Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 647 The iron man always wants to touch him

Chapter 647: The iron man always wants to touch

Zheng Zha left.

His form collapsed and turned into a ball of flowing fire.

When the parallel world line is confirmed, the ocean between the two worlds can no longer hinder the pace of creatures of his level.

The black flowing fire immediately broke through the barriers between the worlds and moved towards its destination along the soul passage built by Jiang Yu. Zheng Zha will soon arrive at the target he is supposed to visit, and Jiang Yu believes that he can handle everything well.

He can handle it.

——And so can I.

The casting is approaching the final step, Zhan Lan's body is complete, and every detail of the body is perfect. The faint hymn is already echoing in the caster's fingers, and gradually fades as the etching proceeds further.

The holy throne belonging to Zhan Lan is being integrated into the world view of 'Biochemistry II', and is harmonious with the order of this world. She was soon able to use it like a normal piece of equipment. And this may also be regarded as a kind of ‘refining’.

The holy throne is being refined.

The flaws in the world are also magnified.

In the gap, he was able to see Him.

The heaven of birth and death.


The four-armed Creator wearing a crown, who dwells among the stars, entwined by a thousand-headed serpent. He is one of the real powers on the ancient continent. And until now, they have not officially participated in the battlefields of the Sun, Taiqing, and the Supreme Three Days.

His eyes are lowering towards the world of Resident Evil 2 - His eyes cover the 999 universe communities in Pan-Resident Evil, and 777 of them have completely haunted Vishnu. The divine light of the slave - the universe is constantly destroyed and then constantly reborn. Like a snake with its tail, it is constantly circling in the sky. And just in the eyes that Jiang Yu stared at, seventy-seven more universes were dyed with the power of the Heaven of Life and Death. All living creatures turned into snake people in an instant, and continued to cycle between destruction and rebirth.

Among the seas of space, time will only have meaning when observed.

All nine hundred and ninety-nine cosmic communities will soon be infected, and the biohazard world where the reincarnators live will be one of the thousand that will eventually come and cannot escape.

It also happens to be one thousand of the thousand-headed giant snake.

Jiang Yu saw Him. The moment Jiang Yu saw him, a large amount of structural changes occurred in his body - 77% of the mass was necrotic in an instant, but was forcibly suppressed by Jiang Yu before regeneration, and the cycle of life and death was blocked. And Jiang Yu used forging to reorganize his body.

There is no way to regenerate. To be reborn is to fall into the path of birth and death. But repair is possible. If you put in materials to fill the damaged parts, you will not be infected and affected by the heaven of birth and death.

He failed to see Jiang Yu.

Before he could see Jiang Yu, he had to cross nine hundred and ninety-nine cosmic communities and break through the barrier of escape. And in this asymmetric intelligence exchange, a secret was known to Jiang Yu.


Among the 77% that were necrotic, Jiang Yu caught a hint of the smell of snakes. The taste was essentially the same as the silver snake scales that Jiang Yu had fought against. And in the body of the heaven of birth and death, there must be a more abundant weight stored there.

And Jiang Yu has already seen Him - when Jiang Yu sees Him, it is the Lord God seeing Him. The Lord God must have done something at this moment, and the intervention of the Silver Snake Servant must be under the Lord God's plan.

The forging continues.

While the forging was about to be completed, Jiang Yu heard a faint whispering sound.

He knew that he would no longer have this 'vague' feeling. That soft sound was an undoubted entity, and it could only originate from one object at this moment.

【Jiang Yu. 】The voice asked softly in his ear.

[Who do you think is the smartest scientist in this world? 】


Who is the smartest scientist?

If you were to choose among the reincarnators, then this person would have no choice but to be Chu Xuan - either Chu Xuan or the clone Chu Xuan. And further on, it is probably Adam who has died in the world view of The Lord of the Rings.

And if we exclude the reincarnators, we will only sift through the many natives in the current world view. Then there are undoubtedly many options. After all, the most indispensable thing in this world is the magician mad scientist. Moreover, the settings in many online worlds such as games, animations, movies, CG movies, novels, etc. all have different settings.

However, if Jiang Yu were to choose, it would definitely be Alexia, Alexia Ashford. Who made him get stuck at the end of a game where Alexi, codenamed Veronica, was the final BOSS in his previous life? Until the end of his previous life, he had not been able to successfully kill the biochemical monster transformed by this genius scientist. No wonder he is obsessed with it.

Of course, this is no big deal. stuck, young people always encounter it. After Jiang Yu joined the world of reincarnation, he had indeed never met this genius scientist - he didn't understand her, he had never seen her, and he even gradually forgot about her. However……

If someone asked him, who is the smartest scientist in the world of Resident Evil? That was his subconscious answer in the first place. It was destined to be her.


Alexia Ashford.

When the life level of a living creature reaches the fourth high and takes far-reaching steps in it. His will will be able to determine the operation of the world. What he thinks will happen will definitely happen if there is no interference from peers or superiors. He gives meaning to an individual, and then the individual will gain corresponding power.

No matter who that person is.

No matter what that person was like before being affected.

As long as the meaning and mission are given, there is no opposing force in this world.

Change results from this.

Deep in the broken North American continent, in Umbrella's secret sanctuary. Alexia, who had successfully struggled through many crises of annihilation and still retained a lot of strength, suddenly opened her eyes wide. Memories that should not exist regurgitated in the depths of her mind, and the unknown life and death of reincarnation, constructed by the reincarnation coalition forces, emerged in her cognition!

She remembered—she remembered it all.

The world was destroyed and reshaped several times, everything died and then returned to normal in the reversal of time. Alaya's dream stretches time and sets the world on fire to discover the power to save everything.

She recalled the power, the glow that pushed the earth upward. The giant of light named Tiga saved the world from the world-destroying fire, and then burned everything to the point of being forgotten by the world.

And now she remembered him.

Her memories become a hook, and the forgotten individuals who were sacrificed set off waves of existence in the unknown realm. However, this is not the focus that should be focused on at the moment. The focus is on the huge experience that is reborn due to memories, and the flash of wisdom that emerges when the consciousness of all mankind is unified to save the world!

"I remembered." The genius scientist chosen by the Forger covered her face. Her actions caused the subordinates around her who were still loyal to her to cast puzzled looks. They have long lost the confidence to continue to survive on this land, but they are still willing to follow her until death.

"What am I going to do...I don't want to be buried with this world!"

She waved her arms and drove her men to their respective posts. "Prepare the laboratory and take out all the high-risk biomass and special samples! Since the world can be saved once, it can be saved a second time. Even if there is no Giant of Light this time, I may not be able to do it!"

Her assistants were stunned for a moment, then loudly responded to her. Umbrella's last stronghold has accumulated enough intelligence and materials in the previous long war, which are so rare that they are even more valuable than the entire wealth of many reincarnation teams.

This is a matter of course.

Because this is Umbrella.

As long as the theme of Resident Evil is still operating, as long as Umbrella is not completely dead. The core area of ​​this giant enterprise is destined to be the technological whirlpool of the entire universe, and all progress and research and development will converge on the aggregation of this concept.

The laboratory was quickly prepared and all the materials were placed where she needed them. More and more inspirations burst into Alexia's mind. And finally come together into a solution to save the world.

"Man cannot save the world."

"Tiga can't save him either."

"If you want to save this world that God knows why it has become like this, you can only fight it with an intelligent machine that can continuously grow and self-update and iterate... And this machine must have the underlying instructions to save mankind. Even if it will be destroyed sooner or later Breakthrough, before that it must fight against this world-destroying crisis in order to survive!”

A large number of rare samples were put into the petri dish, and unlimited inspiration and limited technical accumulation were all invested in the same project at this moment. The existing available resources in this world are basically here, and the only two things that can check the mad scientists in the past, the total budget and ethics, will not have any impact on Alexia's project at this moment. .

She knew what she needed to create.

The things she wants to create have been summarized in many science fiction novels. It is a swarm of insects, a gestalt, a self-disciplined machine that can endlessly reproduce, iterate and proliferate itself. It may bring destruction to the human world due to loss of control. However, the current human world is already in the process of destruction, and will soon be exposed to the consequences!

There is nothing to worry about.

Alexia's enthusiasm quickly infected her assistants, and her colleagues who were not in the same research and development field as her in the past, and who may have had some disagreements, also joined her. And this is an extremely fast and highly effective process, because all the talented scholars from all over the world have gathered in Umbrella, and they are dedicating their wisdom and ideas towards the same goal.

Changes occurred immediately, and the initial results soon came to this world.

It was a living creature swimming in the culture chamber. It had a slender figure and a smooth body, like a wriggling snake. Stretching his body in the liquid filled with countless resources.

And it reflected a faint silver light.


‘Boom——’ explosion.


Run as fast as you can.

The clone Zheng Zha defeated the swarm of armed helicopters. After destroying all the machines that plundered souls in his eyes, he led his teammates to flee away from the battlefield.

He would not admit that he regretted it, nor would he admit that he finally realized that a few souls from a broken earth were simply not qualified to be regarded as commendable materials by the Central-Continent Team with its current size. He won't admit that he got carried away with his anger and even allowed himself to lose control. He will not admit that he made a serious mistake in his strategic decision-making.

Because the matter has come to this, because the arrow is on the string.

Enough blood has been shed, and when faced with a powerful presence, all the weak can do is to be on guard and retreat.

The helicopter community has been completely destroyed, but from around the cleared battlefield, pitch-black flames are being generated out of thin air and flowing in all directions - it is a blazing karmic fire that can feel the soul being burned just by looking at it. As for the reincarnations of the Demon Team, no one except the clone Zheng Zha himself can fight it.

The clone Zheng Zha knew what it was - he sensed the power of another self from the dark flames.

He is not afraid of his other self, but he cannot let his companions be injured in the aftermath of this terrifying force.

So he ran - he ran, and the black fire pursued him. The companions of the Demon Team tentatively left and retreated in other directions under his orders. And the pitch-black sea of ​​fire allowed them to escape at will. as far as you can.

Until there was nothing around him, until a desolate and broken wilderness appeared under his feet.

The clone Zheng Zha stopped. He established his foothold in this broken wasteland.

He turned around and faced the dark sea of ​​fire. And watched the boiling flames form a familiar look.

Another self, another Zheng Zha.

Zheng Zha held the ax and looked at his clone with a complicated expression.

"I don't really want to fight you, but I must get a promise and a corresponding guarantee from you." Zheng Zha slightly closed the five fingers that grabbed the battle ax. "In this war, don't hinder the Central Continent Team, don't be enemies with the Central Continent Team, don't stand in the way of the Central Continent Team, no matter what the circumstances are...or you can just leave like this, then everything will be fine. "

"Promise, or refuse." He put the battle ax down from his shoulder. "I have no interest in killing the other me. But if you are unwilling to make a commitment, then I will not be stingy with my power."

The clone Zheng Zha stared at him.

Commitment is second, the focus is on guarantee.

And guarantee obviously means actual payment and price.

"What's going on?" Zheng Zha, who was holding a knife, asked. "Not negotiable?"

"Every situation." Zheng Zha, who was holding an axe, replied. "Not negotiable."


Negotiations broke down.

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