Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 670 If you don't enter reincarnation

Chapter 670 · If you don't enter the cycle of reincarnation

[College student Jiang Yu accidentally met Xia, the reincarnation of an ancient artifact, and under the influence of the artifact's power, he awakened the blood of the Great Heavenly Venerable. ]

[In order to figure out the changes that have occurred in his body, Jiang Yu and Xia searched for the secrets of the world together and stepped into the world of superpowers. And in one adventure after another, he discovered the heritage of the prehistoric heaven and gathered many reliable partners, until finally, after obtaining sufficient help, he will be able to face the usurping gods. ]

[A good script, isn't it? ]

[Although it is very cliché, it is also very kingly, so such a story should end with a happy ending, isn't it? ]

Time stopped.

The joy in the girl's eyes, and the astonishment and thoughtfulness on the boy's face, solidified together in the stagnant world.

The silver glow burst out from the girl's fingernails, it extended, transformed, and became a small silver snake, climbing up the girl's arm and up the girl's neck.


The plan with a zero success rate failed.

The Silver Snake was more cautious than the emperors, saints and gods had expected. It did not get careless just because it wiped out a group of insignificant rebels.

Wa got the correct information. The Silver Snake's thinking does have some mechanical effects. It will indeed save when resources are tight, and reduce steps and consumption as much as possible. However, this information alone is not enough.

The Silver Snake left the infinite multiverse after the end of the Kaitian Battle.

It left here because there was a very important thing that required it to devote all its efforts.

However, neither Wa nor Jun. They could figure out what the content of this "important thing" that the Silver Snake was busy with was. Because it was a change of phenomena outside the infinite multiverse, they had no way to observe it, and they were powerless to observe it. And because of this, they had no way to measure how much priority this "important thing" had in the Silver Snake's judgment.

Is it "no matter what, there can be no interruption"?

Or "it can be slowed down a little, but it must be returned to execution as soon as possible"?

Or the worst, 'It can be slowed down a bit, but this mission must not be lost. It is better to reduce efficiency a little to ensure that the ultimate goal can be achieved'?

No one knows, and the five emperors of the human race have no channels to obtain the corresponding information.

They can only bet on whether the Silver Snake's position is two or one. However, in the end, they only got the most painful ending.

The Silver Snake's "mission" can be interrupted and delayed, and the Silver Snake itself attaches the highest priority to this "mission".

They failed.

They did not win the bet.

Their opponents caught the one that escaped.

'Crack--' In the stagnant time and space, the girl's neck was strangled by the snake body.

'Puff--' The silver snake opened its mouth and bit the boy's head.

The silver scales of the snake were recovered. All the properties that were changed and transformed on it were restored and cleaned and then put into the isolation area. And the souls of both the boy and the girl were shredded, and the depth of destruction even extended to the true spirits of the two.

It's just a true spirit. The Silver Snake is not incapable of destroying such things.

From the depths of the destroyed true spirit, the Silver Snake captured the remnants of one of the Holy Emperors.

Xi, the Lord God.

This Holy Emperor transformed himself into a tool.

And it invested all its resources in refining the silver scales of the snake, and concealed itself as much as possible, so as to drive the execution of this final plan.

Unfortunately, even with the full strength of the Holy Emperor, even with the light of the Heavenly Rule that originated from the Great Heavenly Venerable. It was impossible to truly refine this silver scale of the snake that was cut off by Gu with all his strength. The flaw eventually fell into the eyes of the Silver Snake, and at this moment, it decided to deal with all the hidden dangers.

An unwilling roar sounded in the stagnant universe. Xi, who used Hou Tu's life as bait and tried to sneak into Chencang, was ultimately unable to escape the pursuit of the Silver Snake - he tried to resist and struggle. However, in the end, his result was still wiped out like dust.

Xi no longer exists. He was wiped out before he was born, just like his four compatriots. Even though the existence named Fuxi was still born in the multiverse based on the archetypal cognition of the Great Heavenly Venerable, it was no longer a remnant of the old times but a completely different individual.

The main god no longer exists. All the back-ups were washed away by the silver tide like sand. The stagnant world was released, and the next moment, the dead boy and girl attracted the screams of passers-by.

The alarm bells rang quickly, and the screams of the crowd were accompanied by hurried footsteps. Soon someone came to identify the two people, and soon someone informed the two uninformed families of the unfortunate news. The parents in their prime rushed to the scene anxiously and cried heartbreakingly. Amid the crowd's discussions and the flashing of shutters, the accident soon became a sensation in the city.

The Silver Snake watched everything here. And was under supervision.

The news soon became old news, and the shocking news soon became a topic of conversation after dinner. The grief-stricken family members also slowly walked out of the psychological shadow. And the overall situation carefully laid out by the Lord God was also discovered and erased bit by bit as time passed.

One day, a white-collar worker who always hangs out in bars is hacked to death by a gangster in the street because he sleeps with someone he shouldn't sleep with. A niche writer who has never been recognized hangs himself alone in depression. A mediocre truck driver is knocked down by life and rushes off a cliff during a long and tiring drive. A traditional martial arts inheritor with dyed hair gets acquainted with a disabled veteran, and in a fight to save a blind girl, they both die in an explosion at a nearby gas station.

The Silver Snake is watching everything here. And is under supervision.

The colonel in the secret base is studying the heritage of the heaven that drifted from another universe. He was the first to die in an out-of-control research because he could not obtain a strong enough "force". The out-of-control research summoned a group of predators from the void, which were as dense as the abyss, vowing to kill all the rebels on this land together.

Strange beasts, mutant creatures, poisonous zombies, natural disasters. The earth has ushered in a tide of disasters - many heroes have stepped forward, and then perhaps died heroically or in obscurity. Countless epic stories were written because of this, until everything on Earth was wiped out by the plunderers.

The Silver Snake watched everything here. And was under supervision.

The Earth became a dead star, and the plunderers transformed it into a fortress. Until one day, an out-of-control meme broke out and destroyed all life here - the meme resurrected the dead and revived the lost civilization. The heroes of the human race in the past once again appeared on this planet, of course, except for the two young boys and girls who died early.

Humans recaptured the Earth, and carbon-based bodies were recreated in the laboratory. Revenge and expansion became the theme of this era. Until the war spread throughout the galaxy. And the anger of mankind will never stop.

The galaxy burned because of this, and the battlefield expanded to the Virgo supercluster. At the end of the victory, the alien forces that inherited another batch of heavenly heritage launched an attack from another supercluster. And this time, humans did not win the final victory. The final result they obtained was to perish together with the invaders.

The Silver Snake watched everything here and was supervising.

The universe became quiet, and was soon disturbed by war. All things were born and then withered and destroyed, until everything ushered in the destined heat death. Until the black hole era, which was extremely long and far away compared to the prosperous universe, also ushered in the end, and then everything restarted.

A universe was destroyed, and it reached its end.

A new universe was born on the wreckage of the universe, and the same thing happened infinitely in the multiverse system. The legacy of the prehistoric was inherited again and again, and the heaven was established again and again. Human civilization gradually became the main body that dominated everything. Even without the saint position and the fifth level. They gradually reached the top of the divinity and touched the shadow of the Great Heavenly Venerable.

They reached a border farther than the thirteen saints. They even dared to be enemies with the Great Heavenly Venerable who supervised everything. And of course, they all died in the end. The Heavenly Court was shattered again, leaving only the legacy to fall to various places in the multiverse.

This happened more than once.

This happened again and again.

The successors appeared again and again, and the Heavenly Court rose again and again. The powerful Heavenly Court touched the authority of the Great Heavenly Venerable and collapsed. The weak Heavenly Court declined in civil strife, and then another cycle rose.

Until the entire multiverse reached the preset lifespan of an era.

Everything was destroyed.

The Silver Snake watched everything here and was supervising.

The Silver Snake witnessed the multiverse being born again under the program of the Great Heavenly Venerable. Watching the rules that were used from the previous era to this era continue to run. It waited quietly and retrieved the established universe from the infinite. Watching the student boy named Jiang Yu once again encounter the girl who called herself Xia in the afternoon boulevard, and this time, there was no main god in the variable, nor the lost silver scale of the snake.

The encounter went smoothly, and the boy and the girl fell in love at first sight. They soon became a famous couple in the school and received blessings and encouragement from both parents.

But they were just ordinary people.

I met a white-collar worker who was drunk at the door of the bar, and encouraged a lost writer with poor grades. I was involved in a conspiracy struggle and met an artificial girl who was biochemically transformed. I also survived one crisis after another with the help of a fortune teller with closed eyes. Everything I did was a miracle.

But they are still just ordinary people.

The legacy of the Heavenly Court was once again developed by the colonel in the Longyin Base. The white-collar man who regained his passion for life became the most suitable experimental subject in a power research. The wise man obtained the strongest power. Together they crossed the danger, gathered many companions, and provided wings of protection for the old acquaintances in the war.

Jiang Yuhexia spent a legendary life as an ordinary person. He and several confidantes died happily and happily. The colonel and the white-collar worker became the vanguard of the earth civilization, leading the gathered companions to explore and conquer the stars.

This universe was eventually occupied by the human race, and the heirs of the legacy established a new Heavenly Court.

They developed, rose, and expanded. They showed unprecedented potential. And in the end, they were even able to survive the first blow from the Great Celestial Lord when they met him.

No one did better than them.

In the last era, no individual in the Heavenly Court had ever survived the second blow.

However, in the end, they still died under the authority of the Great Heavenly Venerable. The Heavenly Court collapsed, and civilization was destroyed. Everything became a grave. And then, new successors were gradually born in infinite years, but all the Heavenly Courts that appeared later could not obtain the same level of power as this round.

Countless time passed.

Countless Heavenly Courts declined and then rose again.

And finally, it was the end of a new era. And the dawn of another era.

The Silver Snake still watched everything here and was supervising.

It was patient enough to supervise the next era after the end of this era, until it was sure that there was no significant difference between the history of the Third Era and the Second Era. The rebels still stopped at the Great Heavenly Venerable. There was no new Holy Emperor, and even the True Saint was born. The strugglers who had the power beyond the fourth level but could no longer obtain the status above the fourth level could no longer leave traces and remnants that could reach the next era like the former Holy Emperor.

Three eras ended.

The universe was destroyed three times and born three times.

The Silver Snake was finally satisfied. It did spend a lot of time on this, but time was meaningless to it. If necessary, it could still supervise here for a full thirty epochs, but He was satisfied this time.

Wa's intelligence was correct after all. The Silver Snake's behavior logic was indeed more inclined to machines.

It examined all the variables and verified all the possibilities. It no longer had any reason to continue to spend resources here.

It left with satisfaction, carrying the Silver Scales of the Snake, which was still in the blockade and isolation zone. It would not unblock it after it returned. And the fourth epoch after the end of the Lord God Era was finally opened again.

The sky was once again filled with stars, and civilization was once again born on the planet. In the civilized country, there appeared boys and girls who were about to meet again. And soon, the military training of the college was over, and the leisurely afternoon came.

The boy's behavior pattern was no different from the previous three epochs.

However, before the destined day of the encounter, the boy was immersed in a vague dream.



Endless water.

Water covered the body and filled the lungs. Death should have come early. But it was not accompanied by the fatal suffocation.

The perception was covered by coldness, and the change in pressure was immediately reflected in the perception... The body was floating up, jumping up, reaching the high from the low, and reaching the surface from the inside.

Then, Jiang Yu heard a sound.

The sound of a ringing cell phone.

He saw a flying stone hit a shining human figure, and the human figure was pierced and died. The flying stone stopped and fell to the ground.

The flesh and blood thrown out when the human figure was pierced became a mobile phone recognized by the will on the flying stone.

No one cares where the thrown flesh and blood went. After all, the flying stone that crossed the border is more worthy of attention.

But college students can never leave their mobile phones.

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