In other words, if you can easily kill the descendant of the Lord God one-on-one instead of having to cooperate with Zheng Zha in two-on-one to win, then your realm and combat power should be comparable to Zheng Zha from the third generation of the original canon. .

Okay, found the anchor point of positioning. His current combat power should be among the top four. There is still a long way to go before becoming a saint. For a pre-war iteration, the pace of growth should be quite large.

An infinitesimal part of Jiang Yu immediately moved away from Hedland - this guy may be difficult to deal with after returning to his full glory. But there is no need to deal with her yet. And she doesn't have the aura power related to Zhan Lan. Then it's not her who wants to bully Zhan Lan.

Eyes averted.

An infinite part of Jiang Yu wanders back and forth across the entire burning ecliptic plane.

He saw the lonely dragon warrior standing in the center of the broken country, a trace of blood that no longer flowed in his hand.

He saw three stupid... acquaintances from the Arctic team bumping around in a ruins with their heads covered. He works hard to save those who are still alive, and has already taken many people under his wing.

He saw purple EVA standing on the ground, staring at a blood-stained wheelchair. Don't move, don't waver. Behind him, there were more than a dozen sharp wings of light bursting out in all directions like madness.

He saw a headless Qi Refiner lying in the wasteland. It seemed that Zhan Lan had killed him. A few kilometers away from the wreckage, there was another force that was crushed by Zhan Lan.

Time and space are unstable.

Overlapping events appear in one of his infinite parts, and each of them seems to represent the future that will be born or the past that has already happened.

He saw the Dragon Warrior frantically digging at the ground, as if trying to find the fragments of something.

He saw that a shelter had been built, but it collapsed due to some huge force from the outside - it seemed that two powerful individuals were at war with each other. Even if the three people in Beibing sacrificed their lives to resist, it was in vain.

He saw the donkey being carried to the altar, the statue of the solemn Shazhou Man sitting in flames.

He saw a turbid halo growing on top of EVA's head, and the frantic skeleton giant opened its huge mouth and swallowed the blood-stained wheelchair and the broken head on it.

He saw a lot. He even knows that he can change some of them to a limited extent, whether they have already happened or are changes that are about to happen in the future.


This may be the considerable power that the higher stages of the fourth order can derive after being able to observe quantum vacuum fluctuations. But all this is not very important, because what he needs to focus on at this moment is not these matters.

——I roughly understand.

Following one of the clues, Jiang Yu found his target.

The person EVA will fight against and take revenge on.

The man who destroyed the Arctic refuge in the aftermath of the engagement.

That... person who had crossed paths with Zhan Lan and caused Zhan Lan frustration.

Spacetime is correcting.

Cause and effect are being traced back.

He had found him - an infinite part of him, eye to eye with a dazed man holding a knife.

'boom--! ! ! ’

Both the established past and the established future collapsed in large areas. The original dark rank fire falling from the sky knocked down the dazed knife-wielding man, carrying him to break through the earth's crust and then continued downward - covered by the dusk fire. The ecliptic plane was penetrated in an instant. A layer of tough white flames enveloped the man holding the knife, and the white flames were consumed a hundred times and a thousand times more than the latter in the wash of rank fire!

Time and space are broken layer by layer, and the victim is constantly colliding and friction in the short past and future - he smashed an intact asteroid from three days ago. Ten seconds after the collision, a piece of ruins shattered the continent. It crashed into a civilized alien star three hundred light-years away, crushing an entire sun-worshipping fleet that was gathering, and crashed into the sun that had been pierced by the Dusk Sword a few days ago, and happened to collide with Levadin's The sword tips collide!

He is the King of Star Beasts - he was forcibly defined at this moment as the King of Star Beasts that was not born. Levatin, who destroyed the world, destroyed every cell in his body and every ray of soul indiscriminately. Until a majestic and huge force burst out from the body of the knife wielder.

"Prehistoric, the beginning of the world!" - the man seemed to roar hysterically.

His body disintegrated and shattered, and seventy-eight percent of his body's mass was lost in an instant. And the space-time structure around him was firmly restored by the wash of this power, thus sending him back to a broken continent that would collapse in ten seconds!

Jiang Yu heard his voice and saw his appearance.

The infinite part that was thrown out was finally worn away by the impact. Jiang Yu's computing power broke away from Zhan Lan's dream, and the targeted individual information echoed in his cognition.

That person is...

——Is it... the clone Zheng Zha?

——Why are you so weak? Am I being plotted? Did I see a vision?

With a change of thought, the doubts in my heart were instantly shattered and erased. Although it is a bit unreasonable for the clone Zheng Zha to be so weak. But Chu Xuan also mentioned not long ago that the battle between the God Team and the Demon Team was a fight between rookies. So maybe... the deviation is not that big?

——It may be a trap.

——Well, maybe I should ask Chu Xuan...

Will and cognition return to normal timing.

After all, the descending body of the Lord God in the furnace was unable to seize the moment of struggling to escape. It has collapsed in the furnace and been completely refined into raw materials that can be used.

Okay, let me correct you -

"You're up to something again, Jiang Yu!" He heard Zheng Zha's dissatisfied complaints echoing in his ears. "Didn't we always cooperate very well before? We were at the last step of everything and suddenly got distracted! I almost didn't hold this guy down, but luckily my hands were strong enough!"

Zheng Zha stood on top of the furnace.

He used his already indescribable size to completely suppress the coming body of the Lord God under the furnace of order. It seems that his growth is indeed a little faster as usual. In terms of pure output and strength, he is always much better than Jiang Yu, so he can have more margin.

Jiang Yu thought he would be more embarrassed and even make a little joke.

It's a pity that this opportunity was missed. There was no way I could take the opportunity to make fun of him.


"Busy about business." Jiang Yu waved her hand. "I just went to deal with the guy who bullied Zhan Lan. Speaking of which, he looks a bit like you, but he looks a little decadent and feels like a lost child."

"...What did you say? Zhan Lan was bullied!?"

The huge orangutan immediately jumped up. He jumped to Zhan Lan's side. Not finding any problem, he returned to where Jiang Yu was standing and looked at Chu Xuan.

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing earlier!? Wait, I see there is nothing wrong with Zhan Lan...Chu Xuan! What's going on!?"

very good.

It turns out that this guy didn't hear Chu Xuan's announcement just now. He just stood out as someone who was obsessed with fighting monsters and didn't even pay the slightest attention to anything other than the battlefield!

The corners of Jiang Yu's mouth twitched.

"I shouldn't have any hope for you!" Jiang Yu raised her hand and slapped her face on the spot.

As it should be, this completely unintentional slap came to nothing and ended with Zheng Zha jumping back.

"Do you have a convulsion in your head? Chu Xuan, this guy has a mental illness, come and deal with it quickly!"

very good. very good.

Jiang Yu decided not to waste time with this guy. He took a deep breath and returned to the front of the furnace. All the remains of the Lord God's fragments were thrown into the interior of the furnace at this moment. And the concept aircraft constructed from the beam of light transmitted by the Lord God of Central Continent was also drawn out, put into the furnace and reshaped.

That will be a flying boat. And the commandments of the Lord God will no longer be able to stop it. Jiang Yu will travel with his team until he reaches the battlefield he needs to visit.

"...Hey!" Zheng Zha, who was ignored, protested.

The forger pretended not to hear the meaningless roar of the brainless giant gorilla.

The furnace will be opened and the boat will be shaped. Those who remain will take to the battlefield. The behemoth immediately emerged from the forging, and all the reincarnations of the Central Continent team were already present on it.

Unfortunately, most people are still sleeping.

Fortunately, the next journey shouldn't be too long.

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